アラジン スペシャル・エディション [DVD]
仕様 | 価格 | 新品 | 中古品 |
今すぐ観る | レンタル | 購入 |
フォーマット | 色, DTS Stereo, ドルビー, ワイドスクリーン |
コントリビュータ | ブルース・アドラー, ジョナサン・フリーマン, アラン・メンケン, 石井一孝, 松尾貴史, あずさ欣平, リンダ・ラーキン, 羽賀研二, 神谷明, 山寺宏一, ビル・ハーキンス, スコット・ウェインガー, ジョン・マスカー, レア・サロンガ, ダグラス・シール, フランク・ウェルカー, ロビン・ウィリアムズ, ブラッド・ケイン, 宝田明, ギルバート・ゴットフリード, 麻生かほ里 表示を増やす |
言語 | 英語, 日本語 |
稼働時間 | 1 時間 31 分 |
ディスク枚数 | 2 |
デジタル・リマスター版の美しい映像と5.1chサラウンド / DTSディズニー・ホーム・シアター・ミックス。さらに3時間半を超える驚愕の映像特典付きで登場。
《Disc: 1》
《Disc: 2》
●ゲーム 「ジャスミンを救え!」
●ゲーム 「願い事をかなえましょう」
●メイキング・オブ 『アラジン』
製作・監督・脚本: ジョン・マスカー/ロン・クレメンツ 脚本: テッド・エリオット/テリー・ロッシオ 美術監督: ビル・ハーキンス プロダクションデザイン: R.S.ヴァンダー・ヴェンデ 音楽: アラン・メンケン 声の出演: スコット・ウェインガー/ブラッド・ケイン/ロビン・ウィリアムズ/リンダ・ラーキン/レア・サロンガ/フランク・ウェルカー/ジョナサン・フリーマン/ギルバート・ゴットフリード/ダグラス・シール/ブルース・アドラー/羽賀研二/石井一孝/山寺宏一/麻生かほ里/宝田明/神谷明/あずさ欣平/松尾貴史
-- 内容(「CDジャーナル」データベースより)
- アスペクト比 : 1.78:1
- メーカーにより製造中止になりました : いいえ
- 言語 : 英語, 日本語
- 梱包サイズ : 18.03 x 13.76 x 1.48 cm; 83.16 g
- EAN : 4959241949349
- メディア形式 : 色, DTS Stereo, ドルビー, ワイドスクリーン
- 時間 : 1 時間 31 分
- 発売日 : 2004/10/8
- 出演 : ビル・ハーキンス, アラン・メンケン, スコット・ウェインガー, ブラッド・ケイン, ロビン・ウィリアムズ
- 字幕: : 英語, 日本語
- 言語 : 日本語 (Dolby Digital 5.1), 英語 (Dolby Digital 5.1)
- 販売元 : ブエナ・ビスタ・ホーム・エンターテイメント
- ASIN : B00005ONLJ
- ディスク枚数 : 2
- Amazon 売れ筋ランキング: - 19,597位DVD (DVDの売れ筋ランキングを見る)
- - 179位外国のファミリー映画
- - 1,077位キッズアニメ・映画
- カスタマーレビュー:
お客様はこの映画について、以下のような評価をしています: 作品の内容が面白く、楽しく見応えがあると好評です。子供も楽しんでおり、最後まで楽しめると感じています。美しい映像や音質も高く評価されており、綺麗な状態で満足しているようです。また、子供の頃の強烈な印象を思い出させ、懐かしさを感じたという声もあります。 声優についても、羽賀研二さんの声世代の歌手としての声が多く、聞いていてしっくり来るとのことです。 全体的に、ディズニー映画の名作として高く評価されています。 また、価格面でも安く購入できる点も魅力的だと感じているお客様が多いようです。
"...音楽もキャラも最高!ディズニーの傑作。オレは大好き。日本のアニメはのんびり観れないから、アリだと思います。" もっと読む
"自分が子供の時に好きだったアラジン。子どもの英語の勉強にと購入。ほぼ毎日楽しく観ています。" もっと読む
"英語版/日本語版の切り替えができるものを発売してほしい。よく見る映画で子供に映画を聞かせたり、英語版の歌も聴きたい。" もっと読む
"良い映画です" もっと読む
"今となっては貴重な羽賀研二さんのアラジンです。綺麗なDVDがお安く買えて良かったです。" もっと読む
"綺麗な状態で、とても良かったです。" もっと読む
"...不運な環境によりのらりくらりと泥棒家業に身を落としているが、心は純粋で美しいまま。 魅了されずにいられない、悪気なく相手をとりこにする中毒性のある色気。 他人の為に強くなろうとする本当の優しさ。」 が、表現しきれていると思います。..." もっと読む
"15年ぶりに見てみるとやっぱり面白くて楽しい作品でした。" もっと読む
"...音楽もキャラも最高!ディズニーの傑作。オレは大好き。日本のアニメはのんびり観れないから、アリだと思います。" もっと読む
"...どちらも聞きましたが、どちらの声優さんも良かったです。 余程、羽賀研二さんに思い入れがあるのでなければ、新しい担当の声優さんでも違和感は無いように思います。..." もっと読む
"...私も一緒に楽しい時間を過ごせました。音楽をキレイで良いですね。ジーニーの歌唱部分は圧巻です🧞♂️✨..." もっと読む
"...DVD映画は数枚しか購入したことが無いのですが そのうち一枚がこちらです 曲がいいので、BGVとして流してPCで作業したりするのにもぴったりです" もっと読む
お客様はこの映画について、子供の頃の強烈な印象を強く感じています。ディズニーらしいハッピーエンドと誰もが知っている「アホールニューワールド」のメロディが印象的で、感動的な作品だと評価しています。また、ディズニー映画のタッチや映像美も素晴らしいと好評です。特に、「ホール ニュー ワールド」シーンは映像が綺麗でロマンチックで何度も見返したいという声もあります。
"A Whole New Worldは吹き替えではなく、英語で聴きたかったな。字幕版を見れば良かったと思いました。でもとても良い作品でした。感動しました。" もっと読む
"面白かったです やっぱりディズニー映画はいいですね。 とても癒やされます" もっと読む
"20年以上前、LD購入して何度も見た羽賀版アラジン、その後声優一新を知らずBDを購入して唖然としました。 子供の頃の強烈な印象って凄いですね、BDはお蔵入りになり何年も見てませんでしたがどうしても昔のアラジンを見たくなり今回買い直しました。 これこれ!..." もっと読む
"ディズニー映画って感じで良かったです。" もっと読む
