
プレデター2 [DVD]

4.2 5つ星のうち4.2 1,382個の評価

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プレデター2 [AmazonDVDコレクション]
フォーマット 色, ドルビー, ワイドスクリーン
コントリビュータ スティーブン・ホプキンス, ゲイリー・ビュシー, ダニー・グローバー
言語 英語, 日本語
稼働時間 1 時間 48 分

CD・DVD・テレビゲーム・PCソフト お買い得ストア
タイムセール、キャンペーン、クーポン、在庫処分ワゴンセール、バーゲン品、廉価版など、お買い得商品がもりだくさん。 ⇒いますぐチェック






●字幕翻訳:岡枝慎二 ●吹替翻訳:平田勝茂

ロサンゼルス──人口過密、異常気象、麻薬犯罪。この街に蔓延する"熱"と"争い"に引き寄せられて、奴がやって来た! より残虐に、より凶暴、新たな殺戮武器を装備した最新型プレデター。壮絶な闘いがLAを舞台に始まった!





  • アスペクト比 ‏ : ‎ 1.78:1
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 英語, 日本語
  • 梱包サイズ ‏ : ‎ 18.03 x 13.76 x 1.48 cm; 83.16 g
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 4988142282422
  • 監督 ‏ : ‎ スティーブン・ホプキンス
  • メディア形式 ‏ : ‎ 色, ドルビー, ワイドスクリーン
  • 時間 ‏ : ‎ 1 時間 48 分
  • 発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2005/4/28
  • 出演 ‏ : ‎ ダニー・グローバー, ゲイリー・ビュシー
  • 字幕: ‏ : ‎ 日本語, 英語
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 英語 (Dolby Digital 5.1)
  • 販売元 ‏ : ‎ 20世紀フォックス ホーム エンターテイメント
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0007WZTQG
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 1
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.2 5つ星のうち4.2 1,382個の評価




4 星

上位レビュー、対象国: 日本


長老エルダーが「ラファエル・アドリーニ 1715」と刻まれた、海賊ラファエル・アドリーニの銃を渡す場面は特にシビレます。





むしろマグライトの滑稽さ ライト使った戦技の古さ スコープ付きの馬鹿でかいデザートイーグルが




5つ星のうち5.0 Que faire quand on est en ville avec quelques jours à tuer ?
Bon, je ne vais pas faire l'article. Predator 2, c'est du bon comme on aime avec cette fois, la ville comme terrain de chasse et un flic coriace pour mettre la main sur le hautja venu en safari dans un Los Angeles en proie à la violence... et à la chaleur caniculaire. Faire une suite à Predator avec Arnold, il fallait être culotté. Mais celle-ci tient bien la route avec Stephen Hopkins derrière la caméra et un scénario pour le moins déroutant par rapport au premier film. Un petit flash back expliqué par Gary Busey nous situe l'action bien après la rencontre entre Dutch Schaeffer et le predator mais ici, c'est le béton qui remplace la jungle. Et Danny Glover en flic à qui on ne la fait pas se charge d'éliminer ce visiteur indésirable de sa ville. Il y a de l'action et le hautja est à la hauteur de la tâche comme Harrigan (Glover) et son équipe de choc parmi laquelle on trouve Bill Paxton allias Hicks dans Aliens qui est un peu sous-exploité dans ce film (à mon avis, il aurait mérité un meilleur rôle). La trame est classique avec le flic qui poursuit le méchant sans trop savoir à qui il a affaire et des mecs en costumes bien équipés qui eux savent ce qu'ils traquent. Et forcément, à mettre son nez où il ne doit pas, le flic se retrouve avec les mecs en costumes et il apprend qui il chasse. S'en suit une traque où le chasseur devient gibier et nous offre l'occasion de découvrir à la fin du film qu'il n'est pas venu seul. Et surtout, que ça fait un bon moment que les hautjas se servent de notre planète comme d'un terrain de jeu. Franchement, j'ai aimé. Grave. Parce que ce nouveau predator a de nouveaux gadgets, qu'il est différent de celui du premier et surtout qu'on se rend compte qu'il y a des anciens et que dans leur vitrine aux trophées, il y a un beau crâne d'alien... ça ouvre des portes à l'imagination ! (à l'époque, une rencontre entre ces deux supers créatures n'avaient pas encore eu lieu). Bilan, malgré son âge (bientôt 30 ans), c'est toujours un régal à regarder et il rappelle des bons souvenirs à ceux qui ont eu la chance de le voir à sa sortie en salle. Alors, faut pas hésiter parce que si vous ne l'avez pas encore, il est grand temps de l'ajouter à votre dvdthèque. Et si vous l'avez déjà, il est temps de le revoir ! Pour une critique poussée faite par des spécialistes, vous en trouverez sur le net. Mais je peux vous dire que le voir et le revoir est toujours un plaisir. Vivement un nouveau film de la franchise. Mais par pitié, un nouvel opus de qualité comme le 1 et le 2 !
Amazon Customer
5つ星のうち5.0 PREDATOR 2 [1990 / 2008] [Blu-ray]
PREDATOR 2 [1990 / 2008] [Blu-ray] Silent, Invisible, The Ultimate Hunter! This Time . . . Los Angeles 1997! An Underrated Classic!

