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イングロリアス・バスターズ [Blu-ray]

4.3 5つ星のうち4.3 19,759個の評価

¥1,589 税込
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Blu-ray 通常版 ¥1,286 ¥1,781
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Blu-ray 1枚組
Blu-ray [Blu-ray]
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イングロリアス・バスターズ [Blu-ray]


フォーマット 色, ワイドスクリーン, ドルビー, 吹き替え, 字幕付き, DTS Stereo
コントリビュータ マイク・マイヤーズ, ブラッド・ピット, クリストフ・ヴァルツ, イーライ・ロス, ティル・シュヴァイガー, ダイアン・クルーガー, ダニエル・ブリュール, クエンティン・タランティーノ, マイケル・ファスベンダー, メラニー・ロラン 表示を増やす
言語 日本語, 英語
稼働時間 2 時間 33 分

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“イングロリアス・バスターズ” 名誉なき野郎どもの復讐が始まる!!


★「イングロリアス・バスターズ」ジャンパー&Tシャツ プレゼント・キャンペーン!! ★

非売品 「イングロリアス・バスターズ」タランティーノ監督サイン入りポスター、ジャンパーorTシャツをプレゼント!

<受付期間> 2010年5月12日(水)~7月31日(土)


キル・ビルVol.1、Vol.2、vol.1&2 ツインパック
デス・プルーフ/プラネット・テラー ツインパック



■音声:日本語5.1chDTS /英語5.1chDTS-HD




  • アスペクト比 ‏ : ‎ 2.35:1
  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 日本語, 英語
  • 梱包サイズ ‏ : ‎ 17 x 13.4 x 1.2 cm; 99.79 g
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 4988102823139
  • 監督 ‏ : ‎ クエンティン・タランティーノ
  • メディア形式 ‏ : ‎ 色, ワイドスクリーン, ドルビー, 吹き替え, 字幕付き, DTS Stereo
  • 時間 ‏ : ‎ 2 時間 33 分
  • 発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2010/5/12
  • 出演 ‏ : ‎ ブラッド・ピット, メラニー・ロラン, ダイアン・クルーガー, マイク・マイヤーズ, クリストフ・ヴァルツ
  • 字幕: ‏ : ‎ 日本語, 英語
  • 販売元 ‏ : ‎ ジェネオン・ユニバーサル
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00307RL9I
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 1
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.3 5つ星のうち4.3 19,759個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本

