常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

condensation 復習


Anti-condensation in winter

One of the troublesome elements of winter is condensation forming on glass windows and elsewhere. Curtains, floors and other parts of the home get wet and can lead to mold if not dealt with properly.



condensation /ˌkɒndenˈseɪʃən/ を取り上げます。文脈から「結露」を指しているのではないかと考えました。

ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版、大修館書店)では「凝縮したもの、結露、(気体の)凝縮、凝結、(液体の)濃縮、(物語・思想などの)要約」とあります。また、LDOCEでは “small drops of water that are formed when steam or warm air touches a cold surface” “when a gas becomes a liquid” “the act of making something shorter” と定義されています。Oxford Living DictionariesをみるとEarly 17th century: from late Latin condensatio(n-), from condensare ‘press close together’ (see condense).と語源が載っていました。


My impressions of the teacher training seminar in Utsunomiya

My fellow members and I went to K junior high school in Tochigi prefecture and took part in an English teaching training for teachers.

Firstly, we observed an English class and saw it from three points of view. Those were elaborations on a language activities to achieve an aim, elaborations to aware of scenes and work of a language and teacher’s encouragements to deepen their learning.

Secondly, teachers present (+ Tanabe semiar students) were divided into two groups and made some comments on the class. What impressed me most was all teachers not only pointed something out but also suggested their advice and solutions on the basis of their experiences.

Finally, I learned that it was really difficult to teach English. I want to learn the way more.I had a wonderful time and appreciated to Dr. UG and all of them for giving us such as a great opportunity. (Otoyo)

dole out 復習


Disney World 2019 preview: Star Wars and much more

The biggest news at Disney World for 2019 – really, the biggest theme park news in years – will be the debut of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge. But wigged-out Obi-Wannabes will need to heed Yoda’s advice: Patience you must have. The land isn’t expected to open until the fall, after the prime summer season. But there are many other cool things on the way to Mickey’s Florida mega-resort in the coming year.


The Mouse has been doling out details about the Star Wars lands it has been developing at Disney’s Hollywood Studios and Disneyland (the California Galaxy’s Edge is scheduled to open in the summer) in dribs and drabs, and the full picture has yet to come into full focus.



 dole outを取り上げます。目的語にdetailsがきているので、情報を「発表する」という意味ではないかと考えました。
 まず『ウィズダム英和辞典』を引いたところ、「≪人に≫(少しずつ)〈金・食物など〉を分け与える[支給する](out)≪to≫」とありました。また、LDOCEでは“to give something such as money, food, advice etc to more than one person”と定義されています。これらの定義より、スターウォーズのエリアに関する情報が徐々に明らかになっていることをdole outを用いて表しているのだと思われます。
 ちなみに、『ウィズダム英和辞典』でdoleを引くと、doleの項目のはじめには、名詞で「失業手当;生活保護」という意味が載っていました。ここから動詞の意味は想像することができます。(Blue Sky)
dole out - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

turn my swag on 復習

 手始めに、Urban Dictionaryを参考程度に調べてみますと、”to put on one’s clothes and accessories, including jewelry, watch and general billing”とありました。ここで、改めてその表現を見つけたInstagramのポストに戻ってみました。”hop out of bed”と前置きがあったことから、「さあ!支度を始めるよ!!」的な意訳でまとめられると考えられます。これらの単語は総じて、スラングの類に含まれます。友人との会話の幅を少しでも広げるためにこう行った表現をどんどん覚えていきたいです。(WREN@Nebraska)

swag - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から


My impressions on Tochigi seminar

On December 14th, we participated in a teacher development seminar held in Tochigi. Let me tell you about it.

We had three sections in the seminar. First, we observed an English class by Ms. T. Second, we took part in a group reflection session by teachers commenting on her class. Third, Dr. Tanabe gave us a mini-talk about her class, together with some tips to improve teaching in general.