‘PREDATOR 2’ is the electrifying action sequel that unleashes the deadly Predator in another jungle; the crime-riddled futuristic Los Angeles becomes the target of an alien predator, killing drug lords and police alike. Danny Glover stars as a hard-headed maverick Lieutenant Michael Mike R. Harrigan and a federal agent Gary Busey as Special Agent Peter Keyes, who are up against a savage alien, set out to capture the creature, who has come down to Planet Earth from a distant galaxy to hunt humans for sport.

FILM FACT: Due to a dispute over salary, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who starred as "Dutch" in the 1987 film, declined to return to the sequel. In ‘PREDATOR 2,’ the main Predator was designed to look more urban and hip than its predecessor. The MPAA in America initially gave ‘PREDATOR 2’ an NC-17 rating, so several cuts were made to bring it down to an R rating. Although it had negative reviews, ‘PREDATOR 2’ is seen as a cult classic among fans of the film.

Cast: Danny Glover, Kevin Peter Hall (The Predator), Gary Busey, Rubén Blades, María Conchita Alonso, Bill Paxton, Lilyan Chauvin, Robert Davi, Adam Baldwin, Kent McCord, Morton Downey, Jr., Calvin Lockhart, Elpidia Carrillo, Ellen Dunning (uncredited), Cody Glenn (uncredited), Robert Hammond (uncredited), David B. Levinson (uncredited), Vladimir McCrary (uncredited), Beverly Overstreet (uncredited), Manny Perry (uncredited), Hal Rayle (uncredited), Thomas Rosales Jr. (uncredited) and Philip Weyland (uncredited)

Director: Stephen Hopkins

Producers: Joel Silver, John Davis, Lawrence Gordon, Lloyd Levin, Michael Levy, Suzanne Todd, Terry Carr and Tom Joyner

Screenplay: Jim Thomas (characters/screenplay) and John Thomas (characters/screenplay)

Composer: Alan Silvestri

Cinematography: Peter Levy, A.C.S. (Director of Photography)

Image Resolution: 1080p

Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1

Audio: English: 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, French: 5.1 DTS-HD Surround Sound, German: 5.1 DTS-HD Surround Sound and English: 2.0 Dolby Digital Stereo

Subtitles: Dutch, English, English SDH, Danish, Finnish, German, Norwegian and Swedish

