
ナイト・オブ・ザ・リビングデッド 最終版 [DVD]

4.2 5つ星のうち4.2 1,214個の評価

新品 中古品
DVD 1枚組
DVD 1枚組
¥1,706 ¥1,348
DVD 1枚組
¥1,941 ¥3,834
DVD 1枚組
DVD 1枚組
DVD 1枚組
¥2,904 ¥2,323
DVD 通常版
¥4,000 ¥959
今すぐ観る レンタル 購入
フォーマット ドルビー, 色
コントリビュータ ジョージ・A・ロメロ, デュラン・ジョーンズ, カール・ハードマン, ジュディス・オデア
言語 英語, 日本語
稼働時間 1 時間 36 分

CD・DVD・テレビゲーム・PCソフト お買い得ストア
タイムセール、キャンペーン、クーポン、在庫処分ワゴンセール、バーゲン品、廉価版など、お買い得商品がもりだくさん。 ⇒いますぐチェック



製作総指揮: ジョセフ・ウルフ 製作: ラス・ストレイナー 監督: ジョージ・A.ロメロ 脚本: ジョン・A.ルッソー 出演: デュラン・ジョーンズ/ジュディス・オデア/カール・ハードマン/マリリン・イーストマン


  • アスペクト比 ‏ : ‎ 1.33:1
  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 英語, 日本語
  • 梱包サイズ ‏ : ‎ 18.03 x 13.76 x 1.48 cm; 83.16 g
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 4947127532921
  • 監督 ‏ : ‎ ジョージ・A・ロメロ
  • メディア形式 ‏ : ‎ ドルビー, 色
  • 時間 ‏ : ‎ 1 時間 36 分
  • 発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2004/7/10
  • 出演 ‏ : ‎ デュラン・ジョーンズ, ジュディス・オデア, カール・ハードマン
  • 字幕: ‏ : ‎ 日本語
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 日本語 (Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo), 英語 (Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo)
  • 販売元 ‏ : ‎ クリエイティブアクザ
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00024Z4MI
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 1
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.2 5つ星のうち4.2 1,214個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本

モダン・ゾンビの先駆けとして、本作の価値はゆるぎないんだろうが、その点については語りつくされているので、ここで屋上屋を架すことはしない。今回気づいたのは、少なくとも、本作にかぎって言えば、“宇宙から降り注いだ放射線によって死者が甦り生者の肉を喰らう”という設定の衝撃度もさることながら、その衝撃的な事態を終息させた人間の異常性のほうがクローズアップされているように感じられたのだ。つまり、主人公が殺されるという作劇上のエンディングではなく、黒人である彼がLIVING DEADにではなくHUMAN BEINGに殺されるという、そのことにこそメッセージの比重はかけられているのではないか。


5つ星のうち5.0 Stupenda edizione Criterion del capolavoro di George Romero
Capolavoro in bianco e nero presentato in un nuovo master 4k supervisionato da Romero, John Russo e dai tecnici che girarono il film. La Criterion offre il film nella sua versione originale in 4:3 (aspect ratio 1.37:1) in bianco e nero a cui si va ad aggiungere una finora inedita versione workprint del film, dal titolo The Night of Anubis. Questa versione presenta alcune scene aggiuntive e/o alternative rispetto al film rilasciato nei cinema. Oltre al film sono poi presenti una ricca collezione di contenuti speciali.
AUDIO E SOTTOTITOLI SOLO IN INGLESE per la versione cinematografica e SOLO INGLESE E NESSUN SOTTOTITOLO per la versione workprint
5つ星のうち5.0 Night of the Living Dead - The Criterion Collection
Esta opinión es para la edición de Criterion. Posiblemente sea la mejor edición que existe de este clásico. Dos blurays, uno con la película restaurada en 4K y el workprint conocido como “Night of Anubis” y otro bluray de extras. Por desgracia sólo la película lleva subtítulos en inglés, lo demás nada. También incluye un póster. Imprescindible edición para los fans.
5つ星のうち5.0 Night of the Living Dead - The Criterion Collection
Esta opinión es para la edición de Criterion. Posiblemente sea la mejor edición que existe de este clásico. Dos blurays, uno con la película restaurada en 4K y el workprint conocido como “Night of Anubis” y otro bluray de extras. Por desgracia sólo la película lleva subtítulos en inglés, lo demás nada. También incluye un póster. Imprescindible edición para los fans.
カスタマー画像 カスタマー画像 カスタマー画像
5つ星のうち5.0 Not just the best NOTLD but one of the finest Blu-ray releases ever
We'll here we are then. Not just unquestionably the greatest version of Night of the Living Dead ever produced for the home video market, but for my money one of the finest and most comprehensive Blu-ray releases ever. This delivers astonishing video and audio and a wealth of extras to keep even the most ardent Romero fan busy for a month. And of course the massive bonus here is we have an official UK criterion release to boot.

