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Cultural Political Economy (RIPE Series in Global Political Economy) ペーパーバック – イラスト付き, 2009/12/14

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'Chapter by chapter, this trans-disciplinary anthology offers the very best contemporary analyses of the cultural-political economy interface available. It is an important intervention that should serve pedagogy in a wide variety of disciplines while disrupting the tendencies that have separated cultural and economic research agendas.' - Michael Shapiro, University of Hawaii at Mãnoa, USA

'The contributors to this excellent collection seek not to bury political-economy yet neither do they wish to praise it uncritically. Adding to and engaging with the various theoretical strands that make up the broad church of cultural economy, the volume’s aim is to show why injecting the ‘cultural dimension’ into analyses enriches rather than detracts from our understanding of how the political and the economic work separately and together, and what’s at stake if ‘culture’ is jettisoned at the outset. Containing theoretically informed engagements with practices as varied as ethical tourism, to the war on terror, to the rise of the ‘talent world’…through to a provocative and concluding engagement with the whole project of ‘cultural political economy’ offered by Rob Walker, this volume is an important contribution to the task of making sense of the cultural dynamics that give motion to contemporary capitalisms.' - Michael Pryke, Faculty of Social Sciences, The Open University

'This book boldly opens up an intriguing and important field of inquiry that explores the intersections, boundaries, and inseparable qualities of culture, politics and the economy. It acknowledges, criticizes and reinterprets past efforts to conceptualize the relationships between these three categories but it is also filled with exciting new theoretical insights and novel analyses of particular historical and contemporary transnational practices. The chapters are consistently high quality, wide ranging in their themes, while working together to illuminate the value of cultural political economy as a field of inquiry. After reading this book some of the most familiar concepts and assumptions that we use in thinking about culture, politics and the economy do not look the same anymore.' - Tony Porter, McMaster University, Canada


Jacqueline Best is a Professor in the School of Political Studies at the University of Ottawa. Her work combines an interest in international political economy, international relations and political theory, with an empirical focus on international economic governance issues. Her first book, The Limits of Transparency: Ambiguity and the History of International Finance, was published by Cornell University Press in 2005. Her current research focuses on the shifting legitimizing strategies of international economic organizations.

Matthew Paterson is Professor of Political Science at the University of Ottawa. His research focuses on the intersection of International Political Economy and Global Environmental Politics. His most recent book is Automobile Politics: Ecology and Cultural Political Economy (Cambridge, 2007), and his current work focuses on the emergence of "climate capitalism." He has significant editing experience. He has co-edited two volumes (Direct Action in British Environmentalism, 2000, with Brian Doherty and Benjamin Seel, and Against Automobility, 2006, with Steffen Böhm, Campbell Jones and Chris Land) and one special issue of a journal (Global Environmental Politics, 3, 2, 2003, with David Humphreys and Lloyd Pettiford). He is also series editor of the Environmental Politics series for Routledge and, as of the 2008 issues, co-editor (with Jennifer Clapp) of Global Environmental Politics.


  • 出版社 ‏ : ‎ Routledge; 第1版 (2009/12/14)
  • 発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2009/12/14
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 英語
  • ペーパーバック ‏ : ‎ 264ページ
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0415489326
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0415489324
  • 寸法 ‏ : ‎ 15.6 x 1.52 x 23.39 cm



