常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


俳優伊勢谷友介さんと、同氏が代表を務める「リバースプロジェクト」を紹介する記事がThe Japan Timesに掲載されています。

Actor Yusuke Iseya’s most important role is helping the environment through his Rebirth Project

Prepared to step out of his comfort zone and say what he really thinks, Yusuke Iseya is something of a rarity in the Japanese entertainment industry. An actor with a conscience, he’s most well-known for movies such as “13 Assassins,” “Tomorrow’s Joe” and the Hollywood film “Blindness,” yet rather than talking about any of that, the 39-year-old would prefer to speak about the environment.

That’s not to say he doesn’t care about his profession. He’s passionate about every role he plays — including his latest part as Hikomura in Hiroyuki “Sabu” Tanaka’s romantic comedy “Chasuke’s Journey” (“Ten no Chasuke”) — it’s just that he believes there are more important things to worry about, most notably the state of the planet and the amount of damage we’re doing to it.


At 27, Iseya achieved what he thought was his lifetime ambition by directing his first full-length movie, “Kakuto.” After accomplishing this goal, however, he decided he wanted to shoot for something different. In 2008, he launched the Rebirth Project; a multifaceted social enterprise that focuses on sustainable development and challenges individuals to find their own answers to the world’s most troubling issues. He wants those involved to “leverage their brains and knowledge to figure out new and realistic ways to co-exist with the environment in a positive, adventurous way that doesn’t require too much sacrifice.”



“multifaceted”を拾い上げます。この単語の語義を考えるために、“facet”から確認していきます。『G3』で確認すると、発音記号は/fæsɪt/、その意味は「1.(多面体、特に宝石の)一面、切り子面 2.(心・問題・性格などの)面、様相 3.(複眼を構成する)個眼面」、動詞としては「<宝石などに>切り子面を作る」とありました。ここでは接頭辞“multi-”と組み合わさり「多面体の;広範囲の」という意味になります。簡単な用例としては“multifaceted perspective”「多面的な視点」あたるでしょうか。「リバースプロジェクト」のホームページを拝見しましたが、記事にもある通り、その活動は非常に多岐にわたっているようです。加えてインターンシップや新卒採用もしているようですし、これから大学生、就活生の注目を集める事となるかもしれません。(potter)