常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

tummy 復習


This black labrador and Michael Jackson share one thing in common

Rowdy first starting showing signs of the condition over two years ago and has left him with two distinct, mask-like white spots over his eyes and one big one on his tummy. Obviously quite striking and uncommon, Rowdy's humans Niki and Tim Umbenhower were often asked by passers by if they dyed his fur.

Famously, the late singer Michael Jackson also suffered from a severe case of vitiligo which spread across most of his body causing a dramatic change in skin colouring.

While not life threatening, sufferers from vitiligo can often experience bullying for their appearance and Rowdy is now using his minor celebrity status to help raise awareness for the condition and also to encourage people to see beyond the surface.

Which really does make him a superhero.




Oxford Dictionary of English (Second Edition Reserved, Oxford University Press)によると、 “a person’s stomach or abdomen”とのことでした。語源は、 “child’s pronunciation of STOMACH”と載っておりました。


ちなみに “a tummy bug”で「おなかの痛み」、 “tummy button”で「おへそ」となるようです。


「tummy」の検索結果 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

home-grown demagogue 復習


US election: We'll carry Clinton to victory, says Obama

US President Barack Obama has implored voters to help continue his legacy by carrying Hillary Clinton to victory at the polls in November.

Mr Obama praised Mrs Clinton at the Democratic convention in Philadelphia, as the most qualified person ever to run for the White House.

He said voters faced a choice between hope and fear, attacking "home-grown demagogue" Republican Donald Trump.

Mr Trump responded by rejecting the president's optimistic portrayal.
"Our country does not feel 'great already' to the millions of wonderful people living in poverty, violence and despair," he said on Twitter.

Mr Obama recounted his key victories over his past eight years in office and painted an optimistic future.

He extolled Mrs Clinton's character, calling her a "leader with real plans to break down barriers, blast through glass ceilings and widen the circle of opportunity to every single American".

Mr Obama described his nation as "full of courage", "decent and generous", but also concerned about racial divisions and "frustrated with political gridlock".

記事の中で気になった表現は、"home-grown demagogue"です。


次に、"demagogue"を見てみると、「扇動する人、扇動政治家」とあり、LDOCEでも確認してみると、"a political leader who tries to make people feel strong emotions in order to influence their opinions - used to show disapproval"とありました。


brazen and methodical slaughter - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

without a hitch 復習

青森県五所川原市では, 今年も「立佞武多(たちねぷた)祭り」が開催される予定です。

Neputa floats captivate festival-goers

AOMORI — The tachineputa parade — an annual procession of towering neputa statues of warriors and other historical figures — offers a spectacular summer-night pageant for visitors to Goshogawara, Aomori Prefecture.

On the nights of Aug. 4 to 8 every year, three floats of tall, colorfully decorated statues are pulled along crowded streets in the central part of Goshogawara. The statues’ heights are about 23 meters, as tall as a seven-story building, presenting a stunning sight to visitors to the annual festival.

Goshogawara is located near the center of the Tsugaru Peninsula.


During the annual festival, huge neputa statues are pulled out of a gate at the side of Tachineputa no Yakata. “When they come out without a hitch, the spectators applaud,” Fukushi said. “To me, that moment is a real thrill.”

In 2010, tachineputa were designated as an intangible folk cultural asset by the city government.



本日取り上げる表現は “without a hitch” です。

“hitch” は動詞「ひっかける, からまる」という意味で知られていますが, 『リーダーズ英和中辞典』(研究社)に “without a hitch” は, 「すらすらと, 首尾よく」と記されていました。The Free Dictionary.com には “with no problem(s)” と定義されています。

年にたった一度の晴れ舞台で, すべての山車がトラブルなく姿を現す様子を “without a hitch” と表現していることがわかります。(Cayu)

PS “hitch” の詳しい用例が過去に取り上げられていました。
hitch - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

Rain, rain, gone away


Rain, rain, gone away

A woman shades herself under strong sunlight in the Ginza district of Tokyo on Thursday, when the Japan Meteorological Agency announced the end of the rainy season in the Kanto region. This year’s announcement came seven days later than average and 18 days later than last year. Due to a high-pressure system, temperatures in many parts of the region soared from the morning. In Nerima Ward, Tokyo, it was 30.6 C as of 1 p.m.