I honestly had to close my eyes a few times as the killing was so gruesome. But the amount of intrigue, parallel plot lines, and...Christoff Waltz. He is just amazing. All of the acting was excellent, but I can't get over how well Waltz does happy-go-evil!
1.冒頭BGMはThe Green Leaves of Summerです。アラモ籠城戦(Battle of the Alamo, 1836)は捕虜をとらなかったそうです。フユナラ(Quercus petraea)の切株に斧(2’16”)は萌芽更新(カーパシング、coppicing)です。(Regeneration / Silviculture) 家族のフランス語(Langues d'oïl)はナンシー方言(Nancéien)だそうで、家はムルト・エ・モゼル県(Meurthe-et-Moselle)です。(Résumé détaillé / Inglourious Basterds; Variations / Lorrain language)
2.降伏条約(Armistice of 22 June 1940)により、停戦ラインの北はドイツ(Nazi Germany)の占領地(Zone occupée)になります。東部から避難した人は土地を没収されたそうです。(Zone interdite) 軍政は国家保安本部(RSHA)の恐怖支配だったようで、2千5百万の住民に占領経費を負担させたそうです。(Civilians / German military administration in occupied France during World War II; Reich Security Main Office) RSHA第4局(ゲシュタポ, Gestapo)は暗殺(夜と霧)も行ったそうです。(Nacht und Nebel; Operations in Nazi-occupied territories / Gestapo; Carlingue)
3.条約に反ユダヤ(anti-Semitism)の文言はなかったそうですが、フランスはユダヤ系住民(1940年33万人)の移送に協力したそうです。(Background / The Holocaust in France; State responsibility for the roundup of Jews / Jacques Chirac) ゲシュタポは少なくとも75,721人を移送したそうです。(Timeline of deportations of French Jews to death camps; Drancy internment camp; World War II and the Holocaust / History of the Jews in France) 「国家の敵」(18'16", enemies of the state)は1933年の反ユダヤ法です。(Malicious Practices Act / Law of Nazi Germany)
4.ドイツはイギリスの抗戦を理由に180万のフランス人捕虜を徴用(Prisoners of war of Germany / French prisoners of war in World War II)したほか、不当な為替レートを強要したので、レジスタンスが拡大したそうです。(Nazi occupation / French Resistance) SD(ズシャハイツディンスト, Sicherheitsdienst)はRSHAの保安部門というだけでなく、たとえば東部戦線(Eastern Front)でスパイ狩り名目のホロコースト(アインザッツグルッペン, Einsatzgruppen)を大々的に実行したそうです。大戦末期にはOSS(Office of Strategic Services)と裏取引したそうです。(Peace negotiations and capture / Walter Schellenberg) ドイツ軍も、たとえば第6軍司令官が1941年住民虐殺を命じたり(Severity Order)、42年最高司令部(OKW)が連合軍コマンドの処刑を命じるなど(Commando Order)、戦争犯罪に与したそうです。(Reprisals and the Holocaust / War crimes of the Wehrmacht; Hitler Oath) レイン中尉(B.ピット)の義憤は南部人の気質を表しているようです。(Southern United States / Feud)
5.ハマースマルク(D.クルーガー)が会合場所(1h6’37”, 1h9’23”, tavern)で興じたのは「Who Am I?」です。(Who Am I? Game Questions and Rules / Group Games 101) ヴィルヘルム上級兵曹(Oberfeldwebel, A.ファーリング, 1h16’53”)は2級鉄十字章(Iron Cross 2nd Class)のリボンと突撃戦功章(Infantry Assault Badge)を、正解の兵長(Gefreiter, 1h12’22”)は同戦功章と東部戦線冬季従軍章(Eastern Medal)のリボンを着けている歴戦の歩兵です。(War decorations: 1939–1945 / Orders, decorations, and medals of Nazi Germany; Ranks and insignia of the German Army (1935–1945)) ヒコックス中尉(M.ファスベンダー)の発音が物議を醸すセリフは、以下サイトで確認できます。(Inglorious Basterds - German Script Request / RhinoSpike)
6.血讐(Goel)の伏線は、①ショシャナ(M.ロラン)はランダに顔を見られず、②モンディーノ(J.ドレイファス)やヘルシュトローム少佐(A.ディール)にパリジェンヌ(Parisienne)と思われ、③ランダが名前(ショシャナ)をど忘れした(1h0’27”)、などです。なお、サントラ「Rabbia e Tarantella」は激情(rage)とタランテッラ(南イタリア舞踊)の意味で、6/8拍子が12/8拍子にテンポアップするなどコンシークエンスを伴うそうです。監督(Tarantino)と作風にかけたようです。
ナチをぶっ殺しまくって、バーン!ボーン!ドカーン!! かと思いきや、語らぬことによって語るを良しとする類の映画でしたか。


Weston Nickerson
5つ星のうち5.0 Excellent👌🏻
For $2.00 I had to get this movie, and it didn’t disappoint, I was on the edge of my seat watching it.
5つ星のうち5.0 Vielleicht der beste Tarantino
Ich liebte diesen Film schon damals bei der Kinopremiere. Seit dem habe ich ihn ein paar Mal gesehen und er wächst mit jeder Sichtung immer noch weiter! Jenseits der popkukturellen Coolness, die Tarantino mit seinen Filmen geprägt hat, ist INGLORIOUS BASTERDS noch einmal eine andere Liga. Ohne konkret einordnen zu wollen, auf welcher Stelle der Regisseurs-Rangliste dieser Film für mich steht, lässt sich festhalten, dass INGLORIOUS BASTERDS ein epochales Werk an Film ist, ein geschichtsträchtiges Meisterwerk. Das gekonnte Zusammenspiel aus Filmhistorie, wahnsinnig guten Dialogen, unfassbar gut geschriebenen Figuren, einem fantastischen Cast, geschichtlichem Hintergrund und der Umkehr der Geschichte durch Kraft des Films. Man könnte es nicht besser erzählen.
Story 10
Innovation Story 10
Kameraführung/Bildsprache 9
Innovation Kameraführung/Bildsprache 7
Effekte 8
Innovation Effekte 7
Kulissen 10
Schauspieler 10
Dialoge 10
Atmosphäre 9
Kult-Faktor 9
🎬 Moviescore 9,18 🎥
5つ星のうち5.0 Du bon Tarantino comme on aime
Vraiment un super film, un des meilleurs de Tarantino pour moi.
Des acteurs bien dans leurs rôles, une scénario bien ficelé et une bande son magique
5つ星のうち5.0 Du bon Tarantino comme on aime
Vraiment un super film, un des meilleurs de Tarantino pour moi.
Des acteurs bien dans leurs rôles, une scénario bien ficelé et une bande son magique
カスタマー画像 カスタマー画像
Jonathan Hartness
5つ星のうち5.0 The Best Film of 2009 and one of the best of the decade!
Spoilers... I try to avoid them, but you should definitely see this film before reading this review!