"...余程、羽賀研二さんに思い入れがあるのでなければ、新しい担当の声優さんでも違和感は無いように思います。 こちらのショップでは、正規の価格で販売されているので、欲しい方はこちらのショップで購入されるのは良い選択だと思います。..." もっと読む
"価格も100円で安かったし面白かった。Apple TVから映し、家族で楽しみました。" もっと読む
"羽賀研二さんの声の作品を探していたら、手頃な価格のビデオを見つけてラッキーでした。ケースが新品で気持ちが良いです。丁寧な対応でありがとうございました。" もっと読む
"ディズニーシリーズはDVDとブルーレイのセットなので大変お得だと思います。特に問題無く良品です。" もっと読む
"...BDの感想としては画質は凄く良いです。動画も凄くなめらかでこんなに丁寧に描かれていたのかと感心しました。 一応、2005年に発売された3部作完全BOXは所持しているのですが、DVDも綺麗だけど、CGの立体感など見るとやっぱり違うなと思いました。..." もっと読む
"ブルーレイはやはり画質がよかった ブルーレイにしてしまうと普通のDVDには戻れなくなる。 アラジンとジャスミンがホールニューワールドを歌うところは英語版で見ましたが、とても感動しました!" もっと読む
"...細かい違いはありますが、どちらも最高でした。 20年近く前の作品なのに映像がとてもきれいです。" もっと読む
"...おかげさまでDVDのデッキが壊れるぐらいに毎日のように見ています。VHSにはない画像の綺麗さや内容も映像特典等あり大変満足しています。" もっと読む
上位レビュー、対象国: 日本
- 2024年12月25日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入この「アラジン」が、映画になったのは相当昔なんですが、当時、私はこの音楽が大好きで、ビデオで、1曲再生して、聞いてから、学校に行っていました。
- 2024年8月30日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入自分が子供の時に好きだったアラジン。子どもの英語の勉強にと購入。ほぼ毎日楽しく観ています。
- 2011年11月13日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入Aladdin" continued Disney's hot streak of family friendly but witty animated classics that broke box office records. Unfortunately, the magic was to last for a couple more movies. No small part of the success of "Aladddin" can be attributed to the songwriting team of Alan Menken and Howard Ashman. Menken and Ashman (who also wrote the winning songs for "Beauty and The Beast" and "Little Shop of Horrors"). Also, the witty self assured direction, like that of "Beauty and The Beast", helped define a hip, new Disney that had something for everyone.
So what's the difference between the "Special Editon" and the "Special Edition Gift Set". Plenty but as to whether it's worth the extra cost depends on how much of a fan you are of the film. The "Special Edition" comes only with the DVDs (the featurettes and documentaries are discussed below). The "Special Edition Gift Set" comes with all that plus six original illustrations on heavy stock of characters from the film. You also get a deluxe book that's housed in a slipcase. It's very nice, indeed. Now, if I were Disney I also would have included the soundtrack and also made this edition a numbered, limited edition. While it might grow in value until the next generation of disc players come out and this is re-released yet again for Blu-Ray discs, it would have been better for fans to do a limited numbered edition. Oh, and I forgot the film frame from the original movie.
"Aladdin" looks great on DVD with sharp, clear images and bright, vivid colors. I didn't detect any analog or digital blemishes worth noting. The Disc looks even better than the laserdisc version issued nearly a decade ago and worlds better than the VHS with crisper, clearer sound and a much cleaner more vivid (and colorful)picture. The "Disney Enhanced" 5.1 soundtrack actually improves the dialogue and songs giving them better clarity and added presence.
