常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。



BRUSSELS — As a dragnet aimed at Islamic State operatives spiraled across Brussels and into at least five European countries on Friday, the authorities were also focusing on a narrower but increasingly alarming threat: the vulnerability of Belgium’s nuclear installations.


今回取り上げる表現は,“dragnet”です。これは,「地引網」という意味があります。また,ほかにも「(警察の)大捜査網」といった意味もあります(『ジーニアス英和辞典』大修館書店)。今回の場合,後者の意味として用いられています。さらに,Merriam-Websterで英語の定義を確認してみると,“a series of actions that are done by the police in order to catch criminals”とありました。日本語との意味に差異がないように思われます。


third-party English test(s)


6% of colleges use 3rd-party English tests in exams

TOKYO (Jiji Press) — Only 6.3 percent of Japanese universities use the results of third-party English proficiency tests, such as TOEFL, as part of their regular entrance examinations, an education ministry survey showed Friday.

The ministry has been urging universities to measure applicants’ English skills in the four categories of reading, writing, speaking and listening through entrance exams, including by using third-party tests such as TOEFL, or the Test of English as a Foreign Language, and Eiken, or the Test in Practical English Proficiency.


今回取り上げるのは、“third-party English test(s)”という表現です。まず“third-party”をLDOCEで調べてみると、“someone who is not one of the two main people involved in an agreement or legal case, but who is affected by it or involved in it in some way”と定義されていました。さらに『ジーニアス英和辞典G4』(大修館書店)でも確認すると、「第三者《当事者でない人》」と記載されており、“third-party English test(s)”で「外部英語試験」を表します。(ninetails)



The New York Timesから、イースターを祝うために特別なデザインがされる「イースターエッグ」に関する記事を取り上げます。

New York Today: An Egg-Decorating Tradition

This weekend, lots of children will meet the Easter bunny and hunt for eggs.

Spectators will line up for the bonnet festival and parade in Midtown.

Churchgoers will don their Sunday best.

And in the East Village, Hanya Krill will finally take a break.

Ms. Krill, 60, is a pysankarka, a Ukrainian Easter egg maker, and over the last few weeks she has helped create dozens of the brightly colored objects.


今回取り上げるのは、“pysankarka”という表現です。記事でも“a Ukrainian Easter egg maker”と説明があるように、この単語は「ウクライナイースターエッグ職人」を意味します。

Weblio英和辞典」には、“pysanka”で「ウクライナイースターエッグ」を表すとありました。また、Urban Dictionaryで調べてみると、“the art of Ukrainian egg blowing. very complicated process”と記載されており、ウクライナ語から英語に借用された単語であるtと分かりました。ちなみに、“pysanka”は単数形で、複数形の場合には“pysanky”となります。(ninetails)




しかしながら朝の第一試合ということで体も温まっていなかったのか、初戦の疲れがとれていなかったのか、はたまた体調が悪いのか、重富投手の制球は定まらず、それがチーム全体のリズムに影響し、ぎくしゃくな立ち上がり。「立ち上がりが悪い投手...(slow starter)」ということは聞いていましたが、これほどとは...。



PS 5回を終わって、0-15。

arms race


American Airlines Doesn’t Care for Its Gogo Wi-Fi, Either

Passengers aren’t the only ones frustrated by airplane Wi-Fi’s high cost, slow speed and balky connections.

A legal skirmish between American Airlines and the Wi-Fi provider Gogo broke out last month, highlighting the increased friction. American cited a clause in its contract with Gogo that permits it to end the agreement if a competing Wi-Fi provider offers a deal that Gogo cannot match. It said ViaSat, a Gogo rival, made such an offer.


In the end, industry experts say the arms race for Internet connectivity at 35,000 feet is likely to lead to faster connections that cost less.


今回取り上げるのは、“arms race”という表現です。この表現をLDOCEで調べてみると、“the competition between different countries to have a larger number of powerful weapons”と定義されており、「軍備拡張競争」(『ジーニアス英和辞典G4』大修館書店)を意味すると分かります。しかし、この記事においては軍事的な意味ではなく、熾烈な「Wi-Fiサービスに接続する機器の開発競争」を表していると考えられます。(ninetails)

make inroads#3

 記事の中で気になった単語は"inroad"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)には「進出, 参入, 食い込み」などという意味がありました。Oxford Dictionaries.comには"An instance of something being encroached on or reduced by something else"と定義されております。また,"make inroads"で「《分野などに》食い込む, 優位に立つ, 進出する」という意味になります(『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂))。(Ume)

US Election 2016: Sanders wins in Washington and Alaska

Mr Sanders is trying to build on overwhelming victories in last Tuesday's caucuses in Idaho and Utah.
However, he suffered defeat in Arizona, and although his delegate haul from the three states was 20 higher than Mrs Clinton, he has failed to make major inroads into her lead.
Mrs Clinton has also been campaigning in Washington state. She told supporters in Everett: "We are on the path to the nomination, and I want Washington to be part of how we get there."
She also focused on this week's deadly attacks in Brussels, condemning Republican rivals Donald Trump and Ted Cruz for their "reckless" foreign policies.
Opinion polls are scarce and tricky in caucus elections - a series of meetings in which voters give their support for candidates with an open show of hands.
However, Mr Sanders has used his appeal with grassroots activists to benefit from the voting system in the past. He has done particularly well among young voters.


inroads - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
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