
50 Words For Snow

4.4 5つ星のうち4.4 756個の評価

新品 中古品
CD, CD, インポート, 2011/11/18 通常盤

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1 Snowflakes
2 Lake Tahoe
3 Misty
4 Wild Man
5 Snowed in at Wheeler Street
6 50 Words for Snow
7 Among Angels


EU pressing. 2011 release from the acclaimed British singer/songwriter. 50 Words for Snow features seven tracks set against a background of falling snow, with a total running time of 65 minutes; through a highly evocative musical and lyrical landscape this haunting album once again pushes the boundaries of Kate Bush's art. The album features a number of special guest musicians including Elton John, Andy Fairweather Low and, on the title track, the British writer/broadcaster/raconteur Stephen Fry. Kate Bush has been cited as a huge influence on a range of artists from newcomers like Florence and the Machine and Feist to established artists like Tori Amos and Bjork; she has also been praised by figures as diverse as OutKast, Tricky and Sex Pistol/PIL legend John Lydon who said; "Kate Bush supplies me with all the clues and it's up to me to put the answers together, and that surely is what we are all looking for."


  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 製品サイズ ‏ : ‎ 30 x 1 x 30 cm; 88 g
  • メーカー ‏ : ‎ Plg
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 5099972986622
  • 商品モデル番号 ‏ : ‎ FPCD007
  • SPARSコード ‏ : ‎ DDD
  • レーベル ‏ : ‎ Plg
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B005MIEJWK
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 1
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.4 5つ星のうち4.4 756個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本

Kate Bush は非常に長い間ステージに立っていないと思っていたら、今年母国英国でのツアーが展開される。Official Site ではすべて売り切れとのことであるが、それも当然であろうと思う。
Kate Bush のデビューからの各作品につき、時代時代における独創性が際立っていることは言うまでもなく、芸術としての高みをいったん Dreaming ~ Hounds of Love において迎えていたと思う。
そして、この 50 Words fo Snow において、さらにその独創性と芸術としての高みが極まり、さらにそこに深みと奥行きをもつとんでもない作品に仕上がったという印象である。
僕は track 1~3 の流れが非常に好きだ。
心の奥より Kate Bush さんに感謝します。





7つの雪物語は、湖に沈んだ少女(「Lake Tahoe」)、溶けて消えた雪だるまへの愛(「Misty」)を始め、失われたものに対する追憶や悲し
みを歌った瞬間が多い。タイトル・トラック「50 Words For Snow」で謎めいた単語を呪文の様に羅列する神秘性は、前作の円周率ソン

There is no one like Kate Bush. This is original, fresh, and moving from beginning to end.
僕は買っていないがセルフ・カバーアルバム「DIRECTOR'S CUT」を発表して、もう彼女はオリジナル曲は作れないのかなあなんて思ったが、大きな間違いだったわけだ。
デビュー作にして最高傑作の"THE KICK INSIDE"、続く"LIONHEART"に匹敵する世界観。




