
Lorin Maazel - Richard Strauss / Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra

新品 中古品
CD, ボックスセット, インポート, 1999/5/10 ボックスセット, インポート

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ディスク: 1

1 Sinfonia Domestica - Thema I (Bewegt)
2 Sinfonia Domestica - Thema II (Sehr lebhaft)
3 Sinfonia Domestica - Thema III (Ruhig)
4 Sinfonia Domestica - Scherzo (Munter)
5 Sinfonia Domestica - Massig langsam (Wiegenlied)
6 Sinfonia Domestica - Adagio (Langsam)
7 Sinfonia Domestica - Finale (Sehr lebhaft)
8 Tod und Verklarung (Death and Transfiguration)
9 Thus Spake Zarathustra, Op.30: Night Wanderer's Song
10 Rosenkavalier Ste, Op.59
11 Don Juan, Op.20

ディスク: 2

1 Also sprach Zarathustra (Thus Spake Zarathustra) - Einleitung (Introduction)
2 Zarathustra - Von den Hinterweltlern (Of the People of the Unseen World)
3 Zarathustra - Von der grossen Sehnsucht (Of the Great Longing)
4 Zarathustra - Von den Freuden und Leidenschaften (Of Joys and Passions)
5 Zarathustra - Das Grablied (Dirge)
6 Zarathustra - Von der Wissenschaft (Of Science)
7 Zarathustra - Der Genesende (The Convalescent)
8 Zarathustra - Das Tanzlied (Dance Song)
9 Zarathustra - Das Nachtwandlerlied (Night Wanderer's Song)
10 Rosenkavalier Suite
11 Don Juan

ディスク: 3

1 Till Eulenspiegels lustige Steiche (Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks)
2 Ein Heldenleben (A Hero's Life) - Der Held (The Hero)
3 Heldenleben - Des Helden Widersacher (The Hero's Adversary)
4 Heldenleben - Des Helden Gefahrtin (The Hero's Companion)
5 Heldenleben - Des Helden Walstatt (The Hero's Battlefield)
6 Heldenleben - Des Helden Friedenswerke (The Hero's Works of Peace)
7 Heldenleben - Des Helden Weltflucht und Vollendung (The Hero's Flight from Reality and Fulfillment)

ディスク: 4

1 Eine Alpensinfonie (An Alpine Symphony) - Nacht (Night)
2 Alpensinfonie - Sonnenaufgang (Sunrise)
3 Alpensinfonie - Der Anstieg (Ascent)
4 Alpensinfonie - Eintritt in den Wald (Entrance into the Forest)
5 Alpensinfonie - Wanderung neben dem Bache (Walking by the Brook)
6 Alpensinfonie - Am Wasserfall (At the Waterfall)
7 Alpensinfonie - Erscheinung (Vision)
8 Alpensinfonie - Auf blumige Wiesen (To flowery Meadows)
9 Alpensinfonie - Auf der Alm (At the Alpine Meadow)
10 Alpensinfonie - Durch Dickicht und Gestrupp auf Irrwegen (Wandering through Thicket and Undergrowth)
11 Alpensinfonie - Auf dem Gletscher - On the Glacier
12 Alpensinfonie - Gefahrvolle Augenblicke (Dangerous Moments)
13 Alpensinfonie - Auf dem Gipfel (At the Summit)
14 Alpensinfonie - Vision
15 Alpensinfonie - Nebel steigen auf (Rising Mist)
16 Alpensinfonie - Die Sonne (The Sun)
17 Alpensinfonie - Elegie (Elegy)
18 Alpensinfonie - Stille vor dem Sturm (Calm before the Storm)
19 Alpensinfonie - Gewitter und Sturm, Abstieg (Thunderstorm, Descent)
20 Alpensinfonie - Sonnenuntergang (Sunset)
21 Alpensinfonie - Ausklang (Conclusion)
22 Alpensinfonie - Nacht (Night)
23 Macbeth - Allegro, un poco maestoso; Presto
24 Macbeth - Moderato maestoso
25 Macbeth - Allegro, un poco maestoso



Richard Strauss's gift for evocative musical description was uncanny, to the point where it was joked he could set even a grocery list or a pint of beer to music. In fact, his various tone poems--the form with which he first gained fame as a composer--actually develop an orchestral vocabulary to depict topics ranging from Nietzsche's Superman to a fierce storm on the Alps and a day in the life of a nuclear family. This set gathers Lorin Maazel's interpretations from the last few years (with perhaps the greatest tone poem of the whole canon, Don Quixote, still to come in a planned future recording). Maazel--currently music director of the Orchestra of the Bavarian Radio, an ensemble of high-powered soloists modeled on Toscanini's famous NBC orchestra--is returning to some of these works for his third take, and his vision seems to have clarified in particular for the vistas of Ein Heldenleben and the Alpine Symphony as for the idealistic poetry of Death and Transfiguration and Don Juan.

While these accounts don't achieve the degree of narrative thrust of Kempe's indispensable versions or the astonishing ensemble opulence of Karajan's Strauss, Maazel highlights his orchestra's solo prowess at every possible moment, and textures are often given a marvelous clarity. The feeling such technical perfection imparts can be distant, as in what should be the most fevered passages of Zarathustra. But Maazel brings a loving touch to the much-dismissed Domestic Symphony as well as conviction to the early Macbeth. And the orchestra's wizardry--particularly the winds--gives much pleasure, especially in the deftly humored account here of Till Eulenspiegel. Both Zarathustra and the Sinfonia Domestica are still available as single-CD issues, as well. --Thomas May


  • 製品サイズ ‏ : ‎ 25.4 x 5.08 x 14.61 cm; 453.59 g
  • メーカー ‏ : ‎ RCA
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 0090266326525
  • 製造元リファレンス ‏ : ‎ 090266326525
  • レーベル ‏ : ‎ RCA
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00000IYO1
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 4



