Caffe Dell' Orso, The Best Italian caffe in Kyoto, Kansai and indeed possibly the whole Universe; the only Problem is... the Customers and Staff このイタリア風ナチュラルカッフェは最高です;残念ながらお客さんもスタッフもpsycho

熊を始めとする全ての毛深いアニマル、または種々の未開人よ、ようこそ!これぞ皆の居場所だ! Hairy animals and assorted barbarians welcome

ユージュアル・サスペクツ 映画を見た人なら分かるはず。The Usual Suspects. 左から:ルーツはマレーシアペナン島その後世界放浪成れの果て;ウラヌス13;裏磐梯;天国;生き地獄 The bloke on the right did it, by the way. And then, he was gong. I mean blong. No, I mean gone...

Uptight over-serious British customer on the left; bonkers Thai staff member on the right. Erm, well actually not. Ni-chan is a Thai staff member but she's not bonkers. As far as we know.

安全時間 The safest time to be in Dell' Orso?

左は日本人料理人、右はイタリアのマフィア親分でしょうか?(本当に最近来たお客さんでステファノを日本人と、(これで3回目らしい)サシャをイタリア人と思った人がいたらしい) Japanese chef on left; Italian mafioso on right.



Actually, it is fantastic. Check out the Ranmaru master's blog:
And that man knows his food. 実は素晴らしいお店ですと思う。らんまる師匠のブログの評論是非観て下さいませ

Ditto Michael Lambe's 'Deep Kyoto' site: DEEP京都のマイケルさんのも