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24 -TWENTY FOUR- シーズン1 DVDコレクターズ・ボックス

4.3 5つ星のうち4.3 855個の評価

¥5,980 税込
新品 中古品
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DVD 7枚組
DVD 通常版 ¥4,350 ¥276
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¥4,500 ¥458
DVD 6枚組 ¥5,691 ¥419
DVD 通常版
¥5,980 ¥6


フォーマット ドルビー, ワイドスクリーン, 色
コントリビュータ スティーブン・ホプキンス, レスリー・ホープ, キーファー・サザーランド
言語 英語, 日本語
稼働時間 17 時間 12 分

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24 -TWENTY FOUR- シーズン1(SEASONSブルーレイ・ボックス) [Blu-ray] 24 -TWENTY FOUR- シーズン1 (SEASONSコンパクト・ボックス) [DVD] 24 -TWENTY FOUR- シーズン1 DVDコレクターズ・ボックス
価格 ¥4,779 ¥3,762 ¥5,980
製品仕様 Blu-ray DVD DVD
発売日 2017/7/21 2010/5/28 2004/8/20



24-TWENTY FOUR-早分かりページはこちらから。




●字幕翻訳:渡部 類/桜井 文 ●吹替翻訳:木村純子/佐藤真紀/高山美香

vol.1 第1話「MIDNIGHT」/第2話「1:00」/第3話「2:00」
vol.2 第4話「3:00」/第5話「4:00」
vol.3 第6話「5:00」/第7話「6:00」
vol.4 第8話「7:00」/第9話「8:00」
vol.5 第10話「9:00」/第11話「10:00」
vol.6 第12話「11:00」/第13話「12:00」
vol.7 第14話「13:00」/第15話「14:00」
vol.8 第16話「15:00」/第17話「16:00」
vol.9 第18話「17:00」/第19話「18:00」
vol.10 第20話「19:00」/第21話「20:00」
vol.11 第22話「21:00」/第23話「22:00」
vol.12 第24話「23:00」

●全米大ヒット! 秋からはサード・シーズンの放送も決定! 世界14カ国でセンセーションを巻き起こした画期的TVシリーズ!

●キーファー・サザーランド メッセージ
●US TVスポット




そういった不満もあるにせよ、従来のテレビ・ドラマの枠を突き破った作品であることは間違いない。主演のサザーランドは、本作で一気に低迷から抜け出し、ゴールデン・グローブ賞受賞も納得の名演を見せている。ショーン・キャラリーによる音楽もパワフルで、陰うつなムードをかもし出す。『Murder One』や『ザ・ソプラノズ』と同様に、『24』は今後のスリラー番組の指標となりそうなテレビ・シリーズのひとつだ。(Philip Kemp, Amazon.com)


  • アスペクト比 ‏ : ‎ 1.78:1
  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 英語, 日本語
  • 梱包サイズ ‏ : ‎ 20 x 19 x 14 cm; 1.43 kg
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 4988142222121
  • 監督 ‏ : ‎ スティーブン・ホプキンス
  • メディア形式 ‏ : ‎ ドルビー, ワイドスクリーン, 色
  • 時間 ‏ : ‎ 17 時間 12 分
  • 発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2004/8/20
  • 出演 ‏ : ‎ キーファー・サザーランド, レスリー・ホープ
  • 字幕: ‏ : ‎ 日本語
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 英語 (Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround)
  • 販売元 ‏ : ‎ 20世紀フォックス・ホーム・エンターテイメント・ジャパン
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0002JNX80
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 12
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.3 5つ星のうち4.3 855個の評価




