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4.5 5つ星のうち4.5 57個の評価

49パーセントの割引で¥2,000 税込
参考価格: ¥3,960

新品 中古品
CD, 限定版, 2011/10/26 限定版
¥2,000 ¥885
CD, CD, インポート, 2011/10/11 CD, インポート

K-POPアーティスト情報をまとめてチェック K-POPストアはこちら


5月 30 - 31 日にお届け
最短で5月28日 火曜日のお届け予定です
ポイントの合計: pt


ディスク: 1

1 テル・ミー・ホワット・アイ・ディド (完全未発表音源)
2 ハウス (完全未発表音源)
3 アンリレイテッド (完全未発表音源)
4 ベスト・イミテーション・オブ・マイセルフ (完全未発表音源)
5 ロッキー (完全未発表音源)
6 ジュリアンヌ (完全未発表音源)
7 エヴァポレイテッド (完全未発表音源)
8 アリス・チャイルドレス
9 バリータウン
10 アメリア・ブライト (完全未発表音源)
11 ロック・スター (完全未発表音源)
12 ルージング・リサ (完全未発表音源)
13 ブレイク・アップ・アット・フードコート (完全未発表音源)
14 ワンダリング (完全未発表音源)
15 ヒロズ・ソング (完全未発表音源)
16 シークレット・ライフ・オブ・モーガン・デイヴィス (完全未発表音源)
17 サッチ・グレイト・ハイツ (完全未発表音源)
18 ビッチズ・エイント・シット
19 タイム (完全未発表音源)
20 スリージー
21 ビコーズ・ザ・オリガミ
22 スタンブリン・ホーム・ウィンター・ブルース (完全未発表音源)

ディスク: 2

1 ジュリアンヌ (ストックホルムStにて1997.03.12収録) (完全未発表音源)
2 ヴィデオ (ストックホルムStにて1997.03.12収録) (完全未発表音源)
3 金返せ (ハードロック・カフェLIVEにて1998.06.12収録)
4 ミッシング・ザ・ウォー (ロイヤル・アルバート・ホールにて1999.12.14収録) (完全未発表音源)
5 メス (ロイヤル・アルバート・ホールにて1999.12.14収録) (完全未発表音源)
6 マジック (ロイヤル・アルバート・ホールにて1999.12.14収録) (完全未発表音源)
7 セルフレス・コールド・コンポーズド (NYバワリー・ボールルームにて2001.12.09収録) (完全未発表音源)
8 ザック・アンド・サラ (NYバワリー・ボールルームにて2002.06.13収録) (完全未発表音源)
9 ガール (NYバワリー・ボールルームにて2002.06.13収録) (完全未発表音源)
10 ジャスト・プリテンド (メルボルン・パレス・シアターにて2003.03.24収録) (完全未発表音源)
11 フレッド・ジョーンズ Part2 (パース・キングス・パークにて2005.03.12収録)
12 ケアレス・ウィスパー (サラトガ・マウンテン・ワイナリーにて2005.08.24収録) (完全未発表音源) (MONO音源)
13 オール・ユー・キャン・イート (ナッシュヴィルのホームスタジオにて2006.10.24収録)
14 ロング・トール・テクサン (ヒューストンの倉庫にて2008.10.24収録) (完全未発表音源)
15 アーミー (再結成ライヴinチャペル・ヒルにて2008.09.18収録) (完全未発表音源)
16 バトル・オブ・フー・クッド・ケアレス (再結成ライヴinチャペル・ヒルにて2008.09.18収録) (完全未発表音源)
17 カイリー・フロム・コネティカット (デトロイト州立劇場にて2008.10.09収録) (MONO音源)
18 エフィントン (ソウル AXホールにて2011.06.09収録) (完全未発表音源)
19 ピクチャー・ウィンドウ (ロンドン HMVハマースミスにて2011.02.20収録) (完全未発表音源)
20 センチメンタル・ガイ (アデレイドA.E.C.シアターにて2011.05.22収録) (完全未発表音源)
21 ノット・ザ・セイム (アデレイドA.E.C.シアターにて2011.05.22収録) (完全未発表音源)




■2CD ■歌詞・対訳つき



裏ベスト、再結成作、レア・トラック集、ライヴ・アルバム。その全ての要素を兼ね備えた、ファン大興奮の作品。ベン・フォールズが1995年から2011年までに書きためた秘蔵音源の数々や、彼が選んだ会心のライヴ・パフォーマンス音源も満載。 (C)RS


  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 製品サイズ ‏ : ‎ 30 x 10 x 20 cm; 80.32 g
  • メーカー ‏ : ‎ SMJ
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 4547366062069
  • 時間 ‏ : ‎ 2 時間 37 分
  • レーベル ‏ : ‎ SMJ
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B005J7CSP4
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 2
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.5 5つ星のうち4.5 57個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本



5つ星のうち2.0 Prêt pour la revente, s'il y a des clients
Benjamin Scott Folds est un auteur, compositeur, interprète et pianiste né en 1966 à Winston-Salem (Caroline du Nord). Selon mes recherches, il a publié, sous son nom ou dans divers groupes et autres attelages, une petite vingtaine d'albums depuis 1995.

Ce double album vinyle, dont j'ai fait l'acquisition en période de soldes et non pas au prix actuel demandé, constitue un "adieu" de qualité de la part du label Epic à cet artiste parti pour le monde indépendant et il bénéficie du label de prestige "Legacy".

Ainsi, la sélection, qui couvre l'ensemble de sa carrière de leader de groupe ou en solo, est validée et annotée par Ben Folds lui-même.