The extras are a mixed bag but most of them are well worth having. There's deleted scenes presented in rough pencil animation, deleted songs highlighted by the terrific "Proud of Your Boy". Clay Aiken sings a version of the song for a music video. We also get "A Whole New World" performed by the dipsy duo of Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson. The two hour "A Diamond in the Rough" is a fascinating glimpse behind-the-scenes of this marvelous movie. We also get to see scenes from the deleted storyline for the film. Pop-up trivia facts can also be programmed to play on the DVD player as well. The two audio commentary tracks feature the directors and producer of the film while the second has some very funny commentary from the various character animators involved in the film.
"Aladdin's Magic Carpet Ride" is the best of the extras included here. It's actually not a game per se but a magic carpet ride that's best experienced on as big a TV as possible with the lights out. It's as close to a thrill ride ever presented on home video. "Inside the Genie's Lamb" is a mildly interesting and entertaining glimpse into the Genie's habitat. We also get "Genie World Tour". This bit of whimsy is fun and Disney directors actually entertained the notion of putting it on during the end credits at one time. It's clever and a witty short. "3 Wishes Game" might keep little ones entertained once or twice although some little ones will need help operating the DVD remote to play the game. Parents stay close by so the kids don't throw the remote at the TV in frustration. You can also select your favorite "Aladdin" songs with onscreen lyrics to help you sing along (God save your neighbors if you're a bad singer).
All in all a terrific package well worth picking up. "Aladdin" is a funny, charming and entertaining movie with the Disney team at their peak. The "Special Gift Edition" is truly for the hardcore Disney fan that collects everything Disney. The two disc "Special Edition" is more for the casual fan or those that love the movie but just don't collect Disney stuff. I had some reservations about the DVD release as I was afraid they might screw it up but they didn't. The only thing missing is a discussion about the original song lyrics that were changed for home video release due to concerns about their anti-Arab sentiments. Also, we don't get any new footage of Robin Williams but we do see some vintage stuff from his very funny recording sessions.
- 2022年9月18日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入英語版/日本語版の切り替えができるものを発売してほしい。よく見る映画で子供に映画を聞かせたり、英語版の歌も聴きたい。
- 2024年6月26日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入正規品なのでそれだけで買う価値あり
- 2024年2月21日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入ジーニーの歌とダンスなどの動きが1番楽しいです。アラジンと王女のラブストーリーかと思えば、実はジーニーが自由を得るサクセスストーリーだったのです。
- 2023年8月25日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入今となっては貴重な羽賀研二さんのアラジンです。綺麗なDVDがお安く買えて良かったです。
Paul Damasio2024年9月24日にカナダでレビュー済み
5つ星のうち5.0 An all-time classic!
Amazonで購入Case and discs arrived in primo condition!
5つ星のうち5.0 Großartiger Disney-Film
Amazonで購入Tolle kurzweilige Story, gut gezeichnet! Den Zeichner ist es gelungen, das der Teppich Emotionen zeigt ohne Gesicht, GROSSARTIG!
Ein Film zum immer wieder anschauen, was man von der späteren Realverfilmung nicht sagen kann, da waren wir Recht froh als er zu Ende war.
Amazon Customer2021年8月22日にオーストラリアでレビュー済み
5つ星のうち5.0 Best animated Walt Disney movie ever!
Amazonで購入A legendary movie for its time and beyond, Walt Disney rules! Robin Williams at his best!
Amazon Customer2014年10月24日にアメリカ合衆国でレビュー済み
5つ星のうち5.0 ALADDIN [1992/2015] [Diamond Edition] [Blu-ray]
Amazonで購入ALADDIN [1992/2015] [Diamond Edition] [Blu-ray] Disney’s 31st Animated Classic! The Funniest Animated Movie of All Time! Oi! Ten thousand Years Will Give You Such a Crick in the Neck!
Disney’s beloved masterpiece will make your heart race and your spirit soar. Experience the laughter, adventure and Academy Award –winning music (1992: Best Music, Original Song, “A Whole New World,” Original Score) for the first time on Blu-ray and Digital HD. And now Aladdin shines even brighter with never-before-seen tributes to the enchanting talent of Robin Williams, the “Genius behind the Genie.”
FILM FACT: Awards and Nominations: Academy Awards®: Win: Best Music. Win: Original Score and Best Music, Original Song for "A Whole New World." Nominated: Best Song for "Friend Like Me." Nominated: Best Sound Editing for Mark A. Mangini. Nominated: Best Sound for Terry Porter, Mel Metcalfe, David J. Hudson and Doc Kane. Golden Globes® Awards: Win: Best Original Song for "A Whole New World." Win: Best Original Score. Nominated: Best Motion Picture for Musical or Comedy. Special Achievement Award for Robin Williams. MTV Movie Awards: Win: Best Comedic Performance for Robin Williams. Grammy Awards: Win: Best Soundtrack Album. Win: Song of the Year. Win: Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal. Win: Best Song Written for a Motion Picture, Television or Other Visual Media for "A Whole New World."
