
狼たちの午後 [DVD]

4.3 5つ星のうち4.3 753個の評価

新品 中古品
DVD 通常版 ¥600
DVD 通常版 ¥1,026
DVD 通常版 ¥1,059 ¥1,088
DVD 通常版 ¥1,516 ¥1
DVD 通常版
¥1,962 ¥1,283
今すぐ観る レンタル 購入
フォーマット 色, ワイドスクリーン, ドルビー
コントリビュータ アル・パチーノ, シドニー・ルメット, ジョン・カザール
言語 英語
稼働時間 2 時間 5 分

アウトドア用品、ファッション、食品・飲料、母の日ギフト、父の日ギフト関連商品など、10万点を超える対象アイテムからよりどり2点以上で5%OFF。 セール会場はこちら





製作: マーチー・ブレグマン/マーチン・エンフェルド/ロバート・グリーンハット 監督: シドニー・ルメット 原作: P.F.クルージ/トーマス・ムーア 脚本: フランク・ピアスン 撮影: ヴィクター・J.ケンパー 出演: アル・パチーノ/ジョン・カザール/チャールズ・ダーニング


  • アスペクト比 ‏ : ‎ 1.78:1
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 英語
  • 梱包サイズ ‏ : ‎ 18.03 x 13.76 x 1.48 cm; 83.16 g
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 4988135550422
  • 監督 ‏ : ‎ シドニー・ルメット
  • メディア形式 ‏ : ‎ 色, ワイドスクリーン, ドルビー
  • 時間 ‏ : ‎ 2 時間 5 分
  • 発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2004/12/3
  • 出演 ‏ : ‎ アル・パチーノ, ジョン・カザール
  • 字幕: ‏ : ‎ 日本語, 英語
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 英語 (Mono)
  • 販売元 ‏ : ‎ ワーナー・ホーム・ビデオ
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B000666S9U
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 1
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.3 5つ星のうち4.3 753個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本

『狼たちの午後』(Dog Day Afternoon)('75)



主演のアル・パチーノは、1972年の『ゴッドファーザー』でアカデミー助演男優賞にノミネートされてブレイク。以後『セルピコ』『ゴッドファーザーPART Ⅱ』で立て続けに同賞主演男優賞候補となった直後の主演作で、なんと本作で3作連続で同賞主演男優賞にノミネートされることになる。(実際に受賞するのは、さらに後の作品になるが……) 30代半ばのパチーノが乗りに乗っていた時期の作品だ。


[物語] N.Y.,ブルックリン、うだるような夏の昼下がり。ある銀行の支店に、3人組の強盗が押し入る。見るからに不慣れな3人は、初めから足並みが揃わず、ビビった一人は早々に逃げ出してしまう。リーダー格のソニー(パチーノ)と機関銃を構えるサル(カザール)は、支店長のマルヴァニー(ボイヤー)や出納係のシルビア(アレン)を始め、8人の行員をおとなしくさせ金庫を開けさせるが、大半を本店に移送させた後で、収獲は少なかった。


犯人説得のため、警察はソニーの妻を現場に連れて行こうとするが拒否されてしまう。警察の現場責任者モレッティ巡査部長 (ダーニング)は、ソニーのもう一人の"妻"でトランスジェンダーのレオン(サランドン)を連れてこさせるが、彼もソニーと話したがらない。ソニーの犯行動機はレオンの性転換手術の費用らしいのだが……。



[余談] 主人公二人の名前、ソニーとサルなのだが、Blu-rayに収録の日本語吹替え版では、なぜか「トニー」と「サム」になっている。'79年にテレビ放映された時の吹替え音声らしい。「SONY(電器メーカー)」と「猿」に聴こえるから?(他の電器メーカーが番組スポンサーだったとか……??)
Very good


アル・パチーノとジョン・カザールが一緒に映るとどうしてもゴッドファーザーを思い出してしまいます。ゴッドファーザー PART2の翌年の作品なのでなおさらです。マイケルとフレドが銀行強盗をしてうまく行かずに途方に暮れる様子に脳内変換されてしまうので、パロディ映画に見えて仕方ありませんでした。



Steven Aldersley
5つ星のうち5.0 Never attempt a robbery with someone who thinks Wyoming is a country
Dog Day Afternoon (1975)
Crime, Drama, 125 minutes
Directed by Sidney Lumet
Starring Al Pacino, John Cazale and Charles Durning

Al Pacino is one of the best actors of his generation and has given us many memorable characters, from Michael Corleone in The Godfather trilogy to his Oscar-winning portrayal of Frank Slade in Scent of a Woman. But if I had to pick my favorite character, it would be Sonny Wortzik. So, as the snow falls in Ontario, I decided to escape to the dog days of Brooklyn in the 1970s.

