

4.5 5つ星のうち4.5 4個の評価

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  • メーカー ‏ : ‎ インディペンデントレーベル
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 4528802200023
  • レーベル ‏ : ‎ インディペンデントレーベル
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0000A1XOP
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 1
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.5 5つ星のうち4.5 4個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本

1980年代初頭から日本のインディーズ/オルタナティヴ音楽シーンで活躍している先鋭的な超絶技巧変拍子ドラマー、吉田達也(ds、perc、vo)が1985年に結成したドラム&ベース・デュオ、ルインズの1990年代の力作の一つ。アルバム11作目。4代目ベーシスト、佐々木恒(b、vo)加入後のアルバム。高度な演奏力に支えられた前衛的なハードコア・プログレッシヴ・ロック。基本的に吉田のドラムとパーカッション、佐々木の6弦ベースと2人のヴォーカルのみのシンプルな編成。変化の激しい複雑な曲構成の高速ハードコア・サウンド。エレクトリック・パッドやMIDIコントローラー、エフェクトを駆使した豊かな音色。独自の言語による奇怪なヴォーカル。日本盤は磨崖仏リミテッド、フランス盤はSonore、米国盤はSkin Graftからリリースされている


Somebody of no consequence
5つ星のうち4.0 Less chaotic than some Ruins albums, strangely
A listener’s reaction to Vrresto will depend on that listener’s familiarity with the musical oddity that is Ruins. The drums-and-bass duo masterminded by professional agent of chaos, Tatsuya Yoshida, known as Ruins has a discography that can warp the mind of nearly any music fan. Like an elder in a Lovecraft story, merely to gaze upon some of their works is to go mad, but in the best way, for some with open ears. So how many eldritch albums has the listener heard?

To one who has heard the most warped and mind-flaying of Ruins’ earliest work, senseless chanting and all, the music of Vrresto will sound strangely orderly. There are, dare I say it, melodies. Hummable melodies? Perhaps not by any conventional standards, but one of a sufficient mindset could even write out charts, or something. There are gradations of order and chaos, and someone came along and started to clean up and rebuild these ruins.

Of course, to a listener whose idea of weirdness is no more out-there than some American or British 60s or 70s psychedelic freak-out created by minds more orderly than Zappa and Beefheart, Vrresto will sound like the soundtrack of some creature in a science fiction movie, banging randomly on instruments to create menace. King Crimson sounds downright ordinary compared to Vrresto. It is all a matter of perspective.

And thus it is all a matter of expectations and purpose. For a listener coming to Vrresto expecting full-on Ruins madness, the album may be slightly disappointing every time it stumbles upon a semblance of order. Or perhaps it will sound like growth.

To a listener accustomed to “normal” music, whatever that means, the album could sound anywhere from terrifying to mind-expanding. It could be the gateway to some of the most creative music around. In this case, the zeuhl side of Japanese progressive rock. Upon further exploration, it may still leave that latter listener a little less satisfied than, perhaps, Stonehenge, or some other Tatsuya Yoshida experiments, but albums like Vrresto have their place.

At the end of the day, Vrresto is a sort of middle ground album. Chaotic, but not too chaotic, comparatively speaking (given that it is Ruins). Wild, and energetic bass and drums, weird chanting, and all of that, but with more definable structure than one finds on the strangest of Ruins albums. Is that what you want? It depends on your familiarity with the form, if “form” is the right word. Good. Essential? Perhaps not, but a good gateway into the realm of this eldritch band.