
State of Grace 2: Turning to Peace

4.5 5つ星のうち4.5 60個の評価

新品 中古品
CD, インポート, 2003/10/6 インポート

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Paul Schwartz is back with a follow-up to the popular series State of Grace, with State of Grace II: Turning To Peace. Having always been drawn to the great Latin texts that have inspired so many great composers before him, State of Grace II: Turning To Peace is based on two Latin texts: the Magnificat and the Stabat Mater.

"The Magnificat is taken directly from the Bible, from the Gospel of Luke: it is the prayer of Mary expressing her joy in the knowledge that she will bear the son of God. The Stabat Mater is a medieval poem that describes the sorrows of Mary as her son’s life is taken. I wanted to oppose the two images: the rejoicing expectant mother, and the eventual tragedy that overcomes her. These texts and the other songs on the album form a journey from joy, to sorrow, to joy again." … Paul Schwartz

With Lisbeth Scott once again lending her vocal talents, this is possibly Schwartz’ most beautiful release yet!

Product Description

Paul Schwartz is back with a follow-up to the popular series State of Grace, with State of Grace II: Turning To Peace. Having always been drawn to the great Latin texts that have inspired so many great composers before him, State of Grace II: Turning To Peace is based on two Latin texts: the Magnificat and the Stabat Mater.

"The Magnificat is taken directly from the Bible, from the Gospel of Luke: it is the prayer of Mary expressing her joy in the knowledge that she will bear the son of God. The Stabat Mater is a medieval poem that describes the sorrows of Mary as her son痴 life is taken. I wanted to oppose the two images: the rejoicing expectant mother, and the eventual tragedy that overcomes her. These texts and the other songs on the album form a journey from joy, to sorrow, to joy again." � Paul Schwartz

With Lisbeth Scott once again lending her vocal talents, this is possibly Schwartz� most beautiful release yet!


  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 製品サイズ ‏ : ‎ 14.27 x 12.5 x 0.84 cm; 108.86 g
  • メーカー ‏ : ‎ Windham Hill Records
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 0828765301725
  • レーベル ‏ : ‎ Windham Hill Records
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0000C3GZ0
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 1
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.5 5つ星のうち4.5 60個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本

単に美しい歌声だけで終わらない、Lisbeth Scott の美しくも芯のある歌いにバックコーラスが曲の持つ広さ高さを支えます。最初から荘重な Magnificat で始まり、 Stabat Mater では静謐さと荘厳さをつよく印象づけます。まるで大きな教会の中にでも居るような心地になります。3曲目CURACIONは、あのカルロス・サンタナがいつもの哀愁を帯びた演奏を、より洗練させて曲を端正に演奏しています。SUSCEPIT ISRAEL はハープの演奏が美しく、印象的です。Paul Schwaltz が自ら書いておりますように、ゴスペル、賛美歌をベースにして こころの平和に向かう心地をこのアルバムに織り込んでいます。State of Grace では Lisbeth Scott の歌唱力のすごさを満喫出来ましたが、この State of Grace 2 で Lisbeth Scottは、オーソドックスに歌い上げているような印象です。結果的に Paul Schwaltz が目指している「こころの安らぎを得る」試みは成功しているように思えます。 Aria,Aria2,Aria3 から、さらなる境地を目指す Paul Schwaltz 会心の作品だと思います。    
前作「State of Grace」に比べより深遠さを増している。装飾的だが同時に知的であり、瞑想の内から立ち上るような薫り高い静けさを秘めた一枚。


Kelly Graham
5つ星のうち5.0 Beautiful
Gorgeous music
5つ星のうち5.0 Enigma/ERA/Lesiem/Gregorian.... The best of!!
Praticamente, sin da un ascolto neanche troppo attento, la musica ORIGINALE di Paul Swartz risulta come il compendio di grandissimi artisti ambient/trance/chillout.
Brani avvolgenti, celestiali, angelici..... solo 4 su 11 sono più di tipo new age, per il resto, invece, non si può che definire questo disco come un CAPOLAVORO di coralità e fantasia classica, il tutto confortato da sonorità attualissime ed elettronica a profusione.
Come in "State of Grace" e "State of Grace III", il primo e il terzo della trilogia, all'ascolto di questo disco, capita spesso di sentirsi più vicini a Dio! Non esagero, le partiture sono di rara bellezza, i cori cesellatissimi e gli arrangiamenti estremamente fluidi ed armonici.
I suoni sono chiari e ben definiti (a differenza del volume uno, ove invece sono presenti errori gravissimi in fase di masterizzazione delle medie frequenze); il disco è confezionato in un elegantissimo e resistente digipack dotato di una tasca contenente un curatissimo libretto che riporta tutti i testi (ORIGINALI anch'essi) in latino tradotti anche in inglese. La copertina rappresenta un bellissimo dettaglio pittorico ed è senz'altro la più attraente dei tre "stati di grazia" di Swartz, che sarebbero comunque TUTTI DA POSSEDERE!!!
brian gilbert
5つ星のうち5.0 State of Grace I,II & III
Like State of Grace I and II excellent music to listen to. Paul Schwartz has a rare talent in his music and arrangements for my music taste.
D. Stapleton
5つ星のうち5.0 A Cool Drink for A Thirsty Soul
One night I fell asleep listening to a new age station on satellite TV. From somewhere far away, I hear and feel a rythym--a beat of a drum. Slowly, I felt myself being pulled up out of a deep sleep by music that was literally touching my soul. After laying there for a minute or two thoroughly enjoying the music and allowing it to wash over and through me, I quickly retrieved the remote and hit "Info" to find out what I was listening to (State of Grace {SOG} II, Track 8). I ordered State of Grace II (and State of Grace I) that day. If you are a spritual person, this CD in its entirety(and SOG I) will touch you deeply. The music will aid your transportation into a state of deep communion with God. If you are not a spiritual person the music will still encourage introspection and reflection. If you are seeking internal peace and contentment SOG I and II is a great prepatory tool. Both CDs are a MUST HAVE.
5つ星のうち5.0 A spiritual healing lies within this CD
Paul Schwartz and Lisbeth Scott have created a recording that speaks to the peace in our soul. The voice of mother Mary that speaks through Lisbeth's beautiful vocals reaches out profoundly to put us in touch with the love, joy, sorrow and reconciliation of her son, Jesus. If it is peace you truly seek within, buy this recording and it will reward your soul with its ability to touch you deeply within.
I have a new found respect for this form of spiritual healing music that embraces so effectively the greatest story ever told!
Bless you Paul, Lisbeth and your collaborators, Carlos Santana, KC Porter, the choirs in England and Abbey Road's studio engineers. You have added much testimony via your musical interpretations to the faith one inherently believes in the son of God and his mother, Mary.