To say that I was eagerly anticipating this movie would be a drastic understatement. Quentin Tarantino is my favorite film maker. His films offer such an intense entertainment experience, equal parts action, comedic, and suspense. He makes films that he would like to watch, always focusing on the viewers experience above all other motivations. In my opinion, Tarantino's second film, Pulp Fiction, is the best film ever made. It's a master class in story telling, brilliantly using non-linear chapters filled with hilarious dialog and intense moments of violence to piece together a classic tale of betrayal and redemption, all while using completely unconventional and innovative script writing and film making techniques that have sense been copied to death by other screenwriters and directors.

I have loved all six of Quentin's films leading up to Inglourious Basterds to varying degrees, but the anticipation hasn't been quite this high for me, this being his first "epic" since 2004's Kill Bill: Vol. 2, which combined with it's first volume, is the best film of this current decade. Even though I love Reservoir Dogs, Jackie Brown, and Death Proof, I particularly love what Quentin refers to as his "Mount Everests." These are massive undertakings for him, often taking many, many years to get on the page, much less actually production.

Leading up to opening night, which was 12:01 AM on August 21, 2009, I had heard mixed reports coming from Cannes, but I knew that the art house crowd that populated the critic's screenings at that festival didn't always appreciate the wildly entertaining pulp classics that Quentin consistently provides his audiences. The trailer for the movie purposefully mis-marketed Inglourious Basterds as a bloodthirsty action movie, like a mix of The Dirty Dozen meets Hostel. It didn't completely appeal to me, but I knew Tarantino had way more up his sleeve.

Inglourious Basterds is a story of Jewish vengeance, represented by a band of Jewish American soldiers (a.k.a. the Basterds, led by Brad Pitt as Lt. Aldo Raine) terrorizing Nazis behind enemy lines, and a young Jewish French girl seeking revenge for the murder of her family. The man personally responsible for this atrocity is also the one character that ties the entire film together, the antagonist Col. Hans Landa, played brilliantly and enthusiastically by German actor Christoph Waltz, as he is in almost every chapter. The quality of the performance is at least equal to other powerhouse performances this decade (e.g. Daniel Day-Lewis in There Will Be Blood and Javier Bardem in No Country For Old Men), but I cannot recall the last time I saw an actor this charismatic and so obviously in love with his craft. He won the Best Actor award at this year's Cannes Film Festival, and I fully expect him to take home an Oscar as well.

The film is divided into five chapters, the first of which is titled "Once Upon a Time, in Nazi Occupied France..." This title, the beautiful opening shots of the French countryside, and the sampling from the scores from many Sergio Leone films and other westerns gives this scene the feel of a Spaghetti Western set in World War II. Once Hans Landa arrives on screen and enters the dairy farmer's house, there is about twenty minutes of typically great Quentin Tarantino dialogue, only we're having to read it in subtitles! Heaven forbid the mainstream masses knew about that before going to see the latest Brad Pitt movie! Hence, the (brilliant) mis-marketing. The majority of this film is actually in a language other than English, about equal parts German and French, with a dash of Italian for good measure. Our good friend Mr. Christoph Walt speaks each of these languages fluently throughout the film, adding to the already tour de force performance to the point of showing off. Back to the scene. It turns out that Col. Hans Landa is not only an expert linguist but a master detective hired by the Nazis for the express purpose of hunting Jews that have managed to escape the grasp of the German army. As he interrogates this dairy farmer (who looks suspiciously like Stanley Kubrick), the camera gives us more information, and tension builds until the camera finally puts us directly in front of the Col., staring into his heartless eyes for a few very uncomfortable moments. Excuse the hyperbole, but I feel that this is one of the best scenes Tarantino has ever written.