5つ星のうち5.0 Grandissima Kate.
Dopo otto anni di attesa si potrebbe dire: la solita, "vecchia", fantastica Kate. Ancora una volta ci sorprende con un album di sonorità rarefatte e veramente invernali. Certo non è di immediata fruizione (ma quando mai lo sono stati i suoi lavori?), ma non appena riesci ad entrare in sintonia si apre un nuovo moNdo di sensazioni. Per me, straconsigliato.
5つ星のうち5.0 50 words are not enough....
Avant de livrer mon avis sur ce 10ème album studio de Kate Bush, je tiens, rapidement, à rétablir quelques vérités après avoir lu le commentaire de Monsieur ou Madame EB.
Kate Bush n'a fait construire son propre studio qu'après son 4ème album The Dreaming, qui lui a coûté une petite fortune en temps d'enregistrement et de location studio. Une expérience qui l'a fortement incitée à avoir son propre lieu d'enregistrement, chez elle, au calme et d'où est sorti, 3 ans plus tard, Hounds of Love. Autre rectification : Kate Bush a co-produit et non produit Never for Ever, avec Jon Kelly. Ce n'est qu'à partir de The Dreaming qu'elle produit ses albums à part entière.
Et quand je lis que The KIck Inside est un album de variété sucrée, je bondis......Album sorti début 1978 en pleine période punk/disco, il déploie pourtant tout le talent d'écriture d'une jeune fille de 19 ans (certains titres ont été écrits bien plus tôt alors qu'elle n'avait que 13 ou 15 ans). Alors même si elle n'est pas aux commandes des arrangements, riches et soignés, il faut quand même un peu se pencher sur les thèmes abordés, bien éloignés de la variété sucrée. Wuthering Heights est une vraie chanson gothique qui parle d'un fantôme qui revient torturer l'âme perdue de son ancien amour (Les Hauts de Hurlevent), Strange Phenomena parle des règles menstruelles, The Kick Inside d'une tragique histoire d'amour entre frère et soeur qui se termine par le suicide de celle-ci, enceinte de son frère..........Il ne faut pas oublier que le rêve de Kate Bush était d'enregistrer un album avec des chansons qu'elle avait écrites et composées elle-même, son rêve s'est réalisé grâce à quelques bonnes fées, Roy Harper, Dave Gilmour et quelques personnes chez EMI qui ont eu le nez fin.....
Fin de la parenthèse.
33 plus tard, Kate Bush compose toujours et vient nous livrer, à la surprise générale, 2 albums la même année. Si le premier (Director's Cut) ne reprend que des compositions de 2 anciens albums, avec nouvelles parties vocales et nouveaux arrangements, le second est uniquement composé de titres inédits sur le thème de la neige. 50 Words for Snow peut paraitre froid et doux comme la neige en surface, mais quand on gratte un peu on découvre bien d'autres aspects : de la tendresse sur Snowflake, de la noirceur et du frisson sur Lake Tahoe, du grotesque et du sexe sur Misty, de l'aventure et du mythe sur Wild Man, une histoire d'amour qui traverse les époques sur Snowed in at Wheeler Street, de l'amusement et un brin de folie sur 50 Words.....et un bel éclat de lumière pour terminer avec Among Angels. Musicalement parlant, les arrangements restent toujours aussi soignés et délicats, même si le son, ou plutôt l'enregistrement du son du piano ne m'emballe pas. Mon seul petit bémol serait que Kate Bush soit plus proche du récitatif que du chant réel sur cet album, à quelques exceptions près. Mais je ne vais pas bouder mon plaisir. 50 Words for Snow est un très bel album. On y retrouve ce qui rend Kate Bush rare et précieuse : son unicité. Vous n'entendrez cela nulle part ailleurs. Et par les temps qui courent, c'est plutôt un gage de qualité, non ?
Gary Fuhrman
5つ星のうち5.0 Hushed and haunting
With this album, Kate Bush has come a long way from the vocal pyrotechnics and quirky musical leaps of her youth. The only trace of whimsy here is in the title track, which actually does consist mostly of 50 words for (or associated with) snow, most of them offbeat enough that it's a surprising pleasure to see the connections. The other 6 tracks are very much of a piece: songs of longing, of loss, of the ghostly evanescence that life and snowflakes have in common. Most of them feature guest vocals that are almost androgynous, somehow vague (like a snowy evening) even though the lyrics are distinctly audible. Kate's own singing, whether fronting or backing the other singers, is also subdued, and all the more affecting for that.

In a way this is a very verbal album, although the stories carried by the lyrics unfold very slowly, like snow melting. First we have a dialogue between an elusive snowflake and another voice (Kate's) who hopes (or despairs?) to catch it. Then there's a story of a ghostly old woman looking for her ghostly old dog, who is also looking for her in his dreams. Then there's a tale of an affair with a snowman ("Misty"), and another of the elusive yeti, who it seems is wise to evade capture: it would mean death, like the capture of a snowflake. Then there's another dialogue (voiced by Kate and Elton John) of two "old flames" who keep meeting and missing each other for a lifetime. We end "Among Angels": "Rest your weary world in their hands." There is a sense of weariness (or is it relief from weariness?) pervading the whole thing, and yet a poignant love for it all.