Pacino's performance was so full of energy. He switched from ranting like maniac to moments of quiet reflection. He appeared dangerous when required, but showed that he cared about the plight of his hostages a moment later. In fact, most of his hostages ended up rooting for him to succeed in his attempt to rob their bank. Heist movies are something I enjoy when they are executed well, and this would top my list. What's interesting is the reason Sonny attempts the robbery at all, but I won't reveal that here. It was certainly controversial back in 1975.

Sidney Lumet was responsible for the first entry on this list; 12 Angry Men. With Dog Day Afternoon, he showed us how the media was capable of turning criminals into celebrities. With his sidekick watching the hostages, Sonny ventured into the streets and performed for the gathering crowd. You'll probably find that you want Sonny to escape too because Lumet does such a good job of showing us his character and motivations. Isn't it strange how we sometimes root for the criminal?

Lance Henriksen makes an appearance toward the end of the movie and it helped launch his career. The resolution might not be what all that we were hoping for, but the movie was based on a true story. I remember watching Dog Day Afternoon in my early teens, and my taste in movies was very different from what it is today. But something about the story held my attention even then.

One thing I learned is never attempt a robbery with a partner who thinks Wyoming is a country.
Daniel R. Sanderman
5つ星のうち5.0 A Modern Classic of 1970s Filmmaking that Deserves a Better DVD!
After a very successful collaboration on SERPICO, Sidney Lumet and Al Pacino did everyone a favor and teamed up again to make DOG DAY AFTERNOON. Together, both films comprise some of the best work of the early 1970s. The only shame is that, despite the films' critical acclaim, the DVD releases of both films leave much to be desired.

But, regardless of the quality of the DVD transfer and the lack of features, this film finds both Pacino and Lumet at the height of their powers. DOG DAY AFTERNOON begins with the stark realism that I have come to expect from Lumet. There is nothing hyped about his style: there is not an ounce of Hollywood. Many directors, upon getting a hold of a "bank robbery" script, would have gone hog wild: special effects, quirky plot devices, etc.. Instead, we suddenly find ourselves on the streets of New York in the 1970s. You really feel like you're there. It is not a special day; in fact, it could be any day of the week. And yet, two men are about to change their lives forever. For it's closing time at the bank and they have one last stop to make.

Their plan was perfect. They were going to rob the bank around closing time and they knew all of the tricks of the trade. But slowly, and surely, their plan begins to unwind. Everything goes to hell in a matter of minutes. After taking way too much time, Pacino discovers that the armored car has already emptied the bank's vaults, leaving our two robbers with nothing but a little petty cash for their troubles. By then, the cops have arrived. The rest of the story is about watching Pacino's character unfold, a character that has little to gain and nothing to lose. Sonny (Pacino) is one of the most interesting characters in all of cinema and there is a reason that, of all Pacino's performances, this is one of his most memorable.

DOG DAY AFTERNOON also provides a nice critique of the media, as the media becomes entranced with the bank robbery. The scenes in which Pacino "works" the crowd, despite holding several hostages, is magnificent, inspiring the film's most famous line: "Attica! Attica!" For many in the city of New York, Sonny is their hero. He is tired, fed-up, and marginalized by society because of his bisexuality. Of course, the fame can only last so long, for when the media and crowd learn of his bisexual relations, they turn on him in an instant. It is fascinating to watch the hostages at the bank become excited and wrapped up in the idea of being on television--so much so that they choose to stay in the bank rather than be set free!

DOG DAY AFTERNOON ends the way it begins: not with a bang, but with a whisper, and the same stark realism that opens the film sees it through to its conclusion. If you haven't seen DOG DAY AFTERNOON, I suggest that you remedy it. Check this film out. You won't be disappointed.
L. Andrews
5つ星のうち5.0 One of Pacino's best
It was the beginning of SWORDFISH that prompted me into hunting out this film, and it wasd another of Travolta's films, MAD CITY, that I can't help but liken this film to. Okay, MAD CITY doesn't have a bank being robbed or the boyfriend who wants a sex change, but both MAD CITY and DOG DAY AFTERNOON are claustrophobic films, and films where the hostages grow to tolerate the protagonists and then come to empathise with them. Pacino's film is the superior one however, and for me it is his second best film, beaten only by HEAT (I'm not a huge fan of the GODFATHER trilogy regrettably).
The plot is simple: two men attempt a bank robbery, only to find that the major money stores has been transferred to someone else. Before having the chance to leave and put their bungle behind them, the bank robbers discover that the bank is now surrounded by the police. That's basically it, and the main part of the film is set in the bank. This would sound boring, but director Sidney Lumet handles the claustrophobic feel and tense atmosphere so well that we as an audience are absorbed from start to finish.
The film is also a study of public reaction. Much like MAD CITY (which obviously got some inspiration from this film), the media reaction is studied, and the public not only grow to like Pacino's character, but actively support them, and that's an intresting aspect to this film.
With great performances, a great script and a satisfying yet downbeat climax, this is great viewing.
Francis Booth Lynch
5つ星のうち4.0 Perpetually Relevant
Movie 1 of 1975 and 22 overall in my journey through films of my lifetime.

