常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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king hit


Violent attacks on police rise

A Huntly policeman suffered a "king hit" after being set upon by a mob of drunken youths in the latest of four attacks on officers around the country.

The attacks have reignited calls from the Police Association to arm officers with guns.
The officer was treated for grazes and a cut above one eye after the assault on Christmas Day about 10pm.

He is now recovering at home after the attack when he was hit from behind by a partygoer in a Huntly cul-de-sac.


引用符付きのking hitは、オーストラリアの俗語で「突然相手に襲いかかり、一撃で倒すこと」という意味です("A blow intended to incapacitate in one hit, often delivered without warning")背後には警察への反感があるようですが、悪の連鎖をどこかで断ち切ってほしいと願います。(UG)