1 星
私がアマゾンで購入したのは、24 -TWENTY FOUR- DVDコレクターズ・ボックス 1という名前の、vol.1が入っていない不思議なコレクターズ・ボックスセットでした。届くまではvol.1が入っていないとは思ってもいませんでした。届いた後にAMAZONで確認すると、確かにvol.1は記載されていませんでした。つまり、第4話「3:00」から始まる訳です。vol.1は自分の頭の中で想像しよう、ということだと思います。大体は想像できました。おかげで、vol.2以降は、全体の20%くらいを堪能することができました。また、vol.7 第13話「14:00」/第14話「15:00」以降も内容不明です。このような販売方式は凄いと感心しました。なぜか、だいぶん抜けていますが、見る人が見れば楽しめるかも知れません。&lt;収録エピソード>(計10話)vol.2 第4話「3:00」/第5話「4:00」vol.3 第6話「5:00」/第7話「6:00」vol.4 第8話「7:00」/第9話「8:00」vol.5 第10話「9:00」/第11話「10:00」vol.6 第12話「11:00」/第13話「12:00」

上位レビュー、対象国: 日本



5つ星のうち5.0 24 Stg.1 (Box 6 Dv)
La prima stagione di "24" è composta da 24 episodi ed è distribuita su 6 DVD nel box set. Questa stagione introduce il famoso formato in tempo reale della serie, seguendo le vicende di Jack Bauer, interpretato da Kiefer Sutherland, mentre affronta minacce terroristiche e intrighi a ritmo frenetico.

Il formato di 6 DVD potrebbe indicare la presenza di contenuti extra, come dietro le quinte, commenti audio o altro materiale bonus che potrebbe arricchire l'esperienza di visione. Prima dell'acquisto, potrebbe essere interessante verificare la presenza di questi contenuti per ottenere una visione completa della prima stagione di " 24 "
John A Lee III
5つ星のうち5.0 An Intense and Inventive Emotional Roller Coaster
This is an innovative series. The entire 24 episodes chronicle just 24 hours in the life of one man. That man is Jack Bauer, a leader of the Counter Terrorism Unit. The 24 hours involved are the day of the California presidential primary. He learns of a plot to assassinate the front runner and is assigned to work the case. The plotters know their business. They kidnap his family to ease their way but they don't count on Bauer being who he is. They also don't count on the candidate being the man he is.

It's an intense and emotional roller coaster packed with adrenalin rushes and lots of action. There are characters you loathe who turn out better than expected and others you trust who turn out to be dirtbags. Nothing is predictable except that waiting for the next season is tough.

Episode synopses appear below:

12:00AM-1:00AM - The episode starts with Counter Terrorism learning of a plot against a presidential candidate. There is reason to believe that elements within the unit are involved. Agent Jack Bauer is assigned to get to the bottom of it. His methods are ruthless and to the point. They are also effective. There is an hour to get the job done. The clock is ticking but Bauer has other things on his mind as well. His daughter has sneaked out of the house and is up to teenage foolishness of her own. His estranged wife is left to deal with the situation and that makes nobody happy. As the episode ends, the situation is even more tense all around. There is corruption within the agency, the candidate is worried about a skeleton from his own closet, a 747 has been blown up and the daughter has gotten in over her head.

1:00 AM - 2:00 AM - The dirt in the Agency is worse than feared and the plot to kill the presidential candidate has escalated to a whole new level. That means more security but, because the senator has some skeletons in his own closet, he has ducked his security detail. The danger is growing. Its also growing for the wayward daughter who is in with a really bad crowd. She is in danger and so is her friend. The boys she is with have plans for using her somehow, we don't know how, but it will be bad...almost as bad as the turncoat agent.

2:00 AM - 3:00 AM - The Creeps who took Bauer's daughter have a connection with the rogue elements in the Agency. The girls learn something about how brutal life can be. So does the senator. His opposition is playing dirty and is prepared to spread lies(?) about the senator's family. The senator's attempts at damage control make him even more vulnerable. That's not good because the bad guys are out for his blood. The bad guys include some bad gals as well and they are double crossers. Since the Agency has its own problems with loyalty, Jack doesn't know who he can trust. Actually, he does...nobody.

