常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

neck-and-neck #3


New polls show Clinton and Trump neck-and-neck

A pair of new polls out this weekend show the presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump and his likely Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton are both viewed unfavorably by more than half of U.S. voters.

In a Washington Post-ABC News survey released Sunday, the candidates both registered net negatives in the double-digits, with 57% of the electorate saying they had unfavorable impressions of the respective candidates. Fifty-four percent of respondents to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll took a dim view of Clinton, while 58% looked unfavorably on Trump.

The horse race itself is swinging toward the billionaire businessman, who according to the Washington Post-ABC News poll has picked up 11 points since March, giving him a narrow 46%-44% lead. But the sum result in both surveys is a statistical dead heat. Clinton leads by 3 points, 46%-43%, in the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.
Both results are within the margin of error.



Oxford dictionaries.com.では” Level in a race or other competition“と定義されており、


さらに同上英和辞書で米略式はnip and tuckとあり、nipとtuckの両方とも「はさむ」の意味があることがわかりました。(flyingbird)

PS 過去にも取り上げられております。どちらも世論が関係している記事からです。

neck and neck - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

neck and neck#2 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から


一昔前, 作業服として着用されていた「もんぺ」が, 今やおしゃれを自在に操るパンツとなって人気を集めています。

Monpe work pants winning new fans

FUKUOKA — Contrary to their past image as trousers worn by elderly women, monpe baggy work pants are becoming a cool fashion statement as manufacturers use Kurume kasuri, a traditional fabric from the Chikugo region of Fukuoka Prefecture, to make new stylish monpe pants.

Monpe pants with a variety of patterns and colors are displayed at Unagino-Nedoko (literally: eel bed), a specialty shop in Yame in the prefecture that introduces craft products and other Kyushu goods.


The store’s monpe pants are slimmer than traditional ones, though both have elasticized waists.

“Our original intention to make the pants slimmer was to reduce the use of expensive Kurume kasuri, but it resulted in giving monpe wearers greater options in coordinating their outfits,” Haruguchi said.



気になった表現は “elasticized” です。『新英和大辞典』(第五版, 研究社)に “elasticize” は「…にゴムを入れる, 伸縮自在にする」とありました。 “elastic” + “ize” で構成されており, 接頭辞 “elasto-” の部分が “elastic” 「弾性(のある)」の意をもつようです。

Merriam-Webster.comには “containing something that returns to an original shape or size after being stretched” と定義されていました。

今回は, 「―もんぺは昔のものより細身の作りだが, ゆったりとしたウエストの履き心地を実現している」と捉えることができます。(Cayu)

the wind in her back


Former President Clinton rarely mentions his wife's political rivals by name, usually referring to Bernie Sanders as "her opponent" and to Donald Trump as "the other guy," but today he cautioned the crowd of Hillary Clinton supporters that he has plenty of attack lines for Trump.

"We need to send her to that convention with the wind in her back with a united progressive front to go after the conflict between her and Mr. Trump," he said.
This time, however, the crowd let out a loud cheer and applause rather than a boo.

今回気になった表現は,“the wind in her back”です。そのまま直訳すると,「後ろにある風」となり,追い風が背中を押すイメージが浮かべました。では,どのような意味になるのか。取り上げた表現は,載っていませんでしたが,『ジーニアス英和辞典』(大修館書店)に“have the wind at one’s back”がありました。この表現から派生していると推測できます。これは,「風下に向かって歩く,追い風を受ける」といった意味になります。さらに,Cambridge Dictionary onlineには,“to be in a good situation in which you can succeed”と記載されており,「成功する可能性がある状況へ向かう」という意味も含まれています。つまり,ここでは,「大統領就任への追い風」といった具合に解釈できるのではないでしょうか。(Nao)



Japan’s new passports to feature ukiyo-e designs

When Japanese travelers go abroad, they’ll be taking some of the country’s most famous and beautiful examples of woodblock print artwork with them.

A while back I had to renew my passport, and when my new one came in the mail my wife was amazed at how incredibly American it is. Splashed across every visa page is an iconic American scene, such as the Statue of Liberty standing tall, a pair of grazing buffalo, or a group of cowboys leading their herd on a cattle drive.


“woodblock”を取り上げます。『ジーニアス英和辞典』によるとwood cutとも言い、「木版(画)」とありました。他にもウッドブロックという楽器もありました。LDOCEで定義を確認すると“a piece of wood with a shape cut on it, used for printing”とあり、プリントなど印刷に使われるときに使うものだとわかりました。日本の記事では「査証欄の図柄」という言葉で見出しなどに書かれていました。(lua)

euthanize 復習


Pet shops, cafes help abandoned cats, dogs

There are a growing number of places where potential pet owners can meet abandoned cats and dogs. Besides adoption events hosted by volunteer organizations or shelters run by municipalities, nowadays pet shops and cafes are also introducing rescued cats and dogs to the public.