The film itself is presented in its original aspect ratio of 1.37:1, encoded with MPEG-4 AVC and the included leaflet states: "This restoration by the Museum of Modern Art and The Film Foundation, with funding provided by the George Lucas Family Foundation and the Celeste Bartos Fund for Film Preservation, was undertaken from a new digital transfer created in 4K resolution on Cineric's wet-gate film scanner, primarily from the original 35mm camera negative. For the few seconds that proved impossible to scan from this element -- approximately 1 percent of the feature film -- a 35mm fine-grain from 1968 was used. The transfer was supervised by director George A. Romero, coscreenwriter John A. Russo, sound engineer Gary R. Streiner, and producer Russell W. Streiner. After the evaluation of eighteen separate source elements, the original monaural soundtrack was remastered under the supervision of Romero and Gary Streiner from the original quarter-inch mix masters, quarter-inch premix audio tape, a final composite 16mm magnetic track, and the 16mm magnetic mix units. The restoration was performed at Audio Mechanics, led by John Polito. Transfer supervisors: Eric Nyari/Cineric, New York; George A. Romero; John A. Russo; Gary R. Streiner; Russell W. Streiner; Katie Trainor/Museum of Modern Art, New York. Colorist: Daniel DeVincent/Cineric."

Yes something after 1984 to actually thank George Lucas for! The film looks simply stunning. Both darker indoor and daylight outdoor footage look superb without sacrificing the authentic natural of the original print. No dNR sharpening here! Just nice clean up and remastering. Sound is the original high Def mono which is an absolutely perfect replication of the original design. It all comes packaged in a really nice compact black digipak with some terrific art emblazoned across the front and back.

As for extras, this is about as definitive as it gets. Included are:

Night of Anubis -
An uncorrected 16mm work print of Night of the Living Dead which features the initial working title for it, Night of Anubis. Also included is a filmed introduction by Russell Streiner.

1. Introduction. In English, not subtitled. (8 min).
2. Work print. In English, not subtitled. 1080p/Dolby Digital 1.0.(86 min).

Commentary One -
Archival audio commentary features George Romero, producer/actor Karl Hardman, actor Marilyn Eastman, and cowriter John Russo. It was recorded in 1994 and it has appeared on other home video releases.

Commentary Two -
Archival audio commentary features producer/actor Russell Streiner, production manager Vincent Survinski, and actors Judith O'Dea, S.William Hinzman, Kyra Schon, and Keith Wayne. The commentary was recorded in 1994 and has appeared on other home video releases also.

Light in the Darkness -
New featurette where directors Guillermo del Toro (The Devil's Backbone), Robert Rodriguez (From Dusk Till Dawn), and Frank Darabont (The Shawshank Redemption) explain what makes Night of the Living Dead a very special film and discuss its lasting impact on the horror genre. The featurette was produced exclusively for Criterion in 2017. In English, not subtitled. (24 min)

Dailies -
presented here is a silent 16mm reel with never-before-seen footage and alternate takes that were not used in the final cut of Night of the Living Dead. Also included is a video introduction by Gary Streiner.
1. Introduction. In English, not subtitled. (4 min).
2. Silent reel. (19 min)

Learning From Scratch -
in this brand new video interview, cowriter John Russo recalls how he was invited by John Romero to be part of the production unit behind Night of the Living Dead and discusses some unique obstacles that had to be resolved before and during the shoot. There are also some very interesting observations (with original video content) about the smaller commercial projects that eventually helped make the cult film a reality. The interview was conducted exclusively for Criterion in 2017. In English, not subtitled. (12 min)

TV Newsreel -
Presented here is a VHS recording of silent, B-roll 16mm film shot for Pittsburgh broadcast news, which has the only surviving raw footage from the shooting of Night of the Living Dead. Original ambient music by Jeff Carney is included with it. (3 min).

Walking Like the Dead -
this brand new program contains clips from archival interviews with ten actors who recall what it was like to play the zombies in Night of the Living Dead. The interviews were conducted in 2009. The program was produced by Jim Cirronella for Criterion in 2017. In English, not subtitled. (14 min).

Tones of Terror -
in this brand new program, producer Jim Cirronella discusses the stock music that was used to enhance the claustrophobic ambience in Night of the Living Dead. The program was produced exclusively for Criterion in 2017. In English, not subtitled. (12 min).

