UC Berkeley Courses: Biological Sciences

  • iTunes Music StorePodcastコーナーで、UC Berkeley(カリフォルニア大学バークレー校)の講義フォルダを見つけました。私の興味の分野である生物学関連"Biological Sciences"のPodcast & Webcastをリストアップしておきます。

General introduction to cell structure and function, molecular and organism genetics, animal development, form and function.

General introduction to plant development, form, and function; population genetics, ecology, and evolution. Intended for students majoring in the biological sciences, but to all qualified students.

  • MCB 102: Survey of Principles of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    • コースのページはこちら。この講義はWebCastは無いようです。
    • iTunes上でのコース紹介は以下です。

A comprehensive survey of the fundamentals of biological chemistry, including the properties of intermediary metabolites, the structure and function of biological macromolecules, the logic of metabolic pathways (both degradative and biosynthetic) and the molecular basis of genetics and expression.

Molecular biology of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and their viruses. Mechanisms of DNA replication, transcription, translation. Structure of genes and chromosomes. Regulation of gene expression. Biochemical processes and principles in membrane structure and function, intracellular trafficking and subcellular compartmentation, cytoskeltal architecture, nucleocytoplasmic transport, signal transduction mechanisms, and cell cycle control.