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グッドナイト、アイリーン (扶桑社ミステリー ハ 12-1) 文庫 – 1994/4/1

4.3 5つ星のうち4.3 193個の評価


  • 出版社 ‏ : ‎ 扶桑社 (1994/4/1)
  • 発売日 ‏ : ‎ 1994/4/1
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 日本語
  • 文庫 ‏ : ‎ 460ページ
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 4594014011
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-4594014018
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.3 5つ星のうち4.3 193個の評価


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上位レビュー、対象国: 日本

クリントン元大統領がファンだというので何気なく手にとったところ嵌まってしまった。女性記者ものはいずれも気っぷの良い主人公で読んで楽しいものだ。スウエーデン作家リザ・マークルンド女史の描くタブロイド紙記者アニカ・ベングツソン シリーズとかスコットランド出身の推理作家デニーズ・ミーナ女史のジャーナリスト パトリシア・ミーハン シリーズを読んだことがあるが、この地方記者アイリーン・ケリーはいかにもアメリカっぽい明るさと軽いステップに短い導火線といった趣で欧州北欧モノのすこしばかり哲学的な内容は感じられず、それだけハイテンポの展開に没入できる。カリフォルニアの小さな新聞社にいたアイリーンは頑迷な編集長と衝突して辞めたが、かねて尊敬していた老記者オコーナーが爆殺されたと聞き、その意思を継げるのは自分だけだ、と再び社に戻る。古い書類を掘り起こして35年前の殺人事件が鍵と感じたアイリーンは独りで調査を進めると幾度となく命を狙われた。アイリーンには殺人課刑事のフランク・ハリマンという愛人が居て、彼がこのシリーズを通して相方として活躍する。フランクの親・姉妹、新聞社の社主・編集長・同僚、そしてアイリーンの愛猫との絡み合いが愛情こまやかな筆致で描かれてシリーズに命を吹きこんでくれ、爽快な読後感が得られる。ということで「これは全部読まなきゃ」と片端から買いこんだ。(扶桑社ミステリ。○7 ○8は講談社文庫)
○2「危険な匂い」(Sweet dreams, Irene) カルト集団に関わりアイリーンが瀕死の重傷を負う。
○3「神からの殺人予告」(Dear Irene) フランクと婚約する。ギリシャ神話に基づく殺人予告手紙順に事件が起き、終いにアイリーンが狙われる。
○4「過去を呼び戻した天使」(Remember me, Irene) フランクと結婚している。土地開発を背景にした殺人事件。アイリーンに地道な調査姿勢が現れ始める。
○5「少年たちの沈黙」(Hocus) フランクの優しさが裏目にでて彼が死にかけ、アイリーンは命をかけて助けに向かう。
○6「親族たちの嘘」(Liar) アイリーンの親戚に起きた不思議な事件。これまでとは少し趣の異なる面白さがある。
○7「骨(上・下)」(Bones) 山中で遺体の骨発掘で怖ろしい犯人の罠に嵌まり殺されかけ,捜査犬ビングルに助けられる。
○8「汚れた翼(上・下)」 (Flight) 汚名を着せられて行方不明となった刑事の遺体が10年後にみつかり、フランク刑事が再捜査にあたるが身に危険が迫る。アイリーンは脇役。
シリーズの続きを渋谷比佐子さんの流れるような訳で早く読みたいものだ。Bloodlines(2005) Kidnapped(2006) Disturbance(2011)
   アイリーンはæ-°èžè¨˜è€...だったが上司にæŠ-è­°ã-て辞職、今は広å'Šä»£ç†åº-勤務だ。あるæ-¥ã€å¸¸æ-¥é ƒã‹ã‚‰æ•¬æ„›ã-てやまなかったå...ˆè¼©è¨˜è€...オコーナーが爆弾で殺される事件が起きた。事件の前夜オコーナーと夕食ã‚'ã-ていたアイリーンは、オコーナーのやりかã'ていた仕事ã‚'引き継ぎ、爆弾犯も追求ã-ようと、私æƒ...ã‚'捨てかつての職å 'に復職する。
  女性æ-°èžè¨˜è€...探偵アイリーン・ケリーシリーズ第ï¼'作。作è€...ジャン・バークはエドガー賞そのä»-å-賞ã-ている本格æ'¾ã§ã™ãŒã€ã‚·ã‚§ãƒ«ãƒ€ã!ƒ³!!が読める人なら十分読める、æ˜"ã-めの英語なのが嬉ã-い。そã-て主人å...¬ã‚¢ã‚¤ãƒªãƒ¼ãƒ³ã«ã¯ã€è¦ªã-い女友é"・恋人もいるã-(やがて結婚)、職å 'の同僚や上司・行きつã'レストランのåº-主などに大勢のå'³æ-¹ãŒã„る、おでぶな愛猫も現é‡'だã'ど憎めない...と私ç"Ÿæ'»ã‚‚å......実ã-ているとã"ろが、ã"のシリーズã‚'楽ã-いものにã-ています。最è¿'評判のミステリーは、ストーリーがダイナミックではあるã'れど、主人å...¬ãƒ‰ã‚¯ã‚¿ãƒ¼ã‚¹ã‚«ãƒ¼ãƒšãƒƒã‚¿ã‚„ウォーショーフスキーの私ç"Ÿæ'»ã®å¯‚寥感ã‚'思うと辛くなるとã"ろがありまã-たが、ã"のアイリーンには彼女ã‚'å'½ãŒã'で守ってくれるç"·æ€§ã‚‚出てきて、彼との仲がどうなるのか?とæ°-ã‚'揉ませてくれるロマンス小説の要ç' ã‚‚あるとã"ろが嬉ã-い。


