
ウォーリー ブルーレイ・プラス・DVDセット [Blu-ray]

4.5 5つ星のうち4.5 17,856個の評価

新品 中古品
Blu-ray 1枚組
Blu-ray 通常版 ¥4,980 ¥465
Blu-ray 通常版
¥6,290 ¥780
Blu-ray 3枚組 ¥7,277 ¥5,265
Blu-ray 2枚組 ¥7,423
Blu-ray 3枚組 ¥7,703 ¥1,980
Blu-ray 通常版
今すぐ観る レンタル 購入
フォーマット 色, ドルビー
コントリビュータ キャシー・ナジミー, フレッド・ウィラード, ジョン・ラセター, ジェフ・ガーリン, アンドリュー・スタントン, ジョン・ラッツェンバーガー, ベン・バート, エリッサ・ナイト, シガニー・ウィーバー, マッキントーク 表示を増やす
言語 英語, 日本語
稼働時間 3 時間 16 分

CD・DVD・テレビゲーム・PCソフト お買い得ストア
タイムセール、キャンペーン、クーポン、在庫処分ワゴンセール、バーゲン品、廉価版など、お買い得商品がもりだくさん。 ⇒いますぐチェック










『ウォーリー ブルーレイ・プラス・DVD セット (ブルーレイ&DVD)』

《Disc1》マジシャン・プレスト 短編アニメーション / バーニー オリジナル短編アニメーション / バーニー ストーリーリール / シネマ・ナビゲーション / マニア・トラック~マニアックな雑談とトリビア
《Disc2》ウォーリーのお気に入り / ストーリー・ブック “ロボットいっぱい” / アクシオム・ゲームセンター / ロボット・ファイル / 未公開シーンほか多数



『ウォーリー (ブルーレイ)』

『ウォーリーコレクターズ・ボックス (数量限定) (ブルーレイ&DVD)』
[ブルーレイ2枚+本編DVD1枚+豪華特典]ブルーレイ・プラス・DVD セットにプレミアムがついた限定ボックス

『ウォーリー (DVD)』

『ウォーリー 初回限定 2-Disc・スペシャル・エディション (DVD)』
[DVD2枚組]今だけ豪華2枚組 初回限定エコパック!


  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 英語, 日本語
  • 梱包サイズ ‏ : ‎ 17 x 13.6 x 1.8 cm; 181.44 g
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 4959241710680
  • 監督 ‏ : ‎ アンドリュー・スタントン
  • メディア形式 ‏ : ‎ 色, ドルビー
  • 時間 ‏ : ‎ 3 時間 16 分
  • 発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2009/4/22
  • 出演 ‏ : ‎ ジェフ・ガーリン, ベン・バート, エリッサ・ナイト, フレッド・ウィラード, マッキントーク
  • 字幕: ‏ : ‎ 日本語, 英語
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 日本語 (Dolby Digital 6.1 EX), 英語 (Dolby Digital 6.1 EX)
  • 販売元 ‏ : ‎ ウォルト・ディズニー・スタジオ・ジャパン
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B001RPFHTQ
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 3
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.5 5つ星のうち4.5 17,856個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本


