
シークレット・ウインドウ コレクターズ・エディション [DVD]

3.9 5つ星のうち3.9 3,833個の評価

新品 中古品
DVD 1枚組
¥1,325 ¥816
DVD 1枚組
¥2,998 ¥1,453
DVD コレクターズ・エディション
¥3,159 ¥1
¥6,840 ¥4,489
DVD 1枚組
¥8,324 ¥3,940
DVD コレクターズ・エディション
今すぐ観る レンタル 購入
フォーマット 色, ドルビー, ワイドスクリーン
コントリビュータ スティーヴン・キング, ティモシー・ハットン, ジョン・タトゥーロ, ジョニー・デップ, マリア・ベロ, デビッド・コープ
言語 英語, 日本語
稼働時間 1 時間 36 分

アウトドア用品、ファッション、食品・飲料、母の日ギフト、父の日ギフト関連商品など、10万点を超える対象アイテムからよりどり2点以上で5%OFF。 セール会場はこちら



スティーブン・キングの原作『秘密の窓 秘密の庭』をジョニー・デップ主演で映画化。小説が書けなくなり、怠惰な生活を送っていた作家が、ストーカーに執拗に追われることで、精神的に追いつめられていく。そんな主人公をジョニーが細部に渡るまで丁寧な役作りで魅せる。ボサボサの頭、だらしのないバスローブ姿、落ち着きのないふるまい、シューターの異常な行動に恐れおののく姿など、全編ジョニーのひとり芝居を見るようだ。シューターの異常性を際立たせたジョン・タトゥーロの不気味な芝居を見応えあり。ちなみに結末は小説とは違うので、見てから読んでも、読んでから見ても、ミステリーの楽しみは失われることはないところもうれしい。(斎藤 香)


執筆活動に行き詰まっていたベストセラー作家が、不気味な男に盗作疑惑をかけられ、次第に追い詰められていく……。このプロットでスティーヴン・キング原作となると話も想像つくが、果たしてすべてが予想通りに展開するのだった。アメリカ映画になぜか最近多く見られるオチだ。謎のストーカー男にジョン・タトゥーロ、作家にジョニー・デップ。デップも光と影を演じ分けるこの役で演技力の幅を見せたいところだが、肩に力が入りすぎてこわばってしまっているようだ。破綻してる部分も多いので、張りめぐらされた伏線と一緒に突っ込みどころもたくさん探してしまいそう。作家の元妻役、マリア・ベロの好演が光る。 (鷺沼晶良) --- 2005年06月号 -- 内容 (「CDジャーナル・レビュー」より)

製作総指揮: エズラ・スワードロー 製作: ギャビン・ポロン 監督・脚本: デヴィッド・コープ 原作: スティーヴン・キング 音楽: フィリップ・グラス 出演: ジョニー・デップ/ジョン・タトゥーロ/マリア・ベロ/ティモシー・ハットン/チャールズ・S.ダットン


  • アスペクト比 ‏ : ‎ 2.35:1
  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 英語, 日本語
  • 製品サイズ ‏ : ‎ 30 x 10 x 20 cm; 140.62 g
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 4547462016836
  • 監督 ‏ : ‎ デビッド・コープ
  • メディア形式 ‏ : ‎ 色, ドルビー, ワイドスクリーン
  • 時間 ‏ : ‎ 1 時間 36 分
  • 発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2005/4/22
  • 出演 ‏ : ‎ ジョニー・デップ, ジョン・タトゥーロ, マリア・ベロ, ティモシー・ハットン
  • 字幕: ‏ : ‎ 日本語, 英語
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 英語 (Dolby Digital 5.1), 日本語 (Dolby Digital 5.1)
  • 販売元 ‏ : ‎ ソニー・ピクチャーズエンタテインメント
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00064LI8S
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 1
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    3.9 5つ星のうち3.9 3,833個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本

I just watched 'Secret Window', 19 years or so after it was first released. Many things have
happened since 2004, and no doubt many more will happen before you get to read my review. My initial score is 2/5, but adding on a few points for certain 'easy extras' like making sure you watch it in good company with great popcorn. Watching it for free is worth an extra star... I mean, this could even be a 5/5 movie experience on the right night, but taking 2/5 and averaging it with 4/5, 6/10 goes to 3/5 stars total given that... so why the extra star? Why 4/5? Well, for that, you need to read below for a section with spoilers in it... spoilers and perhaps insight...