Running Time: 108 minutes

Region: All Regions

Number of discs: 1

Studio: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

Andrew’s Blu-ray Review: ‘PREDATOR 2’ [1990] to my mind is a much underrated sci-fi classic film. Here the Predator alien goes on a safari in the heart of Los Angeles, and in the process dispatching of various drug dealers, which we all cheer in the process. That is until he gets his alien infrared eyes fixed on the “lion” of the jungle, Danny Glover who stars as a hard-headed maverick Lieutenant Michael Mike R. Harrigan. Having the alien Predator in the city is a brilliant idea, and so many opportunities for good fun time’s violence, especially in the grime sleazy urban backdrop sure led me to believe that it was bound to happen and the film ‘PREDATOR 2’ is the kind of Hollywood sequel that just had to be made.

The story takes place in the future of 1997, a time when, from the perspective of 1990 when this sequel was made, it seemed possible that gang violence would completely overrun Los Angeles in the coming years. Here we are in the sweltering jungle of Los Angeles, where the ozone city is overpowered by ruthless crime lords. This is where we find the alien Predator is high above watching the scene below through his infra-red vision, playing audio recordings to itself over and over of the humans.

Danny Glover stars as a hard-headed maverick Lieutenant Michael Mike R. Harrigan, who is classed as a violent cop of such ridiculous skill that he single-handedly ends a street war that has been raging for hours when the sci-fi film opens. Along with his team, that is made up of Danny Archuleta [Rubén Blades], Leona [Maria Conchita Alonso], and the self-absorbed “new guy” Jerry Lambert [Bill Paxton] and of course Lieutenant Michael Mike R. Harrigan attempts to find out who has been killing both sides of the Colombian and Jamaican gang rivalry.

This mysterious third party has been stringing up either side’s victims after skinning them alive. Taking over the investigation is FBI suit Peter Keyes [Gary Busey], offering no end of cheesy comments and his band of men in black, who collectively keep Lieutenant Michael Mike R. Harrigan from finding out what the killer is. But then of course, the audience already knows who the culprit is, and who comes from an alien race of hunters who kill for sport, yet it takes most of the film for Lieutenant Michael Mike R. Harrigan to figure that out on his own who the killer is.

The plotline of this sequel follows the original closely in its basic structure, in that the hero slowly discovers he is being played with, but ultimately proves himself more capable than the alien Predator. Very little new information is communicated to the audience, aside from a new-fangled Predator gizmo or two. When, in the last five minutes, Lieutenant Michael Mike R. Harrigan chases the Predator to its mother ship, and discovers that the alien hunters have been around for centuries, because one of the group of Predator aliens gives him an object that is from the year 1715 and gives it to Danny Glover as a trophy, and proves they have been coming to Planet Earth a very long time.

Creature designer Stan Winston, who developed the Predator creature, insisted on mounting a Xenomorph skull on the Predator ship in the finale of ‘PREDATOR 2.’ While understandable that the filmmakers sought to illustrate how the Predator was a daring hunter capable of stalking the most dangerous beasts across the galaxy.

Watching ‘PREDATOR 2’ is in the most sense, is shot with admirable special FX, but sadly failed at the box office, but not for the fans of this film, and ultimately killed off anymore of the sci-fi franchise forever. The screenplay by Jim Thomas and John Thomas, writers of the original ‘Alien’ film franchise; but instead of doing something innovative, did not quite do it. But despite this, I still love this film very much and so glad I have added it to my Blu-ray collection.


EN MI BARRIO Written by Michael Sembello and Gerardo Mejía) [Performed by Gerardo]

YOUNG GIFTED AND BLACK (Written by Papa Dee and Karl "Utopia" McFaul) [Performed by Papa Dee]

HYPOCRITES (DEM HAFFI LEAVE) (Written by Papa Dee and The Falcon) [Performed by Papa Dee]

LETTIN' OFF STEAM (Written by Papa Dee and Karl "Utopia" McFaul) [Performed by Papa Dee]

FAKE (Written by Papa Dee and Lati Kronlund) [Performed by Papa Dee]

