常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


ジャイアンツの野球賭博問題に関するJapan Todayの記事からの引用です。button-downでまず想起されるのがシャツの「ボタンダウン」ですね。辞書には形容詞で「〈シャツ・えりなどが〉ボタンダウンの」とありました(『プログレッシブ英和中辞典』小学館)。しかし,この表現には「〖名詞の前で」身なりのきちんとした, 保守的な格好の〈人〉; 保守的な, 型にはまった〈社風・文化など〉」という意味もあります(『プログレッシブ英和中辞典』同上)。実際,ジャイアンツはヒゲや髪型などにルールがあり,ここでは「規律を重んじる」などと解釈できると思います。(Koyamamoto)

Yomiuri Giants in crisis mode over gambling scandal
TOKYO — With a new season just around the corner, Japanese baseball is in a state of turmoil over a gambling scandal that has embroiled the league’s most popular team.
The Yomiuri Giants announced this week that three of its top executives — including former owner Tsuneo Watanabe — will resign to take responsibility over the scandal.
The decision follows an announcement that a fourth Yomiuri player — Kyosuke Takagi — was found to have bet on baseball games.
Three of Takagi’s Yomiuri teammates received indefinite suspensions last November, after they were involved in the same gambling scandal.
…During that period, several players, including star pitchers of the Nishitetsu Lions and other Pacific League teams, were punished for accepting money to throw games.
Regardless, the revelations are alarming given Yomiuri’s place in the game. The Giants are by far the most popular and successful team in Japan. They are owned by the Yomiuri Group, Japan’s largest media conglomerate which includes the conservative Yomiuri Shimbun (newspaper).
The Giants have a button-downed reputation. Players are expected to adhere to a rigid code of conduct, with team members expected to project a clean image.



“English is not a language anymore.”






gobs of 復習

CNN NEWSから記事を取り上げます。

(CNN)—Jeremy Meeks -- better known to most as "hot felon" -- is back with two major pieces of news: He's a free man, and he's starting a new career as a model.
After his mugshot went viral on the Stockton, California, police Facebook page in June 2014, he's garnered gobs of attention -- and that's leading the way to a new life.

今回取り上げる表現は,“gobs of”です。以前,“gob”がブログに取り上げられていましたが,この表現はスラングで「口」や「つば」を表す言葉です。ここでは“gobs of”で “a large amount”(Merriam-Webster)といった意味があります。つまり,「たくさんの」という意味になります。(Nao)


“reinforcement learning”

DeepMind’s team built reinforcement learning into the programme, meaning the machine played against itself and adjusted its own neural networks based on trial and error. AlphaGo is capable of narrowing down the search space for the next best move from the near-infinite to something more manageable. It can also anticipate long-term results of each move and predict the winner.


Ume先輩のfollow-upです。1局目で韓国のイ・セドルを下したAlpha Goというソフトは,人工知能の「ディープラーニング(深層学習)」という手法が使われています。その「深層学習」は,こう表現されていました。(Kawada)


stop-gap measure #2


FIVE YEARS AFTER: Tougher work awaits TEPCO at Fukushima after water issue ends

OKUMA, Fukushima Prefecture--The ever-increasing rows of tanks storing radioactive water continue to eat up the precious available land at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.

Five years after the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011, triggered the triple meltdown at the plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co. is still struggling to bring the contaminated water problem under control.

And the utility has yet to fully tackle the more difficult and time-consuming task of actually decommissioning the ruined nuclear plant.


But this is only a stop-gap measure at best.


今回取り上げるのは、“stop-gap measure”という表現です。まず初めに“stop-gap”をLDOCEで調べてみると、“something or someone that you use for a short time until you can replace it with something better”と定義されており、また“It's only a stopgap measure, not a long-term solution.”という例文も確認できました。これらから、“stop-gap”は「その場しのぎの、間に合わせの」を意味すると考えられ、“stop-gap measure”で「暫定措置、一時しのぎの措置」などを表わしていると分かります。(ninetails)


determined from above


A survivor of the Auschwitz death camp is now the world's oldest man, the Guinness World Records organisation says.

Yisrael Kristal was born near Zarnow in Poland in 1903 and lived through two world wars before moving to the Israeli city of Haifa.

He was 112 years and 178 days old on 11 March, Guinness World Records says.