3:00 AM - 4:00 AM - Jack's daughter has been recaptured by the urban scum who are in league with the assassins. Her friend has been left for dead but the scum are having second thoughts about making sure. A couple of worried parents are heading in the same direction but they are stopped for a traffic violation. The distraught father makes the mistake of mouthing off to the officer and that results in their being delayed from finding the girl. Jack has a lead and gets out of headquarters just before it goes into lockdown. The guy running the lockdown is dirty but it is unclear whether he is dirty regarding the assassination plot. Jack's lead pans out but a cop is killed in the process and the suspect is clams up. Jack does learn one important thing. His daughter's disappearance and the assassination plot are linked.

4:00 AM - 5:00 AM - The dirty agency supervisor is probably just a routine corrupt official and not a part of the assassination plot. This is good because he actually lets Bauer talk to the suspect. The suspect knows about the daughter and he is up to his eyeballs in the plot. Jack's daughter has been transferred to a professional bad guy. There is a contact set up. Bauer has to spring the suspect from the jail in order to make the contact. This hacks off the local police even more. It pays off with a bit of information but not enough to reach the goal. Meanwhile, the candidate has learned some devastating things about his son which may be true...even though they come from a reporter.

5:00 AM - 6:00 AM - Jack finally meets up with his wife at the hospital. He figures that the other daughter may be the subject of an attempt to get rid of witnesses. The girl is in critical condition. Candidate Palmer turns out to be an honest, if misguided, politician. The dirt on his family is true and everyone knows about it except him. The wife is more interested in ambition than silly things like love, family and spouse. The kidnappers get serious with Jack's daughter. They get him away from the hospital and have him under surveillance. Worse, the father of the other girl is not who he seems to be and he now has mom off on a wild goose chase.

6:00 AM - 7:00 AM - The threat of hiving his daughter killed has forced Jack back to HQ. The terrorists want him to replace the ID card they are cracking the code on with a fake. They are afraid he is getting too close. They also force him to get access to the big breakfast with the candidate. His assistant gets suspicious and the only way to get out is to kidnap her. Meanwhile, the wife still has her own problems. She manages to escape the kidnapper but she calls the Agency asking for help. The Agency send some more kidnappers. The place is riddled with them. This screws up everyone's escape attempts. The candidate wants to do the right thing and come clean. He is about the only honest person in this mess but his wife's ambitions may lead him astray.

7:00 AM - 8:00 AM - The rat at CTU headquarters is finally identified. She was suckered into it with the promise that "nobody will get hurt." Now, the assassination is about to go down and she won't talk until she talks to a lawyer. That seems like a recipe for assassination and murder. The Secret Service has been apprised of the threat. Now they think that Bauer is the real enemy and are looking for him. Bauer is looking for a way out of a lose-lose situation. It gets uglier and uglier.

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM - The assassination plot has been foiled and Jack Bauer is in custody but nobody is exactly sure what happened. Jack's family is still threatened and so, for that matter, is the candidate. Jack knows that the only way for his family to survive is for him to escape and he is driven to desperate measures to do so. The rat at HQ is still not talking and possesses needed information but takes drastic measures to keep that information from coming out. Meanwhile the wife and daughter have to take some drastic actions themselves to plan a possible escape. Again, the candidate seems to be the most honest person around but his ambitious wife stirs up even more trouble on that front as well.

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM - The day isn't getting any better. Jack is still a fugitive and his family is still being held captive by the terrorists seeking to assassinate the senator running for president. He manages to elude the police but the mole in the agency dies before giving up any information. A new hard case is sent out to take over the Counter Terrorism Unit and cuts the feet out from under those still trying to help him. They do get their first real lead on the power setting up the hit. It looks like they find the money man and Jack is out for blood.

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM - Jack has the money man. Now he has to sweat the information he needs out of him. The guys who planned and executed the kidnapping and assassination attempt have lost the trust of the ones who have hired them. The men behind the scenes have a contingency plan and say that both will be dead by the end of the day. It seems like the real bad guys made have a history with Jack from an operation in Serbia. Candidate Palmer has some connection as well. He has his own problems to deal with. His wife is making plans behind his back with his fired chief of staff. She is willing to take part in dirty deals to further her ambitions but her husband is not. When his suspect dies, Jack's only hope is to make it to a meeting with the money man's contact. That reunites Jack with the man who was posing as the father of his daughter's friend.

