
Les Troyens [DVD]

4.2 5つ星のうち4.2 79個の評価

新品 中古品
DVD 3枚組
¥15,666 ¥3,083

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Product Description

Sir John Eliot Gardiner conducts the Monteverdi Choir, Choeur du Th鰾tre du Ch穰elet and Orchestre Revolutionnaire et Romantique in a landmark triple disc of Berlioz's towering opera, recorded in High Definition at Le Ch穰elet, Paris. A tragic tale of love and fate, war and peace and the intertwined destinies of two cities, the opera is based on Virgil's imperial vision of the founding myth of Rome. The American tenor Gregory Kunde as Aeneas and the Italian mezzo-soprano Anna Caterina Antonacci lead an international cast in this stunning new production.

Picture Format: 16:9 High Definition � Subtitles: GB, D, F, ES � Sound Format: LPCM Stereo, 5.1DTS Surround


  • アスペクト比 ‏ : ‎ 1.78:1
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ フランス語
  • 製品サイズ ‏ : ‎ 19.05 x 13.97 x 2.54 cm; 249.48 g
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 0809478009009
  • メディア形式 ‏ : ‎ クラシック
  • 発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2004/8/30
  • 出演 ‏ : ‎ Graham, Kunde, Gardiner
  • 字幕: ‏ : ‎ フランス語, 英語, ドイツ語, スペイン語
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ フランス語 (Stereo), フランス語 (DTS 5.1)
  • 販売元 ‏ : ‎ Opus Arte
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0002TTTHO
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 3
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.2 5つ星のうち4.2 79個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本



5つ星のうち5.0 C'est LA version des Troyens
Tout est quasiment parfait, décors et mise en scène (pour une fois il y a des gens qui s'intéresse à l'oeuvre qu'il monte à contrario de l'ineptie de la dernière production de Bastille, pas envie d'accoler opéra à ça), les voix sont idéales et la direction d'orchestre …. décidément depuis Charles Munch il n'y a que les anglais pour diriger Berlioz, Gardiner ici avant Davis.
Pour une fois on entend du chant français presque parfait avec une lisibilité exemplaire (pas besoin de sous titre), un phrasé très pur qui n'est pas pollué par du verdisme ou du wagnérisme mal compris.
Je n'ai qu'un seul regret la toute fin, les dernières mesures où j'attendais plus d'espoir revanchard puis plus de désespoir. Enfin "Nobody's perfect".
Dr D Bowden
5つ星のうち5.0 Berlioz Les Troyens
Berlioz music dramatic;
Susan Graham as Dido and Anna Antonaccci as Casandra are tops!

The recent production at the Met was very f good but I enjoyed this rather spare production more
5つ星のうち5.0 Les Troyens
E' l'allestimento originale londinese, in coproduzione Vienna, Londra, Milano e San Francisco, andato quest'anno alla Scala. La registrazione eccellente e' stata effettuata al Covent Garden nell'estate 2012. Occasione unica per conoscere questa splendida musica, raramente eseguita dato il costo della realizzazione. Imperdibile. Paolo
Dr. Margret Riegels
5つ星のうち5.0 Berlioz, Les Troyens, DVD,Covent Garden
LES TROYENS, von Macdonald in 10jähriger Arbeit kritisch ediert (Bärenreiter), wurde erst 1969 in Glasgow und London integral aufgeführt und rehabilitiert.Oft mit dem später entstandenen RING verglichen, steht das 1863 vollendete Werk in der Tradition der frz. tragédie lyrique - und blieb trotzdem lange in Frankr. verkannt. Die Pariser Erstaufführung fand erst 2003 im Châtelet (unter Gardiner) statt.
Die Londoner DVD (jetzt schon die 5.DVD-Aufnahme) des einmaligen Meisterwerkes geht auf die Aufführung vom Juli 2012 zurück und präsentiert eine Starbesetung (selbst kleine Nebenrollen wie Priam, von Robert Lloyd gesungen, sind mit grossen Stimmen besetzt). Anna Caterina Antonacci ist sängerisch wie darstellerisch neben Jessye Norman die überzeugendste und erschütterndste Darstellerin der Cassandre, der Widerstansheldin, die die erste Hälfte der Oper beherrscht.Eva-Maria Westbrook,auch sie eine bewährte Berlioz-Interpretin, gibt in idealer Form die Didon, der tragisch liebenden Volkskönigin, die an Äneas zerbricht und ihr Reich aufgibt. Bryan Himel, der für den erkrankten Jonas Kaufmann einsprang, singt hier den Enée, eine der schwierigsten Rollen des Tenorfachs: einmalig in allen Lagen (lyrisch, dramatisch, heroisch, zerrissen...).
Chor und Orchester unter Antonio Pappano geben einen berauschenden Berlioz-Klang wieder. Das aufregende Bühnengeschehen leidet etwas unter einer zuweilen nicht ganz einleuchtenden Regie von David McVicar.
Berlioz`grosse Frauen- und Städteoper (ohne die weder CARMEN noc h BORIS denkbar wären)aktualisiert antike Mythen in erstaunlich moderner Form (Zivilisationablösungen im Sinne Toynbees, Suche nach Frieden...) , und dass sie seit längerem in Deutschland eine kontinuierliche Bühnenpräsenz besitzt, ist kein Zufall.

