




一部では財政拡大へと舵を切るのではないかとの観測もあったが、「借り入れ過多は英国の問題の原因であって、解決法ではない」「債務に対応する意思に欠ける国は次はどこかと狙い撃ちする構え」という指摘は恐らく正しいだろう。 英国は不況下で高失業率のままであるが、確かに一時期に比べ信用的には安定しており、その意味では緊縮プログラムは一定の成果をあげているといえる。




Britain’s economy will not need to weaken much further for the Bank of England (BoE) to start a second round of quantitative easing (QE), BoE policymaker Ben Broadbent said on Monday.

Economists’ expectations have shifted sharply in recent weeks to expect a top-up to the BoE’s £200 billion of asset purchases in either October or November, due to financial market turbulence and a stalling global economy.

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“I can tell you I was reasonably close, so I don’t think it would take much more of a deterioration. It depends exactly what you mean by deterioration. Some of these surveys, particularly of output in the eurozone, are consistent with there being (minimal) growth,” he said.

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Broadbent said. “Slow growth in the US, the sovereign debt crisis in the euro zone and its knock-on effects on the cost of finance for UK and European banks — all threaten a further tightening in retail credit and a further slowing in domestic activity.”



ただ、量的緩和拡大に踏み切る時期としては一部で期待のある10月ではなく、早くても11月以降になるのでは無いだろうか? 条件は揃いつつあるものの、量的緩和拡大を決定するにはMPCの過半数のメンバーがインフレ率が一定の期間内にターゲットへ向かって下落するであろう事を確信する必要があり、次のインフレーションレポートが出る11月の前にそういった判断を下すのは難しいのではなないかという見方も強い(以下参照)。


Since the MPC's last policy meeting in early September, economic and financial market conditions have not improved significantly, and it appears that the British economy may be standing at the brink of another recession. So, what is keeping the MPC from increasing the size of its QE program? Inflation. In our view, the CPI inflation rate needs to start trending lower or a majority of the nine-member MPC must be absolutely convinced that inflation will fall back toward target in a reasonable period of time before the size of the QE program is increased.

Some measures of input price inflation are beginning to recede a bit, but the overall CPI inflation rate has not started to trend lower yet. Therefore, we do not think four other members of the MPC are quite prepared yet to join Posen in voting for more QE at the October meeting. However, conditions could be in place by the Nov. 9-10 policy meeting to warrant more QE. Specifically, the MPC will have the updated forecasts from the quarterly Inflation Report in hand. If the forecasts for the next two years show that growth is expected to be weaker and the CPI inflation rate lower than they were in the August Inflation Report, a majority of MPC members could claim justification for more QE at November MPC meeting. Even if the MPC does not authorize another round of QE at the November meeting, we think it is becoming increasingly likely that the BoE will undertake further asset purchases at some point over the next few months.



英ポンドは足元でこそ対ユーロで若干値を上げているが2008年の大暴落以降は(対ユーロでは)比較的安定しており、ほぼ0.85から0.90 (EUR/GBP)のあたりを行ったりきたりしている。 しかし、もし量的緩和の拡大がポンドを下落させれば、更なるインフレをはじめとする様々な弊害が起きる可能性もある。特に、ユーロという経済ブロックに属していない英国は、いざと言うときに「狙い撃ち」される可能性が高く、その為に他国よりも早めに厳しい緊縮財政を行っているわけだが、量的緩和の拡大とポンドの下落は為替市場を通じて狙い撃ちされる可能性を高めることになる可能性もある。 
