

4.8 5つ星のうち4.8 8個の評価

新品 中古品
CD, 限定版, 2007/8/22 限定版

アウトドア用品、ファッション、食品・飲料、母の日ギフト、父の日ギフト関連商品など、10万点を超える対象アイテムからよりどり2点以上で5%OFF。 セール会場はこちら


1 テン・リトル・インディアン
2 1941
3 カドリー・トイ
4 調子はずれの讃美歌
5 ユー・キャント・ドゥ・ザット
6 スリープ・レイト・マイ・レディ・フレンド
7 シーズ・リーヴィング・ホーム
8 ゼア・ウィル・ネヴァー・ビー
9 ウィザウト・ハー
10 そばかす
11 ひさしぶりの口づけ
12 河は深く、山は高く
13 アズ・アイ・ワンダー・ロンリー(BONUS TRACKS)
14 調子はずれの讃美歌(Mono Single Version)(BONUS TRACKS)



Limited Edition Japanese pressing of this album comes housed in a miniature LP sleeve. 2007.


1970年代を代表するシンガー・ソングライター、ニルソンのデビュー40周年(2007年時)を記念した紙ジャケット・コレクション。本作は、1967年リリースの記念すべきデビュー・アルバム。表情豊かなヴォーカル、コーラス、ワーク、ポップなメロディ・ライン等、その音楽性は高い評価を得た。ニルソンの音楽的な嗜好がはっきりと出ている、ポップの魔法が詰まったアルバム。 (C)RS


  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 梱包サイズ ‏ : ‎ 12.4 x 0.4 x 0.14 cm; 55 g
  • メーカー ‏ : ‎ BMG JAPAN
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 4988017651001
  • 時間 ‏ : ‎ 38 分
  • レーベル ‏ : ‎ BMG JAPAN
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B000SM6ZW2
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 1
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.8 5つ星のうち4.8 8個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本



銀行員をやりながら音楽業界入りを狙っていたニルソンが、ソングライターとしてフィル・スペクターの目に止まり、ロネッツやMFQに曲が取り上げられたことがきっかけでデビューに至った・・・ということで曲そのものは折り紙付きの人のデビュー作なのですが、以後にこのデビュー作以前の録音も復刻されていますので、正確にはメジャー・デビュー盤と言ったところでしょうか。初期のニルソンは穏やかでゆったりとした感じが心地よいソフト・ロックやバーバンク風なサウンドを聞かせ、このアルバムでは小規模なサージェントペパーズとも言える内容を既に作り上げています。(当然、完成度は高いです。) そのサージェントペパーズに入っていた7.は結構いいですよ。これからニルソンのショーが始まりますよ!!的なイントロダクションが入って、マーチング・ドラム風の1.ホルンの導入がモロにソフト・ロックな2.・・・とショーが続いていく感じが楽しい。3.はモンキーズも取り上げた上品なポップスでアレンジもモンキーズ風。5.はビートルズの名曲で、その曲の中に他のたくさんのビートルズ名曲のフレーズを絡めていて楽しい仕上がり。11.はメロデイ・ラインの美しい初期の名曲でチューブ・ベル?の導入が楽しい。12.はフィル・スペクター絡みのアイク&ティナ・タナーの曲で自らのデビューのきっかけになったスペクターへの敬意を感じるカヴァーとなっています。


Andrew Styles
5つ星のうち5.0 Wish I could listen for 36 hours straight!
John Lennon, it is said, listened to this album for 36 hours straight. I would love to have the kind of time where I could sit and listen to it for 36 hours, straight, myself. I discovered Pandemonium Shadow Show, Nilsson's astounding debut, on a search for albums by Nilsson. When I saw the price tag for the Japanese Mini-LP, I almost choked and downloaded it off of iTunes. What I found, though, is that while this album sparkled in iTunes, you really need to get the physical disc.

The Japanese mini-LP (2007 issue) makes this album sound spectacular. I would argue that it falls into the same category that I hold the mono Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, which preceded this album by a short amount of time. The sonic quality described by Bob is not superfluous, what he describes is there. Suffice it to say, get this album and get the Japanese mini-LP version!

The album consists of some original material by Nilsson and some covers. The highlights of this album are, quite literally, every song.

The back cover starts out the fun by letting you know the background vocals are by Nilsson, security was handled by Mr. Kaiser, savings were by Bonds, and the Ending was by: Bye. Once you pop the CD in, you'll hear the show being announced by a very tongue twisted announcer which then launches in the bizarre Ten Little Indians humor peace that was covered by The Yardbirds. After you've finally gotten the hidden humor of the song, the circus parade-style music continues as we move into the autobiographical 1941 (the song that hooked Derek Taylor and launched a trans-Atlantic friendship between The Beatles and Nilsson). Transitioning from there into a song covered by The Monkees, the innocent-sounding Cuddly Toy which, upon listening closely, does not sound quite so innocent. The swirling organ and chimes of the extremely catchy She Sang Hymns Out of Tune leads us out of the initial circus-focused suite.

In tribute to The Beatles, Nilsson sings his cover of You Can't Do That which also includes fun references to many Beatles songs, see if you can hear them all! After singing about the Strawberry Beatles Forever, side one concludes with the slow and sweet "Sleep Late, My Lady Friend." Then, The Beatles' tribute again picks up on side two with his cover of She's Leaving Home (which was recorded just a week after Sgt. Pepper's was released!).

Without Her starts the last section of the album with a snazzy jazzed up tune about a love lost a theme that is continued in the haunting Without Her. Freckles is a piece about the kid that always gets in trouble whether he deserves it or not -- even when the cat has eight kittens, seven of which are gray and one is black! He then finds his lost love and starts talking about seeing her and hiding the hurt in It's Been So Long. Rounding out the album is the only rendition of River Deep-Mountain High that I really like utilizing of Phil Spector's famed Wall of Sound in tribute to Phil Spector, someone that Nilsson had worked with in the past.

The Japanese release also includes two bonus tracks, As I Wonder Lonely is done up in a way that only Nilsson could do. Also, the single mono version of She Sang Hymns Out of Tune is included (so you get a second chance to sing along!).

All-in-all, this album is an amazing ride that is in the same league as Sgt. Pepper's and well worth the cost of admission. If not, maybe you can snooker some Gift Certificates for the holidays! The mini-LP includes a book with the lyrics in it and a beautiful reprint of the original LP sleeve. Sit down, listen to the album, pick out the references on the cover, and just enjoy the experience -- you will be as floored as I was the first three dozen times I've listened to the album. Oh, and I'm still listening!
5つ星のうち5.0 Classic Nilsson
Amazing good album. When the Beatles were asked who their favorite American vocal group was they responded “ Harry Nilsson”. One listen to this album and you’ll understand why. Harry out Beatles the Beatles with original classics
A truly talented and diverse artist who was way ahead of his time. Nilsson worked hard & partied hard in his youth thru the 1960s and 70’s. Unfortunately his hard living took it’s toll later in his life. Harry passed away on January 15, 1994 of a heart attack at only 52 years of age. The works he left behind will last forever
David Samuelson
5つ星のうち4.0 Sorry, Bob! Those 2007 remasters are much too loud!
Don't throw your money away on those 2007 Japanese remasters! They're loud, they're clipped! The U.K. pressings suffer from using sources too far removed from the now-deteriorated two-track master. The original 1995 pressing sounds great, is relatively easy to find and at this late date, isn't likely to be surpassed with yet-another remastering. Same applies to 'Aerial Ballet.'