Voice Cast: Scott Weinger, Robin Williams, Linda Larkin, Jonathan Freeman, Frank Welker, Gilbert Gottfried, Douglas Seale, Charles Adler, Jack Angel, Corey Burton, Philip L. Clarke, Jim Cummings, Jennifer Darling, Debi Derryberry, Bruce Gooch, Jerry Houser, Vera Lockwood, Sherry Lynn, Mickie McGowan, Patrick Pinney, Phil Proctor, Bruce Adler (Peddler singing voice) (uncredited), Brad Kane (Aladdin singing voice) (uncredited), Lea Salonga (Jasmine singing voice) (uncredited) and Hal Smith (Jafar's Horse voice) (uncredited)
Directors: John Musker and Ron Clements
Producers: Amy Pell, Donald W. Ernst, John Musker and Ron Clements
Screenplay: Brian Pimental, Burny Mattinson, Chris Sanders, Daan Jippes, Darrell Rooney, David S. Smith, Francis Glebas, James Fujii, John Musker, Kevin Harkey, Kevin Lima, Kirk Hanson, Larry Leker, Patrick A. Ventura, Rebecca Rees, Roger Allers, Ron Clements, Sue C. Nichols, Ted Elliott, Terry Rossio
Composer: Alan Menken (original score), Howard Ashman (lyricist) and Tim Rice (lyricist)
Video Resolution: 1080p [Technicolor]
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
Audio: English: 7.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, French: 5.1 Dolby Digital Audio and Spanish: 5.1 Dolby Digital Audio
Subtitles: English SDH, English, French and Spanish
Running Time: 91 minutes
Region: Blu-ray: All Regions and DVD: NTSC
Number of discs: 2
Studio: Walt Disney Studios
Andrew’s Blu-ray Review: ‘ALADDIN’ is an animation film of beautiful magical wonders. To view it, it is like going back to your earliest childhood, which makes you open-mouthed at the screen's sense of wonder and magic, where most knowing adults, eager to laugh at some surprisingly sly humour it has to offer. To achieve either is an amazing total wonderful experience that makes you have a grin from ear to ear.
Based on the classic tale from the Near Eastern collection known as the Arabian Nights. But not content to just repeat the pattern of the hugely successful ‘Beauty and the Beast,’ ‘ALADDIN’ expands both the visual boundaries of mainstream animation and its possibilities for extravagant humour, and gave Robin Williams his role of a lifetime. Robin Williams, the voice as well as the inspiration for the Genie that comes out of a very old “magic” lamp with some very big surprises. But Robin Williams's never had a role that so showcased his total comic genius, for that's what it is, for dizzying improvisational humour, who so pushed it to its comic genius limits. Watching this meeting of sensibility and technology is the purest kind of joy, impossible to either describe or forget, and simply to be enjoyed.
The story centres around the title character Aladdin [Scott Weinger] a homeless street rat orphan living on the streets of the city of Agrabah of no consequence. "Gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat," he sings as he dodges palace guards while snatching some bread. Like all paupers, however, Aladdin dreams of something bigger in his life. Something that will make his life mean something special. And that something includes being filthy rich. One day, while avoiding a contingent of the local law enforcement, Aladdin comes into a contact with a young girl who is also hiding from the guards. She is actually the Princess Jasmine [Linda Larkin] in disguise, seeking shelter after having run away from home because of a disagreement with her father about his plans for her marriage. The gallant street urchin shows her his favourite place of concealment, and then promptly falls in love with her. Soon, however, Aladdin has more to worry about than the guards or the sultan's daughter. The palace sorcerer, Jafar (voiced with relish by Jonathan Freeman), has divined that Aladdin represents the key to his plans. So, in the guise of an old man, Jafar tricks his unwitting victim into entering the mysterious “Cave of Wonders,” where undreamed-of treasures are hidden. There, Aladdin finds the “magic” lamp, and after accidentally rubbing it a few times, comes face-to-face with a blue Genie [Robin Williams], who is ready and willing to grant him three wishes. What follows is a basic formula tale of ‘ALADDIN,’ with the help of his sidekicks, a monkey named Abu and a flying carpet, seeks to win Jasmine's hand, defeat the evil Jafar and his vicious parrot, Lago (voiced with grating sarcasm by Gilbert Gottfried), and save Agrabah.
Only, life inside the palace walls isn't as peachy as Aladdin dreams it would be, which is usually the case with this scenario. Jasmine [Linda Larkin] is deeply depressed by her situation. Sure she's surrounded by wealth, but she dreams of seeing the world, or at the very least, of venturing out beyond the palace walls to see what the real world is like. She's also angry that the law of the land is very adamant that the princess marry a prince, and she's coming of age. Jasmine isn't impressed by the pomp and circumstance, because she wants to meet a real man, living in Agrabah.
With the mixture of Robin Williams' voice and the Disney brilliant animators work, makes the Genie a truly magical personality, stealing scene after scene. Much of the humour comes courtesy of Robin Williams, who deserves, but sadly was robbed with even an OSCAR® nomination for his vocal versatility. All-in-all, he does dozens of clever voice parodies which the animators develop into complete, often-hilarious, caricatures. At times, when Robin Williams is in full throttle, Aladdin becomes a "how many famous people can you spot" game. Ed Sullivan, Elvis, Arsenio Hall, Jack Nicholson, William F. Buckley, Travis Bickle, Ethel Merman, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and so on... they're all there, skewered on the rapier of Robin Williams' zany wit and it is a credit to the other voice cast that they're able to keep up with him.