Blu-ray Image Quality – 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment has presents us with a stunning 1080p image presentation that is enhanced with the 1.85:1 aspect ratio. With this sequel the film elements seem to be cleaner and generally stronger, and the colours are bright and strong and there are a lot of flamboyant colours in the costume designs. As to the contrast aspect of the film, this is very well represented, with exceptional good shadow detail, and especially with some scenes are, in fact, very impressive. But of course with some scenes around Los Angeles with the nigh time scenes are very dark and hazy, so giving a very eerie atmospheric scenic atmosphere. But with the opening hot sun drenched scenes in Los Angeles, the image transfer has an abundance of colours, and probably represents the best overall sequence in the film from a technical standpoint. But overall, it is the best image presentation you will ever view, unless sometime in the future, they bring out a remastered Blu-ray disc, which I somehow doubt very much.

Blu-ray Audio Quality – 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment lets you experience this film with a very aggressive 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio experience, that is helped along with the Alan Silvestri's organic film music film score, that relates to the urban grimy location of Los Angeles. The dialogue is crisp and clean, and not overpowered by the surround sounds and even more spectacular is the overpowering creepy sounds of the punctuating sounds of the creature's frightening howl. The rear channels play an integral role in this audio presentation; gunshots and ricochets, for instance, are heard in the back in most every action sequence, that of course lets the back speakers work hard to create a realistic atmosphere throughout, especially with the sounds of the inside of police headquarters features phones, typewriters and keyboards, and plenty of chatter filling the soundstage and creating a good, almost seamless, environment. The bass thump sounds, makes the sound experience very rowdy, loud, exciting, but not quite reference quality sonic experience. But despite this, the sound experiences you hear go really well with this sci-fi sequel.

Blu-ray Special Features and Extras:

Audio Commentary by Director Stephen Hopkins: Here director Stephen Hopkins introduces himself and thanks for joining him on his personal views on the film 'PREDATOR 2,’ here he talks about the opening shot of the skyline of Los Angeles and was filmed via a helicopter and also filmed with an infrared camera that the police actually use for night-time surveillance. With the great shootout battle scene with the rival gangs and the police, we are informed that this was a four day shoot, and the street had to be blocked off, which annoyed a lot of people. Stephan goes into great detail about almost every aspect of the production of the film is discussed at great length, but unfortunately Stephen presents all his information in the audio commentary in a very matter of fact, instead of making it a much more entertaining audio commentary, I suppose that is because he was heavily involved with the film and has to be much more pedantic about his personal aspect of directing his film. While editing the film, Stephan reveals he was given pirate video tape of the film in rough cut and showed how the special effects was achieved and was really angry about this situation. Stephan gives great praise about the film’s composer Alan Silvestri, especially with certain scenes in the film, where he heightens the atmospheric music, where otherwise the film would be viewed very mundane if there was no music. By the way, director Stephen Hopkins looks back with some amusement on the film's datedness and excessive swearing and also informs us of a very funny story about making an idiot and fool of himself live on the American TV programme “Good Morning America.” Stephen Hopkins makes a very poignant about the fact that Arnold Schwarzenegger made the right choice of not appearing in his film and instead decided to be the main star actor in the film 'Terminator 2' instead. When the credits appear Stephan mentions the director of photography Peter levy, A.C.S., who has been friends of him for over 20 years. As the film comes to an end, Stephan asks us that he hopes we had a good time listening to his audio commentary and wonders if there are more Predator films coming our way? All the technical information you could ever dream of or want to know all aspect of the process of making or directing a film, is here, and if that sort of an audio commentary is up your alley, then by all means check this one out, it is your choice.

