
  • Peter Lockwood, Wayne Ewy, David Hermann and Nick Holford (2006) Pharm Res, "Application of Clinical Trial Simulation to Compare Proof-of-Concept Study Designs for Drugs with a Slow Onset of Effect; An Example in Alzheimer's Disease" (link)
    • プレゼンの準備として再読。
  • de Winter W, DeJongh J, Post T, Ploeger B, Urquhart R, Moules I, Eckland D, Danhof M.J (2006) J PKPD, "A mechanism-based disease progression model for comparison of long-term effects of pioglitazone, metformin and gliclazide on disease processes underlying Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus" (link)
    • これを見落としていた。Rivoglitazone の論文 (link) で refer している。