常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。



でも、「そうなのかな?」というのが率直な感想です。chopsticksは「器用なはしづかい」から転じて「かっこよさ」の象徴として使われている事例を知っています("Synonymous with "cool" or "good", etc positive responses. "--Urban Dictionary)。作家のロバート・ホワイティング氏の「チョップスティックは強打者のヘビーバットに対する『軽いバット』の意味で、コーン氏にイチローを侮辱する意図は全くなかったと思う。最近米国では人種差別的な発言を常時監視して、すぐに大げさに問題視する傾向があり、これもその1つだ。私自身はこの論議そのものが、ばかげていると思う」のコメントに賛成です。(UG)

David Cone Makes “Chopstick” Comment About Ichiro

“Probably a ball.  Suzuki with the chopstick.”  These were comments that David Cone made about Ichiro Suzuki during the New York Yankees 4-3 win over the Boston Red Sox in 12 innings on Tuesday night.  Really, David Cone?  I don’t know what David Cone was going for here, but the “chopstick” comment is hardly commonplace in baseball commentating.
It seems like David Cone was making a comment that was a friendly jab.  Again, it seems that way.  This is just a guess on my part.  It sounded like David Cone was saying something that baseball players joke around about in the clubhouse, not something that commentators should be saying on the air.

You have to look at intent here.  Do you really believe that David Cone meant to inflict harm by saying something insensitive about Ichiro?  I don’t.  You have to consider intent when you’re gauging the severity of a comment.  It was a stupid comment.  It wasn’t a malicious one.

Listen to the Yankees close out the regular season against the Boston Red Sox this evening at 7:05pm ET.  The Yankees have a chance to clinch the AL East and home field advantage in the American League playoffs with a win tonight.  It’s an absolutely huge evening for the Yanks.  Listen to live coverage beginning at 6:30pm on 104.5 The Team, ESPN Radio.
Brian Noe is the Brand Manager at 104.5 The Team, ESPN Radio in Albany, NY.  Brian also hosts “The Noe Show” weekdays from 1-3 pm ET on WTMM.
