

3.5 5つ星のうち3.5 13個の評価

新品 中古品
CD, 限定版, 2006/5/24 限定版
¥500 ¥1
CD, CD+DVD, 限定版, 2006/5/24 CD+DVD, 限定版

K-POPアーティスト情報をまとめてチェック K-POPストアはこちら


1 ウォッチタワー(feat.エリオット・イーストン&ジョシュ・トッド)
2 フリーキー・チック
3 ジャスト・ライク・ミー(feat.サラ・マクラクラン)
4 ラヴィ・ダヴィ(feat.ダグ・E・フレッシュ)
5 ファインド・マイ・ウェイ(feat.キッド・ロック)
6 マシン・ガン(feat.タル・B&ゲイリー・ドゥーダン)
7 コールド(feat.ミス・ジェイド&ソニー・ブラック)
8 ホワッツ・ロング(feat.ナポレオン)
9 キャデラック・カーズ
10 オンリー・ゴッド・ノウズ
11 カム・トゥゲザー(feat.レヴ・ラン)
12 サッカ・サッカ
13 グッド・バイ(feat.リル・ミズー)
14 ミッシン・マイ・フレンド (ボーナス・トラック)



ヒップホップ界のグループ、RUN D.M.C.のオリジナル・メンバー、DMCのソロ・アルバム。サラ・マクラクランとの共演「ジャスト・ライク・ミー」、キッド・ロックをフィーチャーした「ファインド・マイ・ウェイ」他を収録。初回盤以降は通常盤レギュラー・プライス(WPCR-12298)へ変更。


  • 製品サイズ ‏ : ‎ 12.45 x 14.22 x 1.02 cm; 109.14 g
  • メーカー ‏ : ‎ ワーナーミュージック・ジャパン
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 4943674063321
  • 時間 ‏ : ‎ 1 時間 2 分
  • レーベル ‏ : ‎ ワーナーミュージック・ジャパン
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B000FDF476
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 1
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    3.5 5つ星のうち3.5 13個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本


Come 2Gatherはランとの共演でRun DMC時代を彷彿させる良曲です。

しかし・・・良いアルバムですが、Run DMCとは最早比べない方が良いと思います。

すごくかっこいいです。DMCのことは、エアロのWALK THIS WAYでしか知らなかったのですが、かって正解でした。特に1曲目がいいです。



Sputnik Monroe
5つ星のうち5.0 The Burgers are Ronald's
It's puzzling to think that people cannot open up their minds enough to enjoy a new album from a man that has earned the title of "Legend". Some people can't accept the fact that an artist has changed while others can't accept the fact that they, themselves, have changed. I see it all the time. Many veteran bands struggle to keep their fan base. They're damned if they try a new sound and they're damned if they keep the old sound. 85% of the time the product they deliver is nearly as good, as good, or sometimes better than the music that gave them success. But the "fan" has their head in a different place then when they first were introduced to the music and places the blame soley on the musician rather than their current position in the world.

DMC has a very personal story behind his first solo album Checks, Thugs, and Rock N Roll. After a long struggle with various addictions, a horrible vocal chord condition that made him lose signature sound, the revelation that he is adopted, and the loss of his band mate Jam Master Jay, DMC needed a new direction in his life. He heard the Sarah McLachlan's song Angel and was moved to better himself. By an odd chain of events, McLachlan saw him by chance and approached him to say what a big fan she was of his music. Surprisingly it was DMC who turned the tables and began endlessly praising her for her inspirational music. A few years later after finding his biological mother he was inspired to write a song about his journey. He enlisted McLachlan to sing the chorus to Harry Chapin's song Cat's in the Cradle.

To my amazement, people have described the song as cheesy and cliche. I cannot begin to describe how wrong they are. The song is beautiful, inspirational, and has a nice rock n' roll edge to it. DMC has described this song as his anthem and I can't help but be filled with positive emotion while listening to it.

After picking up the CD I noticed a slightly uneven mixture of songs. However, it only took me a few listens to get hooked into this blend of rock, R & B, and rap.

If you do keep an open mind I guarantee you will like most aspects of this album. Because it is diverse, you may not like every song, but rarely there is an album that can do such a thing.

DMC has given us an inspirational glimpse into his life and I personally am thankful for that. I look forward to hearing more from this music legend.
5つ星のうち4.0 DMC rockt
Als alter RUN DMC Fan der ersten Stunde bin ich mehr durch Zufall auf das erste Solo Album von DMC gestoßen. Durch das zwar nicht schlechte, aber bei Leibe zu kurz geratene Album - falls man es bei der Playtime überhaupt Album nennen will - von Rev Run habe ich lange gezögert mir dieses Album überhaupt zuzulegen. Nach dem ich es jetzt meiner Sammlung zugefügt habe kann ich nur sagen gut das ich mich so entschieden habe...

