常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。



さて、話が変わりますが今回取り上げさせていただく英語表現はblindです。以前UG先生も取り上げていらっしゃいますが、(cf. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/A30/20130222/1361519631)今回は別の意味でのblindです。blindと聞くとすぐに「盲目の」を思い浮かべますが、「《俗》酔いつぶれた」という意味があります。(『ウィズダム英和辞典 第3版』三省堂)また、この表現は勉強会後の飲みニケーションにてOthello先輩に教えていただいたものです。ありがとうございました。




The return of Fall Out Boy

(CNN) -- When rock groups announce that they're going on "indefinite hiatus," usually it's publicist-speak for "don't hold your breath that they're ever coming back."

But Fall Out Boy beat the odds when they announced that they'd secretly recorded a new album, their first since going on "indefinite hiatus" in 2009. Tagged with the tongue-in-cheek title "Save Rock and Roll," the disc promptly shot to the top of the Billboard 200 album chart and debuted at number one on iTunes in 27 countries.

CNN recently spoke with singer Patrick Stump, bassist Pete Wentz, guitarist Joe Trohman and drummer Andy Hurley about their surprise reunion.
CNN: How's the communication in the group these days?

Trohman: Guys are notoriously bad at emoting and communicating, and I think we had to learn how to do that. But also taking that time apart to be with our families, do other projects, work with different people and experience different things allowed us to come back and realize that maybe we did this thing not so well; maybe we should have talked more; maybe we shouldn't have been so passive-aggressive; maybe this guy should have voiced his opinion more. I think we are better at that, and it has been very healthy for the band.

passive-aggressiveは「《医》受動攻撃性の◆問題解決に取り組まなかったり、かたくなになったり、わざと能率を悪くしたりするなどの行動によって攻撃性を示す人格的欠陥。」という意味になります。(英辞郎 on the WEB) OEDには"of or denoting a type of behaviour or personality characterized by indirect resistance to the demands of others and an avoidance of direct confrontation."とありました。またWiktionaryには"Showing passive, sometimes obstructionist resistance to following authoritative instructions in interpersonal or occupational situations. "と載っています。


revolving door #3


NY Jets GM: 'Something had to give' on quarterbacks kept

Story Highlights

Idzik said he 'admires' how Mark Sanchez has handled revolving door of quarterbacks


今回取り上げる表現は、revolving doorです。過去にも二度先輩が取り上げられている表現ですが、cf. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/A30/20100915/1284549907 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/A30/20121227/1356573609 revolving doorで「回転ドア;スタッフの入れ替わりの激しい会社[組織,職]」(『ウィズダム英和辞典 第二版』三省堂)という意味があります。回転ドアという意味はおなじみで知っていたのですが、比喩として「入れ替わりの激しい会社」という意味で用いられる事は知りませんでしたので、覚えておきたいと思います。"Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary"には、"[singular] a ― used to describe a situation in which the people who have a particular job or position are constantly or frequently changing"と定義されていました。


lead the pack

本年度のトニー賞に日本人がプロデュースした"Kinky Boots"がノミネートされました。lead the packは「群を抜く、先頭に立つ」という意味のidiomです。おなじみのpackには「オオカミや猟犬などの群れ」(例: a pack of wolves)という用法がありますので、イメージしやすいですね。

‘Kinky Boots’ Leads With 13 Tony Nominations; Tom Hanks Nominated for ‘Lucky Guy’

The nominations for the 67th annual Tony Awards were announced Tuesday morning. The new Broadway musical “Kinky Boots” led the pack with 13 nominations, including for best musical, director, actor, score and choreographer, while its chief rival, “Matilda,” had 12 nominations in many of the same categories. The revival of “Golden Boy” had the most nominations of any play, 8, with the new Tom Hanks play “Lucky Guy” close behind with 6 nominations.



GoogleからついにGoogle Glassが発表され、実用化されようとしています。賛否両論ありますが、それに関する記事から英語表現を採り上げます。赤字のa year-ish awayは、「およそ一年過ぎたあたり」という意味で使われています。接尾辞-ishは、くだけて「およそ...ごろ、...をわずかに過ぎた、...っぽい」という意味があります。なにもSpanishなど「〜に属する」だけではないのですね。(Othello)


An app to accompany the device is in development and Google says it is “a year-ish away” from releasing Glass to the public.

cf. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/A30/20130331/1364667747

also-ranとpunter #2

The Economistには、中国のメディアについての記事がありました。記事では、中国における新しいインターネット・メディア戦略とその流れが、競馬の国イングランドならではなのか、競馬に擬えた表現で書かれています。




Preparing for battle - China’s internet titans

Alibaba may be a titan of e-commerce that handled more transactions last year than Amazon and eBay combined. But in social media it is still an also-ran—which could become a serious competitive disadvantage. More than elsewhere, shopping is a social phenomenon in China. It is not just young women who want to discuss styles and shoes with their girlfriends. Men often shop in groups for clothes and watches. And punters of all ages post and scrutinise numerous consumer reviews online before buying.

c.f.punter - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から





東後勝明.(1985). 『英語ひとすじの道』東京:日本放送協会出版.