私個人としては、エンディングテーマ曲のピーター・ガブリエル「Down To Earth」にも感動しました。


Patrizia Auguadro
5つ星のうち5.0 recensione dvd Wall-E
Film adatto a tutta la famiglia.
A me personalmente mi ha riportato indietro negli anni 80/90 a quando ero una ragazzina.
film rimasterizzato molto bene.
Vincent L.
5つ星のうち5.0 Parfait
Parfait. Bon moment assuré !
D. Haynes
5つ星のうち5.0 Everyone should have this in their collection
An excellent edition of a wonderful film. The artwork, packaging, and extras are of a great quality. The picture and sound quality of the movie is better than Disney's own 4K release while the special features are more extensive and interesting. The booklet is nice and informative. Hopefully Criterion gets the chance to give similar treatment to other titles from the Disney catalogue (including from 20th Century Fox, Touchstone and Pixar) in the future.
The only negative would be that the Blu-ray discs are locked to Region A (the 4K disc is Region Free)
Elton Pinto
5つ星のうち5.0 Best Animated Film Ever!
In case you didn't have the good fortune of catching this movie when it was in theaters, it's the story of the last robot left on Earth after the humans fled the planet on a resort spaceship while the planet was being cleaned up by robots like Wall-E that compact trash and incinerate it since we we produced way too much trash for the planet to handle. I don't want to talk too much to the story, particularly because of spoilers (I hate spoiling things, even months after a movie is out), but it's really quite impressive. After watching it again I'm convinced that it's my favorite animated movie of all time. Part of what I love about it is that it doesn't have to compromise by having something for the kids and something for adults to enjoy like a lot of animated movies tend to do, it's just a wonderful experience for everyone. It really is unique, in my opinion, in this way. Even the physical humor really isn't childishly silly, it's clever. I kind of feel like it's a modern-day geek movie on par with  Tron  or  Real Genius . Could it be the first one since  The Matrix ? I think it's the best robot movie ever. Suffice to say, the always stellar folks at Pixar really outdid themselves with this movie. It's fun, beautiful, heart-warming, fascinating, nerdy, and probably much more that I'm forgetting to say here. It's just really one of those rare A+ movies, which is confirmed when 5 months later I'm chomping at the bit to see it again and feel every bit as good about it as I did when I originally saw it.

Now let's get into the Blu-ray set here. The visuals are every bit as stunning on Blu-ray as they were in the movie theater. The problem with DVDs was that the quality was always inconsistent between movies. My 
Stranger Than Fiction  disc looks almost like 1080i, but not my  Batman Begins . Not so with Blu-ray, as far as I can tell. The bigger the screen you have at your disposal the more impressed you're likely to be. I was trying to finish up my laundry as I started the movie but I could not pull my eyes away from the movie because of how jaw-dropping the visuals were. And as if that wasn't enough, the audio is equally impressive. My TV only has simulated surround sound, but it felt pretty real to me. It's funny how a movie with so little dialogue can have such powerful audio through its score and robot noises and such. I can't even imagine how incredible this set will be for those with a true Dolby setup at home.

I should really step back for a second and remark at how impressed I am by the all around presentation from Disney. They really know how to brand themselves and their intellectual property. The first thing I encountered was BD Live stuff, and so I gladly went to the Disney site to setup my account and had no troubles at all. I'm 99% sure you could go right past all of this, but I just chose not to because I was excited about BD Live. There was only 4 features available, 2 of which I couldn't use. One was movie chat, where you and other friends with the movie can watch the move at the same time while text chatting. Yes, it will synchronize your movies, so I guess this would be good for cousins in different cities or when dad is on a business trip or something. They made the smart move of only allowing this between trusted friends, not just random strangers. Another one is movie mail, in which you can splice together scenes from the movie to make messages to send to trusted friends, and also add in video of yourself (no idea how, maybe through an EyeToy for PS3 owners?). I did use the movie challenge feature though, where you can join in live trivia challenges with strangers online in 10 minute rounds of 8-15 questions. I could choose from easy or medium, and I chose easy. They were fairly simple questions and what I loved was how it would just be at the bottom of the screen while you watch the movie. So you can pause the movie, open this up, and play while resuming playback. It's actually pretty fun and you get points depending on how fast you answer. The last feature is reward points, which is confusing to me but I think you earn them through the trivia and other stuff on the Disney site and you can redeem them for avatars and other bonus features and stuff, but I think that this is still in the process of being fleshed out more.

