常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

denunciation 復習


WASHINGTON (AP) -- Republicans urged an immediate closure of America's borders to Syrian refugees Tuesday, drawing angry denunciations from some Democrats and igniting an emotional debate about U.S. values in the wake of the deadly Paris terror attacks.

今回取り上げる表現は、“denunciation”です。まず、意味を確認してみると、『ジーニアス英和辞典第4版』(大修館書店)には、「公然の非難、弾劾」と記載されていました。さらに、Merriam-Websterを見てみると、“a public statement that strongly criticizes someone or something as being bad or wrong”とあり、難民受け入れ反対が悪いこと、もしくは間違いであるというニュアンスが含まれていると思います。また、この表現が用いられている文の中に“drawing”があります。“draw”には、「描く」などのほかに「(人・事などが事)を引き起こす」という意味があり、今回は後者として用いられています。つまり、「怒りの非難が引き起こる」となります。


bad-boy days are over


Charlie Sheen says he is HIV-positive, bad-boy days are over

Charlie Sheen said his bad-boy days are over and, with Tuesday’s declaration that he’s HIV-positive, he aims to become an inspiration to others.


このbad-boy days are overとは、「やんちゃな時代は終わり」という意味で(当然,COPSの主題歌ボブ・マレーのBad Boysを想起します)、直後のMy partying days are behind me.の言い換えであります。調べによると、彼は、女性とよく付き合っていたようで、そのうちの複数の女性たちから,彼が「HIV感染」をしていることを公表すると脅されて,12億円以上を支払い続けていたそうです。(Kawada)

just the ticket


As Changes Come to Myanmar, Train Upgrade Is Just the Ticket

YANGON, Myanmar—The Yangon Circular Line doesn’t get much love. Its aging trains circumscribing Myanmar’s largest city meander through 39 stations at an average speed of 10 miles an hour. It takes over three hours to complete the route, monsoon rains permitting. But now this forgotten railway is finally gaining some attention as a way to beat something nearly as bad—the city’s traffic-choked roads.

“The worse it gets on the streets, the more passengers for us,” said Kyi Win, stationmaster at the British-built Yangon Central Station, as a creaking ceiling fan slowly pushed the humid air around his office.

本日は記事タイトルにあります " just the ticket". を拾いたいと思います。

『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)によると"just the ticket"は、「まさに必要なもの[こと]、おあつらえ向きのこと」とあります。また、OALD(8th) では"(informal,approving) exactly what is needed in a particular situation"とありました。

その意味を踏まえますと、タイトルの"Train Upgrade is Just the Ticket" は「鉄道整備がまさに必要だ」のような意になるでしょうか。また鉄道が話題なだけに、"ticket"(切符)をかけているように思えます。


A wet spring would be just the ticket for the garden. (OD)

This car could be just the ticket for a small family. (Weblio英和和英)

Jane said this low-fat cake was just the ticket for someone who's on a diet.
(Today's Phrase, BBC Learning English,13/03/2014)


big-ticket : having a high price (Merrim Webster)

work one's ticket:仮病を使う、口実を設けて(仕事などから)逃げ出す『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂


英国留学時に、何度もバスに乗る機会があったのですが、片道券に"single ticket"を,往復券に"return ticket" を用いていました。

留学に行く前までは片道券を"one-way ticket", 往復券を"round-trip ticket" で覚えていたため、イギリスで初めてバスに乗った際に戸惑ってしまったこと思い出しました。



shake down


Charlie Sheen says he is HIV-positive, bad boy days are over

Charlie Sheen said his bad-boy days are over and, with Tuesday’s declaration that he’s HIV-positive, he aims to become an inspiration to others.

“My partying days are behind me,” Sheen said in a letter posted online. “My philanthropic days are ahead of me.”

The manifesto was released as the former “Two and a Half Men” star appeared on NBC’s “Today” to say he tested positive for the virus that causes AIDS about four years ago, but that, thanks to a rigorous drug regimen, he’s healthy.


Sheen said one reason for going public with his condition was to put a stop to shakedowns from prostitutes and others. He said one prostitute took a photo of the HIV-related drugs in his medicine cabinet and threatened to sell that photo to the tabloids.