The music too is very subdued and subtle -- not ambient, because the atmosphere draws you in rather than receding into the background, but very quiet and simple, with Kate's piano running like a thread throughout, but also with some orchestral arrangement, some beautiful bass playing, and oddly suspended chords here and there which add to the haunting, vaguely unsettling effect. This is an album to savor, to get lost in, as if being slowly buried in snow, while the warm heart within makes its presence more deeply felt. The package is nice too, like a little hardcover book in black and white, with depictions of relief sculptures that suit the songs, and of course all the lyrics, all bespangled with a softly blurred snowfall. It's one of those sleeves that you have to slide the CD out of, so that you have to take care not to scratch it, but maybe that's appropriate too. Relationships with the living are like that ...
Tracy H
5つ星のうち5.0 A quiet journey into the imagination of Kate Bush
After more than 30 years of writing and recording music unlike anything anyone else produces, Kate Bush, a serious artist disguised as an almost accidental pop star, is as well-known for her musical eccentricities as for her imaginative lyrics, stunning vocals, and lush aural landscapes, and there is no doubt that "50 Words for Snow" could only have been conceived and created by Kate Bush. From the first moments of its quiet opening piano chords and choir-boy vocal performed by her son, Bertie, she takes us on a journey deep into the heart of Winter in a series of seven songs, each of which revels in the contemplative and introspective, rather as if we're sitting with her by a fire while she sits at her piano musing on the nature of love, life, language, and the album's central theme, snow. It's an incredibly intimate experience, listening to the first three tracks: "Snowflake," in which Bertie sings the role of a falling snowflake which Bush encourages to 'keep falling, I'll find you' as she repeats the sad refrain, 'The world is so loud'; "Lake Tahoe," in which she and and counter-tenor Stefan Roberts tell the story of a Victorian woman's ghost who keeps appearing to wander around the cold lake, calling to her lost dog; and, perhaps strangest and most intriguing of all, "Misty", an unabashedly sensual song about a snowman who comes to life and makes love to the narrator, leaving her alone in soaked sheets and covered with bits of dead leaves in the morning. This triptych is built around Bush's simple vocals, jazzy piano, Steve Gadd's quiet but precise drumming, and bassist Danny Thompson's lovely bass lines, becoming denser and more complex as the songs progress. It's almost impossible to tell when one song ends and the next begins, even though Bush has said this album is not meant to be understood as a single piece of music à la Disc 2 of "Aerial: A Sky of Honey." But it feels as though it should be--it's hard to imagine pulling out one track and listening to it mixed in with other songs by other artists, or even by Bush herself.

The mood shifts a bit with the fourth track, "Wild Man", the only single from the album. On this song guest star Andy Fairweather Low joins her in the rousing chorus of a tale of a group who, while trekking through the Himalayas, come upon evidence of the elusive Yeti, the 'Wild Man' of the title, and join the local lamas and sherpas to erase all tracks so as to protect it from discovery (like all Kate Bush albums, this one is a collection of unusual stories and characters--she has never been an autobiographer, but almost a short story writer). Track five has generated the most mixed reviews so far, as she and Elton John trade vocals as lovers forever separated by events that span time (from the burning of Rome to 9/11 in New York City) on "Snowed in on Wheeler Street"; his performance here is a bit too muscular to sit quite comfortably beside her more delicate one, but his voice is strong and emotional, and they are convincing as an eternally star-crossed couple. Actor Stephen Fry guests on the title track, reciting Bush's fanciful list of "50 Words for Snow" in the guise of a language professor, cunningly named Joseph Yupik, the name of a Siberian-dwelling people, against a backdrop of rather agitated guitar-centered music. It is the least interesting song on the album, but again, if one listens to the entire hour-long record as one piece of music, it fits in well enough, and certainly opens a window onto her sense of humor (she made up many of the words--"spangladasha," "swans-a-melting," "stellatundra," and even includes one in Klingon). She closes the album with the simple piano ballad, "Among Angels," the only song not directly to do with Winter or snow, but which calls to mind falling back and making snow angels, and takes us out of the album with the same quiet with which it opened.

At 53 years old her voice has aged into a mellow, much lower register which she uses to great advantage, both singing and performing spoken word sections in some of the songs. But where her age shows most clearly is in the album's quiet authority. For all its extravagant imaginings (some would say "silly," an adjective I suspect she'd be fine with), she evinces no doubt at all about the strength of the album. 2005's "Aerial" was a no-holds-barred foray into the glory of nature on a Summer's day in the sunshine and then a night swimming under a starry sky, and it's narrative and musical thrust took us outdoors to enjoy birdsong, laughter, the ocean--the intense joy of being alive in the natural world. "50 Words for Snow" is that album's counterpoint, shutting us inside on a cold day to roam through a fantastical, but beautiful, interior world in a wistful, rather than joyous frame of mind. The album is long (just over an hour) and requires that one slow down and listen; there are no catchy hooks or pop-chart climbers, but what's on offer instead is a break from chaos and a noisy, intrusive world. Writing about "Aerial" one critic said that no other recording artist allows us such unfettered access to her imagination, and true to form, Kate has again issued an invitation to join her her in that unique place. Settle in, turn the stereo up loud, and enjoy.

(For those who find similarities in this review to the album's Wikipedia article, this isn't a copy and paste job: I wrote most of that article. TEH)
5つ星のうち4.0 La voz
Para incondicionales de Kate. Hoy en día esto es más que música exprimental. Lirico y relajado; necesita su tiempo, no baila para ti.
Ese tipo de disco que te va entrando con el tiempo. Delicado y elegante.