

古い記事で恐縮だが。 「メールはもちろん、グーグル検索からホームページの閲覧、ゲームも何でもケータイでできますから。いちいちパソコンを立ち上げる必要なんて無いんです」 同30代サラリーマンのBさんは、2002年頃に「iモード」に代えてからパソコンを…


リッチランドは、全国およそ1万3,000人から、540億円もの金を集めていた。 その手口は「沈没船を引き揚げ、財宝を手に入れよう」というもので、ありもしない投資話を餌に元本保証をうたい、「投資した金が倍になる」などと言っては、金を集めていた。また、…


3D Realms社のFPSゲームDuke Nukem Forever (DNF)に新スクリーンショットが公開されました! Duke Nukem Foreverの新スクリーンショット公開 - engadget japanese うほっ!! もしかしたら今度こそ発売されないともかぎりません。発売になればゲーム界にとって…

Those Damn Mongolians Are at It Again

一部週刊誌の八百長疑惑報道に関し、日本相撲協会の北の湖理事長(元横綱)は31日、昨年九州場所の朝青龍戦で八百長をしたと名指しされた11力士以外に、真剣勝負とされた稀勢の里ら4力士からも事情を聴く可能性を示した。 事情聴取継続も=八百長報道で相撲…


なんなんだ、こりゃ。分裂勘違い劇場の真似が流行っているのか? Skypeやグーグルが何でもかんでもタダで提供するのは、第一には自分たちだけではとても食いくれないからだ。 働かなくても食っていける社会がもうすぐやってくるよ - アンカテ(Uncategorizable…

Shilling for Intel

The former Microsoft geek, now reinvented as a video blogger and one of Forbes Magazine's top web celebrities, was compensated by the semiconductor maker to come shoot interviews with its execs. Intel is a client of Podtech, the tech news …

Mac Commercial in UK.

Virus Restarting Pie Chart So you’ve seen “Office”, now check out the other three “Get a Mac” ads that have just started airing in the UK. They include “Virus”, “Restarting”, and “Pie Chart”. More UK “Get a Mac” Ads - TechEBlog 英国におけ…

The benefit of incorporating in California

a U.C. Berkeley study shows that an entrepreneur who incorporates a venture in California, rather than investor-friendly Delaware, stands to make $1.75m more in a contested exit. How come? Startup veterans know that, by holding up a sale, …


Visuwords is an online graphical dictionary. Learn how words associate with other words with the diagrams that come with each entry. After your word loads, run your mouse over the word or the associated words to get a definition. I like th…

Gates on the Show !

Bill Gates appearance on the Daily Show promoting Microsoft Windows Vista and discussing IPTV, jetpacks, and robots. Bill Gates on the Daily Show - YouTube わざわざBill GatesがDaily Showに来るとは思ってなかった。流石に老けたけど、相変わら…

Hillary is a Tone Deaf!

http://youtube.com/watch?v=bfZ_gXCHaMw The mic catches Se. Clinton singing the National Anthem in Iowa on January 27, 2007. Hillary Clinton Sings National Anthem - YouTube これは痛いwwww才女にもこんな欠点がwwwこれでは支持者も腰砕けになって…

Hot Racing Babes From The Orient


A great collection of hot racing babes from Korea and Japan. Some of them are really cute and sweet. Hot Racing Babes From The Orient - Hemmy.Net これは結構レベルが高いw

Frozen Tidal Wave In The Arctic

Its not really a tidal wave but ice created from glacial movements forming tidal wave looks. Pretty cool. Frozen Tidal Wave In The Arctic - Hemmy.Net

Mirin Dajo, the Human Pincushion.

That’s Dutchman Mirin Dajo, the Human Pincushion, which confounded doctors because he could have a fencing foil plunged right through his body (passing through vital organs) with no apparent harm. He even allowed doctors to pierce him them…


A driver from a distance will see a police car hiding behing a billboard, as the police typically do in Turkey/ thus the driver instinctively slow down or make sure that they are going at the legal speed limit. When they come closer they a…

The Joy of Tech on Microsoft Windows Vista

The consistently great online comic The Joy of Tech does it again, this time with a look ahead at next week’s launch of Microsoft Windows Vista. The Joy of Tech on Microsoft Windows Vista - Laughing Squid 参照元を見に行ったらTwitのイラスト…

Ted Returns !


Remember Senator Ted Stevens, who famously described the Internet as a “series of tubes”? And how about the Deleting Online Predators Act, which would have banned access to interactive websites like MySpace, Facebook and Digg in US schools…

eBay Bans RMT.

Following up on a rumour that's been going around I spoke today with a media representative for the company, who confirmed that eBay is now delisting all auctions for 'virtual artifacts' from the site. eBay Delisting All Auctions for Virtu…

Sergey Regrets.

Google founder Sergey Brin told an interviewer that censoring China's search-results at the behest of the totalitarian government in Beijing was a "net negative" for Google. Google founder regrets censoring China - Boing Boing GoogleのSerg…

Female Orgasms Could Possibly Kill Men

女性が絶頂に達したときに脳が発するtheta wavesは男性の10倍も強く、男だったら死んじゃうほどなんだってさ。 So, if theta waves are an indication of an orgasm's strength, then women experience an orgasm that is physically impossible for men to g…

Godzilla BLDG.

The people of Tokyo should construct a giant building shaped like Godzilla. Imagine what it would do to the city’s skyline, and to the tourism industry. People would come from all over to take pictures. Idea: A building shaped like Godzill…

Another Bar Bet: Switching Whiskey and Water.

If you had fun with the bar bet on how to win free beer with geometry, posted by Miss Cellania previouly on Neatorama, here’s another one: Switching water and whiskey in two shot glasses, without using a third glass, straw, or mouth. Anoth…

Japanese women are flocking to Thailand

元々は週刊新潮の記事。バブル期にも同じようなことしてたよな...。 It was the first time I'd ever had a three-in-a-bed romp. One would pleasure me with their mouth while the other used other parts. I guess because they were used to working th…

dance of the flight attendant

dance of the flight attendant 前にも取り上げたかもしれないが、妙に気になる絵だねw

If the driver can't handle it, fire him!

Senator Barack Obama appears on the Daily Show in November 2005. As he states, the only person more over-hyped than himself is the Daily Show host Jon Stewart. Barack Obama on Daily Show - YouTube

Dick Cheney Eats During State of the Union

Dick Cheney Eats During State of the Union - YouTube ぎゃははははは。腹ごしらえくらいボスの演説の前にしとけよwwwww

The Web Celeb 25

The Forbes.com Web Celeb 25 is a list of the biggest, brightest and most influential people on the Internet. From bloggers to podcasters to YouTube stars, these are the people who are creating the digital world from the bottom up. The Web …

The Economics of SaaS

This post, based on a review of the current public SaaS comps, is the SaaS analog. The analysis includes: WSSI, CRM, OMTR, RNOW, TLEO, and VOCS. The Economics of SaaS: We Need a Platform - Will Price via O'relly Radar O'relly Radarで紹介さ…

Scream Cake

Flickr user Runawaykitty found this Scream Cake on a travel to Oslo, the city where Edvard Munch grew up. The Scream Cake - Neatorame

Body Painting

In 1990 he added a new artistic experience to his previous ones: using the "body painting" technique he creates and paints models bodies for different situations such as advertising pictures and commercials, fashion events and exhibitions.…