常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

cask #2

 マルコ醸造がこだわりの製法を続ける, 「百年伝承味噌」の紹介記事から表現を取り上げます。

Travelers’ Treasures / Hyakunen Densho Miso (Soybean paste made with 100 years of tradition)

Today the majority of miso is mass-produced in a short period of time by machines. However, Marukojozo Co. has continued to earnestly make miso that shares the local flavor since its establishment in 1898.


It is the only rice/wheat/soybean miso in Japan that uses three types of the best rice malt produced only by hand by experienced craftsmen using wooden casks.



 気になった語は “cask” / kɑsk / です。『リーダーズ英和中辞典』(研究社)を引いたところ, 「樽, 桶」とあり, “a cask of cider” 「りんご酒一樽」という用例が記されていました。The Free Dictionary.comには, “a sturdy cylindrical container for storing liquids; a barrel” と定義されています。
“cask” と類音語で, ひさしが特徴の帽子に「キャスケット」というものがありますが, これはフランス語で “casquette” と表記することがわかりました。英語では “cap” にあたり, 一方 “casket” は「(貴重品を入れる)小箱, (特別上等な)ひつぎ」を指すそうです。(同英和辞典)(Cayu)

cask - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

repository 復習


Okinoshima joins World Heritage sites

KRAKOW, Poland — The UNESCO World Heritage Committee on Sunday added the island of Okinoshima, an ancient ritual site in the Munakata region of Fukuoka Prefecture, to the U.N. cultural agency’s list of World Heritage sites.


Okinoshima is called the “Shoso-in repository of the sea,” as the island has records of national ritual services that were held during the fourth to ninth centuries. These ritual services involved praying for maritime safety when intense exchanges were taking place between the polities in the Japanese archipelago, the Korean Peninsula and on the Asian continent.


 “repository”を取り上げます。『ウィズダム英和辞典』(第3版、三省堂)を引いたところ、「(知識・資源などの)宝庫;物知り、生き字引き」とありました。LDOCEでは“a place or container in which large quantities of something are stored”と定義されています。“repository”の中に含まれている“posit”には「置く」という意味があります。“posit”が含まれる単語には「置く」や「預金する」という意味を持つ“deposit”があります。

 ちなみに、“repository”はIT用語で「リポジトリ」として日本語になっています。複数のデータなどが体系立てて保管されている、一種のデータベースを指すそうです(Wikipedia)。(Blue Sky)

ceasefire #3


Ceasefire takes effect in Syria

BEIRUT (Reuters) — A ceasefire deal for southwestern Syria took effect at noon on Sunday, the latest international attempt at peacemaking in the country’s six-year war.
The United States, Russia and Jordan reached a ceasefire and “de-escalation agreement” on Friday meant to halt fighting between Syrian government forces and rebel groups in the southwest.



 LDOCEでは“an agreement to stop fighting for a period of time, especially so that a more permanent agreement can be made”と定義されており「停戦、休戦」となることがわかりました。

 「停戦協定」は“a ceasefire agreement”です。

 トランプ政権発足後初となるシリア和平に向けた取り組みとなりますが、これまで停戦とその崩壊が繰り返されてきたので持続が不透明となっています。(flying bird)

ceasefire - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

ceasefire 復習 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

den 復習


Ueno Zoo giraffe gets new partner after living alone for 2 years

Hinata is no longer the only giraffe at Tokyo’s Ueno Zoo.

The 7-year-old male giraffe was left in solitude when his mate, Koharu, died in 2015.

But Ringo, a female, has been living with Hinata in the same compound since June 12. She moved to the zoo in the middle of April from the Morioka Zoological Park in Iwate Prefecture, where she was born and raised.


