UNI Desk @ NWJ Communications Congress

UNI Desk was set up at NWJ Communications Congress today.
The total amount of donations are 38,000 yen.
Thank you very much for your kind contributions!

NWJ Communications HQ is one of NWJ's 8 HQs and famous for its activity
to address "child labour" issues.

They displayed pictures and panels that show their effort to tackle child labour
in the past few years.

Officials provided "Fair Trade coffee" which enables us to give power
to disadvantaged people : by paying producers and workers fair prices for their work,
by helping them gain the skills and knowledge they need to develop their businesses
and to operate in the global economy, and by challenging unfair trading practices.

Ema-san providing fair trade coffee to the union member

Taku explaining Fair Trade and their activity to NWJ's new Executive President Bro. Kato.

Bro. Kato enjoyed a cup of fair trade coffee very much^^