
Times of Grace

4.7 5つ星のうち4.7 92個の評価

新品 中古品
CD, CD, インポート, 1999/5/11 CD, インポート
¥2,229 ¥1,760
CD, 2000/3/1 1枚組

K-POPアーティスト情報をまとめてチェック K-POPストアはこちら


1 Suspended in Light
2 The Doorway
3 Under the Surface
4 The Last You'll Know
5 Belief
6 Exist
7 End of the Harvest
8 Descent
9 Away
10 Times of Grace
11 The Road to Sovereignty


Brutally honest, original and categorically defiant, Oakland, California's Neurosis consummate their 13-year evolution with a bold new work, Times of Grace. While retaining their previous visions of darkness, psychedelia and spirituality, Neurosis penetrate new realms of beauty and subtlety, spaciousness & density to create primal sounds in a world of imitation and distraction. An introspective war cry, Times of Grace lures with it's vivid rhythms, strikes with a siege of emotion and consumes with abysmal force. What ever that means.


  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 製品サイズ ‏ : ‎ 12.6 x 14.2 x 0.94 cm; 90.72 g
  • メーカー ‏ : ‎ Relapse
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 0781676641925
  • 商品モデル番号 ‏ : ‎ 2164010
  • オリジナル盤発売日 ‏ : ‎ 1999
  • SPARSコード ‏ : ‎ DDD
  • レーベル ‏ : ‎ Relapse
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00000IN5R
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 1
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.7 5つ星のうち4.7 92個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本



どこか浮遊感のある厳かなインスト#1 "Suspended in Light" から、それをどす黒く塗りつぶすかのような#2 "The Doorway" の圧倒的破壊力。巨大な怪物のようにリフが暴れまわっています。

#4 "The Last You'll Know" は本作中で最も普遍的な美しさを持つ曲ではないでしょうか。轟音の中にかすかに聞こえる抒情的なコード進行。重量感と浮遊感がごちゃまぜになって聴く者を蹂躙します。そして中間部のバグパイプのパートが本当に美しい。

マーチングドラムとバグパイプによる抒情性を掻き立てられるインスト#7 "Descent" を挟み、#8 "Away" はクリーンギター、ピアノ、チェロによる静かな曲。ヴォーカルも声を荒げずしっとりディープに歌い上げており、バックに流れる風の効果音も相まって、風の吹き荒ぶ荒野にただ1軒、淋しく建つあばら家といった映像が浮かびます。

そしてタイトル曲の#10 "Times of Grace"。これこそ本作の集大成にして最高潮と言えるでしょう。痛々しい苦悶の叫び。どす黒く吹き荒れる混沌のリフ。その混沌を制御する重々しいビート。極限まで純化された狂気と漆黒の嵐です。

そして総てが燃え尽きた後に流れる鎮魂歌のような#10 "The Road to Sovereignty" で、アルバム本編は幕を閉じます。


ちなみにNeurosisの別動隊であるアンビエントユニット、Tribes Of Neurotの「Grace」という作品があるのですが、本作とその「Grace」の2枚を同時に再生することで、さらなる混沌と深淵の扉が開きます。
とくに個人的にはThe last you'll knowは、このバンドらしいTuneだと思います。
大バカ<コレクター<あまのじゃく<普通 この4タイプは 右に行くほど聴衆を癒やすことができます このアルバムは普通です この筋で大バカと普通は一見同じように聞こえます 全く違います 大バカは ただじれったく聞こえるだけのしがみつきな音楽です しがみつきとは ただ「ぶってる」だけです 僕はミュージシャンではないので 人に聴かせたくて音楽を聴いているのではありません 職人は 何が人間の耳にいいかわかってます 大バカは わかってなくて作ります 後で無理やり楽しもうとして疲れます このバンドは職人芸です もう一つ 聴き方を教えてあげます 垂れ流して意識しないで聴こえてるです いい空気かどうかです
GREEN DAYのビリー・ジョーがこのバンドからの影響を口にしてたので若干は名の知れた存在ではありましたが、ストーナー系流行りの追い風もあり、一気に知名度を上げてきたベテラン・バンドの99年度作品。通算6作目。プログレッシヴ・ハードコアとでも呼びたくなるような10分近い大作も収録され、ライナー中での誉め方も尋常ではありませんが、それも納得のサウンドは、スティーヴ・アルビニの手によるものです。星は3つ半。