Even putting Robin Williams' performance aside, there's still a lot to like about this animation film. The animation is almost as amazing as that in ‘Beauty and the Beast,’ and with the computer-enhanced “Cave of Wonders” sequence rivalling the lower-key ballroom dance scene in the previous animation film. There are a number of wild action segments that are expertly executed. While the music, courtesy of Alan Menken, plus the late Howard Ashman, who sadly passed away before ‘ALADDIN’ was released, and the equally talented Tim Rice, who took over the lyricist's duties after Howard Ashman's sad demise, and to the magical experience, there are five brilliant new tunes, three of which features "Friend Like Me;" "Prince Ali;" and "A Whole New World" are total standouts. ‘ALANDDIN’ can be enjoyed by all age groups. This is a full fun motion picture on all levels, and it is still one of the best fun animation films for pure entertainment.
'ALADDIN' is totally terrific fun, especially watching the comic genius of Robin Williams bring the Genie to life with ihis madcap flare that only Robin Williams can provide, plus of course the great evil genius of Jafar to rival the Genie, so making it an intoxicatingly fun ride with beautiful stunning songs and some of the best animation that Disney has had to offer us, especially when it was originally released in 1992 and remains a Disney classic for all to enjoy, especially with this 2015 upgraded Diamond Edition.
'ALADDIN' animation film has panache and especially exceptional whimsical style, and punctuated with loads of numerous toe-tapping songs. ‘ALADDIN’ breezes along with exquisite style that doesn't constrict itself to any age group for the audiences. Many single out the strength of Robin William's vocal performance as the key to the animation film’s success, which earned him a Picasso as well as a substantial fee, the truth is that sometimes lightning does strike twice. Or in the case of the Disney renaissance, four times.
Of special note are the warm, dark tones of the film's colour palette and its playful allusions to Al Hirschfeld's drawings, in the many curving, seamless shapes of the Genie and to Erte's designs, in the angular chic of Jafar. Among the many animators who made stellar contributions here, and I must particular mention the equally talented Randy Cartwright, who has nothing more to work with than a flying carpet, and turns it into a charming new fixture in Disney's Anthropomorphic Hall of Fame. All in all, it is a wonderful joyful adventurous experience.
Blu-ray Video Quality – I've always loved the look of 'ALADDIN,' because it is so vibrant and colourful, especially with this 2015 Diamond Edition. Even when I watched it over and over on the old fashioned VHS format, I remember being blown away by its stellar animation. I'm glad to report that this upgraded transfer depicts ‘ALADDIN' in all its Technicolor glory, and stays true to the Disney perfectionism that we've become accustomed to. I don't ever remember seeing ‘ALADDIN' look this clear. Colours have a bit more life than they did on the inferior DVD. Colour fills never waver in transparency. Lines are crisp, and the artwork really shines. Black areas are sufficiently dark. There is no noise to report. It's all as clean as you'd expect it to be. This 2015 Diamond Edition is an awesome exceptional transfer for a much beloved animation film.
Blu-ray Audio Quality – ‘ALADDIN' now gets gets a stunning upgrade to 7.1 DTS-HD Master Audio sound mix. There is a ton to love to be had here. The rear channels are alive with lots of activity. When Aladdin comes marching into the streets of Agrabah with his parade the ambient sound is perfectly placed. Musical numbers are belted out with force and clarity. Low-end sounds are wonderfully presented. When the “Cave of Wonders” bellows its dire welcome to its visitors, and the sub-woofer shakes with rumbling bass. The fight with Jafar at the end is a perfect example of the deft directionality on display here. When he turns into a giant snake he can be heard slithering in and out of one channel after another and are tremendously effective. Dialogue is always clear. Robin Williams' voice throws itself all over the place as he appears here and there with different voices and accents. Nothing ever gets muddled. Alan Menken's beautiful score fills the soundscape and provides a wonderfully memorable experience. The highlight of the soundtrack for many will be the immensely memorable songs, composed by Alan Menken and lyricist Tim Rice for which the film won an Academy Award, along with the signature track "A Whole New World," which deserved to be won at the Academy Awards® for Best Song.
Blu-ray Special Features and Extras:
Audio Commentary: Commentary by Producer/Director John Musker, Producer/Director Ron Clements and Co-producer Amy Pell: At the start we are introduced to John Musker, Ron Clements and Amy Pell and tell us it is now well over 10 years since they all viewed ‘ALADDIN’ and that this is the shorter version from the original concept outline. They talk fondly about the massive talent of Robin Williams and all the fun they had when he did the many hours of recordings that sadly a lot had to be left out. When you see the Prince walks out of the Palace with a hole in his pants, and see his underwear, well when you see Raja the tiger with part of his pants in his mouth, the heart design would not have happened in reality, it would have just been part of his pants, but was done for effect. We hear lots of technical details when Jafar turns into a massive snake. We are also informed that when the Genie is set free, there was talk of showing a wedding. All in all this was quite an interesting audio commentary, but sadly too much overload with technical details, that with most people will go right over their heads. But all three admitted that had a wonderful time being involved with ‘ALADDIN,’ as well as praising all the other people that were involved with the project.
