S+Resample for V7

 S+Resample の Beta version 8, for S-PLUS 7.0 がリリースされたようです.http://www.insightful.com/downloads/libraries
 作者の Hesterberg さんのサイト.http://www.insightful.com/Hesterberg/bootstrap
 そこで紹介されている http://bcs.whfreeman.com/pbs/cat_160/PBS18.pdf はブートストラップのとてもよい入門解説です.


The view that randomized controlled trials are the 'gold standard' for evaluation and that observational methods have little additional value is widely accepted. (...) However, results from a study comparing the results of observational and randomized, controlled stuidies in 19 different fields of medicine suggest that observational studies usually do provide valid additional information*1.
One of the major reasons to conduct observational studies is the potentially limited external validity of the results of the randomized controlled trial. (...) For example, healthcare providers in the setting of clinical trials may be unrepresentative, e.g. because they are innovators. (...) Furthermore, the treatment in the trial may be atypical.  For example, patients included in trials may receive different care due to intensified follow-up.

    • 'Channelling bias' というものがあって,

when a new drug comes onto the market, a large pool of subjects with insufficient response or adverse drug reactions on existing medications is present.  These patients will be prone to be treated with the new medication and thereby introduce a bias in the population treated with that medication and the treatment outcomes.  Therefore, channelling bias has to be taken into account when extrapolating the results from randomized controlled trials to the setting of care-as-usual.

    • だから,今回は care-as-usual での観察研究を実施したのだ!

p. と pp.



page.略記は p.,複数の略記は pp.;2 ページ目から 7 ページ目は pp.2-7 と記す.


(1)「30 ページから 31 ページまで」は pp.30-31 または pp. 30 f. (page thirty following);通例 p.30-p.31 とは書かない.
(2)pp.56-92 のように多ページにわたる時は pp.56ff. (page fifty-six and the following pages) のように終りのページを示さないで,ff. を用いることが多い.


ff, ff.(略語)(and the) following (pages, lines, etc).see p.35ff (35 ページ以下を見よ)のように用いる.