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Jack's prisoner is forced to take him to where the wife and daughter are being held and Jack finally gets reunited with them. The hard case sent to take over the CTU is busy busting the chops of Jack's friends and trying to find out where he is. She is playing agents off against each other in the hope that one of them will break. This puts Jack's whole operation at risk since he is cut off without support. Jack is forced to call his replacement to ask for help. She doesn't trust him and she is suspicious so Jack starts the rescue with his wife, daughter and one of the teen scumbags who has had a change of heart (and hormones). The candidate is trying to protect the doctor who violated his confidences. He doesn't like the guy but suspects that those with political motives will try to kill him to shut him up. The day from hell is only half over.

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM - The big escape attempt has bogged down. Jack's vehicle was destroyed and they have to make their way on foot. It's a game of cat and mouse as Bauer and his family try to avoid being captured by the assassination team while they wait for rescue to arrive. Meanwhile, Presidential candidate Palmer has his world torn down around him. Though he strives to be honest at every turn, he finds more and more corruption within his own staff and family. The puppet masters are trying to get enough leverage on him to force him to continue on with his candidacy. They want him in. The ones wanting his assassination want to prevent that just as much and a second assassin is on the way.

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM - Jack is in custody and his family is seemingly safe but things are not as they appear. Someone is still out to get them even if it is just to make sure there are no loose threads...but there may be something more to it than that. CTU is aware that there are more threats against the candidate but the new team leader is more interested in her career than anything else. She thinks that torpedoing Bauer is a smart career move. The big threat from Serbia is methodically wiping out the first team that failed and is setting up for another attempt. The candidate has been pressured into continuing the campaign but his son is finally developing a conscience and wants to come clean. Connections are starting to be made with Yugoslavia and the candidate thinks this whole affair has been orchestrated by Bauer as vengeance for a failed operation in Serbia that he had something mysterious to do with. To make matters worse, there is a mole within the campaign organization.

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM - Jack is still under a cloud and his family is being interrogated at a safe house when Senator Palmer shows up and demands to speak with him. After pulling some strings, he gets his way. He thinks Jack is part of the big plot. Very quickly though, they both come to the realization that the hit is not motivated by politics. It is revenge for an operation in Yugoslavia several years before. They come to believe that they and their families are all still in danger. They are right. There is one other person who can help, a former operative. He proves useful but he's on the hit list as well. They body count starts increasing and the Senator pulls some string to get Jack reinstated and running the investigation.

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM - The CTU team finally begins to get a few breaks. They find the identity of at least a few of the assassination team. When they warn the senator and his staff is briefed, one of them comes forward as having had contact with one of the shooters. She is willing to cooperate. She will set up one of the shooters. She better hurry because another shooter is closing in on Jack's family. The safe house is not as safe as they had hoped and mom has to take things into her own hands again...with seemingly tragic results. Just to keep the tension ratcheted up, Jack has reason to suspect there is another mole in the CTU but there is no way to be sure. It going to be even harder to figure out since his security clearance has been downgraded. The senator's son has his own vendetta and sets off on his own tangent. This is going to further confuse everything.

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM - The car crash has left Jack's wife and daughter separated and each believing the wrong thing about the other. The daughter thinks the mother has been kidnapped and the mother has amnesia and doesn't remember who she is. The daughter doesn't trust anyone except for the young punk that helped to kidnap her to begin with. This does not sit well with the punk's girlfriend. CTU is using the candidate's staffer to try and plant a bug on one of the assassins. The nervous woman understandably has a difficult time maintaining the act. The woman scorned has more on her mind than just helping the cops. That thwarts all the plans for the setup. The daughter has problems with being "the woman scorned" as well. The only ray of hope is that Jack manages to set up a meeting with somebody involved in the plot but that's for next time.