*Spoilers/Insight * Spoilers/Insight * Spoilers/Insight * Spoilers/Insight * Spoilers/Insight * Spoilers/Insight * Spoilers/Insight*

Howdy-doody, welcome to the 'Spoilers/insight' section. Welp, okay, people are saying 'Fight Club', with the lead character having a split personality. 'The Shining' gets mentioned... the twist of 'John Shooter' being 'Mort Rainey' is kind of easy to spot coming, and it's nothing new to have a hero who also turns out to be a villain. My insight, such as it is, is that the community are effectively in cahoots with Rainey. Perhaps some of them even approve. The man kills his dog, his cheating wife, his cheating wife's lover, a black private detective and an aged local handy man, disposing of the bodies by burying them or throwing them off a cliff. The local sheriff's response? Wait until the husks of corn are well grown over the grave site, then pay the killer a visit to tell him not to show his face around the town so much. Out in the country, out of the way, in small towns and even villages with aging, insufficient law enforcement, sometimes justice looks the other way. Mort's trail must have been pretty blatant... he had to dispose of bodies and also vehicles. Everyone in the town knew what he did. When the estranged wife and her lover go missing, there's plenty of grounds to check over the freshly dug field behind the husband's lakeside dwelling... but, nope, he gets a pass. Then the other two bodies are discovered in the ravine... but Mort already got a pass, and it's still valid it seems... of all those murders, you would have thought that the townsfolk would take exception to the killing of old Tom the handy man. Nope! If I had to guess where Mort Rainey is going, and whether he will kill again, I would say he definitely will, without a doubt. The last image is of his teeth without braces biting down on sweetcorn. The braces are off the teeth- in other words, the restraints are off- and ol' Mort, single once again is out looking for love, and when that love goes bad, well... alright, there'll never be a 'Secret Window II', but, after all, there was a 'Friday The 13th II', so why not? Mort's just another killer on the loose...

Okay, those thoughts are the reason for awarding this little cinematisation 4/5 stars. It seems slight, but there is more going on in it. Also, you get two movies for one if you have the stomach to watch it again (I'm in, for sure...). What makes this movie different from 'Fight Club' is that the evil alter-ego wins. What makes this movie different from 'The Shining' is that there's nothing supernatural in it. The secret window looks out on a secret garden where the bodies are buried... and on a blighted, volatile psyche. Ultimately, the secret window also looks out on late 20th century society, daring us to ask how far a killer might sink before the law says, 'Okay, that's too far.'

Why then, not 5/5? Yeah, it's the execution. Some of the deleted scenes showed a bit more of the town, and Mort's interaction with the townsfolk. I would have liked a bit more of that, maybe another five or even ten minutes. Mort Rainey fishing by a river, and then a local fisherman appears a bit further downstream, and gives him a little nod, and Mort nods back, then they completely ignore each other. The rural community accepting atrocity, permitting it, then moving on. I dunno... maybe what they have in the picture at the moment is enough. When Mort shows up in the store at the end and tries to chat up the mail lady who thought that he was cute before, she is clearly petrified- and too scared to confront him. Some complain that the pacing of the story is slow, but I wonder if a little bit more of the countryside would not have helped. In 'Stand By Me', in comparison, the woods and the train track helped to show the vastness of the America that the boys were adventuring through, and perhaps here a bit more of that immenseness could have also helped out as being a place for a serial killer to reside. In any case, whether the movie is too short or too long or just right, to get a true 100% score, the five stars out of five, the work must also be apparently great to everyone. 'Secret Window', while having understated charm and concealed pathos, doesn't quite present or reveal its own virtues well enough to be a classic. It's still a fine flick if you've plenty of popcorn, if you're in good company, and- especially- if you didn't pay any money to watch it.



〓シークレット ウインドウ (字幕版)〓



Amazon Customer
5つ星のうち5.0 Thus movie is awesome
I love Depp anyway, but this movie is great. He plays that part wonderfully. Of all Stephen King books/movies. . This I s one of my favorite 😍
5つ星のうち5.0 A great psychological thriller
This movie will have you on the edge of your seat and in awe at the end! Johnny Depp does a wonderful job in this role and makes for a great villain.