Serpico was so bad in my eyes and so heralded by so many that I thought that Picino was probably over rated through the years. Part of what makes a great screen actor to me is the roles they choose. While they can't always know if a movie will be great they can make calls about the script. So I at least hold them somewhat accountable for what I see. With all that in mind I have to say that I think Picino really hit the ball out of the park with "Dog Day Afternoon." he was compelling to watch and made me join the crowd of Brooklynites that were cheering Sonny on. Before seeing this the movie had everything going against it. If you had said the story was about a bank robbery gone wrong I would have thought it sounded boring. If you had said it was a character study I would have asked where the story was. "Dog Day Afternoon" is so much larger than just a story or character study, it's both but it's more brilliant than that. It's the details of a fascinating character who's life and personal history bleed out through the Robbery and the stress it causes. Well, apparently Sonny caused this kind of stress all the time in all of the people he loved. I also loved how Lumet (the director) didn't mind letting you be confused. Perhaps he wanted it to hit you the way it hit him when he first experienced the true story. It certainly would have had its confusing moments. A brave choice to allow us to be in the dark and to trust him to explore these elements at his own pace.
There was a point to the story as well. You get the feeling that this bank Robbery means a lot to all of us as it explores homosexuality, police brutality, gender reassignment, celebrating criminals as heros, media narratives and more. Gravitas is the word that comes to mind. It is also perpetually relevant. So satisfying to do this retrospective and be treated with such a great piece of art. The thougts it engendered to me were about man's corrupt nature. How even the necessary and good things, such as law enforcement, can be subject to corruption and frailty. At one point there is a conversation where Sal, a bank robber, advocates for bodily purity and is called out for hypocrisy as he holds up a bank while doing so. Ironically he also eagerly wanted suicide as an option to oppose law enforcement. These scenes seemed to make comments about the whole movie not just the individual scenes. There was a song to start the film but no more music throughout. I'm not sure if that was the correct decision but it made the ending impactful and very powerful. One area where I think Lumet made a poor choice was to cut off the relationship between the police chief and Sonny abruptly to jolt us into the third act and to present the FBI as a disruptive force. While that impulse was probably right in many ways it left us with no payoff for a lot of time given to Sonny and the chief. I would have at least liked to have seen an argument between the chief and the FBI about Sonny's fate or something along those lines. It was indeed effective to do it the way Lumet chose but we lost something in the process. The movie deserves no less than five stars which is why I'm giving it four. Why? Well, because I'm not grading on a curve. I'm reviewing this as a member of a later generation who has been exposed to many copies and rip offs. "Die Hard" comes to mind (the relationship between the two main characters is very similar despite some major differences). These later films affected my overall enjoyment of "Dog Day Afternoon." It's not fair but it's a brute fact.
-great characters
-Picino is brilliant
-Lumet at the top of his game
- although through no fault of its own it has been ripped off and that did deplete my enjoyment.
-no payoff for a lot of screen time devoted to Sonny and the police chief.

I can't decide if this was better than "The Sting." I think it's a more important film, and I think it's a smarter movie but both are great in their own way.
Mrs. F. Reed
5つ星のうち5.0 Empathic masterpiece
This high-tension thriller captures the true events of one summer afternoon when accomplices Sonny [Pacino] and Sal [Calzale] walk into a Brooklyn bank, and rob it.
Of course not all goes to plan.
An hour later they're still inside and the bank is surrounded. Cops, media, crowds of fans and the FBI are each hanging to Sonny's every word - and why? Because he has 9 hostages as pawns, a bank as his board and all the time in the world to think up a strategy.
Inside the bank however is a different story. You can't help but sympathise with Sonny [due to Pacino's terrific performance] as the first-time bank robber who's unprepared, out of his depth, and just trying to think up a way out. Even the audience begin to feel the effects of Stockholm Syndrome as Pacino's character gains our affections. The 'villain who's a nice guy at heart' could have been disastrously cliché but Pacino's portrayal is nothing short of brilliance. Even Sal with his morbid disposition is magnetising as his childlike innocence shines through. Calzale was wonderfully cast as this awkward accomplice, wordlessly following Sonny.
A huge success combining the skills of Lumet with the talent of Pacino for the second time in Pacino's best role to date. A true story that's compelling and tragic but most of all tangible - and that's what makes it so powerful.