今回取り上げるのは、“shakedown”という表現です。LDOCEで調べてみると、“American English informal when someone gets money from another person by using threats”という定義が見つかりました。さらに『ジーニアス英和辞典G4 大修館書店』で確認してみると、「⦅米略式⦆ゆすり、脅し」といった意味が載っていました。句動詞の“shake down”にも「〈人〉からお金をゆすり取る、お金をせがむ」という意味があるので、そこから名詞で“shakedown”に派生したと考えられます。(ninetails)

hotbed 復習


Heavy Gunfire Erupts as French Police Seek Suspects in Raid
Early Tuesday, 10 French fighter jets, taking off from bases in Jordan and the Persian Gulf, dropped 16 bombs on what the French Defense Ministry described as an Islamic State command center and training center in the group’s self-proclaimed capital of Raqqa, Syria. Hours later, Russia carried out an attack on Raqqa with cruise missiles and long-range bombers, after acknowledging that a terrorist bomb brought down a Russian jetliner over the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt — a hotbed of Islamic State activity — on Oct. 31.


この記事を読んで気になった表現はいくつかありましたが、ここでは “hotbed”を取り上げます。G4(大修館書店)で確認してみますと 「(悪の)温床;(活動の)集中する所」とありました。LDOCEでは”a place where a lot of a particular type of activity, especially bad or violent activity, happens”と定義づけられていました。とても似ている英語と日本語の表現のうちのひとつです。(Inaho)


hole up 復習


Inside the apartment, on the third floor of a building on the Rue du Corbillon, at least five suspects were holed up. One of them, the woman, opened fire and then killed herself; a man — “another terrorist,” the Paris prosecutor, François Molins, said — died from a combination of gunfire and the detonation of a grenade.


今回取り上げるのは"holed up"です。何度か挙げられているので復習となりますが、「ジーニアス英和辞典(大修館書店)」によると「隠れる、立てこもる」という意味がありました。LDOCEで確認すると"to hide somewhere for a period of time"と定義されていました。他に立てこもるという表現はbe designedやbarricade oneself inという言い方もありますが、hole upがよく使われているようです。(lua)



 記事の中で気になった単語は"reload"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)によると「(<銃>に)弾丸を込め直す,フィルムを入れ直す」などという意味がありました。ODには,"Load (something, especially a gun that has been fired) again"と定義されております。銃に弾を装填する作業を指す単語です。(Ume)

What should you do in an attack?

Many survivors in Paris did this instinctively - turning tables over to use as makeshift shelters or hiding behind speakers in the concert hall. But the lack of cover on the main floor of the Bataclan meant not everyone there was able to hide.
An Irish couple survived by playing dead. Another survivor, Theresa Cede, told the BBC: "One guy was badly hurt, and moaning, so we tried to say: 'Shh, be quiet, stay alive and don't move,' because every time there was movement somewhere, there were more gunshots."
"They are looking for movement - it will catch their eye," explains Reed. This is especially true if it's dark. Some people in the Bataclan did run for the exit when the attackers paused to reload. This can be risky, but in some scenarios running away is a good idea. According to eyewitnesses on Friday, several people chose to stay hidden in offices and toilets until help arrived.


poke fun at#2

 見出の中で気になった表現は"poke fun at"です。SPACEALCによると「〜をからかう」という意味でした。ODには"Tease or make fun of"と定義されております。同じくODを見ると,"poke"は"Jab or prod (someone or something) with one’s finger or a sharp object"という意味なので,"poke fun at"で対象をつついてからかっているというイメージができました。(Ume)

Spanish film pokes fun at Catalan independence crisis

This might not seem the wisest moment to release a comedy in Spain about a Catalan village where independence has apparently been declared.
Spain's government is in uproar over a Catalan parliament vote to launch a unilateral secession process, and the region's leader is being investigated by a Spanish judge for criminal disobedience.
But the filmmakers are looking to repeat the runaway success of their 2014 feature Spanish Affair, which became the domestic cinema industry's biggest-ever hit, attracting nine million people.
Known in Spanish as Ocho Apellidos Vascos (Eight Basque Surnames), its blend of wedding comedy and north-versus-south rivalry dared to poke fun at northern Basque culture and even the radical politics and street violence associated with the militant group Eta.
Eta's four-decade campaign of violence aimed at independence from Spain left more than 800 people dead before it declared a "definitive" ceasefire in 2011.


poke fun at〜/gala - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から