今回気になったのは見出しの“Rain, rain, gone away”です。
何かの詩だと思い、調べてみるとマザーグースの“Rain Rain Go Away”という歌の一節のもじりだということがわかりました。

Rain rain go away, Come again another day. [ ] wants to play. Rain rain go away.

Youtubeでいくつか歌を聴いてみたところ、[ ]の部分には人の名前が入るらしく、名前を変えて繰り返しこの一節が歌われていました。

この詩は雨が止んでほしいことを願い、go awayで「雨よ、あっちに行け!」という気持ちが伝わってきますが、今回の記事ではgone awayにすることで「やっと長い梅雨がどこかへ過ぎ去った」というニュアンスが含まれていることが分かります。(flyingbird)

shady game

Air Milesが,ポイントで購入可能な商品のポイント数を故意的に改ざんしていました。消費者らの情報でこの事件が発覚しました。

'A shady game': Air Miles hiding merchandise from us, claim customers

Air Miles is hiding certain merchandise from collectors who have enough points to buy it, claim some customers.
But the loyalty rewards programs contends that's not the case. Instead, it says it offers a personalized experience where members' online access to products is streamlined according to their tastes.


今回取り上げる表現は,“shady game”です。まず,“shady”から見ていきます。この表現は,「陰の多い,陰になっている」といった意味で知られています。しかし,今回の場合,異なる意味で用いられています。Merriam-Websterを見てみると,“seeming to be dishonest”とあり,また,『ジーニアス英和辞典』(大修館書店)には,「疑わしい,胡散臭い,怪しい」と記載されていました。

次に“game”を見ていきます。ここでの意味は,「試合,ゲーム」などではなく,“A type of activity or business regarded as a game”(Oxford Dictionary)として用いられています。これらと記事を踏まえて考えてみると,“shady game”で,「詐欺疑惑」となるのではでしょうか。(Nao)

cannabis 復習


Rampage suspect ‘suddenly changed’ in Feb.

SAGAMIHARA, Kanagawa — The suspect in a mass killing Tuesday at a welfare facility for intellectually disabled people in Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture, suddenly changed his attitude toward the facility’s staff and residents beginning around February, according to the director of the facility, where the suspect used to work.

Satoshi Uematsu, 26, was arrested on suspicion of fatally stabbing 19 people and injuring 26 at the Tsukui Yamayuri-en facility.

The facility’s director said at a press conference Wednesday that Uematsu began making a series of prejudiced remarks, such as, “[Disabled people] should die.” The press conference, held by director Kaoru Irikura, 59, and others who belong to Kanagawa Kyodo-kai, a social welfare corporation that operates the facility, was the first since the incident occurred.


The Kanagawa prefectural police searched Uematsu’s house on Wednesday. They seized part of a plant leaf in a small bag and will check the leaf, suspecting it is a kind of cannabis, the sources said. They also conducted mandatory urine collection on Uematsu based on a warrant issued by a court to see if the suspect was using cannabis.



今回取り上げるのはcannabisです。 “They seized part of a plant leaf in a small bag and will check the leaf” という部分から、薬物関連の植物の葉のことではないかと思われました。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で調べてみますと、「1インド麻、大麻 2カンナビス、大麻(インド麻から作られる麻薬)」という意味であることがわかりました。LDOCEには “an illegal drug that is usually smoked [= marijuana American English]” とありました。 “especially British English” とありましたので、cannabisはイギリス英語で用いられることばのようです。


cannabis - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

cannabis - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から



Obama Passes Baton of Optimism to Clinton

PHILADELPHIA — President Obama delivered a stirring valedictory address at the Democratic convention Wednesday night, hailing Hillary Clinton as his rightful political heir and the party’s best hope to protect democracy from “homegrown demagogues” like the Republican Donald J. Trump.