Cet artiste, dont j'ai découvert la musique avec ce disque, propose une forme de pop musique propulsée par son piano, mais qui se situe pour l'essentiel en dehors du cadre "rock / blues", sauf pour les quasi "boogie-rocks" 'One Angry Dwarf And 200 Solemn Faces' et 'Kate' ainsi que pour 'Rockin' The Suburbs' qui voit une guitare mugissante prendre le dessus mais pour des résultats peu convaincants.

Le reste du temps, les chansons sont "pop", flirtant souvent avec l'easy listening moderne, particulièrement pour le très orchestral 'Smoke', et la très calme 'Still' avec notamment ses "La la la"...

Sauf à ce quelque chose se perde dans la traduction, l'ensemble est de bon aloi mais totalement dénué de surprises et autres frissons. Il est même compliqué de se souvenir de tel ou tel refrain.

5つ星のうち5.0 Great album
This album is great. I own it digitally and it has so many songs and live songs that you cannot find anywhere else. The Vinyl pressing only has about 16 songs but they are all great songs and we listen to this at least 1 time every 2 weeks.
5つ星のうち4.0 The Best of Folds... Sorta.
Ah, the old Best Of record. While some feel they're appropriate only after the break up of a band or retiring of artists, they are inevitable, either to keep a one-hit-wonder afloat or a contractual obligation with their record label. At this point in Ben Folds' career, it seems as if he is looking back at his body of work and officially deeming it "extensive." "The Best Imitation of Myself: A Retrospective" gathers what Folds calls "a collection of the unrepeatable--each recording representing a moment that I believe was somehow just beyond my ability," condensing the last nine or so albums into 17 selections and one new track by the long-defunct Ben Folds Five. Whether or not Ben was able to successfully capture his career, at least in the eyes of this fan, is discussed after first reviewing the vinyl itself!

According to Amazon, this is the UK pressing of the record, which was mastered by Bob Ludwig. It's on possibly above-regular weight (I'd guess somewhere around 160 grams) "audiophile" vinyl, and is housed in a colorful gatefold cover with lots of photos, flyers and posters pictured in a collage inside, somewhat reminiscent of the photo collages in the Ben Folds Live double LP. The transfer to vinyl sounds strong. It's not perfect, but the songs sound great. The piano comes in bright, the vocals are clear and crisp, the bass has the same familiar character it has always had in Ben's music, and the drums have the punch when they need them. The only glaring imperfections that I noticed were a high sibilance in Ben's voice during "Underground" and some surface noise during "The Luckiest". However, I wouldn't be shocked if this was the result of the record not being cleaned over with a brush before play. In summary, I was expecting it to sound better than it did. However, it very well could be different for others--that clarity is in the ear of the listener.

The track-by-track liner notes written by Ben are laid out on the jacket, leaving plain paper inner sleeves with no inserts (aside from the download code and a small ad for the other Folds records). Considering the bulky price tag, you'd think they wouldn't keep the gatefold jacket to a bare minimum, but hey, I'm not gonna complain over the lack of inserts. I'd sacrifice a big elaborate jacket for a good sounding record.

The collection opens with "Brick", undoubtedly Ben's biggest hit. With the exception of this song and tracks taken from "Rockin' the Suburbs", which are sprinkled throughout, the retrospective is mostly in chronological order. As you would imagine, it would be quite difficult to fit all of the best of Ben Folds' music into a non-exhaustive, 70 minute listen, however the sequencing is bothersome (to me, at least). Sticking out like a sore thumb, "The Luckiest" is sandwiched between "Don't Change Your Plans" and "Smoke" (with WASO), mostly due to the fact that it is such a slow number that seems maybe a bit too slow to go in the middle. The version of "Landed" that is included on this collection is the Strings Version, which Ben initially left off of the "Songs for Silverman" LP due to the fact that it took away from the intimacy of the song, which I completely agree with. Part of the charm of "Songs For Silverman" was that it sounded like some of the songs were being played for you, by Ben, in your living room. Maybe I am too attached to the original version of "Landed", but the strings make the song sound much more elaborate and extravagant than it needed to be, as the original version attests to that point.

Some of the other song selections are questionable, as well. "Still" (what I like to call the "obligatory soundtrack song" on this compilation) is a sleeper that's over before you know it. "Not The Same" or "Bastard" could have fit in nicely for another solo track. "Army" (the most shocking omission) or "Song For the Dumped" would have been appropriate early highlights, and "The Last Polka" could have easily been chosen as a fan favorite. While some of the omissions were just confusing, some of the songs they chose made sense. Of course he had to have the songs for his kids ("Still Fighting It" being excellent, honest and, at-times, hard to listen to), and there had to be something to show for that disappointing Nick Hornby collaboration ("Doc Pomus" being the choice track on that record, which was unsurprisingly omitted). However, you can't win them all. Plus, that's what the extended version is for.

Until the rest of Ben's catalog gets repressed (and hopefully not on PLAIN recordings, for quality reasons), these songs will not be available to the public on vinyl unless they shell out the money for out of print singles or LPs. The advantage to buying any Greatest Hits collection is to attaining an artists' essential recordings in one place. However, when many favorites are left off, the overall feel of the album leaves more to be desired, especially if you are a longtime fan and know that these omitted songs exist, and love them more than some of the songs that actually did get picked. However, c'est la vie. Here, we still have a majority of Ben's best songs, ever. Here's to another 16 years of music (with less acapella remix records, we hope!)!!!
Donabel Dacumos
5つ星のうち5.0 Amazing!
Item is better than description. Fast shipping and careful packaging. Thank you!
V.A. Jones
5つ星のうち5.0 Five Stars