“Think Aloud”

Hi, this is Lu Gao. (B4)
Do you know the “Think Aloud” which is an English discussion event held every Wednesday lunchtime in Hub-ICS ?
On 15th June, this is the second time I have joined it.
Today’s topic is Surveillance. For example, the Surveillance cameras , the Telephones and so on. And next, we have watched a video clip about the CCTV cameras and iPhone . I’m very supperied that our personal information will be stolen when we use the iPhone to take a picture.

This is the question for Today’s topic.
1. How do you feel about video surveillance.
2. What are the benefit of increased surveillance? What negative aspects are there?
3. What other issues about technology and surveillance are there?
We discussed those question in groups and report our ideas after 20 minutes.
At last, we have learned some idioms and I like this part.

Do you know the meaning of “see eye to eye”?

I think this one is easy to guess.

This is our group.
I think this event is very interested and I will join it next week.