“The giraffe is a species that lives in groups, but the couple sleep in separate dens now,” said Naoya Takahashi, a zookeeper in charge of an education program at the facility. “We just need to keep watching how they can get along.”


 den /dén/ を取り上げます。動物の檻といえばcageが浮かびましたが、denも檻を表しているようです。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で調べると、「1(野獣の)巣、穴、ほら穴、(動物園の)おり 2(略式、主に米)私室(こぢんまりして気持ちよく使える部屋、書斎、仕事部屋など)3 (盗賊などの)巣窟」とあります。そこまで広くはなく、人や動物が収まる程度のスペースがあることが共通しています。

 LDOCEには “the home of some animals, for example lions or foxes” や “a place where secret or illegal activities take place” などと定義されています。

 語源を調べてみると諸説あるようですが、 “Old English denn "wild animal's lair,"” (Online Etymology Dictionary) とあるように、動物のすみかを表す古英語からきていることがわかりました。(aqua)

venture into the lion’s den #2 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

olfactory 復習


Smelling food linked to weight gain in new study

Smelling food could lead the body to store it rather than burn it off, the team believes.

“This paper is one of the first studies that really shows if we manipulate olfactory inputs we can actually alter how the brain perceives energy balance, and how the brain regulates energy balance,” said Céline Riera, of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.




 Oxford Dictionary of English (Second Edition Reserved, Oxford University Press)には、 “relating to the sense of smell”と書かれておりました。 語源はラテン語のolfactusで “a smell”という意味だそうです。

 olfactoryは専門的な用語で、一般的に使われるのは “sharp-nose”(「嗅覚の鋭敏な」)や “keen nose”(「鋭い嗅覚」)、 “sense of smell”などが多いようです。(『新和英大辞典』第五版,研究社)(Gomez)

olfactory - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

circulator 復習


例:"circuit"「1周」「回路」 "circumlocution"「回りくどい表現」「婉曲話法」


Good things come to those who wait.


 先般,大分の往路で同社のCAの方に,「うちのゼミ生が明日,日曜日に羽田空港で3次試験を受けるんです」と伝えると,「そこまで来ておられるのなら絶対,大丈夫ですよ!」と念を押されたはずなのに2週間近くもなしのつぶて...。電話があったのはやっと本日...,それもゼミの時間帯に...(涙)。「果報は寝て待て」とはこのことなのでしょうか。一時はPlan Bも考えはじめていたところでした。







以上、簡単ではありますが一次試験のご報告とさせていただきます。これからますます気温が上がってまいります。どうぞご自愛ください。(ninetails 某国立大学院 M1)

lick into shape

 AW(2017年6月25日号)から印象深いフレーズを取り上げます。それがlick into shapeです。

 AWにあった例文は The new manager licked them into shape.です。直訳すると「舐めて形にする」となります。これだと「新しいマネージャーは彼らを舐めて形にしました。」と,変なイメージが浮かび,しっくりとはきません。

 一応,辞書を引いてみますが,探し当てることはできませんでした。そこでネットの和訳サイトを調べると「(半人前を)一人前に仕立てる、物にする」という記述に出会いました (ex.新英和中辞典)。



Hello from NZ

Hi friends, the weather down here in Hamilton has been mostly cloudy. Are you guys enjoying summer?

Last weekend, I went to Raglan again with my home-mate. It was raining on and off all day that day. It took about 45 minutes from a Raglan bus stop to the beach. Fortunately, on our way, the sunshine was coming out. There were lots of puddles on the beach. It was so amazing!

On the bus coming back home, I met a Japanese man. He said you should be proud of your industrial skills. While people in New Zealand cherish products, especially cars for a long time, people in Japan change their cars once 3-5 years. However, thanks to that habit(?), Japanese cars are popular around the world. In fact, in New Zealand, most cars running here are made in Japan. I'd like to drive and enjoy the country some day (we have the same British traffic system here!).

By the way, another semester (called "B") started today! I registered as a buddy of Study Abroad Network though I will stay here only about three weeks more. I really hope I could take part in some events before going back to Japan.

Have a nice week! Kiora! (Ayako)

pathologist 復習


Grenfell fire: Police say 255 people survived the blaze

Investigating officers at the police briefing said the Grenfell investigation was the biggest the Met had conducted outside of counter-terrorism operations.
There are 250 specialist investigators working on the Met's operation, including the process of identifying those who died, and finding out how the fire started.
Scotland Yard said forensic pathologists were sieving through debris in the building to look for human remains.
"Phase one" of the operation - removing identifiable bodies - has now been completed.
All remains have been scanned for objects which may be used to identify victims, such as surgical implants, personal jewellery, glasses and teeth.


ご指名質問 obsessive (カメ女) - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
obsessive - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から