Audio Commentary: Commentary by Supervising Animators Andreas Deja, Will Fenn, Eric Goldberg and Glenn Keane: Once again like the previous audio commentary, we get introduced to Will Fenn, Eric Goldberg, Glenn Kean and Andreas Deja. When the credits come up for Alan Menken, they all have a good laugh when Eric Goldberg mentions that Alan Menken has done a lot of stuff for Disney and that he is an up and coming composer. They all of course have a great affection for Robin Williams, as well as talking in great detail with the character of Jafar and trying to give the impression of his hands were like spiders legs, as well as all the other characters in the animation film. They also mention about the “Caves of Dreams” and how that was one of the other first computer generated effects ever produced, as well as mentioning about the rendering design on the “magic” carpet as well. They also mention about Jasmine’s clothes in making them look simple, as well as praising Jonathan Freeman’s voice for Jafar, and Frank Welker in his wealth of different voices he can produce, especially with regards to the different animals he produced in ‘ALADDIN.’ They talk about how the word “Applause” came to be put on the Genie’s head, well it was all down to Geoffrey Katzenberg who wanted people to applause at the end of each song, but was upset the audience did not respond. When we hear Jafar has taken over control as the Sultan, you hear him say in the song “read my lips” well this is reference to that idiot George Bush Jr. when he said those words with the lead up to the Iraq War and was instigated by Tim Rice. When you get to the end of the animation film, and the Genie lifts up The End Title background, you see in the top left hand corner “BG 1454” Eric Goldberg informs us that this is the Background Sheet and enjoyed inserting in, and is a sort of “in joke.” So all in all this was a totally fascinating audio commentary, that I felt was so much more lively and interesting than the previous audio commentary, because you could tell everyone had fun doing the audio commentary and we also hear a lot more interesting facts about the process of producing ‘ALADDIN’ and is well worth viewing.
Special Feature: The Genie Outtakes: Outtakes Recordings Brings the Genie to Life [2015] [1.77:1] [8:52] Here at the start of this special feature we get the voice of the late great Robin Williams [1951-2014]. But the main part of this special feature is that we are introduced to Ron Clements [Director], John Musker [Director] and Eric Goldberg [Supervising Animator for the Genie]. And what we get to hear is the three of them talking extensively about the fun they had with the genius of Robin Williams, and they also tell us that he did massive amounts of recordings. But as a bonus we actually get to see exclusive video compilation footage of Robin Williams in action in the recording booth. But we also get to see is a lot of rough animated sketches linked to the multi-talented voice of Robin Williams in action and it are totally unbelievable how many voices Robin Williams can produce. We also get to hear from Ron Clements, John Musker and Eric Goldberg praising Robin Williams and what a warm and generous person he was, and also commenting how shocked they were when they heard the sad demise of Robin Williams and that we have lost one of the true greats of a comic genius, and that ‘ALADDIN’ is a great homage to someone who brought such joy and happiness into the world of laughter.
Special Feature: Aladdin: Creating Broadway Magic with Composer Alan Menkan and Others [2015] [1080p] [1.77:1 [18:53] This special feature documentary was filmed in New York, especially at the New Amsterdam Theater, where the Broadway Stage Production of Disney’s ‘ALADDIN’ is proclaimed as “Broadway’s New Musical Comedy.” Inside the theatre we meet Dareen Criss [Actor] who informs us that the musical ‘ALADDIN’ nearly did not happen, but also informs us that his heroes are Alan Menken [Composer] and Howard Ashman [Lyricist]. Next up is Thomas Schumacher [President of Disney Theatrical] was informed that the musical would be impossible to be staged. Next up is Jonathan Freeman [Jafar] talks about his initial audition and after a long wait was finally given the go ahead to appear in the ‘ALADDIN’ musical in 1990. Next up we get to hear from Craig Nicholas [Director/Choreographer], who informs us, is a massive Disney fan, plus we get to meet some of the cast of the Broadway Show, that includes James Monroe Iglehart [Genie] who originally had the ‘ALADDIN’ audio cassette tape of all the songs, but played it so many times, he eventually wore it out. Courtney Reed [Jasmine] tells us of her hopes and dreams for the future and after seeing the animation film of ‘ALADDIN,’ wanted to be Jasmine. Adam Jacobs [Aladdin] tells us that he is so proud and honoured to be in the show and especially pleasing the paying audiences. Next up is Chad Beguelin [Book Writer/Lyricist] and Alan Menkan [Composer] who both inform us that new songs were added to the Broadway Production, but also informs us that they premiered the musical at the 5th Avenue Theater in Seattle and was a total disaster, but with different locations, eventually got all the problems sorted out, so that they could Premier the musical in New York in 2014 and was a massive success and have never looked back and as they say, the rest is history.
Special Feature: Un Boxing Aladdin: Explore Hidden Secrets with Disney Channel Joey Bragg [2015] [1080p] [1.77:1] [4:40] Here we get to meet the obnoxious “nerdy” Joey Bragg, who tells us about the “hidden” secrets that can be found in the animation film ‘ALADDIN.’ First up we find out that “magic” carpet was the most computerised part of the animation film and points out the logo design on the carpet is the “Cave of Dreams.” We also get to see Sebastian the lobster from ‘The Little Mermaid’ that is attached to the Genie’s finger. We also get a glimpse of the Beast from ‘Beauty and the Beast’ where the Sultan is putting all the small animals on top of one another. We also get cartoon cameo appearances of Ron Clements [Director] and John Musker [Director] near the beginning of the animation film. We also get small inserts of the Mickey Mouse ears throughout the animation film, but also when the genie is free, you get to see him wearing a Goofy baseball hat. And finally we hear how Jonathan Freeman who plays the voice of Jafar, has been doing this profession for over 20 years.
