
Get Away From Me (Clean)

4.4 5つ星のうち4.4 66個の評価

新品 中古品
CD, インポート, 2004/2/10 インポート
CD, クリーン, インポート, 2004/2/10 インポート, クリーン
CD, インポート, 2005/2/15 インポート

アウトドア用品、ファッション、食品・飲料、母の日ギフト、父の日ギフト関連商品など、10万点を超える対象アイテムからよりどり2点以上で5%OFF。 セール会場はこちら


ディスク: 1

1 David
2 Manhattan Avenue
3 Sari - Clean Version
4 Ding Dong
5 Baby Watch Your Back
6 The Dog Song
7 Waiter
8 I Wanna Get Married
9 Change The World

ディスク: 2

1 It's A Pose Clean
2 Toto Dies - Clean Version
3 Won't U Please B Nice
4 Inner Peace
5 Suitcase Song
6 Work Song
7 Clonie - Clean Version
8 Respectable
9 Really - Clean Version




あのマックスウェルを世に送り出したA&Rに見出され、レーベル争奪戦を経てコロンビアと契約。数々のビートルズ作品を支えたアビイ・ロード・スタジオの伝説的エンジニア、ジェフ・エメリックのサポートを得て、女性アーティスト史上初の2枚組でデビュー。「ノラ・ジョーンズ meets エミネム」などとも評されるキャバレー・ポップ調のミュージカル風(ティン・パン・アレイ)サウンドとHIP HOP、カミソリ刀のように鋭い歌詞を独自の感性で融合した超個性的な楽曲。未来のグラミー・ウィナーがと言い切れるほどとんでもない個性と才能の持ち主だ。


Like Rufus Wainwright, Nellie McKay was born about thirty years too late. She may look like a winsome teenager on the cover of "Get Away From Me," but she's got the soul and grit of Ethel Merman, mincing her way through drawing room dramas and musical conflagrations with more subtlety, wit, and better personal politics than Eminen, but with similar results--most stunningly on "Sari," where she perfectly melds the ire of Missy Elliot with the goofiness of Moon Unit Zappa on this edgy rap song. McKay quickly changes personas becoming a torchy siren on her paean to domesticity "I Wanna Get Married," wearing her irony as lightly--and as transparently--as a see-through negligee. At nineteen, McKay has only scratched the surface of what she's capable of, veering from witty jazz, to edgy cabaret, to brash confessionals, and taking the listener on what certainly will prove to be a long, eccentric ride. --Jaan Uhelszki


  • 製品サイズ ‏ : ‎ 14.27 x 12.5 x 0.84 cm; 113.4 g
  • メーカー ‏ : ‎ Sony
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 0827969094020
  • レーベル ‏ : ‎ Sony
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0001AP07W
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 2
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.4 5つ星のうち4.4 66個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本

クリエイティブだなあと感心します。曲の中にストーリーがあるし、テンポも良く歌える。まだまだ若い、これから期待しちゃいます。The Dog Songが特に好きですが、この曲、TEDでも歌って好評だった見たいです。動物愛好家の彼女、難しいことは此処では言わず、ワンちゃんといる幸福感そのものが歌になってます。ちょっと騒々しい曲もあるけど、それは彼女の若さのなせること、で星5です。


5つ星のうち5.0 La môme version "parental advisory"
Prenant le contrepied du titre de l'album de Norah Jones "come away with me", Nellie McKay, quasiment inconnue hélas sous nos contrées, déboule sur la scène musicale avec un double cd comportant la mention "parental advisory". C'est que la petite a la plume acide et musicale. Aidée par une orchestration chatoyante, cette chanteuse à textes déverse d'incroyables perles enthousiasmantes, au propre comme au figuré, et son combat en tant que membre du PETA -deuxième menace après Al Qaïda selon la CIA !!!- et sa lutte en tant que féministe lui font augurer un avenir en dents de scie, tout au moins discographiquement (même si la période de virtualisation que nous vivons et subissons accélère le mouvement). En effet, de 2004 à 2011 celle-ci sortira 5 disques (dont deux doubles) un deuxième album tout aussi enchanteur de deux CD, mais sa maison de disques ne saura pas où refourguer la patate chaude et au terme d'un certain périple, elle sortira un 3ème album très court, ce qui n'enlève rien à ses qualités mais qui offusquera certains amateurs habitués aux 2CD, puis un album de reprises de Doris Day, et enfin à nouveau un très bon album en 2011.
En 2015, Nellie McKay sort à nouveau un disque de reprises, aidée par le producteur arrangeur des Beatles.
Son compte twitter est assez muet, on sait qu'elle fait des apparitions (a prairi home companion, l'émission radiophonique mythique des Etats-Unis), des concerts...Notons également qu'elle joua dans une pièce de Brecht/Weill "L'opéra de 4 sous", fit une apparition dans le film "PS I Love You" avant d'avoir le rôle principal dans un autre film, indépendant, autour de la musique."Downtown Express".