There were 35 students in her class. They concentrated their attention on some activities from the beginning to the end. With the grammar point of "can”(asking someone to do something), Ms. T showed her students lifting a box and asked her class assistant to open the door by using "Can I open the door?" Actually, the box was empty and light, but she acted as if it was really heavy. It reminded me of Dr. Tanabe’s advice, “A teacher is an actor, too.” I thought demonstration was important to get them understood and useful to explain when we use grammar in our conversation.

After that, we reviewed what we had learned throughout her class. I took notes as close as possible, but it was not that clear. The English teachers present had sharp eyes, and their opinions were right to the points. I learned a lot from them, and thought I had to think a lot of things logically as they were connected.

I had a wonderful time, and am grateful to everyone who gave me a chance to take part in the seminar. (aqua)


金曜日は宇都宮で栃木県中核教員研修でした。そして日曜日は研究室で編集会議...。No rest for the w...





Oh!これはspaced repetitionではないかい!


Utsunomiya teacher development meeting

My fellow students and I attended the teacher development session.

It was a valuable experience for me. Looking back, I had two things I should reflect on.

First is about speaking clearly in public. When I gave my opinions to some teachers in the second round of the session, I just mumbled. Maybe, some people couldn’t catch my voice and what I wanted to say. This is really a basic thing about speaking. I want to keep it in mind.

Secondly, I should always use my brains. in the workshop, Dr. Tanabe gave me a question, but I wasn’t able to reply to his question quickly enough.

I got a fascinating time. Thank you so much to Dr. Tanabe for giving me a valuable opportunity. (amphibian)

high-profile 復習


The Yokohama District Court on Friday sentenced a 26-year-old jobless man to 18 years in prison over a high-profile fatal road rage incident in Kanagawa Prefecture in June 2017.

 high-profileを取り上げます。『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第四版、大修館書店)には「〈仕事などが〉注目を集める」とありました。LDOCEには“attracting a lot of public attention, usually deliberately”と定義されています。

high-profile - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
high-profile 復習 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
high-profile 復習 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
high-profile 復習 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

whittle 復習


Trial model for world’s fastest Shinkansen shown in Hyogo

KOBE--East Japan Railway Co. rolled out on Dec. 12 the prototype of the Alfa-X, a next-generation Shinkansen, which aims to hit a speed of 360 kph and become the world's fastest train.


The sides of the 16-meter-long nose have a whittled design that aims to help it aerodynamically slash through pressure waves that are produced when a train enters a tunnel.



 whittle /(h)wíṭl/ を取り上げます。実際の記事には試験車両の写真が載せられていたのですが、その形からこの単語はsharpに近い意味なのではないかと考えました。
 まず『ウィズダム英和辞典』を引いたところ、「〈物・数など〉を徐々に小さくする、減らす(down);〈力・価値など〉を弱める(away)」とありました。また、LDOCEでは“to gradually make something smaller by taking parts away”と定義されています。次世代の新幹線の鼻は徐々に細くなっていく仕様になっていたので、その形を表しているのだと思います。写真を見るとイメージがしやすくなると思うので、上記のURLから飛んで確認してみてください。(Blue Sky)

whittle down 復習 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
whittle down#2 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
whittle down - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

abet 復習


The boat's owner, Japanese business Hamada Suisan Co. Ltd., and JF Zengyoren, a Japanese fishing cooperative that the vessel belongs to, were charged with aiding and abetting the trafficking and smuggling of 962 shark fins, the U.S. attorney's office in Hawaii said. The boat's captain, fishing master and first engineer were also charged.



気になったのはabet /əˈbet/ です。文脈から「助ける」となるのではないかと推測しました。

ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版、大修館書店)では「(人)の悪事を助ける、...をそそのかして...を犯させる、(人)の犯罪を幇助する」とあります。また、LDOCEでは “to help someone do something wrong or illegal” と定義されています。Oxford Living DictionariesをみるとLate Middle English (in the sense ‘urge to do something good or bad’): from Old French abeter, from a- (from Latin ad ‘to, at’) + beter ‘hound, urge on’.と語源が載っていました。


abet - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から