
The Carnegie Hall Concert 1971

4.7 5つ星のうち4.7 157個の評価

新品 中古品
CD, インポート インポート
¥2,404 ¥2,387
CD, インポート, ライブ, 1996/10/31 インポート, ライブ
¥3,750 ¥4
CD, CD, インポート, 2008/6/3 CD, インポート

K-POPアーティスト情報をまとめてチェック K-POPストアはこちら


1 I Feel The Earth Move
2 Home Again
3 After All This Time
4 Child Of Mine
5 Carry Your Load
6 No Easy Way Down
7 Song Of Long Ago
8 Snow Queen
9 Smackwater Jack
10 So Far Away
11 It's Too Late
12 Eventually
13 Way Over Yonder
14 Beautiful
15 You've Got A Friend
16 Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow/Some Kind Of Wonderful
17 (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman



『Tapestry』のジャケット写真の灰色の縞猫をある種のシンボルのように思っている者なら、小学校の英語の先生からベン・フォールズまで誰であれ、「It's Too Late」がヒットチャートの首位にたった週に録音された本作の重要さを認めることだろう。本作でキングはすでに時代の象徴となっていたアルバムから10曲とその他のうろ覚えのナンバー数曲を、ほとんどピアノのみで弾き語っている。うろ覚えの数曲は、「Carry Your Load」が元気が良すぎたり、「Snow Queen」が饒舌(じょうぜつ)すぎたりするなどして、まだこなれておらず必ずしも必要とは言えない。けれども、(ダスティ・スプリングフィールドの『Dusty in Memphis』で不朽の名声を与えられた)「No Easy Way Down」や「A Natural Woman」では、キングの声はやや割れ始めてはいても、ほんの少し夢見心地にさせてくれる。彼女が緊張気味なところも魅力的だが、気を利かせたMCは熱心な観客をうならせるのに失敗しているし、ましてや四半世紀を経てCDで耳にしたリスナーならなおさらである。歴史が物語るように、本作は洗練されたロックが築いた時代の一瞬をとらえている。とりわけ、アンコールでジェームス・テイラーが登場する場面はそのことを十二分に証明している。『Tapestry』は今もなお必須の1枚だが、本作にはキングの真摯(しんし)な心が詰まっている。(Rickey Wright ,Amazon.com)


  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 製品サイズ ‏ : ‎ 14.27 x 12.5 x 0.84 cm; 108.86 g
  • メーカー ‏ : ‎ Sony
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 0074646494226
  • 製造元リファレンス ‏ : ‎ MFR074646494226#VG
  • レーベル ‏ : ‎ Sony
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B000002ADY
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 1
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.7 5つ星のうち4.7 157個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本

キャロル・キング 1972年6月カーネギーホールでのコンサート。


収録曲は“It’s Too Late”、“(You Make Me Feel Like A) Natural Woman”などの“Tapestry”収録曲の他、1970年に発表したファースト・アルバムの“Writer”からの曲もある。残念なのは“Tapestry”のタイトル曲がないことである。私は彼女の曲の中で一番好きなのだが。
Carol Kingについてほとんど知らない。
BB KingやAlbert Kingのような人なのだろうか?

Donny HathawayとかDriftersとかアレサとか。


一番盛り上がってたのがJames Taylorが出てくるとこだが、


1曲目冒頭に拍手があり、それが止んで「THANK YOU」というキャロル・キングの小さな声の直後に始まるI feel the Earth moveのイントロのピアノ、それに被さる拍手の前後感というか奥行き感は通常CDでも凄いです。こういう処がSACDでどのように再生されるか?w 


Al 1* ascolto, ho notato immediatamente la presenza viva della voce di Carole; Sara' il mio impianto, ma ho avvertito la voce come se fossi li presente in 1^ fila; Straordinaria esecuzione, se consideriamo l'epoca del concerto; Va sottolineato il grande lavoro della Sony per la splendida resa musicale, qualitativamente sopra le righe; Soddisfatissimo 100%, e consigliato a chi ama qst genere musicale;
Joe Roberts
5つ星のうち4.0 Carole King en 1971
Carole King est une artiste que j'aime particulièrement. Dans les années 1960, avec son ex-mari Gerry Goffin, elle a écrit un nombre gigantesque de tubes pour des artistes nombreux. A la fin de cette décennie, elle part s'installer à Los Angeles, à Laurel Canyon, et commence une brillante carrière en solo. Son 2e album, en 1971, Tapestry, est un chef d'oeuvre total, rempli de tubes et qui connaît un succès planétaire. C'est le 18 juin 1971 qu'elle se produit dans la salle sublime du Carnegie Hall et elle va y interpréter une partie des titres extraits de Tapestry (I feel the earth move, It's too late...). Elle commence en solo au piano pendant la 1ère moitié du concert avant d'être rejointe par un guitariste un bassiste. Carole invite même à la fin James Taylor à venir chanter avec elle You've got a friend et un medley (Will you still love me tomorrow/ Some kind of wonderful/ Up on the roof), une très belle surprise. Ce concert était resté inédit jusqu'à sa sortie en 1996, le son est excellent. Mais on peut aussi se délecter en écoutant les retrouvailles de King et Taylor en 2010 sur la scène du Troubadour à L.A. (le concert existe en CD et DVD), c'est simplement une merveille, la complicité et l'amitié profonde qui les unissent donnent un moment fantastique, dans le petit club de leurs débuts. Si vous ne le connaissez pas, écoutez (et regardez) ce concert.
Phil in Magnolia
5つ星のうち5.0 Capturing a moment in time
It was Carole King's second album,  Tapestry , that established her as one of the all-time great singer songwriters, and like most people who grew up in the '60's and '70's each song from that album remains imprinted on my memory. Tapestry was released on February 10, 1971, two months before James Taylor's  Mud Slide Slim And The Blue Horizon  and in fact the two albums were recorded at the same time and with some of the same musicians including Danny Kortchmar ('Kootch', on guitar) and Joni Mitchell. Both albums even had one song in common, 'You've Got a Friend'.

