OpenCV 1.1pre1, October, 2008 の ChangeLog

ChangeLog から 1.1pre1 の項を抜き出した を見てみると,リビジョン番号は 1.15 らしい

                      OpenCV 1.1pre1, October, 2008

>>> New functionality/features: <<<

  - General:
    * Octave bindings have been added. See interfaces/swig/octave (for now, Linux only)
    * [Windows] OpenCV is now built with VS2005 with SSE2 and OpenMP support
      included (if you want to rebuild OpenCV using Express or
      Standard Edition of VS, use _make\opencv.vs2005.no_openmp.sln).
    * [Windows] Python bindings have been updated to use Python 2.6
    * [Windows] cvcam has been removed (as videoInput is now supported by highgui)

    * Speeded-up Robust Features (SURF), contributed by Liu Liu.
      see samples/c/find_obj.cpp and the documentation opencvref_cv.htm
    * Many improvements in camera calibration:
      - Added stereo camera calibration: cvStereoCalibrate, cvStereoRectify etc.
      - Single camera calibration now uses Levenberg-Marquardt method and supports
        extra flags to switch on/off optimization of individual camera parameters
      - The optional 3rd radial distortion parameter (k3*r^6) is now supported in
        every calibration-related function
    * 2 stereo correspondence algorithms:
      - very fast block matching method by Kurt Konolige
        (processes the Tsukuba stereo pair in <10ms on Core2Duo laptop)
      - slow but more accurate graph-cut based algorithm by Kolmogorov and Zabin
    * Better homography estimation algorithms (RANSAC and LMEDs)
    * new C++ template image classes contributed by Daniel Filip (Google inc.).
      see opencv/cxcore/include/cvwimage.h
    * Fast approximate nearest neighbor search (by Xavier Delacour)
    * Codebook method for background/foreground segmentation (by Gary Bradski)
    * Sort function (contributed by Shiqi Yu)
    * [OpenCV+IPP] Face Detection (cvHaarDetectObjects) now runs much faster
      (up to 2x faster) when using IPP 5.3 or higher.
    * Much faster (~4x faster) fixed-point variant of cvRemap has been added

  - MLL:
    * Python bindings for MLL have been added. There are no samples yet.

  - HighGUI:
    * [Windows, 32bit] Added support for videoInput library.
      Hence, cvcam is [almost] not needed anymore
    * [Windows, 32bit] FFMPEG can now be used for video decoding/encoding
      via ffopencv*.dll
    * [Linux] Added unicap support
    * Improved internal video capturing and video encoding APIs

  - Documentation:
    * OpenCV book has been published (sold separately :) see docs/index.htm)

  - New samples (opencv/samples):
    * Many Octave samples
    * find_obj.cpp (SURF), bgfg_codebook.cpp (Codebook BG/FG segmentation),
      stereo_calib.cpp (Stereo calibration and stereo correspondence)

>>> Bug fixes: <<<
     Many thanks to everybody who submitted bug reports and/or provided the patches!

    * added dma_unlisten to icvCloseCAM_DC1394 (thanks to Victor Benso)
    * LMEDs algorithm for cvFindFundamentalMat estimation has been fixed
    * Broken debug build of highgui in VS2005/2008 (SF #2056185, SF #1709435)
    * cvFindChessboardCorners memory leak and incorrect size checks
      (SF #1972896, SF #1910323)
    * disabling GTK causes v4l runtime error (SF #2088102)
    * cvsetmousecallback bug (SF #2053529)
    * libhighgui needed deprecated "img_convert" replacement (SF #2011753)
    * Segfault in createsamples caused by uninitialized variable (SF #1977989)
    * Data Alignment Issue in bgfg_gaussmix (SF #1961755)
    * libpng need to be updated (SF #1952793)
    * cvCreateVideoWriter_Win32 - identifier not found (SF #1944254)
    * Bug in cvmorph.cpp (SF #1908844)
    * dilate (cvDilate) works bogus with default kernel (SF #1887130)
    * CvEM non-default constructor declared but not defined (SF #1830346)
    * cvFloodFill (in ver 1.0) Hangs (SF #1790565)
    * double delete in CvImage (SF #1733437)
    * cvFilter2D anchor default value is not working properly (SF #1713779)
    * cvCvtColor - Bug? in converting HSV2RGB (SF #1676344)
    * Invalid selection of the MKL-dll version in cvUseOptimized() (SF #1633017)
    * ...

>>> Known issues:
    * Borland compiler is not supported (but might work) in this update.
    * 64-bit Windows is not supported (but might work) in this update.
    * SF bug tracker still contains over 50 records of open bugs.
      Many of them will be addressed in the next update.




LDR: LdrpWalkImportDescriptor() failed to probe C:\lib\OpenCV\bin\cxcore110.dll for its manifest, ntstatus 0xc0150002

VS2005で、エラーコード0xc0150002のマニフェスト絡みのエラーが出たら、SP1へのアップグレードでなおる話。 - かせいさんとこが近いと思ったけど,現環境はVC++ EE 2008 の Version 9.0.30729.1 SP ッス.関係ないッス.




  • インクルードファイル
    • c:\lib\OpenCV\cvaux
    • c:\lib\OpenCV\cv
    • c:\lib\OpenCV\cxcore
    • c:\lib\OpenCV\otherlibs\ffopencv
    • c:\lib\OpenCV\otherlibs\highgui
    • c:\lib\OpenCV\ml\include
    • C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0\VC\INCLUDE
      • $(WindowsSdkDir)がご機嫌斜めだったため入れた
  • ライブラリファイル


_make\opencv.vs2005.slnをVS2008形式に変換して開く.OpenCVをOpenMPモードでコンパイルした - デーが大いに役立った.14個あるプロジェクトの内のcvとcxcoreを選択し,プロパティページを開く.「すべての構成」において,構成プロパティ>C/C++>言語を開き,OpenMPサポートを「はい(/openmp)」とする.さらに構成プロパティ>リンカ>入力を開き,追加の依存ファイルを登録する.Debug構成ではvcompd.libを,Release構成ではvcomp.libを追加させる.
omp.hを読むときに _DEBUG を undef する意義が分からないので,これは触らない.





1>zlib - エラー 0、警告 0
3>libpng - エラー 0、警告 0
2>cxcore - エラー 0、警告 0
5>libjpeg - エラー 0、警告 0
4>libtiff - エラー 0、警告 1
6>libjasper - エラー 0、警告 54
7>cv - エラー 718、警告 3
8>cxts - エラー 0、警告 0
9>ml - エラー 0、警告 0
10>cvaux - エラー 3、警告 1
12>cxcoretest - エラー 0、警告 0
11>highgui - エラー 0、警告 2
13>cvsample - エラー 0、警告 0
14>cvtest - エラー 1、警告 1
========== すべてリビルド: 11 正常終了、3 失敗、0 スキップ ==========