The previous oldest-recorded man, Yasutaro Koide of Japan, died in January aged 112 years and 312 days.

As he received his Guinness World Records certificate, Mr Kristal said he did not know the "secret for long life" and that he believed everything was "determined from above".

簡単すぎる表現かと思いますが、普段使うことがない表現だと思い取り上げます。 イスラエルさんの言葉にある "determined from above" です。始めに直訳して「上から決められたこと」と考え、そこから「運命だった」と解釈しました。『新英和中辞典』によると"from above"は「上から」という意味の他に、「天から」という意味がありました。今回のように"God"を使わずに表現できることがわかりました。(lua)


今日は隣町にあるSlifer house museumへ行ってきました。







megathrust earthquake


Shaken Beliefs: Seismic Lessons from Japan’s Tohoku Earthquake

Japan could well be called the cradle of seismology. It occupies one of Earth’s most precarious tectonic settings, at the nexus of four plates, and its written record of earthquakes extends back to 599 A.D., during the reign of Empress Suiko. Japanese seismologists of the early twentieth century made a number of significant contributions to geophysics, some of which anticipated plate-tectonic theory by decades. In 1899, several years after a powerful tsunami struck the Sanriku Coast, a man named Akitsune Imamura correctly inferred the type of fault slip (now called a megathrust event) that generates such waves. In the nineteen-twenties, another Japanese scientist, Kiyoo Wadati, collected seismic data that became critical to the development of the Richter scale and, eventually, the discovery of the process of subduction, in which old ocean crust sinks back into Earth’s mantle. Today, Japan spends more money per capita than any other country on earthquake research, engineering, and preparedness.

And yet the disaster of five years ago—a magnitude-9.0 megathrust earthquake off Tohoku, followed by a major tsunami and nuclear accident—came as a surprise. Until March 11, 2011, the consensus among seismologists was that a particular stretch of fault would observe certain rules, rupturing at consistent intervals in events of similar size.



“megathrust”を取り上げます。とはいったものの、手元の辞書で索引しても確認できません、最近使われ始めた単語なのでしょうか。語義を探るため、構成要素から探っていきます。基本的な語彙である”thrust”、その語義は様々ありますが、地震に関連するものであると考慮すると、ここでは「(突然、力強く)ぐいと推すこと、突き刺すこと」や「(地殻の)衝上断層」(『G3』より)あたりになるかと考えられます。ここにmega(milliton, great)を組み合わせたもの、「巨大断層、強大な突き上げ(型の衝撃)」といった意味合いになるかと思います。

ここで定義を検索してみると、YourDictionaryでは” A sudden slip a long a fault between a subducting and an overriding plate; results in a major earthquake”、CollinsDictionaryではearthquakeを伴い “Occurs at a subduction zones at destructive plate boundaries 'convergent boundaries' where one tectonic plate is subducted 'forced underneath' by another”と定義されています。ここでは後者と同じく”a megathrust earthquake”「巨大地震、巨大断層地震」といった形だと覚えるのに易しいでしょう。3月11日を象徴する言葉です、震災から五年を迎えた今日、あえて取り上げさせて頂きました。(あいづ)

coroner 復習

 プーチン大統領の側近であるMikhail Lesin氏が,米国で死亡した件について,ロシア側が,米国に対してより詳細な情報を求めております。米国は,Mikhail Lesin氏の死因を頭部損傷としておりますが,ロシア側は心臓麻痺が原因ではないかと疑っております。
 記事の中で気になった単語は"coroner"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)で調べると「検死官」という意味がありました。Oxford Dictionaries.comには"An official who holds inquests into violent, sudden, or suspicious deaths, and (in Britain) inquiries into cases of treasure trove"と定義されております。関係ありませんが,"coroner"というスイスのバンドグループもいるようです。(Ume)

Mikhail Lesin death: Russia demands details from US

Russian officials have criticised a lack of communication by US authorities over the death of Mikhail Lesin, a former aide to President Putin.
They said they became aware of details of his injuries only when the medical examiner's report was released on Thursday.
Mr Lesin, 57, was found dead in a US hotel four months ago. US coroners say he died of head injuries.
Medical examiners say the exact circumstances of death are not clear.
Russian media had reported his death as a suspected heart attack.
He was one of the most influential figures on the Russian media scene.