Special Feature: Genie 101: Hosted by Scott Weinger [The Voice of Aladdin] [2015] [1080p] [1.77:1] [3:59] Here Scott Weinger informs us that this is dedicated to the genius talent of Robin Williams and of course all the voices he created in ‘ALADDIN.’ We also get to see Robin Williams in action, but with several split screens showing the actual animation part in the film. But why it is called “Genie 101” as Scott Weinger only shows off about a dozen of the Robin Williams voice characters, so this is slightly misleading.
Special Feature: Ron & John: You Ain’t Never Had A Friend Like Me [2015] [1080p] [1.77:1] [5:35] Once again we meet the dynamic duo of Ron Clements [Director] and John Musker [Director] on a park bench, talking about their early days when they started working together at the Walt Disney Studios and their long-term friendship as well. Ron remembers when he first met John, he had dark brown hair and beard, but now it is all white. Their first collaboration was working on ‘The Little Mermaid’ and because it was a massive hit, had to turn down doing ‘Beauty and the beat’ as they were so exhausted by the experience. But eventually along came ‘ALADDIN’ and once again collaborated together to make another massive big hit with the audiences. We also find out that Ron is a massive ‘Star Wars’ fan and was at the head of the que to see the sci-fi film when it first came out. Anyway this is a really nice little feature and a joy to watch how they both talk fondly about each other and how each other bounce ideas off each other when producing animation films that the other one never thought of. So all in all, this is a very nice touching and thoughtful little special feature.
Classic Bonus:
Special Feature: Deleted Songs [1992] [1080i] [1.33:1] [13:56] Here we get to view the deleted songs that could not be included in animated feature film ‘ALADDIN,’ and they are “Proud of Your Boy” [Original Demo Recording]; “You Can Count On Me;” “Humiliate The Boy” and “Why Me.” What you get is a short introduction on why it was deleted and you also get to see very rough sketches of what the deleted song would look like. You have two choices, you can either “Play All” or watch them individually.
Special Feature: Deleted Scenes [1992] [1080i] [1.33:1] [5:42] Here you get to view only two deleted scenes that could not be included in the 1002 ‘ALADDIN,’ and they are “Aladdin & Jasmine’s First Meeting” and “Aladdin in the Lap of Luxury,” and you also get to see very rough sketches of what the deleted scenes would look like. Once again you have two choices, you can either “Play All” or watch them individually.
Special Feature: Music Videos [1992] Here you get to view Three videos and with Two of them you get supplement extras, and they are as follows:
01: Proud Of Your Boy [Performed by Clay Aiken] [1080i] [1.33:1 [2:20] and with this particular one you get to view two bonus extras and they are Original Story Reel [480i] [1.33:1] [2:17] and is a repeat that was included in the extra “Deleted Scenes.” With Behind the Scenes of the Music Video [1080i] [1.33:1] [3:20] you get to view a documentary on the process of filming the deleted song “Proud of Your Boy,” that was finally performed by Clay Aiken in a recording studio, plus with a full orchestra.
02: A Whole New World [Performed by Jessica Simpson and Nicky Lachey] [1080i] [1.33:1] [4:13] With this particular extra you only get to view one bonus which is entitled “Behind The Scenes of the Music Video” [1080i] [1.33:1] [3:45]. Like the previous Music Video, you get to view the process of behind-the-scenes of how the music video was made, especially with the help Jessica and Nicky.
03: Music Video A Whole New World [Performed by Regina Belle and Peabo Bryson] [1992] [480i] [1.33:1] [4:06]
Special Feature: Disney Song Selection [1080p] [1.85:1] [91:00] Here you get to select different parts of the animated film where a particular song is performed for your delight and the individual songs are as follows: “Arabian Nights;” “One Jump Ahead;” Friends Like Me;” “Prince Ali” and “A Whole New World.” Once again you can either “Play ALL” or select each song individually. But as an added bonus, you can actually select to “Play Film With Lyrics On-Screen” and it is your choice to either click “On” or “Off.” Happy viewing folks!
Special Feature: Inside The Genie’s Lamp [1080i] [1.33:1] [6:13] This is a really wonderful computer generated tour inside the Genie’s “magic” lamp, which is a very luxurious accommodation. But with the tour we have Jafar’s parrot. What you also get is an announcer explaining what each room consists of, but unfortunately the parrot has several run ins with items that attack him, but is also informed that he is trapped for eternity, unless someone rubs the lamp. This is quite an amusing extra and one I know children will love to view.
Special Feature: The Genie World Tour [1080i] [1.33:1] [3:31] Once again we get another wonderful delightful computer generated animation, and again Jafar and his parrot are trapped inside the black “magic” lamp, where they receive animated post cards from the Genie and showing us the locations and events around the world the Genie has visited with is freedom, which you get sarcastic remarks from Jafar and the parrot on the different post cards, and hoping something nasty would end his enjoyment around the world. This again is quite an amusing extra and one I know children will love to view.
