
新党は”中道、シオニスト、そして民主主義” 〜 イスラエルのバラク国防相

イスラエルのエフード・バラク防相Ehud Barak、b.1942)は17日、中道左派労働党を離党し、新党「アツマウート」(Atzmaut、Independence、独立)を結成すると記者会見で明らかにした。バラク氏は労働党の党首であった。

Israeli Defense Minister to set up new party CCTV News

中道かつシオニズム(ユダヤ人国家建設運動)路線の民主的政党を目指す [CNN]


バラク国防相が新党結成=政権には残留か、労働党分裂−イスラエル [時事通信]


イスラエル労働党分裂 バラク国防相ら離党 [MUSN-産経新聞]



BBC News - Ehud Barak quits Israel's Labour to form new party via kwout

[http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/ehud-barak-quits-labor-to-form-centrist-zionist-and-democratic-party-1.337493:title=Ehud Barak quits Labor to form 'centrist, Zionist and democratic' party] [Haaretz]

In the wake of waning support from his own ministers, Barak is forming a new faction called Atzmaut (Independence). He will be joined by four fellow Labor lawmakers - Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai, and members of Knesset Shalom Simhon, Einat Wilf and Ori Noked.

"We set out today toward independence," the 68-year-old Barak said in his official announcement at the Knesset. "We are creating a faction, a movement and eventually a party that will be centrist, Zionist and democratic."

"The top priority [of this movement] will be first and foremost the state, then the party, and only at the end, us," Barak told reporters. "We invite anyone who believes in this path to join."

"The State of Israel is faced with tests that are not simple" with regard to policy, defense and society, Barak said, declaring: "We are ready to confront these."

"Obama administration was furious with the defense minister for "deceiving" them about his political clout with regard to the peace process."
Netanyahu helped Barak leave Labor [Haaretz]

The process of Labor's split began two weeks ago, after a wave of attacks on the part of party ministers against Barak after senior U.S. officials told Haaretz that the Obama administration was furious with the defense minister for "deceiving" them about his political clout with regard to the peace process.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Obama's senior advisers say that for more than a year and a half Barak misled them about his persuasive powers with Netanyahu regarding his ability to bring him toward an agreement with the Palestinians.

A number of ministers from Netanyahu's Likud party and the right-wing Yisrael Beitenu have said that since the report emerged regarding the U.S. anger, the defense minister appeared at cabinet and Knesset meetings looking as though "his world had fallen apart".

A source who met with Barak on a recent weekend described his emotional state as "quite bad".

Talk to Al Jazeera - Ehud Barak - 4 Sep 08 - Part 1

イスラエル:労働党分裂、和平巡り下野 バラク副首相ら離党 [毎日新聞]