今回取り上げるのは、“valedictory” /vælədíktəri/という表現です。

LDOCEで調べてみると、“a speech or statement in which you say goodbye when you are leaving a school, job etc, especially on a formal occasion”と定義されていました。また『ジーニアス英和辞典』(大修館書店)には、「告別の、別れの」といった意味が記載されていました。この記事の“valedictory”は、オバマ大統領が任期を満了して退任されることを表しています。(ninetails)

woo 復習


Sapporo woos Asian tourists with dazzling nighttime vistas

SAPPORO--Hokkaido’s capital city is promoting its allure to Asian tourists by talking up Sapporo’s enchanting nighttime views of sparkling lights.

Chosen last year as one of “Japan’s top three night views” by the Tokyo-based Yakei (night view) Convention & Visitors Bureau, Sapporo sent city government officials to Ho Chi Minh City to promote the northern city to Vietnamese travel companies and media at the night view summit on July 27.

Last October, about 4,500 “night view authenticators” voted for the most beautiful night views in Japan. Sapporo was chosen as No. 2, following the top-ranked Nagasaki. Kobe took third spot to complete the top three night views in Japan.

Stunning night views from Mount Moiwa and the Sapporo TV Tower were apparently appreciated by the authenticators.

The number of sightseers using the Mount Moiwa Ropeway and tourists to the Sapporo TV Tower increased 1.3 times and 1.1 times, respectively, since Sapporo made the top three.

“The selection of Japan’s top three night views takes place once every three years,” an official with the Sapporo tourism promotion division said. “Making the maximum use of this opportunity, we want to promote night view spots in various part of Sapporo that can be appreciated regardless of the season.”


今回の表現は、見出しにある“woo”です。『ウィズダム英和辞典』(第3版、三省堂)を引いたところ、「〈人〉に«…するように»せがむ、頼む «to do »;〈人〉に支持を切望する」とありました。見返りを求めて懇願する様子を含意しているとも書かれていました。

LDOCEでは、“to try to persuade someone to do something such as buy something from you, vote for you, or work for you – used in news reports”と定義されていました。新聞などで使われる独特な表現のようです。

今回の場合、アジアの旅行者を獲得する努力をしているという内容だったので、「招致する」といったような意味で用いられているのではないかと思います。(Blue Sky)


woo - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

woo #2 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から










rah-rah support for


Our favorite monster returns to terrorize Japan in ‘Shin Godzilla

Norman England is a life-long Godzilla fan and former reporter for Fangoria magazine who has spent months on “Godzilla” film sets and saw “Shin Godzilla” last month at a special industry screening. He notes a dramatic departure in the new film from the series’ traditional pacifistic stance.

“This is the first film in the series to go for the jugular in trying to elicit rah-rah support for the military and sympathy for the government,” England says, likening the film’s not-so-subtle nationalism to the blatant flag-waving found in Roland Emmerich’s 1996 sci-fi epic “Independence Day.”

Godzilla was originally imagined as a metaphor for the horrors of war and the devastation war brings to people, whether deserved or not,” he continues. “How this new approach will play domestically and internationally is anyone’s guess.”

Toho has an answer of sorts: It has sold “Shin Godzilla” to nearly 100 territories. In the United States, Funimation Entertainment has acquired the film for a late 2016 theatrical debut. This does not guarantee that it will be a success there — or here for that matter. Emmerich’s 1998 “Godzilla,” which reimagined the titular character as a kind of giant iguana, received a similar worldwide release but was a box-office disappointment in both North America and Japan, the latter of which should have been its strongest overseas market.




Oxford Dictionary of English (Second Edition Reserved, Oxford University Press)によると、 “marked by great or uncritical enthusiasm or excitement”とのことでした。名詞としても使われるようです。また語源は “reduplication of RAH”とのことでした。


ちなみに “rah-rah skirt”で「(チアリーダーがはくような)ひだ飾り付きのミニスカート」となるようです。元気な感じが伝わってきます。