Special Feature: A Diamond In the Rough: The Making of Aladdin [1080i] [1.33:1] [70:50] With is special feature, you get to view Five different sections, which are entitled “The Producers;” “The Music;” The Animators;” The Voice Talent” and “Made You Look,” that includes contributions from the following talented people like Dr. Ali Behdad [Associated Professor]; Eric Godberg; Amy Pell; Randy Cartwright; Ed Gombert; John Musker; Ron Clements; Terry Rossi; Ted Elliot; Glen Keane; Scott Weinger; Lea Salong; Steve Goldberg; Ed Wexler; Mark Henn, Beth Allen; Andrea Deja; Vera Lanpher-Pacheco; Bill Perkins; Jonathan Freeman; Will Finn; Linda Larkin; Frank Welker; Gilbert Gollfried and Douglas Seale [1913-1999]. Once again you have two choices, you can either “Play All” or select each Title section, but most important, have fun and enjoy!
Special Feature: Alan Menken: Musical Renaissance Man [1080i] [1.33:1] [19:55] Here we find Alan Menken in his home playing his grand piano and in the process we get to see all the Titles of the Disney animation films Alan Menken has been involved with, which are ‘The Little Mermaid;’ ‘Beauty and the Beast;’ ‘Pocahontas;’ ‘ALADDIN;’ ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame;’ HERCULES;’ NEWSIES;’ and ‘Home On The Range.’ Then we switch to a recording studio with a full orchestra, but we also get to hear lots of praise for the very talented Alan Menken and those contributors are from the likes of Don Hahn [Producer]; Chris Montan [President of Walt Disney Music]; Judy Menken [Mum]; Dr. Norman Menken [Dad]; Janis Roswick Menken [Wife]; John Musker [Writer/Director]; Ron Clements [Writer/Director]; Paige O’Hara [Singer: Beauty and the Beast] and Tim Rice [Lyricist: Aladdin]. But what I liked about this special feature, is hearing about the prolific career of Alan Menken, especially about his childhood growing up and loving music, but also the darker side of his personality when around 16 years of age he was a rebel, as told by his parents, but of course eventually growing up and finding a purpose in his life, especially getting involved with different musical instruments, but of course eventually finding his true vocation in composing music and writing lyrics. Plus also finding out about all the collaborations from different people to enhance his brilliant compositions, but Alan Menken also gives great praise about the sad loss of life from his long term friend Howard Ashman (lyricist) and is a really fascinating special.
Special Feature: The Art of Aladdin: Art Review with Filmmakers Commentary [1080i] [1.33:1] [8:44] here you get a really fascinating audio commentary from John Musker [Writer/Director] and Ron Clements [Writer Director] who takes us on a guided tour of the vast visual inspirational drawings, designs and paintings that went into the design features of producing ‘ALADDIN.’ We are informed that there were literally thousands of drawings, designs and paintings that do not get into the final animation film, but despite this, they still had a big influence on how the animation film would look. We find out that the characters that were in Blue, represents good characters, and the ones in red are looked upon as evil characters. All in all this is a really fascinating special and especially seeing all the colourful inspirational drawings, designs and paintings to help bring ‘ALADDIN’ to the silver screen.
Special Feature: Publicity: Here we get to view the Original Theatrical Trailer: Aladdin [1992] [480i] [1.33:1] [2:50]. Theatrical Trailer: The Return of Jafar [1994] [1080i] [1.33:1] [00:42]. Original Theatrical Trailer: Aladdin and The King of Thieves [1996] [1080i] [1.33:1] [1:30].
Sneak Previews [2015] [1080p] Disney’s Movies Anywhere [00:40]; The Good Dinosaur [1:14]; Inside Out [1:26]; Tomorrowland [00:50]; Anti-Smoking Advert [00:16]; Disney Movie Rewards [00:20]; Disney Parks Promo [00:32]; The Muppets ABC TV Promo [00:32] and Star Wars: The Force Awakes [1:50]
Finally, ‘ALADDIN’ is near perfect spectacular action animation film. It has romance, a spectacular villain of Jafar and a wonderful sidekick with the parrot. It is extremely funny, mostly due to the spectacular work of Robin Williams as the Genie. ‘ALADDIN’ is still one of the best animation films that has been produced by Disney, and they say, “Bring Home The Disney Magic,” and you will with this spectacular awesome stunning Blu-ray Diamond Edition, that has also a totally awesome selection of Extras, that will give you many hours of enjoyment, yes folks, it is that good! Very Highly Recommended!
Andrew C. Miller – Your Ultimate No.1 Film Fan
Le Cinema Paradiso
WARE, United Kingdom
S. J. Pinder2008年10月25日に英国でレビュー済み
5つ星のうち5.0 ultimet Disney yet again that sticks to my heart like honey
Amazonで購入Aladdin is an entirely different spin on the fairy tale genre mainly focusing on the hero rather than the heroine perspective.
Genie(Robin Williams)steals the film as Disneys' most fabulous and hilarious creation ever!!!
a very remarkable film that matches the likes of The Lion king, The Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty and Beauty & The Beast.
it is visually stunning and is full of pop culture references throughout.
and to top it all off...it was released on the year i was born.
Aladdin is a masterpiece!