Jana L.Perskie
5つ星のうち5.0 A Superb Debut Mystery - Irene Is A 21st Century Lois Lane!
Irene Kelly, the woman referred to in Jan Burke's "Goodnight Irene," is a veteran reporter for the News Express, in the fictional Southern California town of Las Piernas. She is presently working for a public relations firm, however, after having quit her job at the newspaper. Kelly made the temporary career change as a result of an argument concerning professional ethics with the publication's very unprofessional editor-in-chief. Then Conn O'Conner, Irene's beloved best friend, and longtime mentor at the Express, is brutally murdered. The only clue Irene can come up with is O'Connor's obsession with a long-unsolved homicide and an unidentified female body discovered in Las Piernas 35 years before. The corpse's face had been destroyed, and her hands and feet cut off so that her identity could not be established. The police dubbed her Hannah and tried for years to solve the case, to no avail. Newspaperman O'Connor wrote the original stories back then and had never given up on finding the identity of this Jane Doe. Every year, on the anniversary of her murder, he wrote his famous "Hannah" column, usually targeting more recently disappeared people.

Homicide cop Frank Harriman, Irene's love interest from years before, is working on the O'Conner case, and asks Irene to get her job back at the Express in order to take over her former mentor's assignments. The rationale is that she might be able to find information useful to the investigation while continuing the dead man's work. In O'Conner's confidential files, she discovers a maze of forensic records that suggest a motive far more sinister than anyone imagined for the newspaperman's violent death, the unidentified woman's murder, and more recently, three horrific and separate attacks on Irene's, Frank's and O'Conner's son's lives. The unknown killer will obviously resort to anything to prevent past secrets from coming to light. And Irene and Frank develop a closer relationship as they work together to find the murderer(s).

I had never read an Irene Kelly mystery until last month when I picked-up "Bloodlines," the most recent book in the series. As that extraordinary suspense thriller goes back in time to Irene's initial days as a reporter, and tells the tale of her burgeoning relationship with Conn O'Conner, I was fortunate to read it before beginning "Goodnight, Irene." Jan Burke has written a wonderful series of mysteries, which are more than just good sleuth novels. She creates characters who are three-dimensional and grow as the series progresses. Her people are both sympathetic and flawed, and Irene Kelly, a combination of Lois Lane, Nancy Drew, with just a touch of Katherine Hepburn, makes a memorable heroine. Unfortunately, one of her flaws is stubbornness which borders on the extreme. As intelligent as she is, she frequently acts on impulse and winds up doing what she has been specifically told not to do, often with life- threatening results. Ms. Burke has surrounded Irene with a number of interesting and memorable friends and family members, characters who add to the depth and richness of the novels.

Overall, this is a well-paced debut mystery, filled with enough twists and turns to keep the reader riveted. I plan to read book two, "Sweet Dreams, Irene" ASAP!

5つ星のうち4.0 Enjoy able read
I liked all the characters and how easy it was to keep them straight. I'm hoping to read the entire series
5つ星のうち5.0 Should give TEN stars
How can you not like anything written by Jan Burke? This is the first in her Edgar award winning Irene Kelly series and I promise it will suck you in to a world that will become an addiction She writes very strong characters that are almost palpable. Whenever I have someone ask me for reading suggestions, I give them this book. I have yet to have anyone say anything but rave comments. You need to start at the beginning, which this is, but realize that when read in order, her books will put you on a path of many hours of extreme highs and lows emotionally. You will have a very strong sense of place. There are times when I swear I am watching the action instead of reading it. I have given this book to all ages. If you love a great mystery, this is a series worth trying.

I don't include a synopsis of the plot when I review. That you can get from the notes on Amazon or the back cover of the book. But I will tell you the strengths and weakness of a book. Sorry, can't give you weaknesses of this one. There weren't any. As for strengths, you won't be able to put it down. And one word of advice. Be sure you have the next one, Sweet Dreams Irene, waiting because you are going to want to just keep going with this series.
John Mattson
5つ星のうち5.0 A must read!
Absolutely loved the book, became totally invested into the characters from the first chapter. Jan really takes the time to create believable characters that you will love to know. I found myself getting several sideways glances in the wee hours of the night as I was reading and laughing out loud with some of the dialogue between her characters. Richly developed backgrounds, stories and a book I highly recommend to read!
Mary W.
5つ星のうち3.0 Ok... but not a page turner.
Was an ok read... Enough to keep me amused but not really a page turner. I do like her style of writing though and am now reading the next one in the series.