5:00 PM - 6:00PM - When one of the assassins becomes a casualty, most chances of rounding up the rest of the ring are thwarted until a phone call gets them an opportunity to meet with one of the others. This will involve Jack posing as the hurt assassin and hoping that the other won't recognize him. Unfortunately, one of his back up team has a score to settle with Jack personally. The brass are keeping the information about Jack's family away from him. The daughter is now being held by a minor league bad guy and the mother still has amnesia and doesn't remember who she is. The candidate's wife is still worried more about her own ambitions than about anything else including her husband, family, truth or justice. She gets caught by her husband's sting and he decides he cannot trust her.

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM - The bad guy set up for a contact is dead but Jack does get some information to lead him to another point he thinks is critical. He just doesn't know why it's critical. He heads that way and is shepherded by his boss. He still thinks someone is dirty in the agency and the agency still hasn't told him that there has been an attempt on his wife and daughter and that they are missing. The wife is starting to come out of her amnesia and is taken to her house by an old flame. The bad guys are casing the place looking for another try. Meanwhile, the daughter has gotten herself into another bad situation when she looks up the thug who kidnapped her. Another thug then holds them both while he tries to conduct a drug deal and rip off his source. It is going to get even uglier for her. The senator finally makes his big speech and leaves everyone speechless and some crooks livid. I think I might even vote for this guy and hope his honesty is infectious. Jack makes his way to the next site but the bad guys realize he's there. He still doesn't know what, if anything, he has found.

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM - Jack finally figures out that in addition to the revenge motive, there is a political motive to the assassination attempts as well. The coordinates he finds leads to a secret prisoner and Jack is taken into custody by the defense department which runs the place. Jack convinces the warden that an attempt will be made to do something at 7:20. He learns that a secret prisoner will be transferred at that time but that nobody knows who the prisoner is. When the prisoner arrives, it turns out to be somebody Jack saw die in Serbia several years ago. He is the patriarch of the Serbians who are trying to kill him, his family and the senator. He knows they are going to make another try. The daughter has been picked up by the police who think she is a run of the mill druggie and don't believe her wild stories. The mother is being taken to CTU. The senator learns that honesty really does pay off and that his wife is even more power mad than he believed possible.

8:00 PM - 9:00 PM - The terrorists make an attempt on the secret prison and they manage to capture the place, proving along the way why one should not negotiate with terrorists; they don't keep up their end of the deal. Now, CTU must find a way to rescue them. Jack's wife is back at CTU being a nuisance because she is being given the mushroom treatment. The daughter is still rotting in jail but she manages to get some leverage by actually standing up for herself. The senator sweeps the primaries and his wife is not any more trustworthy than before but he has some new problems. One of his interns has the hots for him. At least he is standing strong and still acting as an honest a decent man. Meanwhile, back at the hellhole, the terrorists kill everyone but Jack and manage to escape. They are about to kill him as well but he has a bargaining chip. Then the daughter gets caught again.

9:00 PM - 10:00 PM - The terrorists have Jack and they have his daughter. They want them both dead but they also want one of their own back. They try to arrange a trade but the political animals at the agency figure it's better to lose Jack than to face possible embarrassment. They write him off. This hacks off some of his team members who contact the senator through back channels to see if he can put some pressure on the agency to go through with a trade. His wife has schemes of her own. She wants the White House and has her own ambitions. Since their marriage is troubled, she looks for leverage. The old harridan tries to set him up with a staffer to gain some leverage but, so far, he is still squeaky clean.

10:00 PM - 11:00 PM - The terrorists are nothing if not persistent. They have Jack's daughter again and are threatening to kill her unless Jack does a few things for them. They want him to get the senator to unlock their funds, and they want him to kill the senator. It looks like the senator is going to succumb to the setup his wife has prepared for him. He doesn't and he finds even less reason to trust his wife. He does trust Jack but Secret Service does not. Jack comes through though and saves the senator again. Keeping the terrorists in the dark though puts up a terrible obstacle: the candidate's wife. She fears that saving Jack's daughter will endanger her own political ambitions. They have more problems. There is still a mole inside the agency. It is one of the biggest surprises of the season.

