
太鼓の達人Wii ドドーンと2代目! (専用太鼓コントローラ「太鼓とバチ」同梱)

プラットフォーム : Nintendo Wii
3.8 5つ星のうち3.8 71個の評価


Fashion x レジャー タイムセール祭り開催中 5/14[火]23:59まで
期間限定で人気商品がお買い得。還元率アップのポイントアップキャンペーンも同時開催中。 今すぐチェック


  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 製品サイズ ‏ : ‎ 32 x 32 x 15 cm; 1.53 kg
  • 発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2009/11/19
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B002SW3N02
  • 製造元リファレンス ‏ : ‎ NBGI-00011
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    3.8 5つ星のうち3.8 71個の評価



リズムにあわせて太鼓を演奏する『太鼓の達人』シリーズのWii版第2弾。前作『太鼓の達人Wii』からすべての収録楽曲が一新! 『テイルズ オブ バーサス』のテーマソング『Be your wings』や、『ドラゴンクエストIX』の『序曲IX』、『アイドルマスター』シリーズの『"HELLO!!"』など、最新の人気楽曲70曲が楽しめる。また、新要素として"ボス戦"が登場。譜面にバクダン音符を混ぜてきたり、譜面を隠してきたりといった敵の妨害を避けて曲を演奏してボスを倒そう! また、遊び方の説明やキャラクターの衣装を変更できる"ハカセの研究所"や、さまざまなお題に挑戦してリズム練習ができる"もっと! 毎日チャレンジ道場"など、新要素が満載となっている。



Example Ingredients






上位レビュー、対象国: 日本

版: コントローラ同梱版Amazonで購入
版: コントローラ同梱版Amazonで購入
版: コントローラ同梱版Amazonで購入




版: コントローラ同梱版Amazonで購入
版: コントローラ同梱版Amazonで購入
版: コントローラ同梱版Amazonで購入
『バチと太鼓』+『ゲームソフト』の同封商品を購入。到着し、開けてみると『ゲームソフト』が入っていない。 Amazonカスタマーセンターに報告すると、「カスタマーセンターから出品者に報告し、当方への連絡を要求する。」との事、その後何日待っても出品者からの連絡なし。仕方なく「自腹で類似ソフトを別のショップ店舗で購入」。ゲームをプレイしてみると、『バチと太鼓』が全く反応せず、プレイ不可能。商品の欠品はおろか、送られてきたアイテムも故障品とは、本当に信じられず、怒りと悲しさでいっぱいです。絶対に許せない!!!! 💢Amazonさん、何とかしてください!!
版: コントローラ同梱版Amazonで購入
版: コントローラ同梱版Amazonで購入


Avery RIzzolo
5つ星のうち5.0 Love Taiko no Tatsujin! One of the best in the series!
版: コントローラ同梱版Amazonで購入
I got this game as the full bundle with the taiko controller, it came in mint condition and the game works flawlessly. I have a Japanese Wii since they cannot be played on other region Wiis and cannot softmod or use a Homebrew to make a Wii region free since it will harm it's firmware and brick your Wii. The game is fun and awesome and you will never wanna stop playing it! It has taken me a couple weeks to beat the whole game and win every single reward in the whole game. If you plan on buying any of the 5 Taiko no Tatsujin Wii games, get a Japanese Wii. It will work on a North American TV since it uses NTSC video standards.

The bundle comes with a solid taiko drum controller that connects to your Wii remote and has 2 plastic drum sticks to play on the drum. The drum has some medium sensitivity but hitting kinda hard will help register the hits throughout gameplay. You can also use the classic controller to play the game, however, it may not be as fun but helps you progress and navigate the game easier and give you more gold crowns in the game, especially on the hardest difficulties.

This second Wii Taiko game was released on November 2009. Continues what made the first one a joy to own- a huge song list of 70 songs, great variety and family fun, plus unprecedented fan service. This time the big shock to Taiko fans was the inclusion of Ura (Meaning "Inner") Oni difficulties in a console Taiko game, for the first time ever! Unlike in the arcade, Ura Oni are selectable in a separate panel from their regular counterparts and have full difficulty sets, so instead of 70 songs, there are actually 79 in Taiko Wii 2. Unlike the first game, which was all packaged with a Wii Tatacon for obvious reasons, you can buy Wii 2 with or without a Tatacon, which is easier on the wallet.