Not too scary or gory at all, my thirteen-year-old loved it!
5つ星のうち5.0 Thriller surprenant, signé Stephen KING
Dès le début, le spectateur est tout de suite intégré dans l’ambiance du film. Thriller psychologique avant tout, le film pose les personnages et leur lien entre eux dès les premières minutes. Le scénario est très intelligent, il vous tient pour ne plus vous lâcher ensuite. L’intrigue se déroule progressivement au fil des séquences qui nous réservent bien des rebondissements, le rythme est bon et le suspense se fait de plus en plus intense, et ce jusqu’au twist final, qui finit de manière inattendue.
Mort Rainey est un écrivain à succès. En pleine procédure de divorce depuis qu’il a découvert que sa femme Amy le trompait avec un autre homme, il est en panne d’inspiration et souffre du syndrome de la page blanche. Vivant reclus dans un chalet à la campagne, il reçoit un jour la visite de John Shooter, fermier du Mississippi, qui l’accuse de plagiat et demande réparation. Devant le refus de Mort, il devient de plus en plus agressif.
Ce film, adapté d’une nouvelle de Stephen King « Vue imprenable sur jardin secret » est une très bonne surprise. Le réalisateur David KOEPP tisse une toile très intéressante sur la nature humaine et la psychologie fouillée des personnages y participe. Sorti en salles en 2004, il est dommage que ce métrage soit relativement méconnu, n’ayant eu qu’un succès modéré. Pourtant fidèle à son inspiration écrite, puisque seule la fin diffère, apportant une touche ambiguë à l’ensemble. Aidé en cela par un très bon casting.
Johnny DEPP interprète avec justesse, le rôle de Mort Rainey. Complétement déprimé depuis sa rupture récente avec son ex-femme, il se retrouve complétement dépassé par les événements. L’acteur accomplit une performance très convaincante, il est totalement dans son personnage. Un de ses meilleurs rôles.
John TURTURRO est tout simplement incroyable dans son interprétation de John Shooter. Il débarque soudainement dans la vie de cet écrivain, afin de demander des comptes, et ne compte pas en rester là. L’acteur maitrise tous les fondements de son personnage, tour à tour, il est inquiétant, vindicatif à souhait, menaçant et plus la fin approche, plus il est terrifiant. Une grande performance.
Maria BELLO incarne Amy Rainey, l’ex-femme de l’auteur. Elle voit encore son ex-mari, notamment pour le divorce, et tente de l’aider. L’actrice interprète son rôle de manière très réaliste, elle est l’un des seuls aspects lumineux de ce film plutôt sombre.
Côté technique, le Blu Ray est digne du support HD. L’image est vraiment magnifique, les couleurs sont bien restituées et le contraste s’avère solide. Le son est également très correct. Bien que la Version Française soit de bonne qualité, la Version Originale avec sous-titres français se révèle beaucoup plus précise.
Niveau bonus, on retrouve quelques bonus : 3 documentaires plutôt intéressants, un servant de Making of, un sur la comparaison entre le livre et le film et un autre sur les secrets du tournage. Il y a également 4 scènes coupées, 4 storyboards et un commentaire audio du réalisateur ainsi que des bandes annonces. Le tout en VOST.
Film déconcertant, dans le bon sens du terme. Excellent et captivant.
5つ星のうち5.0 secret window
ort, celebre scrittore, attraversa un periodo nero: ha appena divorziato, non riesce a scrivere niente, dorme tutto il giorno. Sembra il fondo, ma può andar peggio, e infatti compare il misterioso John Shooter, che manoscritti alla mano lo accusa di avergli copiato un racconto. L'uomo non è molto propenso a discutere la cosa civilmente.
Un altro film tratto da Stephen King. Se ne sentiva la mancanza? Non molto, tuttavia nella oramai corposa graduatoria dei titoli portati su pellicola, l'opera di Koepp non sfigura. Il regista, meno brillante che nella sua opera precedente, lo splendido Echi Mortali (che nessuno ha visto ma che merita più di una visione), trova comunque un Jolly nella convincente performance del solito efficace Johnny Depp, alle prese con il blocco dello scrittore, ed un violento e sovraeccitato John Turturro. Ottimi fotografia ed il montaggio, il film perde un po'di fascino nel finale (che non riveliamo nemmeno sotto tortura) scialbetto rispetto al plot principale. Il libro (raccolta di racconti, "4 dopo mezzanotte"), che ricorda altre opere dello scrittore come Misery e La metà oscura, da cui è tratto il film, è quello che King scrisse dopo il terribile incidente nel quale rischiò la vita: i fantasmi, anzi, gli spettri visti allora, si palesano qui con notevole chiarezza. Aurea mediocritas.
Delores Magallanez
5つ星のうち5.0 Great read
Great read