
Showdown/Grand Slam

4.9 5つ星のうち4.9 27個の評価

新品 中古品
CD, CD, インポート, 2007/2/5 CD, インポート

CD・DVD・テレビゲーム・PCソフト お買い得ストア
タイムセール、キャンペーン、クーポン、在庫処分ワゴンセール、バーゲン品、廉価版など、お買い得商品がもりだくさん。 ⇒いますぐチェック


1 Showdown (Part 1 & 2)
2 Groove with You
3 Ain't Givin' Up No Love
4 Rockin' with Fire (Part 1 & 2)
5 Take Me to the Next Phase (Part 1 & 2)
6 Coolin' Me Out (Part 1 & 2)
7 Fun and Games
8 Love Fever (Part 1 & 2)
9 Tonight Is the Night (If I Had You)
10 I Once Had Your Love (And I Can't Let Go)
11 Hurry Up and Wait
12 Young Girls
13 Party Night
14 Don't Let Up
15 Who Said?



2007 pairing of two funky Isley Brothers albums digitally remastered on one CD and housed in a slipcase. Showdown (1978) reached #4 in the Billboard charts while 1981's Grand Slam was another Top 30 album for the Isleys. Features extensive new liner notes. BGO.

Product Description

2007 Digitally Remastered Edition with the Contents of Two Original Isley Brothers Classics Originally Released on their Own Custom T-NECK/EPIC Label on a Single CD!


  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 製品サイズ ‏ : ‎ 14.4 x 12.6 x 1.4 cm; 108.01 g
  • メーカー ‏ : ‎ Beat Goes On
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 5017261207425
  • レーベル ‏ : ‎ Beat Goes On
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B000KLO6S6
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 1
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.9 5つ星のうち4.9 27個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本

Collectorとしては2 On 1ではなく単品で、しかも米国SonyからReissueして欲しかったが、我慢我慢。

まず78年作"Showdown"だが、Billboard Soul Album Chart Topperに輝き(総合Chartでは4位)
収録曲にはやはりSoul Chart Topperの"Take Me To The Next PHase"や
16位のSlow Number"Groove With You"など名曲がありますが、
私がご推奨するのは6曲目のMedium Number"Coolin' Me Out"であーる。
地味なGuitar SoundがFeatureされていて実に心地よいNumber。

続いて81年作"Grand Slam"(Soul Chart3位、総合Chart28位) 。
これはThe Isley Brothersの作品の中でも私の一番のお気に入り。
First Singleの"Hurry Up And Wait"が実にカッコ良いFunk Numberである。
そして"Young Girls"。この曲はErnieの独壇場。いつも必ずAlbumに一曲はある超絶Guitar Soloが聴けるのはこのNumberです。
知っている方は知っているでしょうが、長野県前知事が作家時代に書き残したBest Seller
亜米利加ではSingle Cutされてませんが、この先生のおかげで日本のFMではよく流れてましたね。

The Isley Brothersはこの"Grand Slam"以降"Between The Sheets"が大HitするまでChartでは
低迷期を迎えますが、Funk Numberに限って言えば"Grand Slam"、"Inside You"、
"The Real Deal"の3作には粒揃いのNumberが目白押しですYo!
 紙ケース入り、2on1シリーズでおなじみ、BGOレコーズから、78年のShowdownと、81年のGrand Slamのカップリング盤が出された。

 まず、Showdownの方だが、タイトル曲ともなったオープナーが、まず耳をそばだてさせる。イマイチだった前作とはずいぶん違う雰囲気だ。過去のある名作を髣髴とさせる煌びやかなRockin' with Fire, Pts. 1-2もいい感だし、Coolin' Me Out, Pts. 1-2も雰囲気があって良い。ラストのLove Fever, Pts. 1-2もかっこよくキマッている。

