


『守ってあげたい』 松任谷由実

松任谷由実の『昨晩お会いしましょう』という、わざと日本語の時制文法を踏みにじったタイトルのアルバムの中の一曲。シングルカットされて大ヒットしたと思うので、誰でも知ってる、あの歌です。『守ってあげたい』なんていう言葉は男が女にいう言葉だとずっと思ってきた人達にとっては、女から言われて凄いショックを受けてしまったと思う。でもさすがユーミン、時代の先取りはおてのものですね。いつのまにか、男言葉とか女言葉とかっていう垣根はどんどん崩れ始めて、女性が『ぼく』と言おうが、男性が『おねぇ言葉』を使おうが、その人のキャラとして認知、全然問題なしの時代となりつつあります。^^; この『守ってあげたい』はとても爽やかで気持ちのいい曲です。守ってあげたいといっても、歌詞の内容は、『あなたの夢を、、或いは、夢を追い続けるあなたを守ってあげたい、、』といったもので、男が女を守るってのとはちょっと違ってます。つい、ワンダーウーマンとか、エイリアンと戦うシガニーウィーバーでしたっけ? 凄い強い女、、あんな感じを想像しちまいますけど、、、あはは。


土曜日にたくあんの『本漬け』と白菜の漬物を作りました。写真をとっておけば良かったんたけれど、すっかり忘れてました。^^; たくあんの方は『たくげん』でつけるものだけ『本漬け』にしました。『たくげん』に説明書きの分量の塩と砂糖を混ぜて漬け込む『素』を作って、それを少しずつ、五日間ほど仮漬けした大根に混ぜながら本漬けしました。白菜は、三日間ほど日陰干ししたものを流水で洗って、『白菜漬けの素』とともに漬け込みました。どちらも、15キロから20キロ程度にしています。そんなに沢山作っても食いきれるかどうか微妙なので、、。それにどちらもそれ程日持ちしません。漬け上がると冷蔵庫で保存ってことになるかもしれないので、少しずつ作って食いたいと思います。

Tobacco should be legal

Last week, I said hard drugs should not be legal. This week, I have to say tobacco should not be illegal. Some say both tobacco and hard drugs are the same. So, you think I’m crazy or selfish because I don’t admit the legitimacy of hard drugs while I admit one for tobacco. I’d like to say two things to support my opinion.

One of them is that tobacco is treated as one of the favorites under the Japanese law. Therefore, smoking is one of the certain people’s favorites. Some people like listening to country music and some love cakes. Some love doing sports and some love eating delicious dishes. Smoking is a kind of such habits. Recently, a lot of people complain about smokers. Some smokers don’t keep manners. Some smokers don’t care about their health. Of course they don’t care about other people’s health, either. However, we can say the same things to people who love listening to country music and people who love cakes. Some people are listening to country music at full volume on the train without any consideration for others and the people who love cakes get sick due to eating too much and bear down upon national insurance. Why tobacco is categorized in the genre of favorites is that tobacco is not so harmful. I agree with the opinion which tobacco is addictive and it’s the same to hard drugs. But, to stop smoking is easier than to stop using hard drugs. According to the certain study, nicotine included in tobacco seems to have the power to make our brain activate. At the other aspect, tobacco is said to have the power to restrain our stress.  Also, there is a very interesting result of the study about smokers. They say the smokers who are over 60 years old can stop smoking easily because their stresses are set free from the responsibilities in the society. Long time ago, the famous female singer said smoking tobacco was useful to lose weight. It made our appetite reduce. If you believe or not, there was a person saying tobacco was very good to survive in hunger age which we could predict in our future.

Another is about something called caffeine like nicotine. What is caffeine? Caffeine is a drug that is naturally produced in the leaves and seeds of many plants. It's also produced artificially and added to certain foods. It's part of the same group of drugs sometimes used to treat asthma.
Caffeine is defined as a drug because it stimulates the central nervous system, causing increased heart rate and alertness. Most people who are sensitive to caffeine experience a temporary increase in energy and elevation in mood. Caffeine is included in coffee and tea, too. Like nicotine, caffeine is addictive, too. If you are a person who drinks ten or more cups of coffee or tea a day, you also have the possibility to be one of the caffeine addicted people.

We have to compare two things because both nicotine and caffeine are a kind of drug. Both have the same characters. Both are addictive but it’s relatively easy to get well from addicted conditions. But neither nicotine nor caffeine is illegal. I think both are similar very much. If you say tobacco is bad for health, you also have to say caffeine in coffee and tea is bad for health, too. Likings and favorites should belong to personal tendencies. Others can say nothing about it.
If the reason why tobacco should not be legal is that it’s so bad for our health, I cannot agree with it. If so, there are a lot of bad habits we should be illegal except tobacco. If so, I don’t know which is better, to become cancer due to smoking tobacco a lot, or to become diabetes due to eating too much sweets for desert. Some people have been complaining about smoking. But listening to them carefully, they say something about the manners. If so, I’d like you to think about what I saw in Canada. In city of Vancouver, people were drinking coffee and tea as walking, especially in the morning, because they are so busy. But in Japan, It’s very, very bad manners. If elderly people look at the people doing such things, what would they do? Whether or not, we have to keep the manners. Tea time and Smoking time. I think both are great.

My conclusion is that tobacco should not be illegal.