Al Gore Will Win in '08?

Yes indeed, 2008 is the right time for Al Gore. Don't think for a minute that he doesn't know this. It's not 2000, and Gore is a changed man, an older, wiser, more relaxed, confident version of his former self.
Al Gore Will Not Only Run, but He Can and Will Win in '08 – ABCNews


Most Unsettling iPod Ad Ever

Gizmodo: There's not much to add to this, but man, this sure makes me want to keep my iPod completely out of sight when I'm out in the city. Thanks for striking fear into my heart, Hot Sauce. - YouTube via digg


‘extremely dangerous’ for kids.

The £49.97 kit comprises a chrome pole extendible to 8ft 6ins, a 'sexy dance garter' and a DVD demonstrating suggestive dance moves.

Tesco condemned for selling pole dancing toy – Daily Mail via TIMESonline via digg