 一方、間に2作挟んで81年のGrand Slamだが、次作以降の変化への予兆が見られる。



Ian Horsburgh
5つ星のうち5.0 Five Stars
Great purchase, fantastic album by the greatest band in the world EVER!!
Andre S. Grindle
5つ星のうち5.0 This Is Great Stuff!I'm Not Kidding
Having already owned this albums on vinyl (for the former) and cassette (for the latter) it was a real treat to hear them digitally remastered as the main reason for skimming past these albums some that first time around was....irritatingly poor audtio quality-whether it be the pulling of the tape,the hiss or excessive vinyl popping. Musically both albums make a good pair because even though there actually two albums released sequencially between them these both catch the Isley's in important musical transitions. The first of these albums was recorded in 1978 as the follow up to their  Go for Your Guns ,which followed through with the fast paced funk style of it's three previous releases. On this album everything had begun to change. In focusing more on slowing the funk down to this smoldering hot crawl of a groove,even on the uptempo stuff you really get a sense of their instrumentation and,if I may say so that mildly significant hint of disco in the rhythmic pattern. The title track is about as great an example of this sound as one could ask and the Isley's of course work the groove straight into the subconcious whilst talking full advantage of the reduced speed. "Groove With You" is another case where the Isley's do their best type of bedroom groove,setting up the most romantic imagry and of course the music just melts like carmel. "Ain't Givin' Up No Love"...well this is NASTY NASTY NASTY;the type of funk jam that's like a fist slamming down slow and hard onto a table and leaving an enormous crack. The simple fact that Chris Jasper seriously throws down with his bass synth on this one right along with Marvin's bass guitar just throws out all kinds of extra punches. "Rockin' With Fire" and "Love Fever" are all two part Ernie Isley funk/rockers that all showcase his guitar work and the power of this rhythm section. All are taken at the faster pace of this album. "Take Me To The Next Phase".....well is just about the most glorious funk jam the Isley's ever did. Apparently recorded live this song captures the flavor of both their own sound along with a bit of Stevie Wonder style funk chordings (not surprising since they both utilized the electronic sounds of TONTO at the time) and despite it's lenghs leaves you hoping for more. 'Coolin' Me Out" is a more pop crafted variation of the same sound and still turns out to be an incredible jam-probably one of the most unsung on this album. "Fun And Games" harnessess a bit of a Doobie Brothers LA jazz-pop influence in the melody along with the peppy groove. The next album presented is a very different animal. Recorded in 1981 during a time when a musical scism was developing between the two generations of Isley brothers in the band the album essentially begins with two ballads and is soon after dominated by hardcore jams.As it turns out "Tonight Is The Night (If I Had You" and "I Once Had Your Love (And I Can't Let It Go" are among the higher quality of slow jams but of a different type than the Isley's produced in the previous decade. These songs are polished,urban and have a far more obvious contempo jazz/quiet storm aspect in the flavor. "Hurry Up And Wait" was actually released as a single from this album and with it's festive rhythm and hook filled choruses is actually the closest these usually right-to-the-point brothers came to a mild fanfare. "Young Girls" looks to the 70's Isley fast funk style with some musical aspects actually lifted straight from some of those songs-it's all great even if the lyrics are,by todays standards not exactly sexually correct. Even so you have to admit there's a witty truth to it. "Party Night" is definately this albums under heralded tune where everything in the band just becomes one big fast rhythm machine that manages to keep punching away at that level past 4 minutes. "Don't Let Up" and "Who Said" keep the same progression going strong as Ernie again blisters away on his axe. Considering more than half the Isley's 70's/early 80's catalog remained out of print on CD until recently this and the other albums made available over the past few years really allow you to hear the complete musical progression the Isley's made during the 70's and how important their particular variation on funk was so significant to it's future development. And that's a lot to say for a band who,at even the time the first of these albums origally came out had ALREADY influenced the music world twice over at least!
r&b music forever
5つ星のうち5.0 one of the great bands of all times
My older brother always played the Isley Brothers music when I was a kid. My brother was 6 years older than me. I learned to appreciate & love the true genius of this group. The Isleys sang about in justice in society such as fight the power. The Isleys are truly one of great bands of all times. Every year fans looked forwarded to a new album. Hall Of Fame. Yes indeed.
F. Dale
5つ星のうち5.0 80's Isleys in a blaze of glory
More funk from one of the greatest bands in history...during the 80's, Groove With You is considered an Isley Brothers classic. Take Me To the Next Phase, Coolin' Me Out and Tonight Is The Night are legendary Isley Brothers stuff. It's remastered for a stronger and noise free sound. How could you be unhappy with 2 Isley bros. albums for the price of one? Can't go wrong with this selection.
Michael B.Preston Sr.
5つ星のうち5.0 Great CD by one of my favorite groups
It's five star rating.Great CD by one of my favorite groups.