
Switchblade Sisters [VHS]

4.6 5つ星のうち4.6 195個の評価

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Jack Hill's 1975 drive-in opus, Switchblade Sisters, has all the requisite cheese and then some: girl fights, gun duels, sex-starved reform school guards, flashes of nudity, and even African-American-Maoist-revolutionary-butt-kicking chicks who don't take nonsense from anyone. The story is a prime example of how the influence of great filmmakers can be reprocessed into pure exploitation: Maggie (Joanne Nail), a smart, new member of a distaff gang, presents a threat to the group's established leader (Robbie Lee). The intricacies of their subsequent relationship--love, betrayal, and a battle for control--has numerous echoes of the films of Nicholas Ray and Howard Hawks, and Hill plays it all with a seriousness that underscores the heart within this trash classic. No wonder Quentin Tarantino became this film's latter-day benefactor, promoting its 1998 theatrical re-release under the auspices of his revival imprint, Rolling Thunder Pictures. --Tom Keogh


  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 梱包サイズ ‏ : ‎ 18.6 x 10.64 x 2.85 cm; 173.88 g
  • 商品モデル番号 ‏ : ‎ 9565
  • メディア形式 ‏ : ‎
  • 発売日 ‏ : ‎ 1998/8/25
  • 出演 ‏ : ‎ Lee, Nail, Gayle
  • 販売元 ‏ : ‎ Walt Disney Video
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ 6304298293
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.6 5つ星のうち4.6 195個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本



5つ星のうち5.0 Jack Hill Classic in an Exquisite A/V Upgrade!
This film always surprised me with how maturely written and structured it was for a seemingly routine 70s exploitation film. "THE SWITCHBLADE SISTERS" Stands as Jack Hill's best film in my humblest of opinion. The true cause for celebration is that Arrow Video has put out a stellar release here... exhaustive extras and an A/V presentations that will be the reference point for this film bar none. Highly recommended.
5つ星のうち5.0 Jack Hill Classic in an Exquisite A/V Upgrade!
This film always surprised me with how maturely written and structured it was for a seemingly routine 70s exploitation film. "THE SWITCHBLADE SISTERS" Stands as Jack Hill's best film in my humblest of opinion. The true cause for celebration is that Arrow Video has put out a stellar release here... exhaustive extras and an A/V presentations that will be the reference point for this film bar none. Highly recommended.
5つ星のうち5.0 Lange auf eine DVD Veröffentlichung gewartet und es hat sich gelohnt
Bild für so einen alten Film - Super
Ton - nichts auszusetzen

Eine genaue Inhaltsangabe kann im Wikipedia nachgeschaut werden - dort ist der Film sehr gut beschrieben.
Der Film auf der DVD hat mich soweit überrascht, da er länger ist, als die ursprüngliche Version, die Anfang der Achtziger in Deutschland erschienen ist. Leider sind die zusätzlichen Szenen im Originalton (Deutsch untertitelt)

Zu den "neuen" Szenen (Achtung Spoiler!)
Es dreht sich hierbei um 5-6 Szenen, davon die eigentlich größte, ist die Vergewaltigung an Maggie von Dom - dies gibt dem Film eine etwas andere Stellung, da ohne diese Szene doch Ungereimtheiten vorkommen.
Jedenfalls sehe ich die neuen Szenen als Bereicherung.

Jetzt ist meine 80ziger Rockertriologie komplett (Warriors, Klasse von 1984 und die Bronx Katzen) uncut und genial
Für Fans solcher Filme eine Bereicherung
Grapey Grimes
5つ星のうち5.0 The definitive DVD for Jack Hill fans!
If your a fan of Jack Hill's or are curious to know more about him, this is the DVD to get. I've seen a lot of his movies on DVD and none comes close to being as great as this one.

The movie itself is an amusing, entertaining, and unbelieveable take on Shakespeare's Othello, believe it or not, put into the context of a 70's girl-gang exploitation movie. First and foremost Jack Hill made his movies to be enjoyable for the viewer, and this one excels in the fun department! The dialog is great and done with toungue firmly in cheek. The characters are great and handled with a suprising dignity despite the humorous approach. Some say this is Hill's magnum opus, and while I personally would give that designation to his film Coffy, this one is certainly essential viewing if youre going to discuss Jack Hill or 70's Drive-in movies in general.

The widescreen print looks great, and the extras are voluminous, informative and entertaining. Quentin Tarantino has done a great thing in providing this much insight into the often overlooked Hill, who is obviously one Tarantino's heroes. It's rare to find a DVD that becomes indespensible due largely to it's extras, but here one is. Included are trailers to Jack Hill's films, selected scenes from some of his films, an intro and outro to the feature film by Tarantino, and Jack Hill's student film starring Sid Haig presented in it's entirety. Now that's a deal movie fans!
5つ星のうち5.0 This Movie Rules!
About an all-girl street gang called The Jezebels (formerly "Dagger Debs," then they kicked all the guys out. Loved this!). Real characters, conflict, story, and cracking dialogue. And a makeshift tank! Maggie's final send-off to the pigs before getting loaded into the wagon is a laugh riot! Bombed on release, critics hated it. In other words, cult classic all the way.

There is a great documentary on the Arrow release that is a crash course in what makes independent cinema special. Writer/director Jack Hill and his producer John Prizer offer some real nice insight, as well as their passion for it.
Sal Paradise
5つ星のうち5.0 great exploitation film
great package and content.