Not many new gameplay elements were introduced, aside from the boss battles, interspersed throughout the interesting story mode, involving a new character, Alumi. All you have to do is hit notes to lower the boss HP and you win when your HP exceeds the boss at the end of the song. Progressing through it involves the same method used in Wii1, by filling up the battery gauge to bring back Alumi's memories of who she really is.
Once her battery is filled up, you will not really receive another cutscene in the linear storyline, you will also receive new rewards including: New drum sounds, costumes, and new songs.

Wii 2 is the first Taiko to acknowledge a full combo at the end of the song with a simple animation, which later becomes a permanent feature in both arcade and console, and has a simpler version of the costume system from DS1, in that you don't get to change Don-chan's body color, just the clothes that he wears, in one set instead of two. It also features the training dojo and most of the other stuff from Wii 1.

Boss battles with a fight note are introduced to the home consoles. Just avoid the bomb notes or your health is affected. Once your health bar is empty, you lose. The boss opponents will make obstacles that will obscure your screen to make gameplay challenging and become more trickier as you progress:

Meka Don, the first boss of the game. In order to prepare you for the oncoming attack by mad scientist Dr. Waruru, the main antagonist of the game, and his robots, Mekadon decides to give you a tutorial on fighting bosses, the Taiko way. Future Lab is used as the tutorial song, and Mekadon throws random objects like screws, nuts and darumas for obstacles. Dr. Waruru's first robot is a twin conga, presumably a male/female pair. They don't attack on their own, instead creating little monsters to attack for them. Dr. Waruru's second robot disrupts the Japanese festival with its irritating and loud noisemaker. It resembles a large bird. Its name, Yttrium, when romanized, is Ittoriumu. It was chosen probably because 'tori' in the middle of its name means 'bird' in Japanese. Dr. Waruru's third robot uses freezing powers to stop the festival cold in its tracks (no pun intended). This was also one of the first bosses to be featured in game previews, therefore revealing the name of the song to the public before the game was out. Dr.Waruru's 4th robot Tantalum uses its bulk and amazing power to smash through and ruin everyone's fun. During the boss battle, it will shake up the entire screen and cause a rock fall to obscure the scroll bar. Waruru's 5th robot is a reskin of Gallium, except instead of ice, it uses the opposite element- fire. Its attacks are also largely similar to those of Gallium, except this time they aren't see-through. This is fire we're talking about here. Another reskinned boss, Tungsten borrows its large, bulky design from Tantaru. This time however, it's not just power, but amazing speed that has to be dealt with. Dr. Waruru uses Tungsten's windy tornado power to mess up the festival. Teruru has cosmic powers, opening up black holes to make everything disappear. One of his strongest creations. Related to Arumi-chan in some way, but not known yet at this point in the storyline.The gauntlet is unleashed! By then, all of Waruru's bots are defeated. Throughout the time, Alumi was Don and Kat's friend, but Dr. Waruru reveals her true identity in front of everyone, as a corrupt, hateful, powerful mecha by using a brainwashing device. Don-chan tries to bring her back to her cheerful self with the power of the Taiko. Will he succeed? His arsenal of mechas all but defeated, Dr. Waruru decides to pay a visit straight to the professor's lab and try to beat Don-chan by himself as punishment for taking revenge on evil plans. At this moment, the broken-down Alumi revives and turns back to her old self! This is the final battle, with Dr. Waruru. Waruru is launched out of the lab, and faces his final fate, restoring the festival back in peace! And that is the story!

There are plenty of good songs in this game, they are:

-Haruka (GReeeeN)
-Himawari (Yuusuke Kamiji)
-Kimagure Romantic (Ikimono Gakari)
-Nihon no Mikata -Nevada Kara Kimashita- (Yazima Beauty Salon)
-Be Your Wings (GIRL NEXT DOOR)
-Family Don Don (YMCK)
-Love Story wa Totsuzen Ni (Kazumasa Oda)
-Tentai Kansoku (Bump of Chicken)
-Linda Linda (Blue Hearts)
-Kurenai (X-Japan)

