
- UMU remix

various artists ' UMU remix ' (REMIXER) / (UMU orginal) 1. asuna / aoyama masashi - UMU 01 2. the medium necks / violet - UMU 02 3. shibata / seiji sugiyama - UMU 03 4. askococo / ami yoshida - UMU 04 5. OPQ / voima - UMU 05 6. v.o.c / pot…


THE MEDIUM NECKS ' flying mobiles, trappings ' 1. Photo 2. Trappings 3. Flying Mobiles 4. Blank 5. Converse ■ sakiyo tobita : voice, piano, guitar, synth, sampler, cassette, etc. ■ sonoko yoshida : image ■ boatitas : mixing (1,2,3,4) ■ asu…


■ askococo + ■ DISCOGRAPHY umu remix / aotoao 7 (2010) tide / balen disc (2010) casiotone compilation / aotoao 5 (2010) piruru pirukuru picnicru / magic book records (2006) version_guitar / commune disc (2005) range:askococo / topscore/ran…