
Berlioz: Benvenuto Cellini

3.9 5つ星のうち3.9 6個の評価

新品 中古品
CD, CD, Hybrid SACD, 2008/6/10 CD, Hybrid SACD
¥1,907 ¥1,180

CD・DVD・テレビゲーム・PCソフト お買い得ストア
タイムセール、キャンペーン、クーポン、在庫処分ワゴンセール、バーゲン品、廉価版など、お買い得商品がもりだくさん。 ⇒いますぐチェック


ディスク: 1

1 Ouverture
2 Act 1. Tableau 1. Scene 1. No. 1. Teresa!
3 Act 1. Tableau 1. Scene 1. Enfil Il Est Sorti
4 Act 1. Tableau 1. Scene 2. No. 2. Les Belles Fleurs!
5 Act 1. Tableau 1. Scene 2. Quand J'aurai Votre âGe
6 Act 1. Tableau 1. Scene 3. No. 3. Cellini!
7 Act 1. Tableau 1. Scene 3. Ah! Mourir, Chã¨Re Belle
8 Act 1. Tableau 1. Scene 4. Ciel! Nous Sommes Perdus!
9 Act 1. Tableau 1. Scene 5. No. 4. a Nous, Voisines Et Servantes!
10 Act 1. Tableau 1. Scene 6. Ah! Maã®Tre Drã´Le, Ah Libertin!
11 Act 1. Tableau 2. Scene 7. No. 5. Une Heure Encore
12 Act 1. Tableau 2. Scene 8-9. No. 6. a Boire, Ã Boire
13 Act 1. Tableau 2. Scene 8-9. Amis, Avant Qu'on Recommence
14 Act 1. Tableau 2. Scene 10-11. Cette Somme T'est Due
15 Act 1. Tableau 2. Scene 10-11. Oui, Oui Cette Somme éTait Due
16 Act 1. Tableau 2. Scene 12. C'est Trop Fort
17 Act 1. Tableau 2. Scene 12. No. 7. Ah! Qui Pourrait Me Rã©Sister?
18 Act 1. Tableau 2. Scene 12. No. 8. Finale. Le Carnaval
19 Act 1. Tableau 2. Scene 13. Vous Voyez, J'espã¨Re
20 Act 1. Tableau 2. Scene 13. Venez, Venez Peuple de Rome

ディスク: 2

1 Act 1. Tableau 2. Scene 13. Entree D'arlã©Quin
2 Act 1. Tableau 2. Scene 13. Ariette de Pasquarello
3 Act 1. Tableau 2. Scene 13. Il Plaã®T Fort
4 Act 1. Tableau 2. Scene 13. Soyez Surpris
5 Act 1. Tableau 2. Scene 13. Ah! Cher Canon Du Fort
6 Act 2. Tableau 3. No. 9. Entr'acte
7 Act 2. Tableau 3. Scene 1. Ah, Qu'est-Il Devenu?
8 Act 2. Tableau 3. Scene 2-4. No. 10. Ma Dague en Main
9 Act 2. Tableau 3. Scene 5. No. 11. Ah! Je Te Trouve Enfin
10 Act 2. Tableau 3. Scene 6. Le Pape Ici!
11 Act 2. Tableau 3. Scene 6. No. 12. Finale. Ah, Maintenant de Sa Folle Impudence
12 Act 2. Tableau 4. No. 13. Prã©Lude
13 Act 2. Tableau 4. Scene 7. No. 14. Tra la la la
14 Act 2. Tableau 4. Scene 8. No. 15. Seul Pour Lutter
15 Act 2. Tableau 4. Scene 9-14. No. 16. Bien Heuruex Les Matelots
16 Act 2. Tableau 4. Scene 9-14. Vite Au Travail, Sans Plus Attendre
17 Act 2. Tableau 4. Scene 15. No. 17. Peuple Ouvrier
18 Act 2. Tableau 4. Scene 16-17. Ciel, C'est Fieramosca!
19 Act 2. Tableau 4. Scene 18. No. 18. Teresa, Teresa, Ici
20 Act 2. Tableau 4. Scene 19. Du Mã©Tal! Du Mã©Tal



Cellini is inspired by the life of the legendary Florentine goldsmith and Renaissance figure. Its first performances in Paris during 1838-39 were disastrous as it proved too great a challenge for the musicians of the day. Yet even by Berlioz's high standards it contains music of exceptional inventiveness and beauty.