Audio Commentary by Screenwriters Jim Thomas and John Thomas: Here Jim Thomas and John Thomas gives us their personal invitation to hear their views on the film 'PREDATOR 2’ via this audio commentary on their involvement in doing the screenplay for both ‘PREDATOR’ and ‘PREDATOR 2,’ and also informs us that it is a very long time since viewing the film 'PREDATOR 2.’ But these two screenwriters are able to provide a much better insight into the history of the film as opposed to discussing the technical aspects of the film. When you see the one gang member up high on the roof top, and is shot by Danny Glover, well the stunt double that falls the street below, nearly missed the air bag, because of the way he fell off the roof backwards. Both Jim Thomas and John Thomas give great praise about the actor Gary Busey and they talk specifically about his character in the film that in real life would be part of the secret aspect of the American Government that no one knows about that is a department that investigates strange happenings going on. They give great praise about producer Joel Silva, and how he really shines out in post-production, and really makes sure each scene is very polished and always gives out great energy and enthusiasm with all projects he is involved in. Screenwriters Jim Thomas and John Thomas mentions that the digital special effects had just started to emerge when ‘PREDATOR 2’ was being filmed, but of course they mention that the digital effects in ‘PREDATOR 2’ now looks dated, compared to modern digital special effects we see in films today. As the credits appear on the screen, Jim Thomas and John Thomas mentions that a lot of hard work went into the film and they hope you enjoyed watching the film with their audio commentary, and also mention that they enjoyed watching the film again and enjoying all the memories of working on the film, and especially all the people they worked with on the film, and now and again like to watch films again that they have worked and been evolved with, and so ends another fascinating audio commentary that I really enjoyed listening to.

Special Feature: The Hunters and The Hunted: The Making of 'PREDATOR 2’ [2004] [480i] [1.37:1] [35:41] This special feature is split into four subject headings, and are as follows: ORIGINS; THE HUMAN SPECIES; THE PREDATOR SPECIES and SUBTERRANEAN CLIMAX. What we actual view is extensive behind-the-scenes look at the filming, in-depth views on comparing the first film ‘Predator’ and of course ‘PREDATOR 2.’ We get a lot of personal comments about the film from cast and crew, especially the cast talking about their characters in the film, but one hilarious aspect is the Gary Busey's his own personal rambling summary of the film's plot, which in his mind hinges entirely on the "Quantum Theory of Gravity," and "It's intangible to this time and space." We also get to see the brilliant workshop that makes all Predator items and how much work goes into producing very realistic stuff, as well as all the tricks of the trade special effects. All in all this is a really interesting special feature. Contributors include: John Thomas [Screenwriter], Jim Thomas [Screenwriter], John Rosengrant [Stan Winston Studios], Stephen Hopkins [Director], Bill Paxton [Jerry Lambert], Danny Glover [L.T. Mike Harrigan], Michael Levy [Executive Producer], Gary Davis [Stunt Coordinator], Kevin Peter Hall [The Predator], Gary Busey [Peter Keyes], Joel Silver [Producer], Maria Conchita Alonso [Leona], Rubén Blades [Danny Archuleta], Morton Downey Jr. [Tony Pope], Stan Winston [Creature Creation] and R. David Smith [Stunts].

Special Feature: Evolutions [2004] [1080i] [1.37:1] [6:16] With this special feature, we get to view three separate subjects that relate to the 'PREDATOR 2’ film, which are as follows: SOMETHING ON THE ROOF; ENEMY IN THE ALLEY and SUBWAY SHOWDOWN. Here we get to focus of this feature is the filming and techniques used to shoot all the special effects scenes from the opening title, use of light bending camouflage to the classic scene on the subway where Bill Paxton meets his doom. This is also a very interesting instructional video presentation, where it takes viewers behind-the-scene looking at the construction of several of the film's dynamic visual effects. We get to hear a very insightful audio commentary, but we are not informed who this person is. As usual, you can either watch each item separately or Play All.

