
Smilers (Dig)

4.5 5つ星のうち4.5 79個の評価

新品 中古品
CD, CD, リミックス含む, 2008/6/3 CD, インポート
¥6,243 ¥2,181
CD, インポート, 2008/6/3 インポート
CD, 2008/9/24 1枚組

アウトドア用品、ファッション、食品・飲料、母の日ギフト、父の日ギフト関連商品など、10万点を超える対象アイテムからよりどり2点以上で5%OFF。 セール会場はこちら


1 Freeway
2 Stranger Into Starman
3 Looking for Nothing
4 Phoenix
5 Borrowing Time
6 It's Over
7 Thirty One Today
8 Great Beyond
9 Medicine Wheel
10 Columbus Ave
11 Little Tornado
12 True Believer
13 Ballantines



SMILERS reaffirms Mann's place as one of pop music's most distinctive songwriters, with an exceptional talent for beautiful melodies and insightful lyrics that go beyond platitudes. Mann has sold over two million CDs as a solo artist. She's an Academy Award nominee and Grammy winner. Her last two releases were #1 Billboard Independent albums. SMILERS is available in two formats.


Despite that unwieldy, rather craven title, @#%&! Smilers has already been acclaimed by some critics as the best record in Aimee Mann’s long career. Few fans will be disappointed. The opening "Freeway" may be built around a fairly slight play on words ("you got a lot of money but you can’t afford the freeway" goes the chorus) but the nagging melody and expansive synth-laden arrangement, reminiscent of her East Coast counterparts and fellow suburban critics Fountains of Wayne, is nigh on irresistible. "Stranger Into Starman" is a mere snippet, and all the better for its brevity, while "Looking For Nothing" is a perfect example of the southern Californian blankness Mann has captured for years now. The lush, orchestrated country-rock of "Phoenix" rhymes the title with "Kleenex" and truly captures the mood of someone leaving for good. Sean Hayes sounds uncannily like a boozy Antony Hegarty on the deceptively jolly closer "Ballantines," named for a whisky, while author Dave Eggers picks up a credit for his rather good "whistling" on the gloomy, undeniably pretty "Little Tornado." The painfully detailed "Thirty One Today," a distant memory for Mann, is another successful attempt to voice dissatisfaction. Only the chirpy horns on the admonishing "Borrowing Time" actually lighten the mood. Smilers is an excellent record, cleverly thought out throughout. But the smiles here are rueful at best -- Steve Jelbert


  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 製品サイズ ‏ : ‎ 12.5 x 14.1 x 1.07 cm; 90.72 g
  • メーカー ‏ : ‎ Superego Records
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 0698519002624
  • 商品モデル番号 ‏ : ‎ 4034458
  • オリジナル盤発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2008
  • SPARSコード ‏ : ‎ DDD
  • レーベル ‏ : ‎ Superego Records
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00171MNKQ
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 1
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.5 5つ星のうち4.5 79個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本

ボーナストラックは「Columbus Avenue」のアンティークヴァージョン。
でした。肝心のDVDですがなんと「Freeway」「Thirty One Today」のミュージック
ライヴでは既に発表されファンの人気も高い#7の31 Todayも収録。シンプルになったアルバムだが、アコースティックギター、シンセサイザー、クラヴィネットによる見事なアレンジが光る。曲のイメージまで伝わってくる。歌詞カードからも分かるように言葉もよりそぎ落とされ最小限に抑えられている。前作より音数も下がっているのだが、70年代のフォークロック風の#1Freewayや囁くような歌唱がノスタルジーを醸し出す#10のLittle Tornadoなど曲調のバラエティの豊富さは遥かに上だ。アップテンポのFreewayから31 Today、壮大なGreat Beyondから落ち着いたLittle Tornado,True Believerまでバランスも極めていい。特にLittle Tornadoは絶品。シンガーソングライター好きなら2000年以降で最高の作品の一つになってもおかしくない傑作。


Cazal bertrand
5つ星のうち5.0 Com on smilers it s Aimée Mann
Merveilleuse aimée mann et sa voix inimitable merci
Morten Vindberg
5つ星のうち5.0 Strong Songwriting and Great Vocals
"Smilers" is yet another great record by Aimee Mann. It's a big mystery to me why so few people, at least here in Denmark, still not seem to have discovered what a great artist she is.
This album from 2008 possesses the same virtues of practically all the other albums from Mann . Very fine melodies, often with intelligent and relevant lyrics, musically varied and tastefully arranged and produced.

Of the three singles, "Freeway", "31 Today" and "Phoenix" the first two show Manns’s great ability to write immediately catchy songs. Mann has published - for both of these great music videos. "Phoenix" is a little wistful song - a style which Mann masters with great conviction.
Apart from 2-3 slightly anonymous ballads, the album as a whole very satisfying and represents all the best of what Mann is known for.
"Borrowing Time" and "The Great Beyond" are two songs that show a lighter and effortless songwriting but never lightweight - both song among my personal favorites. More grandiose is the stunning "Looking for Nothing" - really great build-up. Another highlight is "Medicine Wheel"; song that could have been inspired by Robbie Robertson and The Band.

Songs like "Little Tornado", "True Believer," "Columbus Avenue" and "It's Over" belong in the more subdued end and are songs you might oversee in the first and second round, but which may later turn out as winners.

Finally I must mention that it is, like always, a pleasure to listen to Aimee Mann’s great vocals.
Ron Roberts
5つ星のうち5.0 Great Packaging
I'm not a great music critic, so I'll let you rely on the other reviews for the music and simply comment on the packaging, which is what makes this special edition unique.