5つ星のうち5.0 All good
All good
5つ星のうち5.0 Indescriptible!!!
Amazon Customer
5つ星のうち5.0 MAGISTRAL
Un album MAGISTRAL, un band unique.
5つ星のうち5.0 Probably my favourite Neurosis album so far.
I'm new to Neurosis. I bought 'Honor Found in Decay' a few months ago and loved it. I have since learned that it's one of this great, unsung band's least loved offerings by fans. I have since bought the excellent 'Through Silver In Blood' and 'Souls at Zero' but this one might just top Through Silver..., but I'm undecided yet. This is definitely their more 'to the point' album so far, as none of the songs go over 10 minutes. As I understand this is their first collaboration with producer Steve Albini, and it's little wonder they stuck with him judging by the sheer quality of the songs, the production and the tones on this album. Following the great little electronic intro, 'The Doorway' explodes out of the speakers with its Drop A, intense riffing, nicely complemented by some clever electronic work and memorable vocal delivery. The album is then a mix of hammering heaviness and beautiful crafted melancholy. 'The End Of Harvest' and 'Away' are two great examples of the variety on offer here. A great Neurosis album and I would probably say their most accessible...well as accessible as Neurosis are ever likely to get I suppose! Highly recommended and comes with an accompanying ambient 'Tribes of Neurot' (Neurosis's electronic alter egos) CD which is meant to be played at the same time. If you would like a great mix of heavy sludge riffs, electronic ambience and prog mellow moments give this a go. It might take 2 or 3 listens for it to sink in but it will be worth it.
Wheelchair Assassin
5つ星のうち5.0 A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a vest
The metal world is, regrettably, almost as full of copycats and one-trick ponies as the mainstream, but Neurosis are one band that have legitimately earned the label of innovators. "Times of Grace" is easily one of the most primal and visceral albums ever recorded, but that's far from the whole story, as it's also among the most creative and intelligent metal albums of recent years. Not afraid to push their songs into the vicinity of the ten-minute mark, Neurosis compose epics of mountainous proportions, replete with punishing dynamics and stunning musicianship. Listening to "Times of Grace" is a daunting proposition, as it's not "radio-ready" to the say the least. However, this album is a grower of the highest order, as its brilliance is steadily revealed with repeated listens.
While there are plenty of metal bands out there that make lots of noise, few if any can shape it in as discordant and unsettling a manner as Neurosis. This isn't speed metal, or grindcore, or some other style that just seeks to beat the listener into the ground (not that there's anything wrong with that!). The heaviest tracks, such as "The Doorway," "End of the Harvest," and the title track, don't burst forth from speakers so much as they ooze forth, enveloping the listener in a primordial haze with some serious mind-warping potential. In a refreshing change of pace from traditional metal sounds, the guitars are as much about atmosphere and complexity as brutality, creating unpredictable layers of tightly coiled, distorted riffage. Jason Roeder's tribal-influenced drumming is among the heaviest and most ominous in history, and you can feel the disaffection in every note of the hardcore-style screams. Slower, more minimal fare such as "Under The Surface" and "Belief" manages to be equally menacing, maintaining a clenched intensity that's hard to define and even harder to resist.
There are some variations on this album's theme as well. Like all great artists, Neurosis can venture into diverse sonic territories without abandoning what makes them great in the first place. "The Last You Know" weaves some subtle bagpipe textures into the all-out metal assault, while "Descent" consists of nothing but some haunting pipes and a martial drumbeat. "Away" is (gulp) a ballad, but its mournful strings and pained vocals elevate it well above the plain. And the album closer, "The Road to Sovereignty," is a horn-led symphonic piece, with only the drumming providing any evidence of a rock influence.
In the end, "Times of Grace" is a staggering achievement, offering indescribable amounts of musical and emotional depth. It's a full-fledged sonic experience that will not only assault your ears but burrow its way into your soul. Neurosis plumb the depths of the human psyche with their music, and if you can withstand the onslaught you'll emerge a stronger person for it. "Times of Grace" is simultaneously gut-wrenching, virtuosic, and challenging, and ultimately uplifting. For all its bluster and fury, this album ultimately offers the redemption that can only come from such a harrowing journey.