Chouchou, a pet store in Okayama, stopped selling cats and dogs in April last year. Instead, it introduces potential new owners to dogs it has taken in from shelters, free of charge.

The store’s manager, Takashi Sawaki, felt a contradiction between selling pets on the one hand and the fact that many animals are abandoned and subsequently euthanized on the other.

The store covers the cost of housing the animals, but it has seen its in-store and online sales of pet goods rise due to customer support for the program.

If visitors find a dog they like in one of the glass cases in the store, they can inform the store’s staff. A store manager then checks that the person’s home is suitable for raising a pet, and if there are no problems during a one-week trial period, the animal is formally handed over.

In some cases, the new owner pays for sterilization, but the store never takes a broker fee. However, new owners must sign a pledge promising to take action such as having the animals vaccinated against rabies and providing updates by e-mail for at least six months after adoption



今回取り上げるのはeuthanizeです。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で調べてみますと、他動詞で「安楽死させる」という意味があることがわかりました。LDOCEには “to kill an animal in a painless way, usually because it is very sick or old [= put down]” という意味が載っていました。



euthanize - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

under fire


Anti-stalking law under fire after stabbing of Japanes

The stabbing of 20-year-old female idol Mayu Tomita has sparked a discussion over the effectiveness of the anti-stalking law, which some experts say should include a clear statement on preventing the kind of online stalking the latest victim was facing.

The current anti-stalking law “cannot directly crack down on stalking on social networking websites” as it is not worded to include harassment via social media, Yohei Shimizu, a Tokyo lawyer well-versed in online defamation cases, said Monday.

According to media reports, 27-year-old Tomohiro Iwazaki, who was arrested Saturday for stabbing Tomita nearly two dozen times in the neck and chest, had apparently repeatedly sent messages to her Twitter account.

Police on Monday turned Iwazaki over to prosecutors on suspicion of attempted murder and violating the Firearm and Sword Control Law.



今回取り上げるのは、タイトルにある"under fire"という表現です。

直訳すると、「火の下で」となりますが、意味が通らなくなります。『ジーニアス英和辞典』第4版(大修館)で調べてみると、"be [come] under fire"で、1.「砲火を浴びている」2.「非難を受けている」とありました。


life tenure


Tajik president to gain life tenure

Voters in Tajikistan have overwhelmingly approved constitutional amendments allowing President Emomali Rahmon to rule for life.

The Central Asian nation held a referendum on Sunday on proposed changes to the constitution, including an amendment that exempts the incumbent president from a 2-term limit.

The central election commission said on Monday that nearly 95 percent of those who went to the polls supported the changes.

This allows Rahmon to run for office an unlimited number of times. He has been the country's leader since 1992.


今回取り上げるのは、“life tenure”という表現です。“tenure”をLDOCEで調べてみると、“the period of time when someone has an important job”と定義されていました。また『ジーニアス英和辞典』(大修館書店)では、「(特に大学教員の)終身在職権」「保有期間、在職期間」といった意味が記載されており、この記事では後者の意味が当てはまると考えられます。したがって、“life tenure”で「(大統領の)終身任期」を表しています。(ninetails)

Donald Lawrence Keene - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

boggle #2

 記事の中で気になった単語は"boggle"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)で調べると「うろたえる, たまげる.《物・事が》《心》を混乱させる, かき乱す」などという意味がありました。Oxford Dictionaries.comには"(Of a person or their mind) be astonished or baffled when trying to imagine something"と定義されております。語源には16世紀ごろに" bogle"「お化け,怖いもの」の方言が由来で誕生したのではないかと書かれておりました(Oxford Dictionaries.com)。(Ume)

Six things about the $6 Bourdain-Obama meal

Another question that boggled the minds of social media users: What could the world's most famous TV chef and one of the world's most powerful leaders be talking about?
Speculation ranged from Donald Trump to food to curing cancer, achieving world peace and finding unicorns.

We don't know how long the meal even lasted. Some accomplished foodies could polish off a meal like that in less than 10 minutes.
Perhaps they spoke about the fact that the president had just lifted the US arms embargo on Vietnam.


mind-boggling - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から



Most garbage floating in the ocean gathers in these 5 giant patches

Trash from all over the world collects in the world’s oceans. Eventually, most of it ends up in one of five known major swirling patches of garbage. These are known as the five gyres.

For the past 35 years, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists have released buoys into the sea to track ocean current. In this visualization, they use the data from these buoys to show just how these garbage gyres form.



Oxford Dictionary of English (Second Edition Reserved, Oxford University Press)によると、” a circular pattern of currents in an ocean basin”とのことでした。また語源は、ギリシャ語のguros、そしてラテン語のgyrusだそうです。gyrusは” a ring”という意味だそうです。