Product Description

Cellini is inspired by the life of the legendary Florentine goldsmith and Renaissance figure. Its first performances in Paris during 1838-39 were disastrous as it proved too great a challenge for the musicians of the day. Yet even by Berlioz's high standards it contains music of exceptional inventiveness and beauty.


  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 製品サイズ ‏ : ‎ 14.17 x 12.9 x 1.65 cm; 222.26 g
  • メーカー ‏ : ‎ LSO Live
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 0822231162322
  • 製造元リファレンス ‏ : ‎ LSO0623
  • オリジナル盤発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2008
  • レーベル ‏ : ‎ LSO Live
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00166GM3G
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 2
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    3.9 5つ星のうち3.9 6個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本

BBC交響楽団とロイヤルオペラの合唱団によるコリン・デイヴィスの一回目のべルリオーズ・チクルス(1972年)から30年以上を経た今回のLSOライブによる二回目のチクルスの中でも白眉と言える内容を持っています。初回のやや荒削りとも言えるダイナミックで情熱的な感情表現は後退しているが、前回の録音実績を踏まえて、全編に亘って一層読みが深くなっており、間のとり方や細かなテンポの揺らし、ニュアンスたっぷりの音色、歌手の歌わせ方いずれにおいても前回の経験を踏まえた彫りの深い解釈が明示されています。前回は気鋭のべルリオーズスペシャリストと言った雰囲気であったが、今回は堂々たる巨匠風のスケールの大きな表現となっています。 グレゴリー・クンデ(チェッリーニ)、 ローラ・クレイコム(テレーザ)の主役は勿論のこと歌手陣は皆安定しています。この作品はべルリオーズの驚異的な創造力、聴き手の意表をつく奇抜な表現や圧倒的な斬新さ、熱狂的な躍動感などべルリオーズの天才性が十全に現れた曲で興奮をさせられるオペラと言えるのです。この素晴らしい内容がコリン・デイヴィスによって見事に表現されています。『ベンヴェヌート・チェッリーニ』のリファレンスとして長らく君臨する録音と思われます。


5つ星のうち4.0 Good performance (superb orchestral playing) of this excellent work
Colin Davis recorded most of Berlioz for Philips back in the 1970s, but has seemed determined to re-record most of it with the London Symphony Orchestra house label LSO live; the performance at hand is based on concert performances from 2007. Although Davis's basic approach remains much the same, I find many of his LSO interpretation to be even more compelling; his orchestral and choral forces are, if possible, even better than they were 35 years ago. The drawback is, to an extent, that - in particular in the operas - the singers aren't uniformly quite in the league that were employed on the Philips recordings.

That is to say: overall the performances here are very impressive. The roles, especially for the principals, are big and technically almost ridiculous, but the principals here seem to succeed pretty well overall. Gregory Kunde does a fine job of the title role, and deals impressively and characterfully with many technically challenging passages, though there is the occasional struggle. Overall, however, it is a good performance, and most of the rest of the cast give good if not always outstanding interpretations; I suppose the best performance of all is the Ascanio of Isabelle Cals.

The choral and orchestral contributions are excellent, and David admittedly uses the original Paris version of the work, which has the benefit of emphasizing the orchestral and choral parts even more. Davis creates an almost ineffable dramatic unity of a work that often seems to pull in many directions at once (Benvenuto is something of a opera semiseria with plenty of comedic potential but a very serious streak); in his hands it unfolds as one long, unbroken dramatic arch, with tremendous momentum yet glittering beauty and time to savor the details and more reflective parts (though, yes - it is in the dramatic scenes that Davis really shines). The sound is good, though perhaps just a little bit flat and dry, but very clear and decently balanced. Overall, this is not a perfect recording of this magnificent work and I find it somewhat hard to give an overall evaluation of this performance, hovering between 4 and 5 stars. At least I don't think anyone coming to it here for the first time will be disappointed.
5つ星のうち5.0 Excellent recording
Excellent recording