11:00 PM - 12:00 AM - The terrorists not longer have Jack's daughter but he does not know that. The mole sets Jack up for death by telling him that his daughter has been killed. That puts Jack into revenge mode and the terrorists are going to be toast. That still leaves the problem of the mole. The mole has its own hostage but does not manage to escape Jack's wrath. His hardest decision is the one not to kill it. The mole should have been killed because it killed the hostage. The candidate has his own problem as well. That is his wife. Being the honest man he is, he solves the problem and the day from hell is over.
5つ星のうち5.0 Dvd 24
Tutto perfetto
Buck Pelletier
5つ星のうち5.0 My review of 24: Season One Special Edition
This is my review of 24: Season One Special Edition. Now, just to get this out of the way as a disclaimer here at the beginning. I'm a HUGE 24 fanatic. I think it's the greatest show on television right now. That being said, I might be overrating this in some peoples' eyes. But I'm giving you my honest opinion.

Okay, so there are three versions of 24: Season One on DVD. Since this was the third version to come out, I thought I'd spend the bulk of this review explaining the differences between this and the other versions.

This version has new and unique packaging, as well as a good amount of extras including commentary for the premiere and finale, as well as a 7th disk completely devoted to extras (in line with every other season of the show since). Many of these extras were created specifically for this version.

I will agree with the other reviewers about the packaging. On the outside, it's definitely unique. A metal box, with a little clock on the bottom that says 24, and a button on the inside that resets it to 0 and counts up to 24 hours. Love that. The housing for the DVDs, not so much. All the other 24 DVDs have cases that protect the disks, but here for some reason they decided to use a cardboard book with sleeves. First of all, this book is somewhat difficult to remove from the metal case which can be annoying. Also, it's not very good protection for the disks. None of my disks were scratched, but a lot of them were smudged from the cardboard. As a result, many of them skipped or froze in parts. Most of them worked fine after a cleaning though, and I was generally okay with it. It's not as big of an issue as some previous reviewers made it out to be, in my opinion.

As for the extras. They could be better, and there could be more of them, but I enjoyed them regardless. The commentary for the premiere, with Stephen Hopkins and Peter Levy was a snoozefest. Hopkins was boring, and the other guy was talking so softly I couldn't even hear him. They really only said stuff I already knew anyway. The finale's commentary is much better because it was Leslie Hope, who played Teri Bauer in the series. You could tell she was having a great time just watching the show and commenting about it, which was nice and definitely fun.

The extras on Disk 7 were good as well. Most of the deleted scenes weren't that great; there's a reason why they didn't make the final cut. But some of them were very good. In particular, I enjoyed Carl "Chats" with Barry. That was golden.

As the previous reviewer said, the alternate ending was not good. But, what I really enjoyed was watching it with Joel Surnow's commentary. He shed some light on the whole thing, explaining how they didn't like this ending, but explained the entire thinking process behind it. It definitely told me a lot about 24 behind the scenes, the way the writers think, and their entire creative process.

That was further explained in the included documentary "The Genesis of 24". This was very enjoyable in my opinion, but it could've been longer. Still, definitely worth watching.

Finally, "The Rookie", which is probably the best thing on these extras. I had never seen these before or even knew what they were. It turns out "The Rookie" is an online spin-off of 24 that's more comedic but still has some cool action. Not much in the way of suspense though. Still, these are a lot of fun. Definitely worth watching. Although, they're available for free online.

Now that I've covered everything that's different about this set, I'll take a quick minute to run through the meat and potatoes of this DVD set, the first season of 24. Season One was one of my favorite seasons, which says a lot because I love every season. The storylines are awesome, it's unbelievably suspenseful, the action is great, the characters are all very likable, the acting is wonderful, the writing is wonderful, this is in my opinion the best show on television. That doesn't mean it's flawless though. I've had at least one major problem with every season of 24 so far. For Season One, like most people, it was the Teri amnesia storyline. I think it made no sense and it was pretty boring. It dragged down that point of the season a little bit, that is until the awesome climax of it. Despite that, in my opinion this is the best series on television.