第一部、第三章の「英語に捧げた青春」と第四章の「教壇に立って」、そして第二部第五章の「Practice Makes Perfect」が特に楽しみです。


第一部 私と英語
第一章 スタジオだより―番組作りの現場から―
第二章 英語との出会い―中学・高校時代から―
第三章 英語に捧げた青春―大学時代から―
第四章 教壇に立って―教師時代から―
第五章 ラジオ「英語会話」を担当して―放送講師の時代から―

第二部 英会話の上達の方法
第一章 なぜ今、英語会話なのか
第二章 通じる英会話のために
第三章 簡単なことばを生かそう
第四章 思い切って話そう
第五章 Practice Makes Perfect


competitive edge


記事に登場する"competitive edge"は「競争力」という意味です。
edgeを調べると"something that gives you an advantage over others"と定義されていました(LDOCE)。(Sy)


Convenience stores target niche markets

Industry giant Seven-Eleven saw its daily sales increase by about 40,000 yen per store to about 660,000 yen, while Lawson's daily sales rose about 30,000 yen to about 540,000 yen. FamilyMart marked a daily sales increase of about 20,000 yen to about 520,000 yen.

Seven-Eleven has clearly outpaced its rivals, adding about 3,000 stores over the past five years.

Lawson added about 1,200 stores during the same period while FamilyMart increased its outlets by about 2,000, leaving both operators with a sense of crisis about the situation.

To gain a competitive edge, Lawson is seeking to appeal to health-conscious customers in a bid to be known as the "fresh" convenience store.



ここでは"to defeat someone by a small amount"(LDOCE)の意味で使用されています。日本語では「辛勝する」(『ジーニアス英和大辞典』)という訳になります。

Kiryu ties world junior mark in 100
High schooler Yoshihide Kiryu tied the world junior record in the men's 100 meters. He very nearly also topped the Japan national senior mark that has stood for 15 years.

Kiryu clocked 10.01 seconds in his preliminary round heat at the Oda Memorial Meet on Monday, coming within .01 of Koji Ito's senior national record.

The 17-year-old student at Kyoto's Rakunan High School went on to win the title at Edion Stadium in a wind-aided 10.03, just edging London Olympian Ryota Yamagata, who finished second in 10.04.



Daily Telegraphから。タイトルに重きを置くのはドイツも同じですね(いや、日本よりも激しいかも)。学位(博士)をとったとき、調子に乗ってロンドンからの帰国便の予約時に「Dr.」と書いたまでは良かったのですが、その便で病人が出てフライトアテンダントがわたしのところにやって来たことを思い出しました。über-respectableのüberは英語のsuperやbeyond相当します。そこから、なぜか英語にも持ち込まれ「超〜」という意味で用いられることがあります。(UG)

Trust him he's a doctor... and a professor... and an engineer

Life in Germany often reminds me of early 1990s Hythe in Kent, where my grandmother used to admonish us to “say hello to the man behind the counter” in every shop she took us into and call everyone not in her immediate friendship circle by their second name. Germans, too, set great store by exchanging greetings with one another, and still make liberal use of the surnames of those they are not familiar with.

And while I’m all for a little more everyday civility than is usual in south London, the German concern with the pettier side of manners is sometimes infuriating – especially the obsession with forms of address, where politeness quickly descends into obsequiousness. It’s not just matters of simple courtesy like calling your Ärztin “Dr Yilmaz” while she’s got her torch in your ear or saying “Herr Polizist” to the man asking you to produce identification with his left hand on his gun holster; no, it’s far more complex.
Secretaries at companies spend hours scratching their heads and searching Google to find out if the person they are writing to is a Diplom-Ingenieur (engineer) so that they can address him as “Herr Dipl.-Ing. Brückenbauer”, while housewives of a nervous disposition ring up utilities companies to find out if the person coming round to check their flues is a simple Schornsteinfeger (chimney sweep) or needs to be addressed as Herr Meister-Schornsteinfeger.

While most people in big cities have become far more relaxed about this kind of thing, the titles-tendency is still rife in small university towns, where anyone with letters before their name can expect to be called by them – and often given privileged treatment into the bargain. The result is that academic titles are not worn lightly as badges of learning, but flashed at every possible occasion for a variety of rarely unselfish reasons.

If a young man with PhD is applying for the lease on a flat, for example, he’ll make sure to put “Dr Eugen Schinkler” on the letting agent’s questionnaire. When he then gets the flat (as he is now sure to), he’ll slap “Dr Schinkler” on the letterbox – and next to the intercom buzzer for good measure. You’ll hear him at the baker’s down the road, ordering fresh rolls for Sunday morning under the name “Herr Doktor Schinkler”, and you’ll look on astonished as the girl at the counter immediately straightens her back and beams at the suddenly über-respectable academic doyen who has decided to grace this lowly suburban bread vendor with his presence.


I’m more digital than others.

あるネイティブの先生が、UG先生との会話の際に「ぼくはコンピュータに強い」とおっしゃったそうです。「ぼくはコンピュータに強い」という文は、”I’m good at using a computer.”と英訳する人が多いと思いますが、そのネイティブの先生は”I’m more digital than others”.と表現されていたそうです。このような表現は、自分で英作する際にもちろん出てきませんし、普段の英語の勉強の中ではなかなか出会わないと思うので、とても面白いと思いました。




Mt. Fuji to go on World Heritage list, but Kamakura rejected
In Japan, there were initial plans to push Mount Fuji for inscription as a World Natural Heritage site, which is selected on the basis of geomorphic, ecological and other criteria.
But litter problems on the mountain slopes were held partly responsible when it failed even to be nominated a candidate site during domestic screening processes.

ここで取り上げさせていただくのはscreeningという表現です。screeningと聞くと「(映画の)上映」を思い浮かべますが、ここでは意味が通じません。そこで調べてみると、screeningには「選別、選考」という意味があります。(『ウィズダム英和辞典 第3版』三省堂)また、screenにも「〈人など〉を審査する、選考する」などという意味がありました。(ibid)しっかりおさえておきたいと思います。