I liked the BD Live features because I felt like they were easy to get to and integrated well, but the other stuff was even better. First of all, there are 3 ways to watch the movie, or two in addition to just watching the normal movie. One is called Cin-experience, where you get insightful director's commentary in addition to picture-in-picture pop-ups of artwork and (silent) videos of animation from the pre-visualization and design stages of the film. I usually never listen to these commentary tracks, but in a movie with as little dialogue as Wall-E, I gave it a shot and loved it. The artwork really does add a surprising amount to the experience, and I learned a lot of cool random things about the movie, like that it took them over 3 years to put it together (it sounds like they started thinking about it in the late 90s). You could also turn off the artwork from the pop-up menu, which is a standard thing with Blu-ray discs. If you watch the movie normally, you can pop-up stuff from the main menu without having to pause the movie, like choosing a scene via screen shot rather than having to do the guesswork of skipping ahead or backwards on your remote. The other way to watch the movie is kind of like Science Mystery Theater where a group of four people who helped with the film and are generally kind of geeky point out random trivia and scientific inconsistencies and such, with a silhouetted couch occasionally popping up. It really was them on the couch, or else they put an undue amount of effort into animating their arms and hands as they talked. It was a really fun spin on a commentary track and I enjoyed the little of it that I tried out (I will watch the whole movie with it eventually). The only gripe I had with these was that you couldn't just turn them off in the middle of the movie. You could fairly easily stop the movie and go back to the main movie to choose the chapter and then resume playing in normal mode, but it should've been an easy on/off switch. Despite that odd pitfall, it really does help show why Blu-ray really is better than DVD.

There's more extras than that, and what's more exciting is that they're pretty much all in high-definition, even the promotional "sneak peeks"! While I appreciate the throwback to the video cassette Disney movies where they start out with "Coming soon to video" and all that (they had the same style and everything), I still don't think I like them starting out when you put in the disc the second time. I forgive it because there were a couple of really cool ones that looked gorgeous in HD, including one for the Disney documentary Earth. That's probably going to be in every big box electronics store as a demo once it's out on Blu-ray a year from now. It was simply the most incredible thing I've seen on my TV, including Wall-E. Anyway, there are real extras here, so let me stop teasing you with these psuedo-extras. The Axiom Arcade has 4 8-bit games that look like they would've been on your NES, and I thought that they were nifty, though maybe too advanced for kids not on the tail end of elementary school. There was also an interactive storybook for kids and "Trinkets and Treasures", which seems like it was animators playing with Wall-E and Eve to do random things, like Wall-E breaking a vacuum (which was one of the early teasers for the film). For the adults there's a documentary that's over an hour long, 3-D fly throughs of the virtual sets, Buy and Large shorts, a short Geek-o-rama featurette, profiles of all the robots in the film, and deleted scenes (spliced together frames to form a rough cut) with video commentary from the director before and after the scenes. There's also the Presto short from when the movie was in theaters and a short called Burn-E, which is a deleted scene that more or less evolved into a short (there's also an option to view it with story boards). I'm probably leaving something out, but you get the idea: there's a lot here. Not counting the 3 possible viewings of the film, there's well over 2 hours of high-definition content here. Disney probably has no intention of douple dipping with this film because this set is packed with stuff. If you enjoyed the film, I highly recommend picking it up.

I went into Blu-ray with plenty of skepticism, but I've been pretty impressed so far, especially with Wall-E. It's a great movie that has gotten star treatment on Blu-ray.
5つ星のうち5.0 Pure merveille !!!!!!!
Je ne me lasse pas de regarder encore et encore ce film. 3D . Que de douceur pour raconter ce qui arrive à la planète terre et avec un WALL-E et ÈVE qui sont des robots tellement plein de sentiments d’émotions, avec un cœur immense . Et pourtant l’intelligence artificielle peut engendrer et dépasser ce pour quoi ils étaient ( WALL-E et EVE) conçus. Mille bravos à PIXAR . Et n’oublions pas la beauté esthétique des personnages et les décors…..
J 'ADORE CE FILM !!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Et il y a de quoi méditer sur tout ce que nous humains, faisons comme horreurs en ce moment…