But, seeing it on DVD is even better. For some reason, it just seems like it's on a whole different level, watching on DVD. It's probably because there's no commercials to take you out of the excitement. But I can very easily watch 5 or 6 episodes in one sitting and have a great time just watching it unfold. No other show has given me that feeling, at least not on such a high level as 24.

Overall, I give this DVD 5 stars. Now, most reviewers knocked off a star for the packaging, but honestly I don't think it's a big enough problem to knock off a whole star. Maybe a half star, but it'd still round up to 5, so that's where I'm keeping it. Besides, the extras make up for the packaging headaches in my opinion, so this is about equal to the other versions of Season One. Life is full of trade-offs. Honestly, as for which version I'd reccommend, I'd just go with the cheapest one. I got this for $19.99 during the recent sale. Whichever version of Season One happens to be cheaper when you're buying, I'd say go with that version, because I wouldn't say one version is definitely superior to another. They're just, different, and they have different advantages and unfortunate disadvantages.

Overall, amazing DVD though. 5/5.
Mario Pf.
5つ星のうち5.0 dramatische 24 Stunden Action
Mit 24 wurde ein gewagtes Serienkonzept in die Tat umgesetzt. Eine Serie mit 24 Folgen, zu je 45 Minuten möglichst glaubwürdig in einem Zeitraum von 24 Stunden anzusiedeln, ohne übermäßig an Spannung und Aktion zu verlieren war ein riskantes Unternehmen und hätte ohne Weiteres scheitern und in Vergessenheit geraten können, doch vielleicht hat auch die Starbesetzung von Jack Bauer durch Kiefer Sutherland dazu beigetragen, dass diese Serie ein dermaßen überraschender Erfolg geworden ist. So kann man sich nach einigen Folgen auch keine bessere Besetzung von Jack Bauer mehr wünschen. Eine andere durch 24 bekannt oder bekannter gewordene Person ist die Schauspielerin Elisha Cuthbert, deren Karriere durch diesen Erfolg beflügelt hoffentlich noch weiter ausgebaut werden wird. Die eindrucksvolle Kameraführung und allgegenwärtige Darstellung des Zeitverlaufs, sowie Tag und Nacht machen diese Serie auch zu einem visuellen Meisterwerk, das seines gleichen sucht. Die sich entwickelnden und überzeugend gespielten Charaktere wie der von Senator Palmer und seiner Frau Sherry verleihen, zusammen mit den zahlreichen Actionszenen, der Serie noch einen zusätzlichen Schwung.
24 handelt vom Agenten Jack Bauer, der pflichtbewusst, aber mit bei seinen Vorgesetzten unliebsamen Methoden, seinen Dienst bei der Anti-Terror-Einheit Los Angeles versieht. Nach einer Ehekrise und vorübergehenden Trennung von Frau und Tochter ist er wieder zu diesen zurückgekehrt und versucht den fragilen Hausfrieden aufrechtzuerhalten. Was ihm dabei jedoch regelmäßig dazwischen kommt ist wie sollte es anders sein, sein Job. So beginnt auch dieser Tag oder besser gesagt diese Nacht, da die Uhr genau 0:00 anzeigt, bei Jack zu Hause, wo er eben noch gegen Tochter Kim eine Partie Schach gespielt hat. Ohne es zu ahnen werden das die letzten ruhigen Minuten und seine Familie an diesem Tag sein. Kurz darauf bricht Kim von zu Hause aus und macht sich mit einer Freundin auf zu einer Partie, während Jack zu einer dringenden Sitzung einberufen wird. Daraufhin werden Tochter und Mutter entführt und Jack wird von zu diesem Zeitpunkt unbekannten dazu erpresst einen Präsidentschaftskandidaten, den ersten Schwarzen mit ernstzunehmenden Chancen, Senator David Palmer, zu ermorden. Ein Wettlauf mit der Zeit beginnt, in dessen Verlauf Jack sich immer mehr Feinden von innen gegenübersieht und schlussendlich auf sich allein gestellt zu einer letzten sinnlosen Konfrontation ausrücken muss, nur um trotzdem mehr zu verlieren als ihm lieb ist.