Just four months following the release of Tapestry, Carole King walked alone onto the stage at Carnegie Hall in New York City, sat down at the piano and began to play. She started with I Feel the Earth Move. It was her first solo concert performance in front of a live audience, and what a venue for her debut! She performs the first six songs with only her own piano accompaniment, before being joined by Charles Larkey (bass) for Song of Long Ago. Danny Kortchmar joins her for It's Too Late, followed by Eventually where a string quartet with David Campbell joins her on stage. Finally (of course) James Taylor appears, and together they perform You've Got a Friend. The penultimate track on the album is a medleys of songs with King and Taylor backed by Larkey, Kooch and the strings. She closes with You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman, to great applause.

The song list is very similar to Tapestry, omitting only Where You Lead and (surprisingly) Tapestry. It also includes After All This Time, Child of Mine, Carry Your Load, No Easy Way Down, Song of Long Ago, Snow Queen, and Eventually, songs that appeared on her first album 
Writer  (released in 1970) or would appear on her following album  Music  (released in December, 1971).

Only two shows were performed at Carnegie Hall by Carole King in June of 1971, and for whatever reason the recording of this concert was not released until twenty five years later, in 1996. It is a more personal and (in my opinion) authentic recording than Tapestry, even if less polished in some places as you would expect from a live performance. This is what it was like to see Carole in person at the beginning of her career as an icon of pop music.
Phil in Magnolia
5つ星のうち5.0 Capturing a moment in time
It was Carole King's second album, [[ASIN:B00000J2PH Tapestry]], that established her as one of the all-time great singer songwriters, and like most people who grew up in the '60's and '70's each song from that album remains imprinted on my memory. Tapestry was released on February 10, 1971, two months before James Taylor's [[ASIN:B00BBGZ7QO Mud Slide Slim And The Blue Horizon]] and in fact the two albums were recorded at the same time and with some of the same musicians including Danny Kortchmar ('Kootch', on guitar) and Joni Mitchell. Both albums even had one song in common, 'You've Got a Friend'.

Just four months following the release of Tapestry, Carole King walked alone onto the stage at Carnegie Hall in New York City, sat down at the piano and began to play. She started with I Feel the Earth Move. It was her first solo concert performance in front of a live audience, and what a venue for her debut! She performs the first six songs with only her own piano accompaniment, before being joined by Charles Larkey (bass) for Song of Long Ago. Danny Kortchmar joins her for It's Too Late, followed by Eventually where a string quartet with David Campbell joins her on stage. Finally (of course) James Taylor appears, and together they perform You've Got a Friend. The penultimate track on the album is a medleys of songs with King and Taylor backed by Larkey, Kooch and the strings. She closes with You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman, to great applause.

The song list is very similar to Tapestry, omitting only Where You Lead and (surprisingly) Tapestry. It also includes After All This Time, Child of Mine, Carry Your Load, No Easy Way Down, Song of Long Ago, Snow Queen, and Eventually, songs that appeared on her first album [[ASIN:B0031Y4A6M Writer]] (released in 1970) or would appear on her following album [[ASIN:B0012GN0HG Music]] (released in December, 1971).

Only two shows were performed at Carnegie Hall by Carole King in June of 1971, and for whatever reason the recording of this concert was not released until twenty five years later, in 1996. It is a more personal and (in my opinion) authentic recording than Tapestry, even if less polished in some places as you would expect from a live performance. This is what it was like to see Carole in person at the beginning of her career as an icon of pop music.
カスタマー画像 カスタマー画像 カスタマー画像 カスタマー画像 カスタマー画像
Roger Strutton
5つ星のうち5.0 Wish I had Been There
This is a beautiful recording of Carole King, because of the choice of material. The
atmosphere captured on this particular album is produced as a Super Audio CD. A few months ago, I saw the London show "Beautiful-Carole King," and I wasn't disappointed, and although I have quite a collection of Carole's material including two LPs, original albums not sterilized (remastered), that I purchased in the seventies, this Carnegie Hall recording is a very pleasant experience.
S J Buck
5つ星のうち5.0 The test of talent.
Originally recorded in 1971 this concert wasn't released until 25 years later in 1996 and I can see why. There are a few moments when Carol King's voice lets her down bit, as she struggles to reach a few notes. She admits as much in the sleeve notes when she said that for the 2nd night (not featured here) her voice had gone. Still this is only a few moments in 71 mins of otherwise excellent music.

The Amazon track listing is wrong. The CD kicks off with the rocking "I Feel the Earth Move" with just CK and the Piano. I've always felt this is the truest test of a musician. Just your own voice and instrument and Carol King shows in this concert she didn't anybody else at all. However later on she is joined, initially by a bass player and then her regular guitarist and finally by a string quartet and James Taylor. Its all brilliant (apart from the odd vocal moment!), well arranged and in many places quite different from the original album versions. Most of Tapestry is performed plus a few great songs from the previous album and the one due shortly after Tapestry.

Overall a highly recommended album from a unique talent.