Prof.Dr.Hermann Hofer
5つ星のうち5.0 Truly a wonderful production on a Blu-ray of landmark technical quality
What a wonderful work of art! I had high hopes for the new Troyens, and this production exceeded my expectations!
First and foremost, I expect a new work of art to provide me new visions, things I haven't seen before, and here the director David McVicar and the team do deliver plenty of food for the brain, and then some! The stunning sets are by Es Devlin, and they are wonderful trough the length of Les Troyens.
For example, look at the giant, mechanical Trojan horse, posing on the cover of the Blu-ray! It took over a year to cast all the pieces, attention to detail is mind-boggling.

Les Troyens is sometimes called a French counterpart to Wagner's Ring, and this production does remind me of the Robert Lepage's new Ring for the Met, in a sense that it also made a grand masterpiece truly work for me, for a first time. The conductor Antonio Pappano seems to have taken a similar (correct) approach to the music, as Levine and Luisi had done with the Ring, less historical baggage, more beauty.
There are many things, that can go less than perfectly with an opera production, but when it really works, there's nothing better. Here we have an example, where *everything* worked; the lighting is wonderful, as are the costumes (all 100+ of them!). The dance choreographies are contemporary, bold, and exciting, alone worth more than the price of this marvelous Blu-ray. The video direction is faultless, it's all good.
The singing is of very high quality, and all the singers look their parts, a very important factor with a filmed production. The ROH orchestra is in a great form, as well.

And then there is the technical quality. This Blu-ray (2 of them) has the best image quality I have seen on a regular 1080 resolution Blu-ray disc, and by some margin.
I can only speculate, but I'd have to guess, that the ROH has acquired 4K resolution cameras, and the video has then been downscaled to 1080i. The image is truly striking, it's simultaneously pin-sharp and smooth-looking; after seeing this, regular Blu-rays look rather grainy.
The blacks are inky, shadow detail is good, colors are very saturated, and there's virtually no noise in the image. The image looks simply stunning, when projected to wall-size.
I really enjoyed the sound quality, as well. The orchestra has been recorded in great detail, with the sound stage close to the listener, a logical choice, when viewing the proceedings at a close range.
The grand choral scenes (chorus master Renato Balsadonna) were recorded with great skill, the sound is layered and 3-dimensional. There's no oppressive, bulky weight, that can burden the listener with these types of scenes. Full points!

The opera comes in a beautiful 2 disc boxed set, with an 80-page booklet. The disc production is great, as well, the opera can be started with an introduction by Pappano, and you don't have to surf the menus to choose English subs and DTS sound, they have been pre-selected (other options are available). Extra materials are good, again.

I rate this production tied 1st, with about 10 other great productions, for the best opera production I have seen. Two of those 10 are also directed by McVicar, Giulio Cesare in Glyndebourne, and Salome with ROH, both are available as Opus Arte Blu-rays. None of those Blu-rays have the technical quality of this one, though, so I have to rate this as the best Blu-ray currently available.
It's also a great, easily accessible opera, and a good, beautiful gift item, that would also work as a good introduction to opera