-High Touch! (Pokémon Diamond & Pearl)
-Samurai Sentai Shinkenger (Opening of the anime of the same name)
-Let's! Fresh Precure! ~ Hybrid ver ~ (Pretty Cure series)
-Hotaru no Hikari (from "Naruto")
-Dragon Soul (from "Dragon Ball Kai")
-Kero! To March (from "Keroro Gunso" (Sgt. Frog))
-Yuuki Rinrin (from "Soreike! Anpanman")
-Yuruyuru de DE - O! (from "Crayon Shin-Chan)
-Cruel Angel's Thesis (from "Neon Genesis Evangelion)
-Cutie Honey (opening theme of the anime of the same name, this is Koda Kumi version)
-Touch (opening theme of the anme of the same name)

Children's song:
Omocha no Chachacha

Electric Parade Theme (BAROQUE HOEDOWN) (Disneyland's/Disney World's Main Street Electric Parade)

-Symphony No. 5 "Fate" (Beethoven)
-Heaven and Hell Overture (Offenbach)
-Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Mozart)
-Carmen Prelude (Bizet)
-La Campanella (Liszt)
-Swan Lake ~still a duckling~ (Namco composed song with a melody borrowed from "Swan Lake")
-American Patrol
-Nocturne Op. 9-2 (Chopin)
-Minuet (A rock tune using melodies based off the piano piece)
-Etude Op. 10-4 (Chopin) (locked by default)

Game Music
-Overture IX (from "Dragon Quest IX")
-I Want (from IDOLM@STER)
-Mappy Medley (a medley of BGM from the 1983 arcade game Mappy)
-Symphonic Druaga (a medley of BGM in orchestral form used from the game "The Tower of Druaga")
-Burning Force Medley (a medley of music from the game "Burning Force")
-Naked Glow (from "R4: Ridge Racer Type 4")
-SAMURAI ROCKET (from "Ridge Racer V") (NOTE: Listen carefully you can hear the Gempei Toma Den song, you'll get the reference to KAGEKIYO) (locked by default)
-SAMURAI ROCKET (Ura) (locked by default)

Namco Originals:
-LaLaLa☆Happiness (Game's theme song) (locked by default)
-SORA-I Earth Rise (locked by default)
-SORA-II Gliese 581
-Hikari no Kanata e
-Waruru-sama no Uta o Ki ke!
-Hello! Halloween (locked by default)
-Buru-chan no Oya 2 (locked by default)
-Future Lab (locked by default)
-Many wow bang! (locked by default)
-PaPaPa Love (from the game "Muscle March", miscategorised in this section. Should have been in Game Music instead)
-Negaigoto☆ Puzzle
-Angel Dream (locked by default)
-Angel Dream (Ura) (locked by default)
-DON'T CUT (locked by default)
-DON'T CUT (Ura) (locked by default)
-Yuujou Pop
-Yuugao No Kimi (locked by default)
-Kissa Rain
-Obsession Latino (locked by default)
-Dun Aonghasa no Fuefuki 
-Akuukan Yuuei ac12.5 (locked by default)
-Fuuun! Bachi o Sensei (locked by default)
-Fuuun! Bachi o Sensei (Ura) (LONG FULL VERSION) (locked by default)
-Rumble Ranbu (locked by default)
-Rumble Ranbu (Ura) (locked by default)
-Yozakura Shanikusai (locked by default)
-Yozakura Shanikusai (Ura) (locked by default)
-Fuun Shishi (locked by default)
-Ryougen no Mai
-Senpuu no Mai (locked by default)
-Kikyoku ~Seasons of Asia~ (locked by default)
-Kikyoku ~Seasons of Asia~ (Ura) (locked by default)
-Chikuzei~GEAR UP~ (locked by default)
-Chikuzei~GEAR UP~ (Ura) (locked by default)
-Rotter Tarmination (locked by default)
-Rotter Tarmination (Ura) (locked by default)
-Haya Saitama 2000 (locked by default)

Bottom line is, this game is just addictive and I COULD NOT STOP PLAYING WITH THIS GAME. All of the music is very encouraging and you'll never get sick of it. The down side is, despite the cute appearance, the game can actually become quite difficult and gets more challenging as you progress. I recommend it if you're into rhythm games or Japanese video games. I've bee playing those taiko games for nearly a decade now and I've been enjoying ever since.
5つ星のうち5.0 Five Stars
版: コントローラ同梱版Amazonで購入
i love it :D