Zwei Dinge fallen bereits beim ersten duchhören auf -> 1. DMCs Stimme hat sich durch seine Stimmbandprobleme komplett verändert. Die ehemals markante Stimme die ich wahrscheinlich auf jedem Track herausgehört hätte, ist verschwunden. Einen DMC Track im Radio hätte ich so sichelrich nicht erkannt. 2. Es handelt sich bei DMCs Album keinesfalls um einen RUN DMC Ableger, dafür fehlen die kräftigen Beats und natürlich JMJs unvergleichliche Scratch Einlagen. Hat das Album dadurch bereits einen negativen Touch? Nein natürlich nicht. Weder habe ich von DMC nach all den Jahren ein "RUN DMC -Album" erwartet, noch muß eine veränderte Stimme schlecht sein... Zum Album selbst: Häufig von Gitarren dominiert im großen und ganzen von etwas langsameren Beats begleitet gibt DMC hier einiges von sich selbst Preis. So ist es kaum verwunderlich das er seine Adoption, Probleme mit Drogen oder den Verlust von Freunden (JMJ RIP)in seinen starken Lyriks verabeitet. Obwohl das Album bis auf nur wenige Ausnahmen wirklich einen sehr guten Eindruck hinterläßt empfehle ich als Anspieltipps "Just like me" - starker Text, mit dem "Cats in the Cradle" Samples fantastisch musikalisch umgesetzt und mit Sahra McLachlan wunderbar gefeatured ein wirkliches Highlight, sowie "Come 2 Gether" - eine Kooperation von Run und DMC die zwar musikalisch nicht an RUN DMC erinnert aber dennoch ein gutes Gefühl zurück läßt wenn man die beiden mal wieder zusammen auf einem Track hört. Neben diesen beiden entält das Album noch viele weitere sehr gute Tracks, wie bsp. das Feature von Kid Rock, auf die ich hier - um den Rahmen nicht zu sprengen - nur nicht näher eingehe -> schließlich gibt es ja so etwas wie eine Anspielsektion bei Amazon.

Mein Fazit: Solide 4 Sterne, wer sich auf das Album einläßt wird mit Sicherheit nicht enttäuscht!!! Ich hoffe das angekündigte zweite Solo Album wird von ähnlicher Qualität sein.
Roonius Maximus
5つ星のうち3.0 If you love RUN DMC, this is a must NOT buy
For someone like me that loves the early RUN DMC albums, this is just so ... disappointing. Like finding out the beautiful movie star you fell in love with on screen actually has bad breath and is a bit of an idiot in real life.

Leaving aside the issue of DMC's voice for a moment, the raps feel poorly constructed - like listening to someone from another genre attemping a rap on the fifth song from their third album. He certainly doesn't sound like a veteran - and a respected one at that. It feels old fashioned, but not in a good 'Old Skool' way. The only things for me that are even slightly redeeming are 'Watchtower', and that's just because of the guitar, and Come 2gether with Rev Run which, in parts, recreates some of the magic, but unfortunately, it's Run's raps that make it.

You know the phrase they keep using on CSI about jumping the shark? WIKI defines it like this:

The phrase jump the shark comes from the climactic scene in "Hollywood," the third part of a three-part episode opening the fifth season of the American TV series Happy Days in September 1977. In this story, the central characters visit Los Angeles, where a water-skiing Fonzie (Henry Winkler), wearing swimming trunks and his leather jacket, jumps over a confined shark, answering a challenge to demonstrate his bravery. The series continued for nearly seven years after that, with a number of changes in cast and situations.

Jon Hein explained the concept as follows: "It's a moment. A defining moment when you know that your favorite television program has reached its peak. That instant that you know from now on...it's all downhill. Some call it the climax. We call it 'Jumping the Shark.' From that moment on, the program will simply never be the same."

Well, this feels like something that's been produced way, way after the shark has been jumped.
Regular person
5つ星のうち1.0 High hopes but this didn't meet my expectations
As a big fan of the legendary rap group Run DMC, I was excited to see this "solo" DMC album released. However, I just don't think it's very good. Run's Distortion CD is great, and that set my expectations high for DMC's album. I don't find any of the DMC guest stars having good performances on here at all. I'm also a big fan of Elliot Easton and The Cars and man this semi-cover of "Watchtower"... it's just nonsense. And that's actually the best track on the entire album. Stick to all of the Run DMC releases and get Run's Distortion, but I'd say avoid DMC's Checks, Thugs, and Rock N Roll, it's not good.
5つ星のうち2.0 Part of a collection of cds I will probably never listen to
I know DMC has health problems. I thought I'd support DMC by piking up his cd, but what waste of money. It seems he's hardly on the album. When he is rapping, it doesn't sound like his voice or his lyrics. The production is very vanilla. Probably done with no name producers. At least it was cheap.