It's not until the second chapter that we're introduced to the Basterds, and most of this scene is spent in the woods during an interrogation of a few hostages that the Basterds have taken after killing and scalping most of the Nazi unit. Here we meet Sgt. Hugo Stiglitz (Til Schweiger), who gets his own flashback, and Sgt. Donny Donowitz (Eli Roth), also known as the baseball bat wielding "Bear Jew." If there is one thing wrong with this movie, it's the amateur delivery of each of Eli Roth's lines. He doesn't have too many, but whenever he opens his mouth I found myself cringing; in my mind a slight casting misstep, in an otherwise flawless cast (yes, I even liked Mike Myers). We also get to see a very animated Hitler, played deliciously over-the-top by Martin Wuttke, rant about the Bear Jew to the point of delirium.

Chapter three re-introduces us to the heroine Shosanna Dreyfus (Melanie Laurent), now the owner of a quaint movie theater in Paris, and her reluctant relationship to a young Private in the German army. This Private (Daniel Bruhl) is the catalyst for all of the events that follow, although Shosanna is obviously displeased by his advances. His playful banter and her distinct annoyance give us some lighter, humorous reprieve, before thrusting us again into the violent foray. This chapter also contains a great scene featuring a conversation between her and Landa over desert. The way Tarantino uses camera angles and close-ups to evoke the same feelings of tension he made us feel in the opening scene... Simply incredible.

Chapter four features the longest scene in the film that has been described by some as a thirty minute version of Reservoir Dogs that takes place in a basement tavern. There are several moments during this scene in which Quentin's pacing seems to meander until he suddenly causes you to hold your breath in anticipation. The scene builds and builds and when the release comes, it is quick, violent, and glorious; a small taste of things to come.

The fifth and final chapter culminates at the Shosanna's movie theater, at the premiere for a Nazi propaganda film which most of the German high command is attending. Each respective party of vengeful Jews gets basically the same idea, and the beauty is in the execution of each of these plans. One is a plan of desperation in which everything seems to go wrong. The other is a long gestating, deeply poetic, primal scream of a plan that culminates in some of the most haunting and enduring images Tarantino, or anyone, has put on screen.

I've listened to and read many critics and film geeks argue the meaning and purpose of this film, and some have submitted some pretty good arguments. There is definitely much irony throughout the film, especially when related to the violence. When a German officer is beat to death with a baseball bat, Tarantino presents him as an honorable soldier rather than a repulsive monster, which makes the beating and subsequent guffaws from the audience sit uneasily with a discerning audience member. Then there are the images of a grossly over-animated Adolf Hitler and his cronies, in a movie theater, their laughter and cheers erupting into a blood-thirsty frenzy as they watch a propaganda film that glorifies the death of hundreds of American soldiers. All the while a group of blood-thirsty Americans clap and cheer at the insanity that ensues, which can be described as a violent orgasm of death, or maybe... a holocaust.

There is so much substance here to be analyzed and scrutinized, but Tarantino himself has mentioned that he doesn't even try to examine the subtext of his films, although he recognizes it is there. Mostly he is determined to create a masterpiece each time he makes a film, and not for art's sake, but for ours. He is determined to create entertainment for an audience to enjoy over and over again, always finding something new to take away from it. I've seen Inglourious Basterds three times so far in the theater, and plan on seeing it once more before it leaves. Each time I notice more and more, and it leaves me somewhat contemplative, but always smiling.

One obvious theme is the power of cinema, and Quentin has mentioned that this film is essentially a love letter to cinema. Tarantino has always been accused of stealing from other movies, however, the accusers hardly attempt to apply the same level of scrutiny to other beloved directors (e.g. Martin Scorsese) who have not only revolutionized film, but as devout students of film, borrowed heavily from the great film makers who have come before and inspired them to make film in the first place. With Inglourious Basterds, Quentin Tarantino has melded together classic themes, settings, camera shots and musical cues with his unique style of writing and directing to create a completely fresh and unique experience. The final scene is delivered almost like a punch-line, or maybe the closing message of a morality tale; either way it is just the right touch to top off his cinematic masterpiece.

Monsieur Tarantino, to you, your cast, and your crew I say, "Bravo!"

5つ星のうち5.0 Inglourious Basterds
Arrived as described and undamaged. Happy with my purchase.