Limitations Into Virtues -
in this new visual essay, filmmakers Tony Zhou and Taylor Ramos (Every Frame a Painting) address some of the technical obstacles that the creators of Night of the Living Dead faced during the shooting process and discuss the film's unique visual style. The essay was produced exclusively for Criterion in 2017. In English, not subtitled. (12 min).

Tomorrow -
Presented here are edited excerpts from an archival episode of NBC's Tomorrow show in which George Romero and Don Coscarelli (Phantasm) discuss the evolution of the horror genre and the creative enthronement in which horror films were made during the 1970s, as well as the expectations that most people have when they go to their local theater to see a horror film. The episode was broadcast on July 3, 1979. In English, not subtitled. (19 min).

Higher Learning -
presented here is an archival interview with director George Romero which was recorded at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2012. The late director discusses the unusual production and distribution history of Night of the Living Dead. There are also some very interesting comments addressing the popular myth that the film supposedly carries important social/racial overtones. In English, not subtitled. (46 min).

Duane Jones -
in this archival audio interview, Duane Jones discusses his involvement with Night of the Living Dead and explains why he decided to distance himself from the film despite being grateful that George Romero gave him the opportunity to be part of it. The actor also addresses the film's enormous popularity during the drive-in era. The interview, which is illustrated with stills and clips, was conducted and edited by journalist Tim Ferrante on December 13, 1987. In English, not subtitled. (22 min).

Judith Ridley -
in this archival interview, Judith Ridley recalls how she became involved in the production of Night of the Living Dead and shares a few funny stories from the actual shoot. The interview was produced by Elite Entertainment in 1994. In English, not subtitled. (11 min).

Venus Probe -
this 1967 newsreel details the real-life findings of the Mariner 5 space craft in Venus' atmosphere that precede the crash that unleashes the zombie plague in Night of the Leaving Dead. In English, not subtitled. (1 min). In English, not subtitled. (11 min).

Trailers -
1. Trailer One (1968). Vintage trailer. (2 min).
2. Trailer Two (2017). New trailer for the 4K restoration of the film. (2 min).
TV Spots - in English, not subtitled.

Radio Spots - collection of vintage radio spots. In English, not subtitled.

1. Thirty Seconds (1968).
2. Sixty Seconds. (1968).
3. Re-release One (1970).
4. Re-release Two (1970).
5. Re-release Three (1970).

Leaflet/Poster - an illustrated leaflet/poster featuring critic Stuart Klawans' essay "Mere Anarchy is Loosed" and technical credits.

In short, this is the greatest release of Romero's classic hands down. If you own any other version, this won't just be a 'double dip' it's a whole new ball game. Criterion have outdone themselves here. Just phenomenal!
K. D.
5つ星のうち5.0 The Classic film that started the zombie genre
One of the greatest horror films ever made. Roger Ebert, said that audiences didn't know what they were in for when this film was released to the unsuspecting movie goers back in 1968. He wrote that the film went from pleasantly scary to absolutely terrifying. He noted some in attendance were so scared they were crying. What do you expect no one had ever seen a movie like this up until then. It was an original, the original. Now there a whole very successful zombie genre that has grown from the very strong roots planted by this powerful film back in 68. A classic. Success's like the walking dead owes everything to this film.
If you are looking to buy. Then the best versions are the millennium version released on lazer disc in the mid 90s & then on DVD around 2000 it's loaded with special features & then there's the even better 2008 remastered version supervised by George Romero distributed by dimension home entertainment. This one also comes with special features including a very indepht 90 minute documentary tiled "One for the fire"
K. D.
5つ星のうち5.0 The Classic film that started the zombie genre
One of the greatest horror films ever made. Roger Ebert, said that audiences didn't know what they were in for when this film was released to the unsuspecting movie goers back in 1968. He wrote that the film went from pleasantly scary to absolutely terrifying. He noted some in attendance were so scared they were crying. What do you expect no one had ever seen a movie like this up until then. It was an original, the original. Now there a whole very successful zombie genre that has grown from the very strong roots planted by this powerful film back in 68. A classic. Success's like the walking dead owes everything to this film.
If you are looking to buy. Then the best versions are the millennium version released on lazer disc in the mid 90s & then on DVD around 2000 it's loaded with special features & then there's the even better 2008 remastered version supervised by George Romero distributed by dimension home entertainment. This one also comes with special features including a very indepht 90 minute documentary tiled "One for the fire"
5つ星のうち3.0 quelles options langues disponibles dans le DVD ???
domage, cette édition du DVD ne propose pas de VF sous titrée (cela aurait put être indiqué dans la description du produit) mais je suis n"anmoins satisfait .