I've never seen anything like this. It is the most adorable packaging I've seen for a CD! It is well worth the additional few bucks. It is very durable and very "green." There's no plastic that I can see, rather it is of very strong cardboard or card stock. Those are steel rivets you see on the binding--nice touch! The lyrics appear on durable card stock, one song per sheet along with playful images, presented in a tabbed index similar to those address books we used to carry before our cell phones. The CD is held in a sleeve that is bound along with the lyrics to the extra thick cardboard cover.

This whimsical, earthy, environmentally-sound, and well constructed packaging well reflects the spirit of the music and that of the artist. You are lucky if you get to have this special edition, that is all I can say.
5つ星のうち5.0 Simply amazing
Although Aimee Mann is not your typical frontpage superstar, this woman has built a steady and devoted following since the mid-80s (when she burst onto the music scene as the leader of the long-gone band Til Tuesday). Two decades later, having survived more ups and downs than many of her musical peers assembled together, she is still an essential and creative artist with a deeply personal songwriting and performing style - not to mention a truly independant spirit in a business where style is often more important than substance.

"Smilers", her sixth complete solo album (not counting the brilliant "Magnolias" soundtrack) continues her tradition of biting, sharp and introspective pop songs with everything you'd expect from her, all the while avoiding complacency. From the engaging and catchy opener ("Freeway", also the debut single) right to the lilting finale ("Ballantines"), the thirteen songs included here form a perfectly segued collection of songs. Of particular interest are the aforementioned tracks, plus the showstopping "31 today" (the closest thing she's come to a pop hit since "Voices carry"), the achingly beautiful "Phoenix" and "It's over", the uptempo "Borrowing time", the irrepressible "Medicine wheel", the haunting "The great beyond" and the pensive "Columbus avenue". The album's unlikely highlight may arguably be "Little tornado", a quiet but powerful song whose understated arrangments and minimalistic production prove yet again that less is more; the hook is so subtle that you probably won't notice it at first, but you'll keep humming it for the rest of the day - which might be the perfect way of describing Aimee Mann's music.

Musically, the album is a smooth continuity of what Aimee does best; the hook here is that "Smilers" features no electric guitars, a brave and daring move that yields great results. The interesting thing is that you don't miss them at all - the acoustic guitars are up front, the rhythm section is solid, and the keyboard work is groovy and tastefully used. The debut single "Freeway" is a great example of this, a song that manages to qualify as a strong rocker even without the presence of electric guitars.

There is not a single dud on this filler-free album; Aimee's voice is great (effortlessly soaring on high notes on "It's over"), her melodies are strong and effective, production is tasteful and filled with wonderful little details, and the songwriting is first rate. It may not propell her to the top of the radio stations playlists, but it will certainly convince her already loyal fanbase that she is well worth following around.

Diehard fans will be wise to purchase the limited deluxe edition of "Smilers"; while it features no bonus tracks, it features an enhanced packaging that is simply stunning.
Joerg Hannemann
5つ星のうち5.0 Kommt auf leisen Sohlen, aber dann!
Ehrlich gesagt, war ich beim ersten Hören von "Freeway" schon etwas skeptisch, was die Klasse dieser neuen
CD von Aimee Mann angeht.
Ich bin durchaus ein Fan, obwohl ich das Wort nicht mag - zumindest habe ich alle ihre Alben
und schätze sie, weil sie mit den größten 'mehrfach-hörbar-Faktor' haben.

Als ich das Album dann einmal komplett gehört hatte, war ich mittelmäßig enttäuscht - ist eine Frage der Erwartungen.
Auch bei 
The Forgotten Arm  kam die "Faust" sozusagen erst ziemlich spät, dann aber heftig - das ist hier genauso!

Hat man sich mal an diese ruhigen Klänge gewöhnt und ist bereit sich darauf einzulassen, bekommt man
hier sicher eines der besten Aimee Mann Alben!
Melodien von schier unendlicher Schönheit, außergewöhnlich gefühlvoller Gesang und abermals insgesamt eigenwillig
aber absolut fein gespiel; auch diesmal wieder von einer anderen Band.
'Paul Bryan' - erst noch Bassist, jetzt zusätzlich noch Produzent der Platte. Beides macht er, würde ich sagen, einwandfrei!
Am Schlagzeug hört man den ausgezeichneten, sehr bekannten 'Jay Bellerose' (u.a. zu hören bei Paula Cole etc.).

Bemerkenswert sind auch die sehr einfühlsam eingesetzten Streicher, die so manchem Track hier den nötigen
letzten Schliff zur Perfektion geben (z.B. "Phoenix").

Gibt man dieser CD ein paar Wochen Zeit erschließt sich dem aufmerksamen Hörer eine Welt genialer Songs, von
denen sich einige wirklich tief ins Gehör bohren und einen auf angenehme Weise nicht mehr loslassen.
So finde ich z.B. "It's Over" einfach brillant; nicht nur wegen der Streicher, den Steigerungen, sondern
auch aufgrund einer Gesangsqualität, die ich so bei Aimee Mann noch nicht gehört habe.

Mein derzeitiger Favorit ist "Medicine Wheel", ich kann gar nicht so genau sagen warum, aber allein dieser
Anfang mit dem Klavier, später dann die Bläser (arrangiert von 'Paul Bryan') - so ein sanfter Einsatz
von allen Instrumenten, perfekter Refrain - meiner Ansicht nach einer der besten Tracks von Aimee.
Aber auch "Looking for Nothing" oder "Columbus Avenue" zählen hier zu den Highlights...

Bachelor No.2  ist sicher ein anderes Album und auch anders zu werten - dennoch würde ich hier
mal 4,5 Sterne geben und da es die hier nicht gibt, aufrunden :)