Le CD présenté contient une versio DVD AUDIO, avec un son extraordinaire (j'ai aussi la version CD, donc je peux apprécier la différence), la partie video contenant un concert. Bref, autant acheter cet exemplaire-ci, c'est une affaire !
M. Casarino
5つ星のうち5.0 Once there was a girl named Nellie...
My goodness! Now THIS is a debut CD!!
Nellie McKay's "Get Away From Me" is either the best debut CD of the year, or one of the worst. She's clearly too full of creative energy to make anything boring or run-of-the-mill, so instead she offers this - a sprawling 2-CD set that covers about 30 musical styles, with her ethereal voice and strong piano skills as the only consistent threads.
Many reviewers seem a little stunned that such a young woman could create such music. I am too, to a degree - she displays an amazing range, from the torch ballad of "Manhattan Avenue" to the BeeGees-flavored "Change the World" to the Western Swingin' "It's a Pose" to the punkish-rap of "Inner Peace." The arrangements are layered, complex, and infectious - this is one fun album to listen to. Nellie may dive into piano jazz, but she don't make background music.
Nellie's youth becomes more evident in her lyrics, which are often cute, inflammatory, and silly. Some tunes border on novelty items (and some, like "Won't U Please B Nice," cross that border), but only a few hint at the real woman inside. Nellie is a master lyricist, but it's impossible to tell when she's being sincere, and when her words are a smokescreen. My guess is that every song reflects a little piece of her soul, but it's certainly possible that this whole album is a put-on.
Still, if she's going to make music this good, she can put me on any day! "Get Away From Me" isn't for everybody - it's for those who love great music without borders, those who don't have a "favorite" genre of music but love it all, as long as the artist is fueled by creativity. Nellie McKay is clearly one of the most creative artists in recent years - here's hoping she ends up being one of the most prolific as well!
5つ星のうち5.0 Super
Toutes les chansons sont très bien, je l'ai offert à un membre de ma famille et maintenant tout le monde l'écoute
Leslie Bialler
5つ星のうち5.0 �Make the mayor a giraffe�
Maybe after you've played Nellie McKay's triumphant "Get Away from Me" through a couple of times you'll begin to imagine that she fell into a warp in the space/time continuum after coming out of a screening of Hitchcock's "The Man Who Knew Too Much" when it first played in the mid-1950s, and ended up in the urban here and now.
Influenced as much by Billie Holliday (the bluesy "Manhattan Avenue") and 1950s Doris Day lollypop ("I Wanna Get Married"), and 1950s jive ("It's a Pose") as by today's jazz and hiphop ("Sari," "Baby Watch Your Back"), she shows that at 19 she has a vision and an attitude all her own ("Change the World," "Suitcase Song," "Really") as this New York idol enters the scene with this 18-song, two CD collection (the discs are called "side 1 and side 2," as if to evoke the image of vinyl).
Words burst forth behind her sassy alto, jagged rhythms, and jazz riffs--with references to Monty Python, Dr. Phil, and New York street life. She seems amazed and alarmed at contemporary America, but it's not going to let her get her down. ("In any case there's no use in mopin" at strange elections and the death of Sen. Wellstone, she notes in "Sari.") Ms. McKay is quite an instrumentalist, too. She plays piano, organ, recorder, vibes, chimes, glockenspiel, xylophone, and synthesizer.
Notes and asides: Obviously the title is meant as a dig at Norah Jones, but surely there's room for both artists. (Wake up to Nellie, go off to dreamland with Norah.). . . The "explicit content" warning is perhaps a tad overdone, just a few four-letter words here and there-words the kids have all heard before . . . Voters who every Memorial Day cast their ballots for "Stairway to Heaven" as number 1 should, err, stay away from this one. On the other hand, those who vote "Layla" in as number 2 will probably like it.
Bryant Burnette
5つ星のうち5.0 eclectic and memorable
I bought this CD after reading a glowing review of it in Entertainment Weekly, and I was very happy that it turned out to be every bit as good as that review suggested. McKay is an immensely talented singer/songwriter who, in the diverse group of songs that makes up "Get Away From Me," uses just about every style of music there is. A lot of people may be put off by this, since the album is extremely hard to classify. That's for someone else to sort out. I really don't care if it's rock or pop or jazz or hip-hop or whatever else you can think of; all I care about is that it's GOOD. Many people also may be left out in the cold by McKay's wit, which leans toward the acerbic and disenchanted. Whatever; all you folks be sure to send me a postcard from Boringville.
The two-disc album includes eighteen songs, each of which is good. My personal favorites are "Ding Dong," a very catchy song that isn't nearly as happy as it might sound minus the lyrics; "Manhattan Avenue," a brilliant piece in the vein of Billie Holiday or Ella Fitzgerald; "Change the World," a tour-de-force in which the singer wonders if her changing the world would even make a difference (great lyrics on this one); "It's A Pose," a rather anti-male song that is so convincing -- and funny -- that I can't even consider being offended; "Clonie," a hilarious faux-pop song that's catchier and smarter than anything any boy band or Madonna wannabe ever did; and "Really," which is just... well, touching.
Those are only the highlights; literally every song has something to recommend it.
A great first album by a songwriter I hope to hear more from.