Special Feature: Weapons of Choice [2004] [480i] [1.37:1] [6:48] The focus with this special feature is the weapons and armaments used by the alien Predator in the 'PREDATOR 2’ film, from the telescopic pole, self-destruct mechanism to the famous net gun! Here we have six separate features that consist of GAUNTLET KNIVES; SELF-DESTRUCT; PLASMA CANNON; NET LAUNCHER; SMART WEAPON and TELSCOPING SPEAR. Here we get a totally fascinating and very detailed look on how the different weapons worked for the Predator alien, and it is really great to see a much closer look at each of the weapons. As usual, you can either watch each item separately or Play All.

Special Feature: Hard Core Segments [2004] [480i] [1.37:1] [7:05] Here we get to view two separate in one special video feature, that consist of HARD CORE SPECIAL REPORT: CITY AT WAR and HARD CORE FROM PENTHOUSE TO SLAUGHTER HOUSE: A SPECIAL REPORT. These two items are the actual news report you viewed in the ‘PREDATOR 2’ film, but this time you get the full video broadcast, with extra footage that was not featured in the film, and features the obnoxious Tony Pope [Morton Downey Jr.].

Special Feature: Promotional Gallery [2004] [480i] [1.37:1] [12:26] Here you get to view three 20th Century promotional video features, the first one we view is THE PREDATOR GOES TO TOWN is an archival making-of piece relating to the 1990 film and features remarks from John Thomas [Screenwriter], Jim Thomas [Screenwriter], Stephen Hopkins [Director], Danny Glover [L.T. Mike Harrigan], Gary Busey [Peter Keyes], Bill Paxton [Jerry Lambert], Robert Davi [Deputy Chief Phil Heinemann] and Stan Winston [Creature Creation]. We also get some goofy nerdy comments from Californians on the street of Los Angeles. The filmmakers go over the basic story issues and not much more. Next up is INTERNATIONAL “MAKING OF” FEATURETTE and this is a very brief feature that has interview snippets of cast and crew members promoting the film, as well as some film clips and behind-the-scene clips and finally, CREATING THE ULTIMATE HUNTER covers some of the technical aspects of the alien Predator and its hunting abilities, such as the heat vision he uses to find his prey and once again we get comments from the likes of from John Thomas [Screenwriter], Jim Thomas [Screenwriter], Rubén Blades [Danny Archuleta], Maria Conchita Alonso [Leona], Bill Paxton [Jerry Lambert], Robert Davi [Deputy Chief Phil Heinemann] and Stan Winston [Creature Creation]. Problem is that a lot of what we view is repeated from the other above special features on this Blu-ray disc.

Special feature: Websites: Here you can access different 20th Century websites, but of course your Blu-ray player has to be linked to the internet.

Finally, ‘PREDATOR 2’ [1990] is a sequel that tries, and more often than not, succeeds at being a good sequel to some great over the top cartoon violence, with great aplomb. The final act is mightily impressive and Danny Glover pulls it off with great style and especially with the low-key blue lighting, intense build up, and over the top carnage inside the slaughterhouse is as white-knuckle as anything you saw in the first sci-fi film. The expansions to the Predator mythology are creative, sensible, and very welcome. Danny Glover is a fine protagonist who is more than capable of going head to head with the alien baddie. But keep in mind this film ‘PREDATOR 2’ gives the science-fiction fans what they seek in this sequel film. It’s core is solid enough for broad genre appeal, and I for one love this sci-fi film and critics off this film should come off their high horses and get a life, as it is a film of its kind and nothing too deep or intelligence, just a rollercoaster fun ride and especially with Danny Glover at the helm. Highly Recommended!

Andrew C. Miller – Your Ultimate No.1 Film Aficionado
Le Cinema Paradiso
United Kingdom
5つ星のうち5.0 J’adore
Super film j’adore
5つ星のうち5.0 Dad did enjoyed it
My dad liked this as was bought for him.
Matthias Würfel
5つ星のうち5.0 Einfach genial
Toller Film aus den 90ern Jahren. Passt alles Action bis Action. Toller Titel Alle Daumen Hoch !